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"Well that took an interesting turn," said Amjad after listening to Haseena's story. "I wish I could help but I hvae nothing to do with Rocky's hidden gold."

"But chacha, the safe only had a card with your name on it," said Haseena.

"Maybe it was left out while cleaning," said Amjad and Haseena looked down disappointed.

"Will you take an advice from an old man?" asked Amjad. Salaar nodded.

"Khasim will hide his secrets in the safe, but the puzzle wasn't made by Khasim, was it?" asked Amjad. Salaar shook his head. "Then why are you people thinking like, Khasim?" said Amjad, "Think like Rocky."

"I wish I could," signed Salaar, "but I am lost."

"When you are lost beside me, look to your mother and she will lead the way," Haseena said out loud as she suddenly remembered the first letter they found.

"Right," exclaimed Salaar, "Chacha has Reena bhabhi ever been here?"

"I am not sure I remember, Reena" said Amjad, "Do you have her picture?"

"Yes I do," said Salaar and pulled his wallet out and showed a picture of the couple. "No I don't think so," said Amjad disappointing Salaar. "But wait," he said looking at the other picture, "I know this women."

"That's....that's my mother," said Salaar confused.

"Yes, Fathima," said Amjaad, "There is an old age home by her name. My friend lives there."


Amira entered Rajmaanar's room with coffee only to find him shouting at his subordinates. 

"What a bunch of fools, I have," he shouted, "You can't take a stupid garland from that bastard's statue?"

"Rajare, I think it will agitate the crowd," said one of the men.

"Excuses and excuses," said Rajmanaar, "What are these muscles for, huh? You can't take a garland out? Not even for a day?"

"I can try that," volunteered Amira in a barely audible voice and all heads turned towards her.

"If it's for only a day, I  can try to take the garland out," she added.

"You think we are all that dumb..." one of Rajmanaar's men said angrily but stopped when Rajmanaar raised his hand. 

"Let the girl try," he said. "Let's make it interesting," he told Amira, "You do that, you get a day off. You fail, you go back to the mines."


Salaar entered the oldage home and when he looked at the wall right opposite the entrance, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was filled with pictures of his mom, from a very young age to her last picture. Some pictures he didn't even know existed. Rocky even took the care to make sure he color graded the old black and white pictures.

There was her marriage photo. The one she took with Salaar as a baby. The ones where she was happy in the palace and many more. Salaar walked towards the wall, as his eyes were filled with tears, happy tears!

He touched the big potrait of her in the middle. Haseena secretly took a picture to cherish the moment before walking towards him. 

"She is very pretty," she smiled. 

"Thanks," Salaar said rubbing his eyes to wipe the tears. Meanwhile an old man started walking towards them and Sandeep met him halfway.

"Is that boy her son?" he asked in his shaky voice.

SALAAR- The devil's promise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now