Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End

By KingDiscord

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Japanese Sensha Do is a sacred piece of Culture for the people of Japan. it dates back for decades the use of... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Authors Note
Alt. Chapter 1
Alt. Chapter 2
Alt. Chapter 3
Alt. Chapter 4
Alt Chapter 5
Alt. Chapter 6
Alt. Chapter 7
Alt. Chapter 8
Alt Chapter 9
Alt. Chapter 10
Discord Server Notice
Alt. Chapter 11

Chapter 33

1K 11 22
By KingDiscord

Chapter 33

Yukari had never ever been to schools that were coed. In fact her father made it a point to make sure all schools she went to were all girl schools. Despite his open and friendly nature he was just like any father that had a daughter. He was over protective as unnecessary as possible. In that regard Yukari never had any experience with boys. She wasn't afraid of them or had no idea on how to interact with them, she wasn't that daft, but she never had any experience in the ways of love. With all the romances and relationships that were going around Yukari felt like it was becoming a trend. Rivers and Naomi were together since several months ago, Rukuriri and Andrew were dating for a while, Austin and Nonna as well as Nikoli and Klara just started dating, she knew that Saori had a crush on Chubbs and she was pretty curtain the feelings were mutual. Rumors had it that even Maho and Edward had some romantic connection but that had yet to be confirmed or not. In sense, Yukari felt as if she was obligated to find and fall in love with someone. That lead to her current conundrum.

William was a great guy. He was nice, he was smart, respectful, funny, witty, and his insatiable thirst for knowledge kept him on the edge of his seat whenever the two of them would talk about tanks. Or more correctly when ever Yukari talked about tanks. William would just sit and listen ever to take in as much knowledge as he could.

Or so Yukari thought. The real reason William was so happy to listen to Yukari rant about the various tanks and other machines used back during the war was because he just wanted to spend time with her. she was innocent, passionate, shy, and lively. Qualities William loved in anyone he met. However Yukari was different. He always wanted to spend time with her no matter what they were doing all he wanted to do was be with her. but he would've made an exception for this current predicament.

Yukari had helped William out of the jam he and Mark had gotten into leaving Mark to deal with a pissed off StuG 3 tank team and T-34 team. What did they do? Well, that's not suitable for normal discussions. However it was something Mark wouldn't be talking his way out of that was for sure.

After Yukari grabbed William and got him to safety the two of them just walked around talking about things. Night had fallen by then. Their talk was mainly about the tension between the Association team and Edison and the rest of the schools. It was tense. However in their talks and walks the two loveable optimistic's found something they definitely weren't supposed to. It happened so fast that the two hid inside an old wardrobe hoping to stay out of sight.

"I'm sorry for calling you out here so suddenly." A male voice said. If William remembered correctly his name was Christian, Vice Commander of Edison High School. Though that wasn't to most shocking thing. The thing that shocked the two was who he was meeting.

"No worries. I'll gladly make time to talk with you." That voice was so familiar to Yukari she would recognize it if she went deaf. It was Hana. She and this Christian guy were standing in a dark part of a back alley not wanting anyone to see them. Why?

"I'm glad you feel that way, I just wish we could meet up in public." Christian said. Hana grew a stern look.

"You know we cant do that. What would happen to you if Johnathan or one of your Schoolmates sees us. You'll be in huge trouble. They don't trust us girls at all, barely giving us any form of privacy even around the barracks." Hana said. Yukari could agree. The Edison team were so wary of some inside job from the girls that they kept watchmen outside their barracks. The watchmen weren't allowed to go inside at least but they could hear a lot and see a lot more. It was unnerving.

"I know but I long to just wrap you in my arms whenever I see you. I don't care what Johnathan thinks, there's no way someone like you could be a double agent." Christian said. William thought about that statement. The most innocent looking individual was the most likely to be the betrayer, however in this case he could attest to the opposite. None of the high school girls cared for Akari's acts back at Mishima and they would not care for it here.

Hana blushed at Christian's statement. He was so romantic when he was expressive. Hana and Christian met little under three weeks ago when the first of the high schoolers came to town. However when the two saw each other for the first time they could swear it was love at first sight. There was just something that the two couldn't explain about the other. It drew them to one another, and it lead to these private meetings.

"I'm happy you think that, but I wont risk you getting hurt or anything by Johnathan. I'd rather be flailed then watch that happen." Hana said as she embraced the man.

"Id rather be skinned then watch you be flailed. I'd rather die then watch you get hurt by anyone. I know we haven't known each other for very long but I genuinely feel something about you. Nothing will prove that wrong." Christian said returning the embrace. Hana's blush only deepened. Hearing his words and knowing he meant them was soothing for her.

"But until Johnathan can see reason we cant be public yet. I'm scared for you." Hana said. She gazed worryingly into his eyes. He only gazed lovingly back.

"I'll take the weight of the whole world for you. That's a promise." Christian whispered. Again Hana's blush deepened. She didn't speak, she only raised her head and brought her love into a kiss. She snaked her arms around his neck pressing herself into him. Christian gripped her waist as he returned every bits of love that she gave him. After a moment he picked her up and held her close. She wrapped her legs around his waist to steady herself and as the two broke their kiss they could only to stare and smile at each other. Christian moved to a nearby clean box and placed Hana on it. He moved in closer and nibbled her neck making her giggle as she held him tightly.

While this was going on the two inside the wardrobe were blushing furiously. They didn't know what was happening. Well they 'did' know what was happening they just didn't know how it happened. And the openly spewed love and pleasure the two older high schoolers were giving each other gave the two younger ones a bit of uneasiness. It also didn't help that the wardrobe they hid in was small. Yukari was pushed up to Williams chest as the boy tried his best to support the both of them without making any noise. He wasn't strong, so his strength was fading fast. It also didn't help that Yukari had a blush of her own as she shyly glanced at William every now and then. It made him a blushing mess even more so.

"Ngh, don't take things to far Christian. I don't think I'm ready for that." Hana said as she moaned. This made Yukari and William jump. Taking things to far? What were they doing?

"Don't worry, I'm not ready for any of that either. But I'm still going to show you how much I care for you." Christian said. The sound of the two loving each other was brought back up and again the two inside the wardrobe jumped. This situation was so embarrassing.

William had to close his eyes and try to get the mental image of Ms. Hana making out with this guy out of mind. He wasn't anything but happy for her though. While he got to know the Panzer IV crew he grew to respect the older members. Ms. Nishizumi and Ms. Hana even more so. It just made him uncomfortable to listen to them like this.

William opened his eyes and looked at Yukari and his eyes widened in shock at what he saw. Yukari was still blushing madly, but she was looking at him in the most wanting way he had ever seen. He thought she had literal hearts In her eyes. This only deepened his own blush.

"Yukari, are you ok?" He didn't know why he whispered that question because no, she didn't seem ok. Yukari shook her head.

"I'm sorry Will, I don't know why I feel this way. I'm feeling all weird. I don't know why but I want to kiss you like Hana is doing with that guy. I feel like I have to, does that make me a bad girl?" Yukari whispered back. She was scared. She had no idea why she felt this way, but she knew she felt obligated to.

"No this doesn't make you a bad girl. I don't know why this is happening, but I do know that you are under no obligation to do anything you don't have to." William whispered. Yukari then laid her head on his chest.

"I feel like since everyone else is doing these things that I also have to. I'm sorry, I don't want you to hate me." Yukari whispered. Williams eyes widened again. How could she think that?

"I wont hate you Yukari, I'm just shocked that you feel this way is all." He whispered. Yukari then looked at him and began shedding small tears. Yukari was terrified. She didn't know how to feel right now. She knew what William was saying, he was shocked not by how she felt towards him but that she only felt obligated to. They both didn't know why. But there was caring in his voice as he said this. This only made Yukari want to do it even more.

"I'm sorry Will. Please don't hate me." Yukari whispered as she raised her head to kiss him. William was frozen still. He didn't know what to do. Does he let her? does he stop her? what is he supposed to do?

As if some force heard his cries the wood of the old wardrobe began to crack. As William glanced at it the wood broke in half and he lost his grip causing both him and Yukari to fall out of the wardrobe and onto the floor. Right in view of Hana and Christian.

Hana and Christian were fine with just enjoying each other's company. Hana didn't want to go public for fear of Johnathan hurting Christian. Christian didn't mind his Commander knowing so long as he could openly show Hana his affection. But when the two heard a crash and the breaking and snapping of wood the two stopped their activities and saw the two others falling out of an old wardrobe. It was also bad that Hana had begun to slightly tease Christian by unbuttoning the top buttons on her jacket. She only undid two and hadn't any plan to go further. She just wanted to see his reaction. Now it looked like they had plans to advance their fun. Something the two younger ones would misinterpret.

"Yukari!? William!?" Hana yelled in shock. Seeing the two of them and now knowing the two were listening was extremely embarrassing. "What were you two doing in the wardrobe?" Yukari shot up to her feet closely followed by William.

"I-I'm sorry Hana. Will and I were taking a walk and we stumbled back here just before you two showed up. We got scared and hid. We didn't mean to eavesdrop or listen in on you two. I'm so incredibly sorry." Yukari said frantically as she bowed down.

"I'm sorry as well. Please forgive us Ms. Hana." William said bowing as well. Hana and Christian just looked at the two and soon straightened themselves up. The two walked over to the younger ones and wore kind looks on their faces.

"It's alright both of you. Technically you two did get here first. Its just a little embarrassing knowing you were listening." Hana said.

"I'm sorry if we made you two feel uncomfortable." Christian said. He had a worried look as he studied the two.

"Its fine, but we over heard your reasons for meeting up here. We'll keep it a secret if you want us to." Yukari said.

"I would like that, but I know Christian wouldn't mind everyone else knowing." Hana said.

"hey, maybe the guys just need to see how comfortable we can all be around each other." Christian said nonchalantly.

William thought about those words. Would it help. The way that they eased tensions back in Hoja City was by having a Barbecue. It got everyone talking to each other. Maybe this could work.

"I think that could work." William said gaining the attention of the other three. "Maybe showing how comfortable you two are with each other may show the others in Edison that the girls aren't as bad as they think."

"You think so Will?" Hana asked slightly nervous. She really didn't want any harm to befall Christian.

"I'm sure it will. It worked for us at Hoja City, it can work here to." William said. Hana looked uncertain but eventually caved.

"Fine." She said as she grabbed Christians hand and looked into his eyes. "But not a scratch gets on you, understood." Hana said sternly.

Christian nodded. "I promise." He said. Yukari, now out of her stupor she started to skip in place as she squealed.

"Oh Hana I'm happy for you. Congratulations on finding someone." Yukari said. Hana just blushed and placed her hand on her cheek.

"Thank you Yukari." She said.

The four then talked more about Williams plan. Hopefully, this would ease tensions enough for the whole group to work together. Davis and Darjeeling would be arriving soon, and things would only escalate when they arrived. Things needed to be perfect if this plan was to work. Or else they might have a civil war on their hands.

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