Don't want to live without you

By Dark-Nightmare25

36.4K 783 280

When Sasha wakes up she never thought she would find someone that she could live without until she meets the... More

A New Day
The Meeting
The Unknown Daughter
A change in plans
Take my breath away
The car ride
Asking for help
Not along enough
A family secret uncovered
First kiss
The truth
Connection stronger than waiting
Desire is more powerful than hunger
Hard to let go
Later that day
Later that day part 2
Later that day part 3
Later that evening
Fighting the beast within
Continuing else where
The Tiger meets her mate
Surprise effect
The tough decision
The aftermath
Last minute planning
Unexpected Guess
Family secrect
Family Secret pt2
The darkest secret
A new ability
A new concern
A chance to run
We need to Talk
New Job
Unexpected Finding
Unexpected gift
Night before
Date Night
Morning after
Puzzling Question
Can we talk
Unexpected confession
Saturday Night
Saturday Night Pt2
I know your secret
I don't like feeling alone
Unexpected event
Once Bitten
Unexpected request
Didn't really want to give it up
Dealing with the past
Puzzle box content
A new assignment
Aftermath pt2
Working together
What were you think
What were you thinking part 2
A little fun before work
Hard to get work done
Hard to get work done pt2
Hard to get work done pt3
Let's go talk
Let's go talk pt2
Both wanting each other
Dealing with the past pt2
Dealing with the past pt3
Clearing the air
Clearing the air pt2
Clearing the air pt3
Later that night
Unexpected vistor
How much you mean to me
Are we ready
Coming up with a plan
Protection is the key
Planning Dinner
Planning are next move
Talk to me please
Protection becomes #1
Protection Becomes #1 pt2
Protection becomes #1 pt3
Stages of transformation
The Protection Scroll
New Home
Making Up
Making up Pt2
A New ability
A New Ability pt2
Friday morning
The message of hope
Enjoying the moment
Dinner PT 2
Moving in
Can't sleep
Lets go shopping
Getting ready for the full moon
Unexpected stop
Birthday Surpises
Birthday Surpises pt2
Birthday Surpise PT 3
1 day left


292 6 2
By Dark-Nightmare25

It didn't take long for Bayley to fall sleep. Sasha heard the alarm beep and checked her phone. When she checked it, see seen Den and Seth checking things out. So after, Sasha got a text from Den telling her everything looks ok and they will seen her later. Sasha put her phone down and crawled back into bed. Bayley rolled over and cuddled into Sasha. This brought a smile to Sasha face. Sasha was about to fall sleep when she heard "Sasha please don't leave me. I'm sorry please, you can do this. Take deep breath and know you can do this." Bayley said in her sleep.

Sasha noticed Bayley was still a sleep and was crying. "It's ok Bayley, I'm alright here." Sasha whispered to Bayley to calm her down. Sasha own sleep wasn't any better. Sasha fell into an uneasy sleep. Sasha teleport to the White House looking for Bayley. Sasha kept calling out to Bayley but no answer. The lights kept going on and off as she continued to walk through the White House. Sasha checked each room but no sign of Bayley or anyone else. Sasha can hear someone screaming in pain but she couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

The more Sasha moved through the house the louder the screaming was becoming. Sasha worked her way down to lower levels of the White House. Sasha hears someone talking to someone "You know you deserve this pain. There no one here that going to save you. When I tell you to do something, you do it. I will spare your wife life but I will make sure that you don't reborn." The President says.

Sasha can feel her anger grow there was no way that he was going to hurt Bayley. Sasha started to panic and move through the rooms in vampires speed. Still she hasn't come across them but could hear the President still talking and repeating the same thing over and over. Sasha started panicking even more and felt like her world was going to end if she couldn't find Bayley. Sasha heard Bayley let out a growl and that made Sasha panic even more. Sasha tried to focus on Bayley growl so that she could teleport to her.

Sasha was having a hard time focusing on Bayley. How did the President get ahold of Bayley? Was she going to be to late and lose Bayley? Sasha still hasn't found them and running out of time. Sasha had reached a room that she hadn't checked yet. She reach for the door handle and pushed the door open. The room like the rest was empty. Sasha was confused and mad that she kept hitting a dead end. All she wanted was to find Bayley and to protect her. Sasha started to shake out of control and broke down crying. The light flash in the room and all Sasha seen was blood all over the walls. Sasha just screamed and called out to Bayley.

"Sasha, wake up babe. You are having a nightmare."Bayley said to Sasha as she tried shaking her awake. Sasha had been screaming and crying in her sleep. Plus, tossing and turning in her sleep. Sasha opened her eyes and was confused on what was happening. She was fighting with Bayley and took control of the situation. Sasha was about to hit Bayley when she realized she wasn't dreaming anymore. Sasha fell on top of Bayley and kissed her and pulled her into a hug.

Sasha cried into Bayley shoulder never wanting to let her go. "It's ok babe, you were having a nightmare. No harm done, you didn't hit me. It's ok, I won't let anyone hurt you." Bayley tells a crying Sasha. "I thought I lost you and I couldn't find you. The President had you somewhere that I couldn't get to you. I search everywhere and could hear you screaming in pain. He was going to make sure you couldn't be reborn but was going to spare my life." Sasha said through tears.

Bayley just hugged Sasha until she fell back to sleep. Bayley was trying to process what Sasha had just said. Bayley needed to make sure that Sasha was protected from her father. Bayley knew what her mom had told Rick but will he leave her alone. She going to have to talk to her mom to make sure her and Sasha are safe. Soon sleep fell over Bayley and was running through the trees. Until she came to a clearing by a water fall. There stood a man in tribal gear and looked like someone she knew.

"Hello, sir do you know where I'm at?" Bayley asked. The man stood there and watch Bayley but never said anything. The man motion for Bayley to follow him. Bayley wasn't sure if she should follow but did anyways. The man walked into a camp that was busy with people. Each person that the man passed would bow to him. Bayley watch as a little girl walked up to him and hugged his legs. The man laughed at the little girl when he picked her up. "How is my special little princess doing? Have you been good or been giving your mom a hard time?" The man asked the little girl.

The little girl just shook her head yes to the man question. The man just laughed and hugged her tight. You mean the world to me Bayley. Bayley couldn't believe what she was seeing. The little girl was her. The younger Bayley just smiled at herself as they continue to walk through the village. Bayley finally understood who the man was, It was her father.

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