The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

Da SueHart2

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Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... Altro

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold
Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect

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Da SueHart2

As Vivian took the box of lambskins to the bed, Ben began removing his weapons and putting them away. He watched her tear the paper off the box as if it were Christmas. There wasn't anything he didn't absolutely love about her, especially the way her eyes lit with excitement about the smallest things. She saw life as an adventure to be explored.

"Vivian, after I arranged for the license, I went to see a friend of mine who's a barrister." Vivian stopped before opening the box and slid it aside to look at him. There was something incredibly special about the way she gave him her complete attention. "Radley feared your godparents would try to come and take you to your father. If they managed to do this, there would be nothing I could do to get you back. Not legally. Either way, I knew there was little choice but to elope. I couldn't take the chance of him keeping you away from me until you turned eighteen. If he accomplished it, I had doubts he would allow me to see you."

She slid off the bed and went to him to take his hand. "I would have escaped him eventually, but this is better. What did your friend say? Was he able to help us?"

He slid the palm of his hand down the side of her head with tenderness. "As a judge, Dalton wrote out an order that allows our marriage. We are legally permitted to do so because you are of age, the archbishop also approved the marriage, and we have a contract your father signed permitting the marriage when you become of age. Dalton asked to come to our wedding and bringing a few Bobbies with him to make sure our wedding happens."

She leaned her cheek into his hand and then tugged him towards the bed. "Come and sit with me, Benny." She sat on the edge of his bed, and he joined her. "You were wise to take such extremes. My godfather would do anything my father told him. Though, I can't imagine them coming tonight. I suspect he will hunt me down in the morning to make sure Owen or Michael did as ordered." She chewed on her bottom lip as she considered the situation. "I would like to read Father's note. Perhaps Radley will bring it."

"If he doesn't bring it, he can bring it tomorrow. By then we will be truly wed."

"I should make a list for the maids. This could become complicated and I need more than a wedding dress and what I am wearing. Radley can bring what I need. Does Michael know about this? I want them both to attend our wedding. We do not have much time. He should leave now."

"Those are questions you should put to Radley."

She nodded agreement and handed him the box unopened. "These will have to wait until later. Then we shall be more prepared as to how to proceed. I would like to take a bath and arrange my hair while Radley gets my dress. Does Charlotte have a personal maid who can help me?"

A smile tipped his lips up right before he kissed her. "Yes, she has a personal maid. Tonight, she will be busy attending all of you. The downstairs maid can help her." He rose and put the box inside the drawer of the bedside table. "I love your organizational skills. You are already bossing me around like a wife."

After he unlocked the door, he offered her his hand. "My mother treats my father the same way. He claims it is one of the many ways she demonstrates her love for him."

"He appreciates her. You are not lacking in such organization skills. I know of your success in business. I have made a habit of speaking my plans aloud. This helps to inform those around me. When you gave me the flowers, I told you I wanted to see them put in water and inform my father and Radley of your arrival."

He looked at her with affection in his eyes. "I find such information helps as it keeps me from asking. There is nothing I would change about you, Vivian." The smile he saw on her face was mischievous and that too enticed him.

"Oh, but you will change me," she said with conviction. At his confusion, she squeezed his hand. "My maidenly standing, this you will change to wife."

He grinned wickedly, and as he did, her eyes drooped into a sultry stare that quickened his heart rate. He swore that if she sucked or bit her bottom lip, he would steal a kiss. There was something about it that took all logic away from him. All he could think about was making love to her or making her moan with pleasure. Tonight, they both would.

They took the steps down and went to his study. She went to sit in his chair while he slid the drawer open on his desk. He pulled out a fountain pen, the ink jar, and a sheet of paper placing them on the desk.

While she filled the pen, he told her, "I want you to stand with me while I announce our plans to wed tonight. They should also be prepared for trouble if it arises."

"Of course. This list is short."

He waited and she truly was fast in making her list. A talent he did not possess. They heard the family in the parlor and joined them. Vivian went to Radley and handed him the list explaining he was to give it to her maid and bring the items back to her.

"I'll hurry," he told Ben. "Michael should be home and unaware of what is happening. If our godparents dropped by, this could take time. If they are there, I may lie and tell them I plan to leave in the morning."

"I do not approve of lies, Radley, but in this case I can see the necessity of one. Please bring me the note Father left for you. I wish to read it. Did he expect for you to take me that far today?"

"No, he said to bring you as quickly as possible."

Her eyes squinted with suspicion. "Then we should have tonight to be truly married."

"I believe Ben has taken care of any interference. All you need to worry about is dressing to become his bride."

Charlotte joined them. "Would you please tell us what is happening? Owen said you had something to do and you took Radley with you. Is there a problem?"

He smiled and tugged Vivian into his side and began explaining what was going on. His sisters squealed with pleasure and excitement as they hugged Vivian. Owen pounded Ben's shoulder; and Radley took the list and left to complete his errand.

Their enthusiasm, and lack of time, pushed them all to hurry. The girls ran upstairs leaving Ben to explain to Owen about seeing Dalton. Before he went to bathe and dress, he ordered the cook to prepare a celebratory meal to be served by eight o'clock.

As he headed towards his room, he heard excited voices coming from Charlotte's room. Suddenly, the door swung open and Charlotte almost ran into him with Ruth by her side. He caught her shoulders and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No, there is nothing wrong except not having enough time to get ready. When a girl prepares to attend a ball, she begins hours ahead of time. This is a wedding, and we are rushed.

"We're going to choose a suitable dress for Ruth to wear. The maid is seeing to Vivian's needs. I understand the necessity for you to marry, but our parents will be disappointed at missing the event. We shall have a celebration when we go to Kensingdale." Ruth tugged on her arm to hurry and Charlotte relented by going with her.

* * *

Radley rode home with speed and a keen eye looking for trouble. Fortunately, there was no sign of his godparents. He threw the reins to the stable boy and hurried through the house looking for Michael. Their butler said he was in his office, so Radley handed him the list for the maid to follow and then walked down the hall to see Michael.

He tapped on the door before entering. "I hope that is something you can set aside. We are expected back at Ben's for Vivian's wedding."

Michael frowned as he stood. "What is this? Father is not at home and Vivian wishes to marry without him present?"

"Our father wishes to separate them once again..." he began. The explanation did not take long.

"I am not sure this is the right thing to do. Father loves Vivian and he is only trying to protect her. 'Tis most regrettable that she overheard the conversation concerning the contract. She is much too young to marry."

"They love each other and it would be cruel to keep them separated for years. 'Tis too late. There was a better way to handle this. A large wedding, her trousseau, a courtship would take a year. They want to be together. To be honest, I understand. I am quite fond of Charlotte and if I were denied being with her, we would elope."

"You are all mad. If what you feel is love, a year will not matter. Our sister may act grown up, be as smart as your professors, but she hasn't lived. They need to go to parties, visit the opera like they planned. Running off behind Father's back is not the way to handle this."

"He will keep Ben from her until she turns eighteen. You would wish that upon him?" Radley shook his head. "You wouldn't be thinking that way if you had ever felt strongly for a woman."

Michael conceded. "Probably not, but going against Father will have consequences. What will you do?"

"We both have money and estates. I will do what I must. What I refuse to do is obey a dictate when I believe him to be wrong." He threw up his hands. "Do as you will. I'm going to dress for the wedding. Those two love each other and a year or two will not change that. It will only build resentment towards Father. If I do not help her, she will resent me too. But if you plan to attend, get dressed. I'll explain the degree of trouble Father has caused on the way. We're taking the coach."

"Explain now, Radley."

"He may have called our godparents to kidnap her. This possibility caused Ben to act by calling upon a friend who is now a judge. He's coming to make sure that it doesn't happen." He turned and hurried out the office door to go and dress. There was no time to explain further.

I'm not exactly late with this chapter, it's just posted later than I wanted. You know why.

I hope it is entertaining for you and the pace isn't too slow. I hate to miss details when they are needed later. Some may be redundant, but I've added information with it. You tell me what you think. I'll listen.

Most of this was written at the same time of the last chapter, along with the next chapter. But when I edit, I change a little here and there. With this chapter is was Michael's caution. He may agree with Radley, but defying his father is a different matter.

Let me know what you think. Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter and Please remember to vote.

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