Don't want to live without you

Por Dark-Nightmare25

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When Sasha wakes up she never thought she would find someone that she could live without until she meets the... Más

A New Day
The Meeting
The Unknown Daughter
A change in plans
Take my breath away
The car ride
Asking for help
Not along enough
A family secret uncovered
First kiss
The truth
Connection stronger than waiting
Desire is more powerful than hunger
Hard to let go
Later that day
Later that day part 2
Later that day part 3
Later that evening
Fighting the beast within
Continuing else where
The Tiger meets her mate
Surprise effect
The tough decision
The aftermath
Last minute planning
Unexpected Guess
Family secrect
Family Secret pt2
The darkest secret
A new ability
A new concern
A chance to run
We need to Talk
New Job
Unexpected Finding
Unexpected gift
Night before
Date Night
Morning after
Puzzling Question
Can we talk
Unexpected confession
Saturday Night
Saturday Night Pt2
I know your secret
I don't like feeling alone
Unexpected event
Once Bitten
Unexpected request
Didn't really want to give it up
Dealing with the past
Puzzle box content
A new assignment
Aftermath pt2
Working together
What were you think
What were you thinking part 2
A little fun before work
Hard to get work done
Hard to get work done pt2
Hard to get work done pt3
Let's go talk
Let's go talk pt2
Both wanting each other
Dealing with the past pt2
Dealing with the past pt3
Clearing the air
Clearing the air pt2
Clearing the air pt3
Later that night
Unexpected vistor
How much you mean to me
Are we ready
Coming up with a plan
Protection is the key
Planning Dinner
Planning are next move
Talk to me please
Protection becomes #1
Protection Becomes #1 pt2
Protection becomes #1 pt3
Stages of transformation
New Home
Making Up
Making up Pt2
A New ability
A New Ability pt2
Friday morning
The message of hope
Enjoying the moment
Dinner PT 2
Moving in
Can't sleep
Lets go shopping
Getting ready for the full moon
Unexpected stop
Birthday Surpises
Birthday Surpises pt2
Birthday Surpise PT 3
1 day left

The Protection Scroll

205 6 2
Por Dark-Nightmare25

The next few days Bayley was working hard to make sure dinner was going to be good and making sure Sasha was taken care of as well. Sasha needs were in over drive and Bayley was doing everything in her power to please her. Bayley was happy when Sasha had to go to the studio to look at a few commercial. Bayley sat down and open the scroll that Sasha had come across a few nights ago.

"I know that you are wondering how I found out how the unborn baby is protected during transformation. It took a lot of research to find the information I needed. I heard that most pregnancy didn't last after transformation. I knew a doctor in town and asked him about those who lost their child. He just wrote it off as a normal thing. It worried me Linda would have the same problem. It first started with me taken Linda to see a doctor after hours. When a ultrasound was done on Linda the doctor notice a thick lining around the baby. I asked if he had seen anything like that before. The doctor told me no the women that he had seen in the past month didn't show a lining like that.

It made me start wondering if Linda continue drinking my blood it was protecting the baby. I wasn't going to be sure until the full moon came around. Once Linda had her first transformation I took her back to the doctors. The lining was still showing and the baby was just find each month. I believe the lining was created from my blood and Linda vampire blood help create that lining." Eddie wrote.

Bayley looked at what else was with the scroll and it was the ultrasound of Bayley each month my dad had it done. "Hey babe how are you feeling? Do you have the ultrasound Roman did for us?" Bayley text Sasha. "Hey babe I miss you. Yes it's in the top drawer of my desk." Sasha texted back. "Thank you, I miss you too babe. When will you be back?" Bayley asked. "I'm almost done and I will be heading back to the office. Love you." Sasha texted back. "I love you too." Bayley replied back.

Bayley found the ultrasound in Sasha top drawer. Bayley started comparing the ultrasound. The thick lining was there in both photos. Bayley felt the world lift off her shoulders. Knowing that her blood is protecting the triplets made her happy. Now she needs to figure out how to get Sasha to continue drinking her blood.

"Hello Sasha, how are things going?" Beth asked. "It's going great, how are you doing? I really like the new commercial you came up with. Here this is a bonus for you and the team." Sasha said handing the checks over. "I'm doing really good and now even better with a bonus." Beth told Sasha. Sasha just smiled at Beth "is there anything else you need to make the job easier for you?" Sasha asked. "No this is one of the best jobs I have. I don't have come in every day and I'm only gone when the kids are sleep. Who ever is making you happy I hope you never lose them." Beth said. "Thank you, she makes me happy" Sasha said.

"Ms. Bank here is your package you were waiting for." The helper said. "Thank you for your help with this. I need to go, keep up the good work Beth." Sasha said. A few minutes Sasha was back in her office. Sasha looked around but she didn't see Bayley anywhere. Sasha checked the cameras and noticed Bayley had left the lab. Sasha was about to leave the office when Bayley had walked in with food. "Hey babe how was your trip to the studio? Was everything ok over there?" Bayley asked Sasha.

"The trip was good! Beth does great work and have nothing to really worry about. What have you been up to?" Sasha asked. "I ran some more test on the vitamin combinations that would help the sick vampires. Than I sat down and looked over the protection scroll." Bayley told Sasha. "Did you find out anything to tell us the babies will be ok? What did you bring to eat?" Sasha asked. "I bought us both steak sandwich with fries. I usually have a high craving for meat when the full moon grows closer. I discovered that my blood has created a strong lining around the babies." Bayley told Sasha.

Sasha was so relieved just like Bayley was. Sasha went and kissed Bayley passionately. "Thank you for setting up my plate. How did you find out about the lining?" Bayley setup her plate before answering Sasha. "I opened the scroll you found a few nights ago. My dad told how he figured out the lining was there and it was confirmed after the full moon." Bayley said. Bayley got up and got her a bottle water and Sasha a bottle of blood.

"Thank you, this is really good. I wonder if I'll have cravings for meat as Bayley has. "How does your blood play apart in this? I don't want to have to feed off you everyday." Sasha tells Bayley. "You might have to we are still 2 weeks away from the full moon. I trust you and we are talking about making sure you and the triplets are protected." Bayley tells Sasha. Sasha knew Bayley wasn't going to budge on this issue. Sasha was trying to hold back the tears but the tears started falling. Bayley looked up and seen the tears falling down Sasha face. "Babe don't cry, it will be ok. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. We just need to plan it out right. I trust you with my life and I know we can do this." Bayley tells Sasha while bringing her in for a hug.

"I know your right, I just don't want to lose control. If I took one of your lives, I don't know how I will handle it. We still have a lot to do with the house and preparing for the full moon." Sasha tells Bayley. Bayley wrips the tears away and kisses Sasha on the lips. "We will get this all done. Do you want to move into the house? If you don't want to, we can stay at the apartment." Bayley tells Sasha. "We can move into the house you got us. Home is where you are and I've never had someone buy me a house." Sasha tells Bayley. "Well you are worth it and I only want to do it if you are comfortable with the move." Bayley says.

"Well we should go see the house and decided if there enough security and privacy. Let's go see the house, are you done with your work?" Sasha asked. "Yes, I found one of the vitamin and still running test for the second on." Bayley said. Sasha grabbed her phone and text her moon. "Hello mom do you have the location of the house Bayley bought?" Sasha texted. "Hello dear, I'm here right now just call me so you can lock on to my voice." Trish told Sasha. Sasha went over to Bayley and wrapped her arm around her waist. Than she called her mom. Trish was only able to get out "Hello dear" before Sasha and Bayley appeared next to her. "Hello you two, how is everything going." Trish asked.

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