He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.7K 239 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama


916 11 4
By rainchellread

Staring at his peacefully sleeping body gives me mixed feelings. This is all I've actually asked of him and he decides to give it selfishly. I'm positive he's sleeping, because I've heard his phone vibrate multiple times and he's made no move towards it. I take a deep breath, roll onto my back, stare at the ceiling as I recall the night. Damn, I could be Florida right now sipping and giggling with my friends, but I'm lying here with Adonis ( Or as my sister calls him "the ghost"). Your probably wondering what's the problem laying next to a handsome man instead v.s spending time with your friends on your birthday? They should understand   unless they miserable themselves right?! Wrong. Lol, let me bring you up to speed real quick so you can see where my head is at.

My birthday is today. Me and my friends have been making plans for the past few months to go to Florida, because we all have birthdays around the same time. We were gonna do it up right, OK!  First class flights, Presidential suites in a five star hotel room, Chauffeured luxury Cadillac to see the sites so we could get hammered as we pleased, Spa and masseuse treatments, reservations at the finest restaurants, shopping sprees, all that....
So when my phone rings bright and early at 7:30 am I have a huge smile on my face as I answer. "Hey My Lady!" ( That's what we call my mom). "Happy birthday to yooouuu...." she begins to sing as I stretch and wipe the sleep from my eyes. "Aww thank you! Your always the first to wish me a happy birthday." There was a small silence and she cleared her throat. "So, um Adonis didn't...." I cut her off real quick. "No man, today's about me though. I'm gonna go enjoy myself, like a 28yr old woman should do." She chuckled a bit before responding "As you should. I wish I had as much confidence as you have."  Finally dropping my legs off the side of the bed in an attempt to get up " Mom, I have no idea how you don't? Everyone says I look just like you, so how could you believe me so beautiful and think less of yourself, unless you just been telling me I'm beautiful all these years to gas my head up?" I asked with a smile as I made my way towards the kitchen. I washed my hands and rinsed the coffee pot before spooning 4 big heaps of the caramel flavored grounds and adding 5 cold cups of water before going into the bathroom to get my morning routine started. We chatted a few minutes longer while I used the bathroom. Then I told her I'd call her later and began pouring my creamer and sugar into my coffee cup. I pulled out the pillsbury biscuits, turkey bacon and one from the fridge. Walking into the livingroom I set my phone into to bose bluetooth speaker and turned it on pandora. Happily I danced around the kitchen sipping my coffee and making breakfast as I thought about all the things I would be doing over the next week. Me, Johana, Malik, Jeannette, Chad, and Regina were all taking our two weeks paid vacation from work to celebrate us. This was my circle and we deserved this break, because we work damn hard on a day to day basis.

The egg was boiling, the biscuits were baking and I had turkey bacon on the griddle while I cut up my cantaloupe. My music was interrupted by a txt message. "And it begins." I said shaking my head while I made my way to look at the phone. I have a lot of family and family and I'm  cool with almost all my coworkers, so holidays and birthdays my phone would ring nonstop. My smile, faded a bit when I read the bland  "happy born day" from Adonis. I sucked my teeth and went about my business of finishing up breakfast. I had just finished putting everything on my plate, when my doorbell rang. I grabbed a piece of bacon and begin to eat it as I made my way to the door.

I didn't even need to ask, I knew it was Johana coming over for our morning run. The fact that I was wearing a sports bra and lacey boy shorts didn't make a difference, we had been friends for ever. I quickly regret not grabbing my robe when she smack me on my ass hard as she could. "Fuck!" I hollered, mean mugged her and went to my room to get my terry cloth robe. "All that ass in them jeans!" She started singing and laughing. "I can't stand you  Johana!" I barely got the statement out before she hopped on me. "You know you love me!! Anyways that was just your birthday licks all balled up I to one." I playfully pushed her away and tried to stop her from kissing all over my face and hugging on me. "I swear I wonder sometimes if you playing for the other team." I taunted her jokingly as we both made our way to the kitchen. Taking off her jacket she put it on the back of one of the dinning room chairs and started washing her hands. I  pulled the toaster down off the shelf and sat down to say my grace before starting my breakfast. As much as she clowns around, she's always respectful when it comes to spirituality, so she was quite until I was done "Amen" we both said in unison. "So you know I gotta check your suitcase right?" She began as she took a cinnamon raisin bagel out the fridge and put it n the toast. " Mm..girl, I know how to pack, I know what to wear." Stealing a cantaloupe from my bowel she looked me dead in the eye " Yes, to the office." Wiping my mouth with a napkin " I do know what to wear in Florida miss....bathing suits!" We both bust out laughing as I watched her grab the cream cheese from the fridge and make her to the toaster. We spent the next 20 mins laughing about me dressing conservatively at the wrong moments while we finished up breakfast.

"OK, I tell you what, you can look in my suitcase for as long as it takes me to get dressed" I finally gave in and pushed my luggage her way as I looked through my drawers for my gym clothes. I spent the whole walk to the car, the drive to the gym, our stretch and half of our workout trying to defend my choice of clothing. Johana was like the little sister I never had, she would beg and plead until I gave in and let her have her way.  Somehow during the 2 mile run, I let her convince me to go shopping before my birthday celebration tonight, because we were scheduled to leave for the airport right after. I dropped her off at her car in front of my apartment building and we agreed to shower, get dressed and meet at the outlet mall at 12pm.

I  still had to get my nails, feet and hair done. It was already 9. "Why do I let her talk me into things?" I said shaking my head as I turned off my alarm and hung my keys on the hooks by the door. I took a deep breath and exhaled dramatically when I noticed that Adonis keys were hanging there. I wandered why he would turn the alarm back on if he was here? I guess so I wouldn't be startled when it didn't go off after I opened the door. Whatever the reason, I wish he didn't today. I let my gym bag drop to the floor with a loud thud and unzipped my jacket. Instead of me shrugging it off my shoulders to hang it up, Adonis gently pulled it off. "How was your workout?" I chuckled, removed my shoes and put them on the shoe rack under the coat hanger and reached for my gym bag. "Fine" I answered quietly. I threw my bag into my room and headed straight for the shower. "I brought you breakfast" I stopped and raised one eyebrow slightly. "I know you must've eaten before you went to the gym, and it you must've worked up am appetite." He opened the take out box and my mouth drooled at the sight of the pecan pancakes, there was a thick slice of ham and hashbrowns, but I wasn't thinking about none of that. I licked my lips, hell I couldn't help it, I felt like there was literally saliva running out the corner of my mouth. I started to attempt a protest, but he beat me to it "I know I know, but it's your birthday." He had this innocent smile on his face that made me wanna devour him, but I held my cool. "Maybe when I get out the shower." I said and quickly closed and locked the door. I turned on the shower head and then faced myself in the mirror. "Dont you, let him get away with this. Not this time. If you let him this time he'll just keep on doing it and you'll never be happy." I whispered and then dropped my head as I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. "Its over, it's done! Your going to shower, get dressed and tell him that you meant everything you said." I whispered again, this time pointing at the mirror and giving it a no nonsense stare.
After putting my clothes in the dirty clothes bin, I took my time purposely, hopeful that he would get the hint and leave. I stood under the hot water and let it massage my body for a while, then I shaved and even used my foot pumice to take up more time. I couldn't tell if he was still here, because it was so quiet. To be safe I washed my face and brushed my teeth very slowly, I even took the tweezers and plucked my eyebrows (which I was about to get done anyway) lol. After wrapping the towel securely, I slowly opened the door. The box of food was nowhere to be seen, so I assume he put it either in the microwave or the fridge and I headed to my room. I can't really say I was disappointed to see him sitting on the couch half watching tv as his focus was on his phone. I think it was aggravation, he really has some nerve. Ignoring him I went into my room, put my towel on my ottoman and began to lotion my body. Adonis of course didn't take the hint. He was leaning on the doorframe and I could feel him staring at me. He was waiting on me to talk (as usual). "So how long you gonna give me the cold shoulder" he asked nonchalantly and folded his arms over his chest. I was trying to finish my skin care routine quickly, because he had that look in his eyes and I wasn't trying to go there at this moment. "I dont know what you mean. Your the one that blocked me and stopped communicating." I pulled out my pink and brown lacey Victoria secret bra and panty set from my dresser and hastily put them on. "You know how to get in contact with me when you want to Rai, I'm not trying to hear that." His hands dropped and he stood upright. I went into my walk in closet put on my pastel pink skin tight jeans, a sleeveless shirt the same color. Grabbed my brown waterfall cardigan, my small pink guess purse and matching open toed guess stilettos. "I really just dont think that's my job. If you blocked me it was going reason, I'm not some desperate woman that can't start my day without you. You can't be serious" I'm not gonna lie i was tired of this conversation already and we haven't even been talking ten minutes. I glanced at the clock over my bed to see what time it was. "9:30 shit" I muttered and started moving with a purpose. Spraying "Crush" perfume, putting on my earrings, bracelets, n rings I grabbed my cardigan, purse, cellphone and pink leather guess jacket while slipping on my shoes and pushing past Adonis to make my way to the door. He was talking while I was getting my things, but it all sounds like wah wah wah wah....after so many time going through this with the same person and the same outcome. I had my jacket on was reaching for my keys when he grabbed them. "You seriously gonna just walk away from me while I'm talking to you? What the fuck is so important that you gotta leave right this second? I know you not about to be in some nigga face?" I slapped my thigh and spun around a bit, giving him my back so I could get my shit together. He was seriously pissing me off, but if I didn't play this right he would make me late for my appointments and then my whole day would be off. Hell naw! I said to myself, he will not ruin this birthday for me, not this time year!! I inhaled through my nose and out my mouth a few times until my breathing was back to normal. When I faced him, he had this screw face like I was just doing him sooo dirty. I mentally sucked my teeth, but for him I put my game face on. "You know I always get my hair, nails and toes done on my birthday." It came out surprisingly calm. "Then me and Johana going shopping for an outfit to wear tonight and meet the rest of the crew for lunch afterwards." I tapped my foot impatiently and held out my hand for my keys. "Mmhhmm...tell me anything." His features softened up as he dropped the keys in my hand. I closed my hand quick as ever, lol. Making a beeline around him to the door, I was a bit shocked when he grabbed my waist spun me around to him and bent down and kissed me while caressing all the right places. At first I was caught off guard, then I tried just reciprocating so I could leave, but he deepened it and I ended up succumbing to it. He was was no longer holding me to keep me there, he was helping my balance. When he broke the kiss, he smiled and winked at me before grabbing his keys and leaving me stunned with the front door wide open. "Later beautiful" he called out as he made his way to the elevator.

"I hate him" I proclaimed to no one and swallowed a lump, trying to control my feelings. As took a few deep breaths my phone begin ringing. I pulled out my purse and smiled as I answered "Hey Baybae! Happy birthday" Chad's cheerful voice just brought my spirits up. Just like that, I begin moving with purpose again. "Thank you Baybae!" I chuckled as I did a speed walk to the elevator and impatiently pushed the down button. "Johana told me y'all going shopping for the trip. Dont let that little girl have you looking like Ariel now." I scrunched up my face as I stepped in and brushed the  button for the lobby. "Ariel?" I repeated questioning, because I couldn't think of an Ariel. "The little...mermaid." he said and we both bust out laughing. "You are so special dude. OMGosh....you play all day." Since I knew that I wasn't gonna be long I didn't park in the parking garage I just pulled up in one of the guest spots. So holding my phone to my ear, and tucking my purse in tight, I got in my jeep compass and sped off. I didn't even put my seatbelt on till I pulled up to the red light that at the end of my block. Switching on the bluetooth system I connected the phone to the car and buckled myself in. "I just want you to enjoy yourself and you having everything hanging all out is gonna make you self conscious, so don't you let her take you there."  Putting on my blinker I turned onto the main st and searched for cops cars, I flying to get to that shop, because if your 15 mins late they will reschedule you and I was already 3 mins late. "Well why dont you come with us. I know you think that's girly stuff, but you know how I am with her, I just can't say no for some reason."   I fake pouted even though he couldn't see my face. And made another sharp turn while still looking out all windows for any cops. "Why don't you call Malik? You know he's good at that kinda stuff and he can put her in her place too." That did make since, he did love to dress and would definitely not let me go anywhere looking raunchy. "You right. Imma text him." I said as I pulled into the parking lot of the shop and whipped my truck into the closest parking spot to the door. I told Chad I was going in to get done up right and I'd see him later. I immediately sent a quick text to Malik so that I wouldn't forget and dropped my phone into my purse. I almost jumped out the truck and sped as fast as I could to the door. When I looked at my phone I had 4 mins left and I had to sign in before then. As soon as I walked through the door I was shocked. "Happy birthday" my hairdresser, nail tech, Jeannette, Johana, My Lady, Regina, Laura (Adonis mother) and Dutchess (Adonis daughter)  were the only people in the shop. They had pink and chocolate decorations ( my favorite colors) Champagne in an ice bucket, fruit, cheese, butter crackers, sugar cookies, cupcakes and sweet tea was set up on a long table. "We have a whole spa experience set up for you for your birthday and you just relax." That was Laura, she came and took me by the hand to lead me to the station that I guess was set up for me today. "Thank you" I said with a smile as she held my hand for balance while I sat down. "Daddy said you can have whatever you like!" Dutchess said excitedly as she spread her arms wide. "He said it's all on him today." She smiled and gave me a big hug. I couldn't help but to smile back, she was so adorable. She kissed me on the cheek and made her way to snack table. "My Rai can I have some fruit and tea?" She already had a plate and fork in her hands and was about to start digging in the fruit. "Um did we wash our hands?" I asked with one eyebrow up because I knew the answer was no. "Oopsies" Laura just laughed and sat in the spa seat on my right. "How you been sweetie? You haven't been over in a few weeks, everything alright?" The look on her face said she knew damn well what was going on she just wanted me to tell her my version. However, I was set on my day being drama free, so I gave her a simple reply "I'm sorry I hadn't been there in a while. As soon as I get back me, you and Dutchess gonna go out for lunch." I said nonchalantly while watching the Adonis daughter pile her plate high with sugar cookies, cupcakes and then have the nerve to put two grapes on the side. "Ms. Laura, I think I just got played. Didn't she ask if she could get some fruit" I said while laughing and hugging My Lady that had made her was over to the spa chair on my left. Usually that's the chair Dutchess sits in when we go the shop so I'm wondering how this will play out. "I think it's so cute how she calls you My Rai." At this point I think everyone's eyes were on Dutchess wondering why she thought she was about to get away with that plate.. I just shook my head until Laura finally got up and made her way over to the table "Now you know dang on well......" I laughed at the "surprised" look on Dutchess face as her grandmother scolded her. "Yeah, I told her the story behind me calling you Lady and My Lady and she said she wanted me to be her Lady but she didn't want us to get mixed up so she said My Rai instead." I said turning my attention to my mom. "At this point I think it's better than her calling me mom, the way Adonis is......" I screwed my face up and shook my head. "You got your hands full there" she replied after she noticed I wasn't gonna finish my sentence." I threw my hands up as if she had just given a sermon "You have no idea!"

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