The Known (On Hold)

De Grattsfan

200K 10.6K 1.1K

Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, aka Charlie or C.J., is a sister, best friend, girlfriend, soccer player and ... b... Mai multe



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De Grattsfan

After spending the majority of the day enjoying the beach, Mal and Charlotte head back to the hotel with their teammates to get cleaned up for supper. 

Mal is stopped in the hallway by a group containing Kelley, Emily and Sam and asked if she would like to join them in checking out a restaurant recommended to them by the local players. 

"Can I check in with C.J. first and let you know?" 

"We're leaving in five." 

"Okay, I'll be right back." Mal knocks on C.J. and Tierna's door and it's opened by Tierna. She lets Mal in and then continues with getting herself ready to go out. 

Hearing the water running in the shower, Mal debates before entering the bathroom and announcing her presence.


"You decide to join me after all?" 

Mal lets out a laugh, "Unfortunately, not. I know you were planning on doing school stuff, is it okay if I go out for supper with some of the girls instead of just watching you work?" 

Charlotte pulls back the curtain, "Should I be concerned about your choice of companions?" 

Mal smiles, "You pull that back anymore and I might be tempted to join you and skip supper all together." 

She hears Charlotte let out a laugh before responding, "Babe, go and have fun with the girls; I'll see you afterward. Love you." 

"Love you, too. Bye Babe."

Mal heads back out into the hallway and the group, "Just let me grab my stuff and we can go." 

"No, Charlie?" 

Mal shakes her head, "She's planning on spending the time working on school stuff."

"She sure spends a lot of time on her computer doing school stuff." Mal looks at Emily as she says it. 

"And that would be the reason she's an All-Academic with a near-perfect GPA, can you say the same about your time at UVA, Sonny?" 

Emily shakes her head causing them all to laugh. 

"Then I strongly suggest you don't bring it up again." Mal gives her a stern look.

"Okay, then, so we getting food or what?" 

They all look at Kelley before waiting for Mal to collect her stuff and then heading out to make their way to the restaurant.

While Mal is enjoying spending time with the group, Charlotte isn't working on her school assignments, just yet anyway. She messages and finds that Andi is still at the hotel and asks if they can speak for a few moments. She gets a message back from the former Cardinal that she will stop at her room on her way out. 

Charlotte props her door and awaits her arrival. When she does it's alongside a very familiar pairing in Tierna and Jane. 

"What's up, Charlie?" 

Charlotte looks at them, "I need this to stay between us, okay? Promise me." 

"Spill, I'm hungry." 

Charlotte looks at the tall blonde keeper, "And you weren't invited, so you can leave." 

Jane starts laughing at her before sitting on the end of the bed. 

"I'm proposing to Mal." Charlie blurts out and they all look at her. 

"We all figured that was coming, when, where and what do we need to do to help? As I'm assuming that's why you asked me to come and meet you while Mal is out." 

"I was thinking of creating a scavenger hunt to take her around Washington with one of the clues leading her to where I'm planning on asking her; do you think the Spirit girls would be on board to play along with it as if it's a team thing, so I can surprise her, Andi?"

Andi smiles and nods, "Hell, yeah, they would be. They will probably even volunteer to help coordinate everything."

"Good, because I'm going to need help to pull it all off without Mal's knowledge." 

"We got your back, Charlie; whatever any of us can do to help, let us know." 

"Thanks, Jane. I'm excited and terrified at the same time about it."

"You want to grab some food with us, Charlie?" 

"I was thinking of just grabbing something from downstairs and then coming back up to do school stuff." 

"Okay, well, if you change your mind and want to join us, just send a message."

"Thanks, guys, I appreciate it."

The three players make their way out of the hotel room and Charlotte gets herself set up with her books, laptop and headphones. 

After an hour she begins to get hungry and decides to take a break to grab something from the meal room. Unfortunately for her, the pickings are relatively slim and she soon returns to her room to collect some money to go out and get something. 

New Message: 

Mally ❤️: Have you eaten yet? 

C.J. 🚀: Not really, unless you count the sad-looking sandwich I grabbed. 

Mally ❤️: I'll bring you something and maybe if your good I'll even add some dessert.

C.J. 🚀: Dessert, huh? What kind?

Mally ❤️: Wait and find out. See you soon 💋

Not needing to fend for herself now, Charlotte heads back to her room and takes the time to get changed into some comfies before Mal returns with real food for her. 

Slipping on her glasses, she grabs her textbook and begins the process of reading and learning about fluid flow and fluid dynamics. Before she realizes it, she's polished off 30 pages of her book and is well past the point that she needed to be at to complete her current lab and assignment. 

With the door propped open, Mal lets herself in and smiles as she watches Charlotte typing away like no one's business on the keyboard as the ideas form in her head and she then translates them to the screen in front of her. Mal continues to watch for a few minutes waiting to see if her girlfriend will even notice that she is there and not being surprised at all when she doesn't. She takes a seat on the bed and waves her hand in front of Charlotte, who finally separates her sightline from the screen to smile at her. 

"Hey, can you give me like 5 I just want to finish this up while it's fresh in my head." 

Mal smiles and nods before pulling the styrofoam container out of the bag along with the package of utensils and napkins. 

Charlotte finishes up and then closes the file and her book, turning her attention back to Mal. Mal leans over and kisses her. 

"What's that for? Not that I mind." Charlotte smiles and laughs as she says it. 

"Because I forgot how totally cute you are in your glasses and I missed you." 

"I thought you wanted me to get my eyeballs fried so I didn't have to wear them anymore." 

"Way to be overdramatic and I kinda do, but, also kinda don't; maybe if your vision does end up getting as bad as your Dad's then you could get it done." 

"Now, that's an idea I can behind. So, what did you deliver me, besides your beautiful self?" 

Mal laughs, "Babe, you aren't getting any action tonight, so you can cut the sweet talk."

"Mally, in my eyes you are the most beautiful woman in the world and I don't need a reason to say it or call you it." 

Mal smiles, "I got nothing on that. Are you ready to eat?" 

Charlotte sets everything off to the side, "Yes, please! I'm starving!" 

"Of course, you are." Mal hands her over the food and shakes her head as she devours the contents. "Next time perhaps you should eat before starting your work." 

"I know, maybe you could remind me?" Charlotte gives her a big, toothy, smile. 


Once Charlotte finishes eating she collects the garbage and adds the container to the black bin in the corner of the room. 

"That was really good, thank you, Baby." Charlotte leans down and kisses Mal who is still sitting on the side of the bed. 

"You're welcome. Do you have much work left to do?" 

"Always, but, I would much rather curl up and watch you."

"Don't you mean watch something with me?" 

"Maybe, maybe not." 

"Now that doesn't sound stalkerish at all, C.J."

Charlotte smiles and shrugs, "I can't help the fact that I could watch you forever and never grow bored." 

"How about you spend less time throwing lines my way and instead move this stuff out of the way so we can watch episodes of that baking show you like." 

"We already watched all this season's episodes, Babe." 

"Then we'll just have to watch them again, because as bad as you are at baking, you are still better than those guys are." 

"Says the one who does neither bake or cook."

"Why should I, when I have you and that cute Supergirl apron of yours in the kitchen?" 

Charlotte laughs, "You mean the apron that Ash got me as a joke and that I now wear on a regular basis because it's got pockets?"

Mal laughs, "Yes, that one. I saw a Wonder Woman one like it, maybe I should get it, so we each have one." 

"I'll get you one for your birthday if you'll promise to model it for me with nothing on underneath it." 

"My roommates may have an issue with that, babe." 

"I never said you had to wear it in the kitchen, although..." Charlotte looks at her with a mischievous looking grin on her face.

"Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, what has gotten into you?" 

"Not you, that's for sure. And what's with the full name?" 

"Just felt like saying it and seriously what's gotten into you?" 

"High on love," Charlotte pulls Mal in tight and kisses her so hard that she's sure her body is on fire as a result. They separate and Mal places her head on Charlotte's chest, content to listen to her racing heartbeat.

"I love you, Captain Mally." 

Mal giggles, "Love you, too, C.J." 

After holding on to each other for a few minutes and sharing another kiss, they finally get to relocating Charlotte's school stuff off the bed with the exception of her laptop and then climb under the covers. Charlotte cues up the show and then places the computer down so that she can hold Mal in her arms as they watch the show. 

Once they've watched a few episodes, Mal climbs out of the bed, "I'll be back, I'm just going to get changed."

"Hurry back." Charlotte yawns before deciding to head into the bathroom and completing her own nighttime routine and then laying back down on the bed. 

When Mal returns they opt just to put the television on and watch a show. Neither makes it to the end to find out who the killer is as they both are asleep before the identity is revealed. 

Tierna returns to the room and takes in the sight of them snuggled up together and sound asleep and smiles as she tries to quietly collect what she needs to change and complete her nighttime routine. 

As she pulls backs the covers on her own bed, she reaches over and collects the remote from beside Mal and then gets comfy watching a show before calling it a night and turning everything off. 

The next morning as the alarms sound out, Charlotte reaches over and turns it off before pulling Mal back into her. 

"Babe, we have to get up." 

"Not for another two alarms we don't." Charlotte kisses her

"Babe, morning breath." 

"Really? You'll kiss me after I've gone down on you, but not now, because I have morning breath?" 


Charlotte and Mal both burst out laughing before turning to face the opposite bed. 

"You're just jealous because my girl is here and yours is back in Cali; don't think I didn't hear you and AJ the other night, T. You should remember that bathrooms echo." 

Tierna takes a pillow and throws it at Charlotte, hitting Mal in the process. "Hey!" 

"Sorry, Mal, it was meant for your annoying girlfriend, not you." 

"Annoying, huh?" Charlotte takes her pillow and throws it back at Tierna, which results in another pillow being fired and hitting Mal. 

"Okay, that's enough!" Mal takes her pillow and whips it at Tierna, hitting her square in the face.

"Oww! That hurt!" 

Mal slides out from under the covers, "I'll see both of you children at breakfast, now clean up your mess." 

"Yes, Mom!"

Mal collects her stuff and makes the walk back to her room, making herself presentable before then heading down with Andi to breakfast. 

"Where's your worse half at Mal?" Emily asks.

"C.J. and Tierna should be here soon if they haven't taken each other out with flying pillows." 

"Well, they're both laughing, so that's a good thing right?" 

Mal turns around and shakes her head at Charlotte and Tierna acting up. 

Kelley stops behind Mal, "It's nice to see that Flash has learned how to loosen up." 

Mal nods, "Yeah, maybe a little too much at the moment." 

"There's no such thing as too loose, Mal pal." Kelley winks and smiles as she walks over to take a seat at a table with Alex.

With breakfast finished the players get back into their schedule with a team meeting to discuss their next opponents from England before heading up to get changed and ready for a light afternoon training and positioning session. 

Returning to the hotel after the session, Charlotte finds her Mom and Mackenzie waiting in the lobby of the hotel. 

She laughs seeing her sister, "You're looking a little lobsterish, Kenz, did you forget to put sunscreen on before hitting the beach?" 

"Not funny, it hurts." 

Carol rolls her eyes, "We were just headed out to see if we could track down some Aloe unless by chance you have any." 

They both shake their heads, "We can ask the trainers they may have something that would work." 

Mal leads them over to one of the trainers who is able to hook them up with a miracle lotion to take away the stinging. 

"C.J. can you or Mal hit the back of my neck and shoulders, please?" 

"Not a chance that stuff stinks, ask Kelley, I sure she wouldn't mind getting her hands on you." 

"I'll do just that." Kenz smiles at them before approaching Kelley and asking for her help. 

Charlotte watches on feeling uncomfortable watching the defender run her hands all over her sister's neck and shoulders. 

Mackenzie smiles as she makes her way back over to them, "By the way, I promised Kelley that you'd buy her drinks after the game tomorrow." 

"Kenz, I'm not even old enough to drink." 

"Yeah, but I am and you have a magic card that will allow me to purchase our drinks and then some." 

"As long as the then some doesn't translate to me having to bail either of you out of jail, I'm fine with that, just be reasonable okay?" 

"When am I not?" 

"Would you like me to write a list?" 

Mal takes her arm, "Babe, I'm heading up to take a shower and nap are you joining me or are planning on continuing whatever you and Kenz currently have going on?"

"On your 6 Babe, let's go." Charlotte follows Mal to the elevator and then up to her room, where they have a bit of fun in the shower before laying down for a nap. 

After watching a movie and having supper with their teammates, they decide to take a walk along the beach and listen as the waves crash. They hold hands and share a few kisses before then making their way back inside the hotel and dropping their hold on each other. 

They get changed for bed and complete their nighttime routines before each curling up with a book in their hand to enjoy a little reading before they need to go their separate ways for the evening. 

When the time comes they hold each other and share a goodnight kiss before Mal reluctantly makes her way down the hall and back to her own room prior to room check.

New Message

Ash: Is Angel, me? 

Charlie: Took you long enough to figure it out. 

Ash: How's it going with the big team?

Charlie: Good. They are an amazing group of players and I'm learning so much watching and listening to them. 

Ash: Learn all you want, but my Bruins are taking you guys down this time around. 

Charlie: Them's fighting words!

Ash: Lol! Miss you, call me when you get back to Cali, bestie. 

Charlie: Will do. 

Charlotte checks that her alarm is set before plugging her phone in as the battery is low and then allowing thoughts of Mal and her smile to put her to sleep.

A/N: It would be very much appreciated if everyone who read this chapter went back and voted for others that they haven't - I know they are being read, but not enough people are hitting the star.  

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