Through the Dark // Liam Payn...

everythingaboutluke tarafından

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Frustrated, I dialed again for the third time as I paced the kitchen. My nails found there way to my mouth as... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Not an Update
Ariella (Jana Kramer)
New cover!!!
I'm back!¡

Chapter 20

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everythingaboutluke tarafından

Liam's pov

"I will always love you" I whispered as she closed her eyes in my arms. She snuggled a little further into my chest as I moved my hand to check her pulse- weak, but not gone.

"We need to get help" Zayn stated the obvious as he frantically looked around for a phone.

"We don't have a phone or a car" Niall interjected, putting one hand on his hip and running through other through his hair. His back was leaned against the wall and I realized then just how bad the gash on his leg was- he couldn't withstand pressure on it.

"Call with this" Louie stated, tossing Zayn the phone. Zayn nodded and excused himself from the room to make the call. He knelt down next to me and looked at Ari with a defeated look in his eye. "Love," he whispered. "Please don't leave us"

"Lads what's happened to us?" I breathed, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic. Swallowing, I looked around at each of the boys, taking in the sight before us. I shivered when I looked at the dead corpse laying no less then ten feet away from us. "This can't be happening" I breathed, darting my tongue out to wet my lips.

"Guys" Zayn called, rushing back into the room. "They said Ariella had already called and that-" 

"Shh!" Harry cut Zayn off and held his hands out to silence us. He looked to be listening for something, intently. It was then I heard faint sirens in the distance. Louis breathed a sigh of relief, confirming he heard it too.

"The ambulance" I breathed, standing to my feet. Painfully, I picked Ariella up bridal style and began walking outside. "Let's go" Lou follower close behind me while Zayn and Harry helped Niall on either side of him since he couldn't walk very well.

Louis led the way outside, a little ahead of me so he could grab the attention of the ambulance and direct it to the right location. When I stepped outside, three ambulances and a ton of cop cars pulled up in front of me. Men piled out of vehicles from every direction. And swarmed us suddenly.

"How long has she been down?" A young female asked, signaling from me to put Ari down on the gurney.

"About five minutes" I replied, running a hand through my hair. She nodded and instantly began dressing the wound. The lady called for help and a male jogged over. I watched helplessly as they strapped an oxygen mask over her and covered her frame in blankets.

Glancing to my right, I saw another ENT helping Niall into a gurney as she questioned him vigorously. Harry was getting bandaged while Zayn was being interviewed by a cop.
Louis was by my side, refusing any treatment towards his wounds.

"Liam you should probably tell them about the baby" Louis whispered to me, under his breath. In that moment, my heart nearly stopped. Frozen, I turned to him with wide eyes, hoping I had misheard him. Time seemed to stop and everyone was moving in slow motion around me.

"What baby?" I asked, more hesitant than ever. Louis's lips parted, and his eyes bulged out of his head. His reaction quickly softened, and he shook his head.

"Liam I'm sorry" his eyes watered and his lips started to trembled. All I could do was stand there dumbfounded, staring at him with a look of astonishment. "I thought you knew" he whispered, a tear slipping from his eye.

"She's pregnant?" I asked, too shocked to muster up an other words. Louis bit down on his quivering lip and nodded his head slowly. He opened his mouth to say something else, but couldn't seem to find any words.

My feet appeared to have a mind of their own as they walked me to the corner of the outside of the warehouse. I bent down, not holding back the nausea any longer, and threw up. Standing, I placed my hand on my forehead and tried to wrap my head around this new information. There were too many questions running through my mind to even process, and each new thought brought upon a wave of nausea that continued to grow until I threw up once more.

Pull yourself together, I told myself as I took a deep breath. Standing once more, I wiped the corner of my mouth and jogged back over to where Louis was now standing with Harry. They seemed to be in the middle of a conversation until I walked over and they stopped talking instantly. Wonder what that was about, I scoffed to myself.

"Okay we're going to take her to the hospital now" the young lady informed us as they loaded Ari inside the ambulance. I began to hop into the vehicle alongside her, but the ENT stopped me.

"Sorry sir," she said, holding her hands out to prevent me from moving. "family only"

"I'm her brother," Louis quickly interjected. "And this is her husband" he added, thinking on the spot. If he said fiancé, they may not have let me in. The ENT nodded and motioned for us to go inside. Louis and I took a seat on the bench and I nervously bounced my knee up and down.

"When did you find out?" I asked, my mind still foggy with the news. Louis looked at me, and then down at Ari.

"Yesterday, when she arrived" he said quietly. I nodded my head and remained a steady gaze on the floor, doing everything in my power not to have a complete mental breakdown in the back of this vehicle.

"Did you tell them?" I asked, motioning towards the ENTs in front of us who were vigorously tending to my fiancé. He nodded his head yes,

"I would've let you do it but I-"

"It's fine" I assured him, holding my hand up to stop him from speaking. "Thanks"

"She'll be okay, right?" I asked nobody in particular.

"We're going to do everything we can" the young blonde assured me, patting my knee comfortingly. "But in the mean time, we should dress your wounds" she said, as she cut one final bandage for Ari and then turned to us.

I looked down to find my shirt was soaked with blood from when I was holding Ariella. My hand then flew to my cheek, suddenly remembering a slash. I withdrew my hand in pain as it came in direct contact with the open wound, bringing about a sting. There was another gash on my shoulder, but not as bad as the one on my cheek.

Next, I turned to Louis. He had a large wound right below his rib cage, that was of decent size. A few cuts a bruises scattered the rest of his body, but nothing else seemed as serious.

"No I'm fine" I replied, reverting my eyes back to Ariella.

"Sir you're injuries appear to be fresh and if we don't treat them-"

"I said no" I cut her off, my time coming out a little more harsh than k intended. "Sorry," I muttered, "I'll wait until we get to the hospital"
Louis nodded from beside me, seeming to agree with my statement. She reluctantly turned away and I drew in a sharp, angry breath.

What has my life come to?

Louis's pov

After what felt like hours in the back of that ambulance we finally arrived at the hospital. Liam and I rushed to keep up with the nurses who were hastily wheeling Ariella away towards surgery, or so I'm guessing.

Just as we turned the corner, an older nurse popped out of nowhere. "You can't go any further than here" she warned, holding her arms wide so that she could stop us. 

"No no you don't understand that's my wife" Liam protested, somehow pushing his way past her. She extended her arms out and held Liam back.

"Sir I'm sorry but nobody's allowed in operation" she replied, firmly. I ran my hands through my hair, knowing if I didn't make Liam leave then he would cause a scene.

"No I have to go" he expressed, raising his voice slightly.

"Sir if you don't leave I'll need to get security" she warned, folding her arms over her chest.

"Liam c'mon" I interfering with the conversation. I placed my hand securely on his arm and began to turn him around.

"No I have to be with her!" He hissed at me, trying to break free.

"Liam enough" I growled back in a low voice, avoiding a crowd. Thankfully, Zayn and Harry came jogging over to help me pull Liam away.
We turned him around with ease and began walking towards the waiting room. I stopped in my tracks and turned back to the nurse.

"Listen," I muttered, "that's my sister in here, and she's pregnant" I told her. "But if it comes down to it, do whatever you can to save her life." I looked her dead in the eyes, knowing she would receive my message. She nodded and we simultaneously turned away from each other.

Liam made an aggressive move towards the exit once we entered the lobby. Harry started to follow, but I stopped him. "Let him be" I said, pulling Harry back and slumping down in a seat. I buried my head in my hands and tried to wrap my head around everything.

Suddenly I heard a vibrating sound in my pocket. For a moment I was confused, until I remember I had grabbed Ariella's phone from the warehouse before we left. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. As soon as I did, my eyes welled with tears- it was my mum. I quickly pressed answer and stood up to walk outside.

"Hello?" I answered, shakily.

"Who is this?" She answered, seeming very hesitant, but shocked that someone had picked up.

"Mum its Louis" I responded, taking a seat on the bench outside.

"Oh Louis" she began to cry seeming relieved to hear my phone, "honey are you okay? What happened? Where's you're sister?" She bombarded me with questions, which I barely understood as she kept crying.

"Mum I'm fine" I told her, giving her some peace at mind.  "And so are the boys" I added, "We're at a hospital in San Diego because Ari's in surgery" I replied, letting a few tears slip from my eyes.

"Surgery?" She asked, taken back. "Why is she in surgery? Louis what's happening over there?" She weeped, unable to control her emotions.

"It's a lot to explain," I confessed, "but we were kidnapped by some guys and they tied us up but Ari cut us lose and then she was..." I trailed off suddenly feeling dizzy. My heart was pounding against my chest and i began to feel lightheaded.

"Louis?" She sounded worried. "what happened?"

"S-she was s-stabbed" I cried, "in the stomach" I added, completely breaking down on the bench. I heard a faint crashing sound on the other end and I knew she had dropped the phone and sunk to her knees crying. I pulled one knee up to my chest, and cried with her, not caring who saw or heard.

Just then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder comfortingly. At the moment, I was in too much distress to look up and see who it was. Moments later, I used the back of my hand and dried my eyes. Looking up, I found Liam sat next to me. He didn't say anything, but his presence was soothing.

"L-Louis" my mum started, "she's p-pregnant" she said breathing unevenly. I nodded my head even though she couldn't see me.

"I know mum" I said quietly as I sniffled. "She told me" I added. A moment of silence followed while she collected her thoughts.

"Louis honey, what happened?"

I took a deep breath and released a long sigh. "You may want to sit down for this" I warned her, "and make sure you're alone" I added, not wanting my sisters to overhear this. I waited until I was sure she was by herself before continuing. "It all started after our concert in L.A." I took a deep breath and began.

I told her about the men at the hotel first, and then about Liam being separated. I left out most parts about the torture because I didn't want to scare her to death. I told her how Ari cut us loose after the men had left and then once we tried to make a run for it, they attacked us. I didn't get into specifics about who killed who, but I did mention how Ari saved me right before she was attacked.

Once I finished it took her a few minutes before either of us said anything. She broke down crying again, but acknowledged her relief that I was okay.

"Honey that's terrible" she cried, "how could something like this have happened?" She asked, the question being rhetorical. "But you're safe now?" She asked, hopefully.

"Yeah," I replied, "we killed them all" I stated lowly, a hint of bitterness and disbelief present in my voice.

I heard her mumble something like words of relief. "And how is your sister?" She asked fearfully. "She'll be okay right?"

"We don't know" I replied, quietly as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Honey stay with her please" she choked out. I could hear the panic in her voice and I could picture her sat with her hand over her heart.

"I will mum," I promised, "I'm going to check on her now"

"Okay" she cried, trying to pull herself together. "Louis I'm so relieved you're ok" she breathed. "Please keep me updated on everything" she begged, "I love you"

"I will," I replied. "I love you too mum" I smiled "and the girls" I added and she laughed lightly.

"Bye honey" I could hear the smile in her voice before she hung up. I clicked off and looked up at Liam and sighed.

"I realized I was being selfish before" he commented, breaking the silence. I flashed him a questioning glance before continuing. "I was only thinking of myself and how dysfunctional I'd be without her" he began, "but she's like your sister, so I can only imagine how your feeling" he said looking at me. I laughed half heartedly and swung my knee around so both feet were on the ground.

"Don't worry about it" I assured him. "I get it, it's been a pretty fucking insane week" I breathed, still not fully comprehending what had gone on.

"She needs us" he breathed, standing up and offering me his hand. I snickered and accepted his hand before walking inside.

"Your going in like that?" Liam looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I looked down realize I was still shirtless with a pretty unattractive laceration across my stomach.

"Yeah mate, I can get a cute nurse like this" I chuckled, flexing my biceps. Liam scoffed and rolled his eyes mockingly, but couldn't hide his laughter. "You're just jealous Payne" I said pushing him playfully.

"Oh yeah? Of what?" He taunted pushing me back.

"My hot bod" I joked getting in a fighting stance as I playfully punched him.

"Too bad I'd beat you in a fight" he challenged, hitting me back.

"Ok let's go" I accepted, pretending to jump on his back.

"Haven't we been through enough fighting for one week?" He teased as I opened the door to the hospital for him.

"I guess so" I chuckled as we sought out the other two boys inside. We received weird looks from patients as we strolled into the waiting area and took a seat next to Harry and Zayn. They had taken Niall into a room to stitch up his leg, but the other two seemed good enough.

After a few minutes of making small talk with Harry, I started to drift off to sleep. I didn't realize how long I was out until someone shook me awake. My eyes fluttered open groggily as I adjusted to the lighting. A doctor was standing in front of us trying to contain his worried expression.

"Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson?" He asked looking at his clipboard. The two of us nodded and stood up simultaneously. A worried feeling grew in my stomach, afraid of whatever he was about to tell us.

"I'm afraid I have news on Ariella"

thank you for the reads!
if you like this story then please vote!

Thank you especially to EllexClifford Goleftattheclifford and @Vania_Devine  for consistent votes throughout the story :) also thanks to torinelson12345 and Giraffelovr0917 for consistent reads :)
love you guys!!

Much love

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