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"Can I remove the garland from Rocky bhai's statue?" Amira asked.

"What the hell did you say?" asked the old man angrily.

"I meant no disrespect," Amira quickly added, "It's just that....the garland looks a little dirty. So I thought I'll wash it and repaint it in pretty colors. Meeramma has gifted me some nailpolish so...."

Everyone still remained silent.

"Just a random thought that came to my mind," said Amira. "I thought Rocky bhai deserved better....but am sorry...didn't mean to hurt anyone,"  she said and pretended to leave.

"Wait," said the old man, "that's not a bad idea." "Give her the garland," he told one of the other men.


"How long do you think it would take?" Haseena asked Salaar.

"Not sure, maybe a day," answered Salaar. They were in the car going to their final destination which Rocky has clearly mentioned to be the place of hidden gold.

Meanwhile Salaar's phone rang. He gave it to Haseena and she put it on speaker.

"Your one week is up, Salaar," Rajkesh said from the other end, "Where is the gold?"

"Give us a couple more days," said Salaar, "We are almost there."

"Keep your promises man," said Rajkesh, "I've come all the way to Mumbai for you."

"We don't want Amira to stay with you for long either," said Haseena, "We are doing our best."

"Fine," said Rajkesh, "Message me on this number when you find gold. We'll meet!"

"Yeah okay," said Haseena and Rajkesh cut the call.

"Who is it?" asked Meeramma who just stepped outside.

"Someone not so important," said Rajkesh. "So where do you want to go first?" he asked her.

"Gateway," said Meeramma.


"Will Rajkesh give us Amira once we give him the gold?" asked Haseena.

Salaar knew the answer but chose to remain silent.

"He knows that Amira is his armour," Haseena continued, "The moment he gives her up, he knows you will kill him or atleast he is smart enough to think that you will kill him. What if he never gives her to us?"

Salaar thought for a while before speaking.

"When I was a kid in the gold mines," he said, "There used to be this mad man. Every night he used to tell us stories of a saviour who will come help us. All the kids belived him but the adults never did. Then one day....Rocky bhai actually came and brought his story to life." "Since then," he added, "I used to be obsessed with this mad man. I used to ask him many questions like....will I be good at Maths? Will I grow tall? Will my mom live forever? Will it rain today etc etc. He used to answer every single question. Some turned out to be true, some didn't. One day my mom had enough of it and pulled me aside. 'He was a mad man before the revolt and he is a mad man after the revolt' she said. 'It is not what he said that made the difference. It's the fact that you all believed that justice will be served is what made the difference. If many kind souls believe in a good cause, god will make it happen.'"

"I never forget those words," he said, "The only kind souls I know are you and Amira. Believe it and it will happen."


"Good work," said Rajmanaar, "Take a leave today."

"I don't need a leave Rajare," said Amira. "I need a chance to call my family."

"And you think I will do that because?" asked Rajmanaar sarcastically.

"Because you are a great man wih a heart of gold," said Amira. Rajmanaar was flattered yet asked her to leave.

"Please Rajare," said Amira, "My sister is pregnant and she was very worried about me when my father took me away from her. I just want her to know that I am safe with my father."

"You removed a silly garland, kid," said Rajmanaar, "You don't get to make a phone call because of that."

"What would it take?" asked Amira imemdiately.

"Throw stones at Rocky," said Rajmanaar and this time even Amira was shocked. "And none of your silly tricks this time," he added, "I want it to be done in broad daylight and I want everyone to know it was you."


"I think this is the cave," said Salaar.

"Looks like it," said Haseena looking at the map. "They said here that we should go in only during daytime," she added.

"So we have to wait until morning," said Salaar frustrated.

"We can sleep in the car," suggested Sandeep.

"Go ahead," said Salaar and walked towards a nearby lake and sat beside it as he is car sick. He took out a cigeratte from his pocket and was about to light it when he saw Haseena. Salaar moved aside to give her place to sit and put the cigeratte back.

"So you have this habit too?" asked Haseena.

"I actually do take my health very seriously," said Salaar.

"I can totally see that," said Haseena sarcastically.

"I only smoke when I am very frustrated, alone, and feel like I might slip into depression," he explained.

"They why did you put it back?" asked Haseena.

"Now that you are here to annoy me, I don't feel alone anymore," said Salaar.

"It's not like I am going anywhere anytime soon," said Haseena and took the cigeratte from Salaar's shirt pocket and threw them away. "What's this?" she asked noticing a thread around his neck, "Amira has the same thread."

"I Know," said Salaar, "I gifted it to her before she was born."

"Wow," said Haseena slightly jealous, "You seem to have your mark on her already."

"If it makes you feel amymore jealous, I am also the one who named her," said Salaar.

"Really? How?" asked Haseena.

"Long story, not that important," said Salaar.


"Here are the tickets for you and your mother," said Rocky giving a few papers to Farmaan. "I've arranged for your stay in Mumbai. Am also planning a huge farewell party. Invite all your friends."

"No Rocky bhai, don't do that," said Farmaan. Rocky looked at him confused.

"You don't know who your enemies are," he said, "Why do you want everyone to know that you are preparing me to protect your daughter?"

"But Farmaan....they are your friends," said Rocky.

"You can't trust anyone Rocky bhai," said Farmaan. "We will leave tonight. Tell everyone that I betrayed you and ran away. That way no one will predict anything about your secret soldier."

"No beta, this is not right," said Rocky.

"This is the right thing for the baby," said Farmaan. Rocky didn't speak another word for he knew Farmaan was right.

"I'll pack my bags," said Farmaan and was about to leave when Reena held his hand.

"I want you to name the baby," she said to honor Farmaan. Farmaan thought for a while.

"How about Amira?" he asked, "It means princess in Arabic."

Reena smiled. "That's a wonderful name," she said. 

"Also since I wouldn't be here by the time she's born," said Farmaan taking a thread out from his pocket, "I got this for her from the masjid. It will protect her at all times."

SALAAR- The devil's promise (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant