Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End

KingDiscord द्वारा

64.4K 1K 1.1K

Japanese Sensha Do is a sacred piece of Culture for the people of Japan. it dates back for decades the use of... अधिक

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Authors Note
Alt. Chapter 1
Alt. Chapter 2
Alt. Chapter 3
Alt. Chapter 4
Alt Chapter 5
Alt. Chapter 6
Alt. Chapter 7
Alt. Chapter 8
Alt Chapter 9
Alt. Chapter 10
Discord Server Notice
Alt. Chapter 11

Chapter 32

1K 15 22
KingDiscord द्वारा

Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End Part 3

Chapter 32

We're back! I've missed you all and I've missed the boys and girls of Tankery's End. Let's get to it.

The impact sent the frontal armor flying. The damage sustained to the tank was insurmountable and rendered the white surrender flag to pop. Another tank several meters away also received the same punishment, its armor being thrown off the tanks body and smoke emanating from the impact area. In front of the inevitable collapsing force was a wall. not a literal wall, but one made up of obstacles. The main wall was comprised of the T-14 heavy tanks. On the side of the tanks were the insignia for Edison High School. A smaller defensive position in front of the T-14's were a line of M60 Patton's. the insignia on these was that of the American Tankery Association.

Colonel Abernathy stood in his tanks commander hatch and viewed the battle field. The assault by the local Federation had proven surprising but not much else in terms of strategy. The Challengers were easily repelled and with the might of both the Patton's and the T-14's the Federation would need a whole new trick to overcome this wall.

Abernathy was stocky in build and had quite the facial features. Back home women would be swooning over him. His roguish looks and his inability to grow a full beard leaving him with a short amount of brown stubble made him the ideal teenage romantic interest. Yet even Abernathy's looks were fading in the term of this situation.

eight months. Over half a year has passed since the beginning of this war game. However the participants would say that the game part of the idea was long lost. This had turned into a war. A deathless one thank god, but a war none the less.

Glancing over the battlefield Abernathy let out a sigh before picking up his radio.

"The Federation are in full retreat. Signal the kids." Abernathy said.

As the surviving Challengers retreated from the wall of American tanks shots came from behind them. in quick succession fire from the trees to the south west filled the back of the Challenger tanks leading to many being incapacitated. Out of said trees came a fortitude of tanks. Various in models and sizes. Yet a large amount of German Tigers and Panthers were seen on one side and even an American M18 Hellcat was seen. The ambushers charged forward and impacted with the retreating Challengers leading to a quick surrounding and a halt on all action.

A small M18 Hellcat rolled to a stop out of the commander hatch came a young man. His hair ill kempt and small bit of stubble was on his face. he exited the hatch completely and with a microphone in his hand spoke.

"Members of the Federation, surrender now. You're surrounded and have no where to go. Under accordance with the joint Sensha Do and Tankery rules of the match you will be treated fairly and fed abundantly." Edward said.

For several moments nothing happened. It was like the Federation would continue fighting and even to the bitter defeat. However one of the Challengers hatches opened and its crew came out. after which so did many others. Soon every remaining Federation tank was emptied, and the round up started.

Thirty-two Challenger tanks were counted meaning one hundred and twenty-eight Federation personnel were apprehended and detained. As the Association personnel went to recover and store the Challengers the high schoolers of Kuromorimine and Uncle Sam passed through the gate leading into the City of Glendale. They passed the rows of bunkers and temporary tank sheds watching as both men from the Association and Edison High school worked out there various tasks. After some driving the two schools found their way to the newly reorganized barracks that would house them for the duration of their stay. Edward hoped out of his tank and walked to the entrance seeing a few familiar faces.

"Well I'll be, its Ed." Peter said standing from his seat. His words got the attention of the others around him and they to stood up to greet their friends.

"Ed, whats happening man. About time you got here." Mark enthusiastically exclaimed.

"Yes I could have arrived earlier had we not cooperated in an ambush just outside the city." Edward said.

"Ah so that was the hold up. Hans is inside talking with the others if you want to see him." Nikoli said.

"Yeah I'll do that. Great to see you guys again." Ed said walking away as he heard more speaking.

"Glad to see you again Commander Nishizumi." Peter said. Edward turned to see his three guys saluting to Maho as she and Erika passed them. Yes, Maho had decided to come with Edward, despite Samuel wanting her to stay in Hoja City should her condition ever deteriorate. However Maho had been healing at an exceptional rate. Not only did Edwards presence help with her new anxiety but the creation of a new resolution gave her the determination to get out and at it again. That resolution? Confront her mother on why she chose to do the things she did and show no remorse for doing so.

Maho, Edward and Erika walked into the barracks seeing all their friends they haven't seen in a while. It was nice. Most of the high schoolers even welcomed Maho back into the fold. Edward could see it; they were happy she was back. further inward a set of double doors were opened with Hans and Miho in view. They were hunched over a paper covered table currently in conversation.

"Hans, where's our welcome party!? I'm ashamed of you!" Edward annoyingly said at his second. The two around the table turned and grew wide happy eyes at the sight. Hans and Miho also had different features. Glancing at Miho one could notice hair grew longer, however she kept it loose and hanging and didn't bother doing anything else to it. Unlike his commander Hans hadn't grown any facial hair but he did seem bulkier. As if he gained muscle or something.

"Ed. So good to see you." Hans said giving his friend a hug. "Sorry there's no party, but these Association guys don't play around. They got us doing drills with them." Hans said.

"Ah so that's why you look beefier. Nice." Edward said.

"Yeah, but I have to say the facial hair suits you man." Hans complimented. Edward ran his hand over his chin feeling the hair. It was nice. Maho also turned her head to hide her blush. She thought it extremely attractive. It made Edward look older, experienced, or wise if you will.

"Maho!" Miho yelled as she engulfed her sister into a hug. Maho only smiled and returned it. She hadn't seen Miho since she left Hoja City, and even then Maho faced away from her the entire time she said goodbye. It was nice to see her again. "Are you feeling better?" Miho asked.

Maho nodded. "Yes, and despite Samuels wishes I am ready for combat if necessary." Miho smiled at this and hugged her sister again.

"Oh you hair looks wonderful. I like what you did." Miho complimented. Like Miho, Maho's hair also grew. It wasn't by a lot, but her hair hung a little longer, so she took a band and tied it letting a small low hanging ponytail fall down her back. it felt comfortable to her. Edward grinned and scratched his neck. He also found it beautiful. Maho's longer hair length made her look more mature and dignified. It matched her demeanor which was something Edward loved about her.

"Whats happened so far? How are the others?" Edward asked.

"Well like I said the Association guys are having us attend drills with them. and when I say us I mean me and the guys. The girls have been maintaining surveillance and intelligence gathering. Johnathan and his team are working with the Association forces to maintain our defensive perimeter. When we got word to them about Akari they were skeptical but ended up trusting us. We've held off two assaults from Challengers since then, but we expect the Type 10's any day now. Oh and Austin has about recovered from his injury." Hans said.

"Wait, what injury?" Maho asked.

"Remember when Austin and Nonna fell off the mountain side all those months ago? Well that same bear they saw up there was in the northern area we were searching for the All-Star Team in. they ran into it and Austin made some desperate decisions. You can get the full story from him, but in good news Austin and Nonna are dating." Hans said with a smile.

Maho and Edward were wide eyed. Edward had a smile, happy for his friend to have found a girl. Maho on the other hand was shocked. Nonna wasn't known to be one who easily fell for someone.

"Really. Its not easy to get the Blizzard Nonna to fall for you. Austin must have quite the charm." Maho said smiling. Edward took noticed and gave a small frown.

"Interested in how my guy managed to make Nonna fall for him? Or are you wanting to experience the same thing?" Edward said.

"Aw, is someone jealous?" Maho asked with a smirk.

"I wouldn't say jealous, just possessive." Edward said giving a smirk himself. Now Hans was as dense like a billboard, but Miho saw in between the lines and squealed like a chimpanzee.

"Maho! You're dating Edward!" Miho asked grasping Maho's hands. A look of excitement in her eyes. Maho could only nod at the outburst giving Miho even greater excitement. "Ah, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations. This is wonderful."

"Wow, please settle down Miho, your acting as if were having a baby." Edward said. Maho blushed and Miho laughed. Hans had a dump founded look.

"Any way why I don't show you guys around. I'm sure Hans has some other work he needs to attend to." Miho said as she gave a sly smile in Erika's direction. To which the third girl squirmed shyly.

"I do?" Hans asked confused. Miho gave him a deadly glare and Hans shrunk looking for a way out. he glanced at Erika and took it as his means. "Hey Erika, its been a while since we last saw each other, why don't we catch up?"

Erika nodded playing with her hair. "Sure, I would love that." The two then walked off, Hans in more of a hurry to avoid Miho's death glare.

"That glare is new." Edward stated. Miho giggled and scratched the back of her head.

"Yes, I've been told that." Miho said. "Follow me, I'll so you around."

Miho took the two around the barracks showing the various areas and showing the two their rooms. After a while, the three managed their way to the cafeteria and began to witness a mess. A small group of people were huddling around something a few yards away and they were acting loudly.

As the three moved closer they saw Adam had a black eye and a bruise on his cheek. He currently held one of the Edison eyes in his other hand as he proceeded to punch the guy in the face. The three ran towards the scuffle and Miho shoved her way to the two fighting. She made it to them and pushed the two aside. Noriko moved and wrapped her arms around Adam to hold him still, while the other guys teammates held him back it seemed like they would let him continue fighting if he wanted to.

"Adam nock it off! What are you doing!?" Miho yelled at him. Adam gave the Edison guy a glare.

"He insulted Noriko and practically assaulted her!" Adam yelled. The guy looked insulted.

"I didn't lay a finger on her, but yeah I did say some things! Its what all they deserve for what they have done!" The guy yelled.

"We haven't done anything to you!" Shinobu yelled.

"Oh please, we all know of what happened to these guys back in Mishima! In fact I'm still trying to scrap together why you guys are so friendly with these girls! They abused you!" He yelled. Most of the Edison boys nodded in agreements.

"Because these girls went against their entire country to free us from that prison." Edward said making himself known. "These girls freed us from the real woman who starved us, worked us half to death, and even beat us. They are the reason we are still alive, so don't go spitting on them when you have no idea how valuable we see them." Edward gave his own glare. The Edison guys didn't dare go against that, as Edwards glare was laced with authority.

"Be that as it may Edward. These girls are still the reason we are on this god forsaken island anyway." A new voice said. Edward looked at the new comer and was slightly surprised to see it was Johnathan who spoke. "These girls want to take the sport we have built and love and tear it down. They're the reason we have all suffered." Johnathan said. Edward grimaced. He knew Johnathan was still adamant on the subject regarding the alliance Hoja City had with the girls.

"If I'm not mistaken that was due to the Federation bringing it up. And I'm sure most of the girls were excited for a yearlong match rather than the dismantling of our sport." Edward said. He knew it was true however he also knew that Johnathan wouldn't be swayed by that logic.

"Oh so they all came simply for the game and not for the opportunity to purify one of their cultural novelties? Please, why don't you tell your friend there to elaborate." Johnathan said as he pointed to Maho. She hadn't said a word since entering the cafeteria, however she did have a few choice words for this guy.

"I'll admit I originally agreed to this game in order to dismantle American Tankery, however after seeing the atrocities that befell Edward and the others my thoughts have changed. I care not if you believe me or not, but I am not fighting for my mother anymore." Maho said. To everyone else what she said was like any other explanation. However Johnathan noticed something in her words. Something he knew Ed didn't like being said.

"You called him Edward. He only lets his mother call him his full name." Johnathan then looked at Edward. "You aren't seriously in a relationship with this girl are you?" That accusation was like the spark that lights the fuse. The Edison guys all saw Edward, Commander of Uncle Sam, as someone who wouldn't simply forgive and forget, let alone pucker up with one who had hurt his team.

Edward gave Johnathan a glare. "What relationships I choose to be in aren't any business of yours Johnathan. In fact Its irrelevant to you." Edward said.

"Not so! You forget Ed, I was voted as the overall Commander of the Association team, and if one of my subordinates wants to focus on galivanting for some tramp instead of heeding the words of his 'unanimously' voted Commander it is relevant to me!" Johnathan yelled. This situation had gone from bad to worse. In Edwards perspective Johnathan was being unfair in his bias for the Federation. In Johnathan's perspective one of his oldest allies is telling him that he doesn't care for the work that was voted in place.

Jonathan's insult wasn't taken lightly by men from Uncle Sam. They all glared at him with malcontent. They were infuriated that Johnathan would disrespect their Co-Commander. The same one that had worked and gained all of their respect. Edward took it the most of all. He slowly walked to Johnathan until he was face to face with him, and in a low, and terrifying voice, he spoke.

"Do not talk about her like that or so help me god I will bury you in the shit you've dug up." Edward had never threatened Johnathan before. In fact he always looked up to him. Johnathan was a repeating Senior, but he wasn't some idiot slacker. His repeating grade was due to illness, and even then he still was a smart guy. However Johnathan wasn't one to be optimistic. In his eyes if you were an enemy you will forever be an enemy.

"We'll be talking about this later." Johnathan threatened. Edward just continued his glare.

"Yes we will." He said.

Johnathan, and all the Edison guys, turned around and walked out of the cafeteria leaving the girls from Ooarai and the boys from Uncle Sam to watch their backs as they left. Edward sighed, this would come back to bite him he knew it, it was just a matter of when. The rest of the group sat down at he table trying to rekindle any sense of before this ordeal took place. Noriko took her hand and brushed it alongside Adams black eye. He grimaced but let her do it.

"Thanks for defending me Adam." Noriko said.

"Any time." Adam replied. Miho had moved to Edward and Maho's side and motioned them to follow her outside the cafeteria. Out of the corner of his eye Edward spotted Nikoli sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, Klara sitting on his lap with her lips locked onto Nikoli's. Edward raised an eyebrow and looked away.

'Wow, seems everyone is dating someone now.' Edward thought as he exiting the cafeteria. As the three walked outside Edward got more of a sense of the atmosphere of the town. Seeing how Johnathan and his teammates reacted to the girls was an enlightening experience. Even though the boys from the three schools from Hoja City accepted the girls the rest of the Association hadn't.

"Have things been like this since the beginning?" Edward asked Miho. She was not happy of the current circumstance involving the rest of the Association, she had been trying to fix as much of it as possible but either Johnathan or the Association men wouldn't let her prove that she was on their side.

"Sadly yes. While we were fortunate to not be contained when we arrived they still keep a tight leash on us. Like Hans said, the boys do drills with them while the girls help with the intelligence and things. They are trying to keep us in sight of people." Miho said. The two co-Commanders sighed at this news. This would be a long operation.

"Watch out!" a voice yelled. Edward and Maho turned to see Mark and William running passed the three as if they were running for their lives sheer terror on their faces. As life would have it, Edward spotted several of the StuG 3 Ooarai girls and some girls from Pravda chasing after the two not bothering to glance at the three as they ran passed.

"Seems like a lively place all in all." Maho said. Both Miho and Edward did laugh at this. No matter how strenuous or serious any situation was Mark knew how to get a ruckus going. Weather that was a good thing or a bad one had yet to be seen.

After walking a few minutes the three came upon a building marked as the Command Center. Miho opened the and lead the two inside. There they saw Association members hard at work going over papers and maps as well as damage assessments and repair estimates.

Sitting at a table in a larger room was Colonel Abernathy. Edward's eyes went wide. It figures that the Association would send him of all people to lead the Association forces. Abernathy's legend spans all the way back to his high school days. He was a genius Tank Commander which granted him position of Team Commander his freshman year. He went on and took Los Angeles High School of Tankery History on a four consecutive year win rate. He single handedly invented the Los Angeles style of Tankery which is still used to this day.

"You look like you've seen a ghost?" Maho whispered to Edward. He glanced at her with awe in his eyes.

"Colonel Abernathy is an American Tankery Legend. He's in the American Tankery Hall of Fame. He's referred to as the Pioneer of modern day American Tankery." Edward said. Maho look surprised at Edwards excitement. It wasn't a bad thing but she never expected Edward to act like a kid at Christmas morning.

"Mr. Abernathy? I have some people you should meet." Miho said. Abernathy turned his attention towards the high schoolers and nodded his head. Edward and Maho moved forward and presented themselves.

"I'm Edward Hill, Commander of Uncle Sam High School." Edward said.

"I'm Maho Nishizumi, Commander of Kuromorimine Girls Academy." Maho said. Abernathy just looked at the two and squinted. He was studying them. trying to find what makes them tick.

"So, you're the Co-Commanders of Hoja City? Miho here talked about you two in high regards. Though that's not saying much, I would rather see your achievements then hear about them. but with the way you pulled that ambush this morning I would say that I've seen all I need to." Abernathy said. Edward gulped.

"Ms. Nishizumi on behave of not just the American Tankery Association I thank you for all the information you and your girls have gotten on this Akari 'Adachi?' is that right?" Abernathy said looking at Miho, who simply nodded. "Right and because with that information, come the end of this game, we could put her down for good. Which brings me to you Mr. Hill. The atrocities that you and your friends have experienced at the hands of Akari Adachi are one of a controversial conversation. With the information gathered, and the proof of the acts, come the end of this game we could issue a decree to the Japanese to either withdraw their notion to dismantle American Tankery or we could use it to push for the dismantlement Tankery in Japan." The two commanders looked shocked at this while Miho looked down in worry. She and Hans had already had this conversation with Abernathy.

"However that, unfortunately, isn't just the American Tankery Association's decision. The United States Department of Education will have a say in this as this whole game was a joint effort of Educational and Recreational efforts, and I know for a fact they will push for the dismantlement of Tankery in Japan. For what reason I cannot say but I doubt its for anything but a greedy reason." Abernathy said.

"Have you talked to anybody about this?" Edward asked.

"No. per the rules of the match I have not been in contact with anyone outside the island. However that doesn't mean I can't analyze and create my own hypothesis. Just know that I, as well as the whole of the Association, have your back. come the end of the game you and your friends will be leading the debate on what to do." Abernathy said. Edward just looked shocked. He was going to go against the U.S. Department of Education? They were the ones who authorized the use of Tankery in the high school levels. They had the power to strip any school of Tankery at any time they wanted which gave them major sway over the American Tankery Association, for the Geist of 'having the interest's and safety of the students in mind'. It was stupid.

"What about us girls? What will happen to us?" Maho asked. Abernathy directed his attention to her.

"With a written statement from your sister, as well as vocal accounts from the boys, the Japanese high schoolers were unaware of the abuse their American counterparts were suffering. There for they are not subject to any distain or apathy from us, but will instead have our full support as well. The Association are on your side to Ms. Nishizumi." Abernathy said. Maho only nodded.

"Now, its getting towards lunch and I have a date with a Bacon Coleslaw sandwich. Have a good afternoon kids." Abernathy left giving the three their chance to exit the building. Once done they headed back to the barracks and started to settle in. time was not on the side of the defenders. They needed to be ready for action should it come. They just didn't know when that would be.

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