Sailor Earth - Kumiko Chiba

By _Crystal_Plays_

16.5K 488 90

Kumiko Chiba was just another ordinary girl, if you don't count the fact that she is the re-incarnated prince... More

Act One
Usagi - Sailor Moon
Ami - Sailor Mercury
Rei - Sailor Mars
Masquerade Dance Party
Makoto - Sailor Jupiter
Kumiko - Sailor Earth
Minako - Sailor V
Serenity - Princess
Reunion - Gaia
Enemy - Queen Metalia
Final Battle - Reincarnation
Conclusion and Commencement - Petite Étrangère
Act Two
Infiltration - Sailor Mars
Abduction - Sailor Mercury
Secret - Sailor Jupiter
Invasion - Sailor Venus and Sailor Earth
Crystal Tokyo - Neo-Queen Gaia
Complication - Nemesis
Hidden Agenda - Nemesis
Covert Manoeuvres - Wiseman
Attack - Black Lady and Emerald Lady
Showdown - Death Phantom
Replay - Never Ending
Act Three
Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1
Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 2
Infinity 2 - Ripples
Infinity 3 - Two New Soldiers
Infinity 4 - Haruka Tenoh, Michiru Kaioh - Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune
Infinity 5 - Setsuna Meioh - Sailor Pluto
Infinity 6 - Three Guardians

Time Warp - Sailor Pluto

413 11 7
By _Crystal_Plays_

"Sailor Moon! Sailor Earth!" The twins chorused. "You two are our only hope! We're from the future! Thirtieth Century Earth! And we need you!" Sailor Moon and I and I shared a look.

"Girls..." Sailor Moon trailed off.

"The truth is, we're from Crystal Tokyo." Chibi-Usa started. "A city from Earth in the Thirtieth Century, and we travelled through time to come here."

"We should have told you." Chibi-Kumi continued. "But we were so so scared! But we're not lying! We swear! Please believe us!" The two girls had tears in their eyes as they spoke.

"There was a huge explosion in Crystal Tokyo, and then our mummies..."

"Mummy's not waking up! And something's wrong with Mamma! And it's all our fault." Tuxedo Mask knelt next to the girls and pulled them into him, hugging them close.

"So Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi are from the future?" Luna stated.

"Wait, does that mean that the Black Moon Clan are also from the future?" Topaz wondered.

"Chibi-Usa, Chibi-Kumi, can you tell us what caused that huge explosion in Crystal Tokyo?" Artemis asked. "Was it the Black Moon?"

"We don't know." Chibi-Usa sobbed.

"Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter, could the Black Moon have taken them to the future?"

"We don't know!" Chibi-Kumi cried. "We don't know anything!"

"We can help you." Malachite said soothingly. "But you have to tell us all you know."

"Chibi-Usa, Chibi-Kumi, you can travel through time." Venus stated. "You need to take us all to the future. I don't understand what happened or how you want us to help you, but it's clear we need to go to the future."

"To the future?" Sailor Moon muttered.

"No, we can't go back." Chibi-Usa informed. "We don't want too. We're scared."

"Even if we did go back to the future, it may already be too late!" Chibi-Kumi added.

"It's ok." I soothed, walking towards the two. Tuxedo Mask moved over so that the girls could see me. I reached forward and wrapped the two in a hug, I caressed their hair. "We won't force you to do anything your not comfortable with. We just want to help, and save our lost friends. So, just take your time, ok? Just...can you girls promise me that you'll think on what Venus said?" Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi wrapped their arms around me and held me tight.

"We promise." The twins choroused.

"Chini-Usa, Chibi-Kumi, it's been a long day." Sailor Moon said as the girls and I separated. "Why don't we all go home and get some rest?"

"I don't wanna go home!" Chibi-Usa said.

"I don't either!" Chibi-Kumi added.

"We want to sleep over at Kumi's house!" The two stated, wrapping their arms around my waist. I sighed, my lips twitching up into a weak smile.

The girls, Mamoru, Usagi and I returned to my place. I had found the old sweaters they wore last time they were here, one pink and one green, for the two to wear. "How's that my little princesses?" I asked them. "Now, it's time for bed." Mamoru, realising that Usagi might stay the night, offered to take the couch so that she and I could have my bed I lead the candy haired twins over to Mamoru bed and tucked them in. I kenlt next to my bed. "So, I have a question for you two. Was it just the two of you that came from the future?"

"No, we had our Luna-P and Topaz-P with us." Chibi-Usa said as the two pulled their toys. The eyes and little antenna started to beep.

"Listen, girls. I want to ask another question...about your mummies."

"About Mamma and Mummy?" Chibi-Kumi muttered. "They're kind...and beautiful."

"And they're a lot braver than we are." Chibi-Usa added. The girls started to cry. I cupped wach of their cheeks and wiped the tears before they fell.

"It's ok to be afraid, girls." I told them softly. "Just because you're brave, doesn't mean that you're not afraid. It just means that you have the strength to go out and face your fears. You two traveled through time. That must have been terrifying for you, but you turned out fine. In my book, that's bravery. I brushed a piece of hair out of Chibi-Kumi's eyes, and caressed one of Chibi-Usa's odango's. "Sleep tight, little ones." I kissed their foreheads. I stood, exiting my room and turning off the lights, but leaving the door slightly open.

"Kumi?" Usagi called softly. I turned to her. She was leaning against the wall right next to my bedroom, her hands behind her back.


"It seems the the only thing you care about lately are the two girls. Do you like her? Do you think they're that cute? Haven't you noticed it? Kumi, those girls are in love with you!"

"What?" I questioned, my eyes wide. "Usako, that's...that's not true! Those girls are still little kids, in elementary school!"

"So what if they're little! That doesn't matter in love. They're still other women!" Usagi's cheeks turned red. "I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what's gotten into me lately!" Usagi shuffled off to the side. "You're right, it's ridiculous. How can I be jealous of small children." Usagi pased. "Kumi? Can i...spend the night? I don't wanna go home! I just want to be close to you right now." I gasped lightly. I surged forward, wrapping my arms around Usagi's shoulders and pulling her close. I burning my head in her hair, trying to feel as close to her as possible. "I guess I'm a little insecure." Usagi's hands came up and gripped mine. "It took so long for us to find each other, I won't loose you again. All I want is to love and protect you."

"Usako...I feel the exact same way." I told her softly. "I love you, so so much. And I swear to you, I will never leave your side. I will be beside you, always, to protect you, to hold your hand, whatever you need, until the end of time." I gently took Usagi's chin in between my fingers, and turned her head towards me. Our eyes closed as our lips met in a gentle kiss. The kiss turned into another, and then another, until Usagi and I were stumbling backwards to my room. Clothes were slowly peeled off, revealing more and more of each other before nothing was left separating us. Tenter touches were exchanged as Usagi and I lost ourselves together.

The next morning, I woke to find Usagi curled into my side, our legs tangled together. I smiled softly, pulling the covers higher over our bare bodies. After watching Usagi for a moment, I got up. I folded Usagi's clothes strewn across my room and folded them, setting them at the end of my bed before finding myself something to wear. I found one of my big blue hoodies, with long sleves and would probably reach Usagi's knees. I found one of my personal oversized sweatshirts, it was brown, to match the soil that had given my people nutrients eons ago. I made myself some tea, and went to check on the girls. I saw Usagi there, watching them silently. SHe was wearing the hoodie I had given her, and I smiled. I placed my hand on her bare shoulder. She jumped slightly, then turned to me. "Ah, good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning." I replied. "Is everything ok?" I offered Usag my tea. She took the mug and sipped it.

"Yeah, I just heard the girls get up."

"We've made up our mind." The twins choroused. I looked at them. They were facing the window, not looking at us.

"We're gonna face our fears." Chibi-Usa started.

"And we'll go back to the future." Chibi-Kumi continued. THey then turned to us.

"And Usagi? Kumi? We want you both to come with us."

"You want us to come with you?" I asked. Usagi and exchanged smiles.

We gathered Minako, Mamoru, Luna, Artemis, Topaz and Malachite to join us on our trip to the future. After we had transformed, the four of us each held a feline and we stood in front of the fountain at the Juuban park. Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi held the Time Key in the air, each of the girls had one of their hands on the key itself. "This is a space-time key." Chibi-Usa started to explain.

"And if we use it it will take us all to the future?" Venus asked. Chibi-Usa nodded. There was a pause as if the twins were thinking of something.

"Were not sure if this is gonna work." Chibi-Kumi admitted,

"We've never time travelled with more than two people before." Chibi-Usa added. The girls held out their hands to us. "Hold onto our hands and don't let go!" I took Chibi-Kumi's hand,

"Sure." I said. Venus took Chibi-Kumi's hand as well.

"Got it." Venus confirmed. Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon took Chibi-Usa's hand.

"Ok." Sailor Moon agreed.

"Alright." Tuxedo Mask added.

"Everybody ready?" Chibi-Usa asked. I reached out for Sailor Moon and took her free hand in my own. She looked at me and smiled. I gave her a smile in return as Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi started to speak.

"Oh, guardian of time!" Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi synchronized. "Tare apart the heavens and open up for us, the door of space and time! We summon thee by thy true name! Oh omnipotent, God of Time, father of the guardian! Oh, Kronos!" The fountain started to shine. "Guide us on our journey, protect these travellers, grant us the path of light!" The clock above the fountain started to tick forward rapidly and the world around us started to distort. My hand started to slip from Chibi-Kumi's, as well as Sailor Moon's. I desperately tried to hold onto each of their hands, but we slipped out of their grasp.

We arrived in an astral plane, with tornado like entities swirling around us. THe girls were nowhere to be found, and that sent my heart into a frantic panic. "Chibi-Usa!" Tuxedo Mask called. "Chibi-Kumi!"

"Where are you?" Venus echoed.

"Now what?" Sailor Moon wondered. "The girls said we had to stay with them."

"I think were somewhere between the past and the future." Luna stated.

"We need to find the girls quick." Topaz said. "Otherwise we'll be stuck in this limbo forever!" Malachite started to run off, but fell down a hole. Tuxedo Mask shot his hand out and grabed our feline by the tail.

"I got you." he said. He gently pulled Malachite into his arms.

"Malacite, are you ok?" I asked woridly.

"I'm fine." Malachite panted. "I'm fine." We looke around and soon found a large door that seemed to be made out of marble. We approached it slowly.

"What is that?" Sailor Moon asked.

"I know that door!" Luna gasped from her spot in Sailor Moon's arms.

"Halt!" A voice commanded as a figure dropped down. "None shall pass, it is forbidden. I am the keeper of the door of Space and Time, I am Sailor Pluto! Guardian of the underworld." She swung her staff and pointed it towards us. "Any intruders past this point, will be destroyed."

"Sailor Pluto?" Sailor Moon questioned. "That means...she's a Sailor Guardian!"

"Dead Scream!" Pluto chanted as she charged. She swung her staff and managed to land a hit. Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Venus and myself fell to the floor.

"Stop! Please, don't hurt us!" I pleaded, "Were Sailor Guardians too!"

"No matter who you are, the Law requires all trespassers be eliminated. There are no exceptions." Pluto pointed her staff at us once again. "Prepare yourselves. I must fulfil my mission." Pluto started to rush towards us.

"Pluto!" Chibi-Usa called, causing the darker-skinned girl to stop in her tracks and turn.

"Wait! You can't kill them! Please! They're our friends!" Chibi-Kumi shouted. The pink and green-haired girls launched themselves onto Pluto, causing her to drop her weapon.

"They're with us, were the ones who brought them here."

"To save our mummy's."

"We know you told us not to..."

"Were sorry." Pluto placed a hand on one of Chibi-Usa's shoulder and one on Chibi-Kumi's, holding them tight.

"Where have you been all this time?" Pluto demanded.

"We broke the law and travelled to the past." Chibi-Kumi admitted.

"We wanted to steal the Crystals that belonged to Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth." Chibi-Usa added.

"We believed that it'd be stronger and more powerful than the ones from this time. We thought that we'd be able to use their powers to save our mummies."

"The Silver Crystal and the Gold Crystal is unchanging." Pluto stated. "It's power remains the same in every era. Regardless, as both of you are you lack the ability to use either one."

"But I-" Chibi-Usa started.

"You disobeyed. You stole a Space TIme Key and used it to go to the past...without permission."

"Chibi-Usa! Chibi-Kumi!" Sailor Moon cried as Pluto lunged forward. I took a step forward in case I needed to leap forward to protect the children. However, the woman just held them in a hug,

"But I'm just glad...that you're both safe." Pluto admitted. "Princesses."

"What!" Sailor Moon and I gasped. "Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi are...Princesses?!" Pluto let go of the twins, turned and knelt towards us.

"Thank you for returning the Princesses safely to their own time, I deeply regret my earlier actions, please forgive me." Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi appeared out from behind Pluto.

"T-That's right." Chibi-Usa started. "Were Princesses, just like she said."

"In hindsight, we should have told you earlier." Chibi-Kumi admitted. Chibi-Usa pointed at all of us.

"But...Now that you know, guess you'll all have to bow down and start calling us Your Highnesses."

"Princesses?! You two are snotty brats!" Sailor Moon shouted as she started to chase the twins around the place. "What kind of Parent would let their kids become little monsters! Somebody needs to teach you some respect!"

"Whats your problem!" Chibi-Kumi called back to Sailor Moon. "We've always been royalty!" Tuxedo Mask sighed behind me,

"Sometimes she doesn't even act like a Princess." He muttered. I reached up and slapped Tuxedo Mask over the head,

"That's my girlfriend." I scolded, "You can't talk about her like that!"

"My life never seems to be easy when I'm dealing with the three of you." Pluto sighed. After everyone had settled down, Pluto opened the doors for us. "The Door of Space and Time is now open. I felt a little hand grab mine, and Chibi-Kumi tugged me forward.

"This way Usagi." Chibi-Usa ordered, grabbing Sailor Moon's hand and doing the same thing.

"O-ok." Sailor Moon said. She turned and looked at Pluto who was still standing in her spot. "Sailor Pluto, aren't you coming with us?" She asked.

"My place is here, I am not allowed to abandon my post." Pluto explained. "Please protect the Small Ladies for me, and be careful."

"We will Sailor Pluto." Luna promised. "And thank you for everything."

"Beyond this door lies the Thirtieth Century." Chibi-Kumi explained. Light shone before our eyes as we entered hte new time...and I gasped at the horrible fate that I saw. Buildings destroyed, not a single soul in sight, and the Moon larger than I had ever seen it.

"The Moon is so low in the sky." Sailor Moon commented. "It's practically right on top of the city. This is Thitieth Century Crystal Tokyo?" Chibi-Kumi grabbed my arm tight.

"I didn't expect it to be this bad." I muttered. The five humans and four felines started to treak through the broken city, our steps echoing in the desolate landscape.

"It's too quiet." venus said. "Where is everyone?" Her question would soon be answered. Bodies littered the streets, their souls ripped from their bodies...and a massive black crystal residing in a lake fjurther away from them. I felt a hand slip from mine, and I turned to see that Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi had fainted. Tuxedo Mask managed to catch them in time.

"Girls!" Sailor Moon gasped.

"Can you hear me?" Tuxedo Mask asked. "Are you grls in pain?"

"Turn back!" A voice implored. I gasped softly. "Don't go that way!" That was the same voice as before...

"Are you two ok? Speak to me!" Sailor Moon pleaded.

"Look over there, what's that black monolith?" Venus asked.

"We don't know." Chibi-Usa muttered.

"On the day that the big explosion hit the city, it was all that was left behind." Chibi-Kumi continued.

"We didn't see how it got there. All we know is people were lying on the ground everywhere, and they weren't moving."

"We should leave." I sugested. "We shouldnt be so close to that thing."

"Follow us." Chibi-Kumi ordered as she and her sister hauled themselves to their feet. "We can show you were Mamma and Mummy is."

"They're at the Crystal Palace." Chibi-Usa said. The two began to run off, but we were all soon encased in a crystalline structure.

"What just happened?" Venus asked shakily.

"Is this the Palace?" Sailor Moon wondered. "Are we already inside?" Two images appeared in the surface of the structure, identical, with black upside down cresents on their heads.

"Hello." They greeted in sync. "We're the Boule Brothers of the Black Moon."

"Chiral." One said.

"And Achiral." The other added.

"It's quite an honour to meet the Rabbit, the Rose, and the legendary guardians Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth."

"Allow us to welcome you with Achiral ice display." Images of the brothers appeared everywhere, until we were somehow trapped in the structure.

"It's not over yet!" Sailor Moon declared. "No creepy dopplegangers are gonna defeat me!" She managed to summon her rod. "Moon Princess Halation!" Sailor Moon cried. Her attack did nothing ,and we were soon frozen, apparently we were stuck in a magnetic feild? These two were giving me a massive headache that I couldn't keep up with what they were saying.

"How does it feel to be cornered?" A new voice asked. A green haired women appeared in the structure. "There's no escape from this beautiful monument, and this is just a taste of what the Malefic Black Crystal is capable of. I intend to use it's full power to bury you, along with the real Crystal Palace."

"No!" Chibi-Kumi cried. "That can never happen! That's where Mummmy and Mamma are! It can never be destroyed!"

"Our mummies are strong!" Chibi-Usa declared. "As long as there inside the Palace nothing can shatter it! It will stand for all time!"

"Mummy! Mummy!" The green haired woman teased. "Oh, but that's terribly insensitive of me. Tell you what, Rose, Rabbit, show Aunty Esmeraude the Legendary Crystals and I'll take pitty on you! I'll bury you and your mum's in the same grave." Esmeraude attacked, and we screamed in pain. "Now vanish! Into radioactive vapor!"

"Fight it!" A voice said. I gasped. Why does it show up at ridiculous times! "Force your will onto it! You can command the False Crystal! Force it to break! Do it!"

"Ok fine!" I shouted. "False Crystal! I order you, release us!" Our confinements shttered into a thousand pieces.

"Impossible!" Esmeraude exlaimed,. "They escaped from our masterpiece!"

"Nows our chance!" Venus declared. "Venus Love Me Chain!"

"Tuxedo La Smoking Bmber!" With htose attacks, the Crystal structure fell, and the weird twins were destroyed. Esmeraude managed to get away. When the structure fell, it revealed a glowing palace made of silver and gold. Jus like in my vision!

"This must be the real Crystal Palace." Sailor Moon realised. With determination in their eyes, Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi strode forward.

"Follow us." The green-haired girl demanded. We had no choice but to follow. As we neared the side of the palace, a door appeared.

"The Crystal Palace..." Luna said in awe. The doors opened, and we walked into a room with a large crystal structure in the middle We followed the twins as they lead us through the halls to a room that held two crystaline structures. Both were held on pedestals, and looked very similar, but they were very distinct. The one on the right was made of silver, and shone a pale blue. The other, was made of transparent gold, and shone yellow. We could faintly see a figure resting in each, side by side. We could only see their feet, nothing more. The twins raced up to the silver structure and placed their hands on the pedestal.

"We're home." Chibi-Usa whispered.

"Chibi-Usa, who are they?" Sailor Moon asked.

"This is Mummy, Neo-Queen Serenity."

"And that one's Mamma, Neo-Queen Gaia." Chibi-Kumi said, her eyes drifting to the gold structure.

"Neo-Queen Serenity?" Sailor Moon repeated.

"Neo-Queen Gaia?" I echoed.

"Kittens!" Topaz gasped. I looked down to see two kittens. One was a pale grey, with pink eyes and a crescent moon on it's forehead. The other, brown with orange patches of fur with one turquoise eye and one violet.

"Diana!" Chibi-Usa cheered.

"Amber!" Chibi-Kumi cried. "You're ok!" The kittens turned and meowed happily as a figure emerged from behind a curtain. This woman was tall, with blue eyes and black hair that seemed to go silver at the tips. She wore a Sailor Guardian outfit, but it was far more pristine than Venus', Sailor Moon's or my own. Her skirt was silver, which matched the one that tied her hair up and the cape that rested on her shoulders. Her ribbons were white, and they matched the main body of her suit. She wore silver heels like mine, that crossed over the foot and ankle to secure them. The cuffs of her elbow-length gloves were white as well. She held a long, pale grey staff that looked eerily similar to mine, with a golden heart topped with a little crown. However, hers had little wings sprouting from its sides.

"Sailor...Earth?" Sailor Moon trailed off. 

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