Everlasting (Draco Malfoy x R...

By lcky101

3.2M 87.5K 124K

To debate between hatred, friendship, love - with a foe, a friend, or a lover. More

The Letters
To Be a Wizard
Diagon Alley
The Sorting Hat
To Be a Slytherin
Fly High, Too High
Slytherins Suck
End of Year One
The Warning
He Is Back
Lucius Malfoy
M v P
Mocking Malfoy
A Duo
The Chamber of Secrets
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Courageous Malfoy
End of Year Two
Escape From Home
New Malfoy
Cedric's Kindness
A Sleepless Night
Potions and Football
Shut Up and Take It
The Prisoner of Azkaban
Family Reunion
Just Stargazing
All Diggory
A Kiss and a Ponder
A Word Outside
Boyfriend Who
It Was Me
End of Year Three
Summer Diggory
The Dream
In The Game
Goblet of Fire
Draco Dream
Carried Out
Great Hall Darkness
Does He
Fourth Contestant
Protect the Young
No Promises
First Task
To Dream of Reality
No Dream
A Bold Assumption
Their Conversation
She's Everywhere
The Library
The Meaning of Youth
The Yule Ball
The Draco Ball
True and Vivid
Black Lace
It's Just a Bath, I Swear
Task One-and-a-Half
Second Task
Second Place
Ungrateful Witch
Third Task
Port Key
He Is Back, For Real
Yeah, Well, Priorities
A Desolate Walk
It Is What It Is
A Mutual Enemy
And a Lot More
Unbearable Tension
Sent Out
Ministry of Magic Trip
Order of the Phoenix
Father and Daughter
Slytherin Battle
To Murder Malfoy
The Night of Ecstasy
Don't Care, Unbothered
Off All Day
Round Two
He'll Treat You Well
I'll Do What I Want
Morning vs Night
Two Tables
Pansy's Questions
The Owlery
Feeling Unsatisfied
It's Too Good
Study Session
The Formation
Memories of Beginnings
Quidditch Field Doings
The Meeting
Curse the Secrecy
Dumbledore's Army
Not a Date
Lingeries, Lingeries
Think About It
Fifty Shades of Draco
Jealous Romeo
To Be Punished
Struck With Pain
Poker Night
Day of Christmas Eve
Night of Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
My Passion, Your Solace
To Warm the Lonely Night
Inspirational Speech
Trail of Perspectives
Walk of Realisation
Quidditch Practice
Sneaking Around
Don't Know Half Of It
Couldn't Wait
The Vision
Snape's Floo Powder
Use Your Fists
The Department of Mysteries
The Pin
Sirius Black
Wrath and Agony
No Acknowledgement
Lost in the Crowd
The Portrait of Us
Tale of Love
Bathroom Party
That's My Girl
Fallen in Love
She Believes in Me
The Rain Dance
I'm in Love with You
Narcissa Malfoy
Letter for Draco
To Dream of Flowers
To Be Arrested
Fit of Anger
Your Uncle is Here
A Changed Man
Love and Hatred
Snape's Jinxes
Worth Fighting For
The Insatiable Passion
Our Quidditch Fall
Ron's Heart Attack
Helpful Malfoy
Potter Studies
Closet of Supplies
The Beautiful Rain
Ginny and Blaise
Free and Happy
Stupid Child
A Kiss for Books
Harry's Attack
Malfoy Mark
What Have You Done
Only Memories
The Opal Necklace
A Poet's Words
Leaving You Hurts
Pissed Potter
Harold Isn't Happy
Just This Morning
Dark Ceilings
Jack in Control
Return of Bellatrix
The Burning Burrow
Surprise, Surprise
Our Cruciatus
Door Slamming
One Last Time
I Love You
I Love You Too
Malfoy Manor Days
Official New Year
Theatre Mess
Day Before
Dramatic Aesthetic
Girls and Boys
The Nature of Us
One Evening

Morning Catch

11.5K 317 342
By lcky101

In the morning, you'd awoken beside Draco. The two of you had your clothes on the floor, sleeping bare, and upon waking, you felt Draco's hot breath against the back of your head as his arm was around your waist loosely. Upon waking, you turned around and faced his peaceful expression as he slept and, for a moment, it felt like ... like the two of you were past Hogwarts. Like ... you were in your adult years, together, and you were awaking beside your husba- Good God, [F/n] Potter! Control those thoughts! After admiring the boy for a while longer, you nudged him to awake him, but he only murmured something under his nose, still asleep.

"Oi," you smiled, nudging him again, "wake up you lazy cunt."

"Two more minutes, mum," he mumbled out with a groan, turning to his other side.

"Malfooooy," you sang into his ear softly, holding yourself up and leaning on his upper arm.

"Is it a Saturday?" Draco asked in a half-asleep tone, gently opening up his eyes and examining the world around him. Initially, he did not recognise the room, however when he lied down onto his back and saw you, naked, hovering beside him, he smiled and already felt at home. "What time is it?"


"I like waking up beside you," he said, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer and downwards to him, giving the ability to reach your lips and kiss them. "You look like a horrible mess."

"Me?" You scoffed. "Look at your messy hair."

"At least I'm not an ugly bitch," he grinned.


"Is there a shower anywhere here?"

"Oh yeah, just down the hall," you said, "I'd join you but that's suspicious. Also, if anyone asks, you and Blaise slept in Ginny's room, and she slept down here with me. Now go, boy, go shower. Stinky."

"Stinky? And who are you to talk?" He laughed, grabbing his clothes and loosely putting them on before heading out of your bedroom and towards the bathroom. You briefly heard his voice talk to someone outside, but you did not know who it was. The lack of yelling made you assume it was most likely Ginny or Blaise, the only two people Draco could stand.

At breakfast, a lot of the Order members had returned to their own homes, leaving you with Lupin, Tonks, Moody and Shacklebolt as your carers. Draco's wet hair was slicked back to avoid it falling and dripping onto his face. Everyone was already sitting around the dining table by the time you came downstairs, and they were all eating the food prepared by Lupin and Tonks. No one was too talkative, and you did not at all blame them, for when Draco left the room and left you alone to prepare just earlier, an overwhelming feeling of a sudden sadness overcame you. It was only with Draco that the extreme sadness was slightly repressed and thus gave you the ability to keep your mind off Sirius and his death.

"Good morning," you finally said, sitting on the table beside Hermione, opposite Draco. You, nevertheless, ignored the boy with whom you shared a secret life, and you turned to Hermione with a gentle smile. "How are you feeling this morning?"

She, however, refused to look at you. Her body was ultimately tensed, her eyes were scanning the room as if to look anywhere but in your direction. Scarcely, she opened her mouth and quickly replied, "great, thanks!"

"What?" You asked at her high-pitched tone.

"I'm great, thanks!" She said again, the typical high-pitched voice.

Oh no. You recognised this high pitched voice. You recognised these manners. They were the exact same manners you expressed when you had to face Malfoy after sleeping with him - after something embarrassing. Hermione had witnessed, or done, something embarrassing, and you felt colour drain from your face at the realisation of this.

"We need to talk," you quickly said.

"Oh, we really do, [F/n] Potter!" She exclaimed, turning to you with furrowed brows. "We really, really do! Now!" And finally, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you from your seat. Not expecting this, you fell from your chair immediately, as everyone around the table simply watched the two of you spiral out of control as Hermione forcefully pulled you out of the room and into the hallway.

"Ow! What!?" You cried out, snatching your arm away from her.

She quickly slammed the door shut into the dining hall, and then approached you with furrowed brows before exclaiming: "I went into your room this morning to - to wake you up and I - I ... I saw!"

Your eyes widened immediately. You and Draco! Hermione noticed your sudden panic and also followed on, panicking, and the two of you out of nowhere began to scream in embarrassment. You covered your mouth in disbelief, muffling your screams slightly, and finally Hermione calmed down and hushed you.

"Calm down! Calm down!" She cried out. "But I need to know everything, [F/n] Potter, you filthy liar! How could you keep this from me!?"

"How could I tell you!?"

"Um, I don't know, maybe - hey, Hermione, I'm sleeping with Draco Malfoy!"

"Exactly! Do you hear how bizarre it sounds!? But yes! Yes I am! And holy fucking shit, Hermione Granger, I have been since the start of this academic year!"

"Since the what!?" She screamed out. "That long! [F/n] Potter!"

Suddenly, the door to the dining hall had opened, and in it stood Ginny Weasley. She had a light smirk upon her lips, easily inferring what the conversation was about.

"Stop screaming, will you?" She grinned, "and your breakfast is waiting. Chop, chop, come on. If you have something to say," she smirked playfully, "then share it with the rest of the group."

You and Hermione thus walked back into the dining hall with scoffs, after which Hermione groaned, "share it with the rest of the group!" She sat down at her seat, as you did too, and so did Ginny, and awkward looks were exchanged back and forth between you three girls. "Just for [F/n] Potter to kill me? No thanks."

"I wouldn't kill you," you said, "just hurt you."

"Just hurt me!"

"Eat your breakfast, Hermione Granger."

"I want everything explained later," she whispered to you, flashing the boy before her with blonde hair a glare, at which he scrunched his face in confusion at her bitter expression. He, instinctively, glared back, then continued to eat his breakfast and only flashed you a look occasionally.

Gosh, what were you going to tell Hermione?

Yeah, remember that time I said I was going to kill him? Yeah, we ended up fucking for the first time and he took my virginity. We've fucked countless times since, and I've worn a lingerie for him and we fucked six times in one night once. Realistically, we can't keep our hands off each other. Sounds about right.

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