By retrolokii

165K 4.5K 1.4K

Title says it all. Requests are very much open just comment or dm pls and thanks ‹3 [ON GOING] May contain ot... More

Midsummer in Valhalla
Dance With Me
Call Me A Thief
Paper Rings
In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Oh Dearest, Your Fangs Are Showing.
Publicist Problems
Oh, Hello Doctor.
Where Am I? (Harry Potter x MCU AU)
England (Part 1)
England (Part 2)
England (Part 3)
Ghost Hunting (Unsolved x Crimson Peak)
Loki of Norway
Quarantine with Loki (Days 1-2)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 3-4)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 5-6)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 7-8)
Cabin in The Woods
Cabin in the Woods (Part 2)
So, We Meet Again...
Trickster's Surprise
Alfheim's Finest
Time Travelling's a Bitch
Hello, Neighbor!
Stay, You Fool.
Alfheim's Finest (Part 2): Picnic Day!
The Night Before
Ladies of The Court
Accidental Pen Pals
Dancing in the Moonlight
Emergency Healer
Heart of The Woods
Something New (Capt. James Conrad x Reader)
I Guess We're A Good Team After All
I'm Here.
Sleipnir's Arrival
Meeting The Family
Cold Mornings
Oh, Cupid.
You Wound Me
Perfectly Mischievous
Finally Free (Thomas Sharpe x Reader)
In Safe Hands
Come and Get Me
In Safe Hands (Part 2)
Secret Santa
Palace Libraries
Cheers to Victory
Run to Me, Baby.
Time Capsule
Did Somebody Call For Agent Loki? - Part 1
Did Someone Call For Agent Loki? - Part 2
Did Someone Call for Agent Loki? - Part 3
I'm Not Actually A Vampire!
Don't You Dare Die On Me
Sinister Kid
Sparks Fly
Dead Men Tell No Tales (or do they?)
Halloween Special!
Royal Pain in The Ass
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 2
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 3
Nights are Better with You
You're Just as Strong as Me
I Love You (Against My Better Judgement)
Much Ado About Nothing
The Pirate and The Prince
Heaven Be Damned (I Have You)
Better Unknown
It Will Come Back
You're So Warm
I Can't Bear to Lose You
I Like You Better (Than Him)
Bets On. Clothes Off (Well, Almost).
Is This A Date?
My Love Mine All Mine
Hate It When You Do That
When Death Gives You An Out (You Take It)
Peace and Quiet, At Least For a Moment.
Peace and Quiet, Now Until Forever
What You Taste Like [SMUT]
What You See
A Ballad of Vicious Mockery
A Ballad of Reluctant Affections
A Ballad of Hope and Promises
At The End of Time
Until I Am Enough
Like Real People Do


1.4K 50 13
By retrolokii

I'm going to apologize again,,,,, this is long,,,,
it's inspired by pride and prejudice again,,, and AGAIN
But with a little Fantastic Beasts thrown in there 👀
Also because I don't actually live in the UK, the only real place I mention is London so—
I hope you all enjoy :3

Your stomach didn't drop when you saw a headline say “Another Odinson Marriage?” with a picture of Thor, Loki and a woman just below it. Your heart definitely didn't race when you saw that Loki was the one standing beside the woman. Your mouth for sure wasn't dry when you read the article 5 times over. No, you were perfectly calm and collected not at all on the verge of crying.

Therefore, you hid from the rest of your family for a solid week. You stayed in your bedroom, pacing then overthinking, barely eating what they left you outside of your door. Your hair was in disarray, you only wore a chemise and a nightgown, your eyes looked practically dead as it was surrounded by dark circles. You look pale, as if a vampire had sucked all of the life from you.

You felt a little betrayed— no— you felt betrayed by this act of his. After all of the sweet things and long conversations you had with him, he suddenly turns his back and gets engaged to another woman overnight. It did make you feel a little stupid. I mean, nothing was set in concrete. But still, he put in efforr, you put in effort, shouldn't that mean something? Shouldn't that lead to something else?

A soft knock disrupted your train of thought. You didn't answer, thinking it was meal time but then your mother's voice protruded through the thick wooden door. You slowly walked towards your door, pressing your ear against it.

“Are you well, my daughter?” she asked but you gave no answer.

“Your father and I are becoming worried, dear. You eat your meals but we're unsure if you're getting proper sleep. You haven't seen the sun in a week,” she continued, her voice was soft and filled with the care only mothers seem to have. “Your aunt and uncle are coming tomorrow, and they plan to go on a trip to London and back again. I think it would do you well if you came along.”

Your aunt, she was far younger than your mother seeing she was the youngest sibling. She was almost like the big sister or cousin you never had. She was caring like your mother, witty like yourself, intelligent like your father; she was daring and opinionated but never controversial. You aspired to be like her when you were younger, you still do. She gives only the best advice and always had the talent to cheer you up.

You slowly opened the door to reveal your disheveled self to your mother. Her face looked worried but smiled with relief when she finally saw your face.

“What time will she be arriving?” you asked weakly.

“Just after breakfast time.”

“Then I shall go with them.” you told your mother decisively.

“Wonderful! Wonderful! Oh, my darling daughter, hopefully by the end of this trip, your cheeks will naturally be blushed again.” Your mom enveloped you into her arms in a comforting hug. You sighed in relief, wrapping your arms around her form just as tightly.

“Yes, yes,” you say into her shoulder. “Hopefully.”


The Sun has risen once again, meaning it was either another day of misery, or a new day of luck and happiness. You woke up fairly early, double checking the things you've packed the night before. For the first time, after a solid week of dressing in chemises and nightgowns, you donned on a simple day dress with a cropped over coat.

Your aunt and uncle came over just after breakfast time like your mother had promised. They came with gifts to give which was incredibly nice of them. Your mother was given a silk shawl and raw fabric, she was very happy with it, already planning to make you and herself dresses out of the fabric. They gave your father a tweed blazer that was surprisingly perfectly tailored and he was more than satisfied with it.

Your aunt handed you a lovely brimmed hat with velvet brown ribbons and golden trim that seemed to match your outfit perfectly. You planned to wear it on the trip.

“Thank you, auntie and uncle,” you smiled. “It's so kind of you to not only to give us surprise presents but to also allow me to join you so last minute.” you told them gratefully.

“Anything to see my darling niece smile,” said your aunt before turning to your mother. “I shall bring her back in one piece, sister dear.” she joked.

“You better, Isadora, she's the only daughter I have. God knows what I'd do if there were only her brothers.” replied your mother in a dramatic bit lighthearted tone.

“We should get going then.” your uncle announced. He was a tall but lanky man who bore a soft face and a charming smile. He is very sweet and polite, a people pleaser at most. Perhaps that's why they gave presents. He didn't want his in-laws to think badly of him, even though Isadora and him have been married for almost three years.

“Take care, dearest. I will miss you.” your mother told you in a final embrace before you hopped on the carriage.

“I will, mamma. I will.” you smiled.

The horses neighed loudly, and soon the carriage was driven into the pathway away from your home.


Nothing happened for a while, your aunt and uncle were sat across from you and your only mode of entertainment was the grass passing by as the vehicle gains distance.

“Has something happened?” Isadora asked you. Perhaps because you were staring out the carriage way too longingly, way too sadly. She must've sniffed something had gone wrong before she arrived.

You turned to her a little confused. “Hm? Oh, no.” You shook your head passively.

“Are you certain? Your mother did mention that you hid in your room for a week before coming with us.”

“I am perfectly fine now, auntie. I just wasn't feeling well,” you told her with a small smile. “When will we get there might I ask?”

“Not for another 3 hours. We'll lodge at the Prancing Pony, just so you know. Graham here has business to attend to instantly when we arrive. So I suppose we'll have the rest of the day for ourselves.” she informed you.

That made you smile.

And of course, the rest of the day did not go to waste after you've got yourself settled in the room you were staying at. Your aunt most definitely spoiled you in the markets, buying you the newest and most fashionable clothes and accessories. She treated you to afternoon tea at a nearby cafe that was very French in its aesthetic. The sponge cakes and other pastries were scrumptious.

That was only a taste of London.

When Graham came back from his endeavors, he gave you a little novel that you can read on the way back.

“Thank you, uncle. What is it about?” you asked him before flicking through the pages.

“I don't particularly know what sort of novels you like to read so I thought I'd give you one with multiple themes. It's about an exiled prince trying to reclaim the throne and regain his honor. There is friendship, romance, betrayal, and everything fantastical.”

“I do love a good book about fantasy. Thank you so much.” you smiled and tucked it safely in your suitcase.

“What do we do tomorrow?” you asked them.

“Shall we tell her or keep it a secret?” she asked her husband.

“I don't see anything wrong telling her now.”

Isadora turned to you with mirth in her eyes. “We're going to go see an opera in London's biggest playhouse.”

“I don't have the proper clothes auntie!” you exclaimed. Yes, going to the opera was a dream come true but you didn't want to humiliate them by going to the playhouse wearing simple day dresses. It would be scandalous to do so.

“What nonsense. I just bought you a new gown.” Isadora said in nonchalance even though she knew you were going to be even more out of your wits.

“But—” you wanted to protest. She bought you another dress behind your back? That is a hell of a lot of money to be spent on you. She really does know how to spoil. Goodness.

“Enough, dearest. Go to bed.”


The day passed by rather quickly. You were excited and nervous at the same. To go to such a luxurious place was terrifying. All of these Lords and Ladies in your vicinity can do whatever they please with you if you disrespect them even accidentally. You prepared yourself to be on your best behavior and to speak only when spoken to.

“Isn't this exciting?” your aunt happily asked you once you three were seated in the box.

“It is. But I am so terrified as well. It seems to me that I would get the death penalty if I stared at anyone funnily.” you replied quietly, looking around the room but not meeting anyone's eye.

Well at least, that's what you planned.

Just three boxes down, your eyes met with a pair of icy blue green ones amidst the crowd. You took in a sharp breath before immediately diverting them and turning to the stage. Luckily your aunt didn't notice your slight panic.

You knew who those eyes belonged to.

You just prayed he didn't recognize yours. With a huff to recollect your senses, the curtains opened and the show began.

The crowd cheered loudly for the performers once it had ended. It was one of Wagner's so it was a lengthy but satisfying one. The actors bowed and waved at the orchestra then at the audience. The men took of their hats and placed it on their chests, while the women blew kisses at the audience.

On the way back, Isadora and Graham couldn't stop talking about the show. You gathered they were theatre fanatics and perhaps that is why they frequented London so much. You stayed silent unless you were spoken to.

You retired fairly early, quickly changing into your night gown shortly after you've arrived.

You can't stop thinking about those blue-green eyes in the crowd. The melancholy was slowly creeping in, so you decided to sleep before it gets the better of you.


You all had to leave on the third day, which was saddening at most. The adventures with your aunt and the opera was all very wonderful. You don't know when your next opportunity to go to London was and so you decided to soak up all it's essence in one morning.

Thankfully, you woke up pretty early. Packing your things immediately once you'd gotten yourself ready. You then spent most of your morning on the balcony, just sitting under the sun, observing the locals do their thing until your aunt had to fetch you for breakfast.

Not much happened after that. You got into the carriage and read your book on the way home instead of looking at the moving patches of grass.

That is, until the carriage broke a wheel.

“How long until you can get a spare?” Graham asked the driver.

“I'm not sure, but it'll take at least an hour, Sir.”

“Alright. It's still fairly early, I'm sure dusk won't catch up to us.” he nodded and gave the driver some money to buy a spare wheel.

The three of you then sat on the branches of the large tree that was right next to the carriage. Isadora was snacking on an apple, you were reading your book and Graham was playing with a branch.

“Where are we right now, Graham?”

“Somewhere between Oakenshield and Asgard Lane.” he answered your aunt.

“Asgard Lane... Isn't that where your friends live?” Isadora turned to you and you were caught off guard.

“Yes.” you nodded.

“It's Spring. Their house must be open for visitors... Yes! I heard from my friend that Asgard Lane is always open for visitors during the Spring. Lady Frigga isn't shy about her famous garden. Shall we have a visit?” Isadora said with excitement in her voice, discarding the core of her apple when she stood up.

“It's a 5 minute walk from here. I don't see why not.” Graham shrugged.

“Sure.” you agreed, your face a little strained.

“I hope we get to see your friends, dear. But I remember, these rich young men are never at home.”

Let's hope they aren't. You thought to yourself.

The head housemaid greeted the three of you once you've arrived at the front door. The Odinson house was grand to say the least, there were pillars and sculptures on the exterior. You can only guess that that was the same design in the interior, just with more gold and homeliness.

She had the other servants collect your hats and umbrellas before guiding you three around the house. She showed you the drawing room first which looked very warm and burgundy. Then the library, which you've been before, but you wouldn't tell anyone that piece of information now. Next was the art room where Frigga and Odin kept their most beloved art pieces, stemming from expensive commissions and antique sculptures.

They were particularly taken on the sculptures of both sons. Thor's bust looked more happier and rugged in its likeness, while Loki's looked a lot more tragic and serious.

“Are they a true likeness?” your aunt asked you.

“The lady has met the masters?” the housemaid asked, politely surprised. Maybe she didn't see you enter the house every time Loki brought you into the library given how ginormous the house was.

“Yes. The sculptor did a very accurate representation.” you replied, a little spaced out, staring at the bust of Loki Odinson.

“I hope I get to meet these young chaps one day. I bet they'd be wonderful company.” The housemaid lead them to another part of the mansion. They seemed to not notice you not being with them, so you took it upon yourself to explore other bits of the house. Trailing your eyes over each and every detail you didn't get to see.

You got quite curious when you began hearing a sweet but melancholy tune from a piano somewhere along the halls. And so you followed it instinctively, turning lefts and rights until you came upon a door that was slightly open.

You must've pushed it by accident when you leaned your ear on the polished wood because when you looked up in alarm, the man who owned those lovely icy blue-green eyes was staring at you with the same shock in his face. Drawing in a quick breath, you sprinted out of the home in the quickest route you saw.

It perhaps wasn't the best idea to run away in a house so big it felt like a maze, so instead of exiting the home, you just found yourself trapped on a balcony that was 10 feet above the ground.

You knew he was there, he was at your tail.

He said your name ever so softly and it made you turn around. You donned on a fake small smile and faced him with all the cowardice you can muster.

“I'm so sorry to intrude. The house was open for visitors and my aunt wanted to come—” you desperately tried to explain to Loki.

“It's alright. Your family are not intruding I assure you that.” he replied politely, visibly holding back.

“I thought you were in London.” Loki implored.

“I was,” you smiled to mask your misery. “How'd you know?”

“I swore I saw you at the opera, but you left before I had the chance to talk to you.”

“Oh,” you replied as if you didn't fully hide yourself from him that night. “I didn't want to bother you and your company.” You didn't meet his eyes when you spoke. Your true feelings would be far too visible.

“You could never bother me.”

“I know, you told me multiple times. But it seemed I still haven't understood.” you replied with a chuckle, still evading his gaze.

“Congratulations, by the way.” you said after moments of tense silence while smiling painfully at him.

“Pardon?” Loki asked.

“On your engagement. Miss Foster is a very lucky woman. You two looked so charming in the papers.” you couldn't say anything more than that without breaking down into tears. Your eyes were already glossy enough.

Loki was speechless. Where did you get that idea? It was Thor that was engaged, not him. Definitely not him.

He stepped towards you slowly, wanting only to comfort you and soothe you and tell you he would never marry anyone else.

“Please, don't come any closer or I shan't forgive myself.” you told him honestly with alarm in your voice. Your cheeks were no longer dry, you hid your sobs in your hand.

Loki didn't listen, instead he walked more confidently towards you. Gently wrapping his arms around your form once he has reached you. He tucked your head under his chin as you allowed yourself to cry into his chest.

“I shall never show my face again to you. I only want you to live a happy and peaceful life.” you swore into his waistcoat.

“How can I live a happy life if I can never see your face again?” Loki asked rhetorically with reassurance in his voice. “It is not I who is engaged to Miss Foster. It is my brother, he insisted I be in the photo. I never thought it would create this big of a misunderstanding.”

“What?” You pulled away from his chest to look him in the eye.

“I never saw myself marry. I always thought I'd die a rich bachelor but it seemed I was mistaken. The idea of spending eternity with you sounds so pleasing to me as if it were a lifelong wish that finally came true.  If your feelings for me are as strong as my feelings to you, will you marry me when we are both ready?”

“Yes,” you whispered. “I will,” you said a little louder.

“I'm very sorry you had wretched thoughts and assumptions. I've caused you pain for being so careless.” he whispered softly into your hair.

“You are forgiven, Loki,” you told him. “I am relieved.”

“Good,” he said. “So am I.”

Loki tilted your chin upwards and pulled you in for a kiss, unbeknownst to the both you, Isadora, Graham and the housemaid were all standing on the balcony, watching inquisitively.

“Ah. This is how the lady knows my master.” the housemaid said in a teasing tone. It made you jump and part from him, shoving him away from you. Loki looked at them surprised but annoyed, he grabbed your hand and held it firmly in front of them.

“I suppose he is no longer a friend.” Isadora jested as her eyes drifted to your form.

You coughed and shook your head awkwardly.

There was a lot of silence and looking back and forth at each other.

“Introduce us then, dear!” Isadora exclaimed. And so you walked closer to them with Loki by your side.

“Sir Loki Odinson, this is my aunt Isadora Walters and my uncle Graham Walters.” you said.

Loki kissed your aunt's hand and shook your uncle's.

“Of all the tales you've told me of Thor and Loki, you never cared to tell me they were handsome.” said your aunt. Intentional or not, she really was going to make you explode out of embarrassment.

Loki looked at you with a raised brow.

“You wound me.” he said. So everyone was out to make you embarrassed, alright.

“I figured their personalities were a lot more interesting than their looks.” you replied, not looking at Loki.

“I shall find that out for myself once Sir Loki join us for dinner some time,” Isadora said way too pleasantly. “Shan't I Sir?” she asked Loki.

“Yes you shall, madam. Just send me a telegram and I'll be happy to oblige.” His tone was also far too pleasant.

“Fantastic! Graham dear, it's been more than 2 hours; shall we check on the carriage? Our darling niece of course can stay here, we can drive by later when it's up and running. Besides it's on route. What do you say?”

“I say that is a brilliant idea. We'll come for you, dear, don't worry we won't leave you.” Graham smiled and walked arm in arm with Isadora out of the property. The housemaid was long gone now, it was just you and Loki again.

“Your nonchalance scares me.” you said lightheartedly.

Loki chuckled. “Shall I meet your cousins next? Maybe your other aunt and uncles?” he replied jokingly.

“They're chattier than my mother, please you'll only give me a headache.”

“When haven't I gave you a headache?”

“Good point,” you laughed and leaned into his body. “When is Thor and Miss Foster's wedding by the way?”

“Somewhere in the Summer. You'll have plenty of time to prepare.”

“Why do I have to prepare?”

“You're invited,” Loki said. “As my official date. Don't give me that look. You're practically my fiancee, of course you're my date.”

“What will I wear? I haven't been to a wedding in a while.”

“Whatever you want. You'll look better than Jane either way.”

“Don't say that about a bride!” you scolded him jokingly.

“It's only true.” he shrugged.

“You're being mean.”

“Am I?”

“And annoying.”

“I disagree.”

“Stop being annoying or I'm going to have to shut you up.” you threatened one step before him.

“How will you shut me up?”

Then you kissed him til he was breathless and lost in your essence. He might've saw stars when you parted, but you wouldn't know.

“Ought to keep you silent for a moment or two.”

“Can you shut me up again?”

You laugh heartily, holding his face in your hands.

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