Through the Dark // Liam Payn...

By everythingaboutluke

56.6K 3.5K 654

Frustrated, I dialed again for the third time as I paced the kitchen. My nails found there way to my mouth as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Not an Update
Ariella (Jana Kramer)
New cover!!!
I'm back!ยก

Chapter 16

1.3K 92 6
By everythingaboutluke

Edited August 14, 2016

Ariella's pov

For a while, the boys and I sat in utter silence. Nobody dared to move or say anything, in fear of what the man would do to us.

"what are you planning on doing with us?" Zayn's usual quiet voice asked from the corner of the room. He was leaned up against the cement, right next to Niall. Harry was beside him, then me, with Louis on my right. The kidnapper looked at us with an evil grin, making no attempt to hide it, whatsoever.

"I'm going to kill all of you," he admitted. He didn't make any sort of effort to hide the smirk on his face which sickened me.

"Come on you can't do that" Harry scoffed, although the disturbed look on his face contradicted his fierce words.

"Oh but I can," he grinned evilly, "because like I'd stated to little miss Ariella over here," he said stepping uncomfortably close to me, "the gun always wins" he finished grazing it against my upper thigh.

"Don't touch me" I muttered through gritted teeth.

He scoffed and leaned in close to me. "They'll be a lot more where that came from" he said, his mouth grazing my ear.

"Go to hell" I spat, looking him directly in the eyes, challengingly.

"Damn baby" he howled, sucking in a sharp breath. "Liam has his hands full with you, doesn't he?" He mocked, "he must have a lot of fun with you, hm?" He turned around, grinning the same sickening grin. "I'm surprised you're not pregnant yet" he mockingly yelled over his shoulder.

His words sank in pretty quickly. I blushed and looked down at the floor, trying hide the tears that were unwillingly falling down my cheeks. Everything then began to hit me so fast.

We're going to die, I told myself. Liam is already gone and my baby and I are going to join him, along with the guys, unless we can escape. I was never going to see Johanna or the girls again, and I was never going to get married. The only thing I dreamed of as a little girl was a nice beautiful wedding with my husband, and now the only one I want to marry is gone.

"Why are you crying?" The attacker, who's name I still didn't know, asked me. His voice sounded almost sympathetic, which confused me.

There was no was I could respond- I was too overwhelmed. Louis nudged me with his shoulder and flashed me a worried look. I  shook my head in his direction, not wanting to panic him any more than he already was.

"It's nothing," I sniffled, shaking my head at the attacker. "it's not like you'd care," I added, "you're just gonna kill me anyway" I said quietly.

"Just tell me" he said firmly, not having much patience. Something about the tone of his voice lead me to believe that, for some strange reason, he cared.

It took me less then a second to decide- If we were going to die, then why not tell the boys that I was carrying Liam's baby? It's not like the news would travel very far, considering our inevitable fate, so what was the big deal about keeping it a secret anyway?

"I'm pregnant" My voice was low, but it was just loud enough for everyone to hear the message. I could hear subtle gasps, sucking the air out of the room, adding to the tension. However, I kept a steady gaze on the floor, afraid to look up and see everyone's reactions.

"What" Louis barely whispered. I licked my lips and bashfully turned my head to give him an apologetic look, before reverting my attention to the kidnapper.

"So you risked you and your baby's life by coming out here, just to see what was up with these boys" He phrased it as a statement, as opposed to a question. I didn't feel a need to acknowledge his statement, so I remained a steady gaze on the splintered floor. "Why?" He then asked.

The response came so naturally, that it scared me, "what's the point in raising a baby if I don't have my fiancé and family to experience it with me?" The entire room was deadly silent for minutes afterward, as I stared the man in the eye. "But I guess I won't have to worry about that soon, right?" I asked rhetorically.

"Ari" Louis choked out, unable to say anything else. He just shook his head in disbelief as tears streamed down his face. I licked my lips and let out an emotionless half laugh.

"Well isn't this cute" the man remarked, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"Oh my god" Zayn half sighed, half growled. "Just let us go, man" he nearly pleaded, shifting the tension in the room.

"Haven't we had enough of this?" Harry added. "And the poor girl is pregnant, at least let her go"

"I don't think so" he replied, grazing a knife against my leg, taunting me. "I'm tired of you guys, so I'll need to dispose of you" he commented tiredly, and then began walking outside mysteriously.

Waisting no time, I quickly inched the switchblade out of my back pocket and fumbled with it as I sawed through the thick rope that bound my hands together. It took a few seconds, and apart from accidentally slitting my wrist a few times, I did pretty well. I was so focused on my actions that I barely heard the boys hissing questions at me, most likely about the pregnancy, or how I got here.

Once I cut myself loose, I brought my bloody hands around to my front, revealing to the boys what I had done. They looked at me like I was mad, but I noticed a hint of impression amongst their faces, as if they were surprised I thought to bring a weapon.

I quickly reached behind Louis and used the blade to free his hands as well. "You're mad" he commented, looking up at me as I untangled the ropes. I glanced to see if he was joking, but I don't think he was.

"Glad you're ok too" I scoffed, standing quietly as I made my way to Harry next. Louie stood and crept over to Zayn to untie his roles as well.

"I mean it Ariella" Louis whisper shouted, firmly. "You should've stayed home" he sighed angrily, shaking his head. I cut Harry loose pretty easily, then moved to Niall next. "I mean what were you thinking?" Louis exasperated.

"Lou I'm not a little kid anymore" I defended myself, "I can make my own decisions" I added, slitting the tight ropes that bound Niall's wrists together.

"But you're pregnant!" He whispered loudly, looking me directly in the eye. "You couldn't possibly think that this was smart to do whilst carrying a baby" he remarked, so ding disappointed in me.

"Lou I meant what I said before" I stated firmly, getting upset with him. "There's no point in raising this baby if I don't have you or Liam by my side" I defended myself, hurt that he was mad at me right now when I was saving his ass from getting killed.

"Yes there is Ariella" he declared rigidly. "That baby is your blood and that should be reason enough" he nearly spat at me.

"Well maybe I was terrified of doing it alone!" I expressed angrily. "Louis I have no idea how to raise a baby, let alone do it alone. I'm not married and now I probably never will be" I added, tears welling in my eyes. "I hadn't heard from you guys in weeks, then I find out I'm pregnant, and then I hear my fiancé get shot over the phone" I exasperated, tears now soaking my cheeks.

"So no, I wasn't thinking that clear when I flew out here" I confessed, laying Niall's rope on the floor behind his hands. "But stop complaining because if I hadn't, you would still be tied up on that floor, helpless" I retorted, looking his dead in the eye.

I finished my statement and licked my lips before looking towards the exist. The kidnapper was nowhere in sight, so I stood and went back to my previous seat. I took a deep breath and broke the silence. "Now we have to wait for the right time to make our move" I whispered sitting back down. "Keep your hands behind your back" I instructed the others and Louis came back to sit on my right side.

"Love, I'm sorry" he whispered, caressing my shoulder with his bloody hand.

"Just stop" I whispered, sniffling. "You're going to get us caught." He nodded solemnly and retracted his hand, sitting back down in his original position.

Moments passed without anyone saying anything. "So he's really gone?" I whispered to Louis, looking up at him with watery eyes. He looked so numb from the pain as he nodded his head sorrowfully. I bit the inside of my lip, so hard that I drew blood, in a futile attempt to stop the tears.

"Come here" he motioned. I complied easily, scooting closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder where I sobbed quietly. "You know what" Louis stated suddenly. "There's never going to be a good time to do this, so we're doing it now" he said confidently as he took my hand and stood up. "Let's go" he motioned to the others as they quickly stood up.

We quietly tiptoed across the floorboard, careful not to step on any creaky pieces of wood. Within minutes, we were practically at the door. Just then the attacker came back inside with three other men. The men were large and fairly burly, with sharp blades in their hands. My eyes went wide and my stomach churned in anticipation. I mentally cursed myself for thinking it could be this easy.

"Hey!" The original attacker yelled as he spotted us.

"Run!" Louis and I yelled at the same time. As if rehearsed, the five of us all took off in five different directions.

The first man caught Niall and held the knife to his side. Harry noticed and jumped on the man's back, tackling him to the floor. Niall and Harry continued to beat that man until he bled. However another man ran over, pulling Harry off, and began beating him.

Zayn was currently fighting with the initial attacker. He was rather scrawny, so Zayn had somewhat of an easy time, compared to the rest of us. I couldn't locate the other attacker, so I kept my guard up. None of the boys seemed to be in too much danger yet, so I took this as a chance to seek out some necessities.

I began searching for a phone and another weapon, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man drag Louis towards a dark room in the corner of the warehouse, about a hundred feet from me. He threw Louis against the wall and threatened him with a knife at his side.

My mind shifted into defense mode and I hastily crept towards the man. I came up behind him, where only Louis could see me. I whipped out the pocketknife and immediately pressed it again this throat. Using all my strength, I dug the top of the blade in and pressed it in all the way, before dragging it down towards his heart.

I winced and looked away as I felt the blade cut through muscles and vessels in his throat, and gagged when the blood leaked onto my hand. He thrashed around, but Louis held his wrists firmly, and delivered a kick to his groin area in order to get him to cease fighting me. Finally the man crumbled to the ground, lifeless.

Apparently, I hadn't gotten to the man in time, as Louis appeared to have a decent sized gash on his side. "Bloody hell" he winced, clutching his side as he slid his back against the wall and sat on the floor.

"Sure is" I mumbled to myself and knelt down to his side. "Are you going to be ok?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Yeah," he breathed raggedly, "just go help the boys" he instructed. I nodded and stood up. "And hey" he called, grabbing my hand before I could stand up completely. "Be careful" I nodded and stood up, walking out of the dark room.

"Ariella!!" I heard Zayn cry out in a sheer panic. I turned just in time to see the large man only feet in front of me, running at me with a knife. Before I could react, he plunged the knife into my stomach and I dropped to the floor clutching my stomach.

My breath hitched in my throat as my entire body tensed. I rolled myself into my side and squeezed my eyes shut tight. Please don't be bad I mentally prayed. Opening my eyes, I nearly threw up at the pool of crimson blood that began looking around me. "Oh god" I groaned and fell back onto the splintered wood floor.

"Ariella no!!!" I heard an unfamiliar voice shout out in agony from across the room. Using what little strength I had, I lifted my head to see a body being thrown to the floor on the opposite end of the warehouse. Squinting, I made eye contact with the figure and nearly passed out.

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Much love

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