Forever His { On going }

By kiara_dee_

373K 22.6K 4.8K

This is the third book in the Series. You have to read the two other books to understand the happenings in t... More

Author's Note๐ŸŒธ.
26๐ŸŒธ. (โš ๏ธ Steamy Scene Alert)
38๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alertโš ๏ธ )
39๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alertโš ๏ธ)
55๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alert โš ๏ธ)
58๐ŸŒธ. ( Steamy Scene Alert โš ๏ธ)


9.7K 713 239
By kiara_dee_

Song - Bad Liar by Selena Gomez.

Ooh you're taking up a fraction of my mind
Oooooh every time I watch you serpentine

Oh I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to think about you
No, no, no, no, not to think about you
No, no, no, no, I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to give in to you
No, no, no, no, not to give in to you

With my feelings on fire
Guess I'm a bad liar

For the next few days , I kept thinking about what Logan said that day. I didn't want to think about it. About him . But I couldn't help myself. I know that Logan doesn't like Jake. In fact he hates him especially for what his father did . That's the more reason why it was convenient for me to say it was Jake I was seeing. Deep down inside of me I wanted to hurt Logan just the way he hurt me and make him stay away from me. I know me wanting to hurt him doesn't make me any better than him and I feel ashamed .

But Logan surprised me. He let me go so that I could be with Jake . He doesn't know I lied to him so he was acting based on what I told him. Since that day I've been feeling a gnawing pang of guilt. Maddie was right. Lying at this point is useless. I should just tell Logan the truth . That's if I can get him to talk to me . He continued ignoring me after that day and it makes a part of me boil with anger. I'm the one that is supposed to be ignoring him not the other way around. I don't even know why I feel angry about this. I'm not supposed to care whether Logan is ignoring me or not since I got what I wanted . I kept repeating "I do not care." to myself to keep me sane .

" Did you say something?" Sierra asked .

" Did I say what?" I snapped out of my thoughts and tuned to her .

" You were muttering something to yourself right now." She pointed out .

" No, it was nothing." I smiled . Damn it. I was probably saying " I do not care about Logan" out loud. It was the last thing I was thinking about.

" Okay." Sierra shrugged . " I'm taking this dress though. It's adorable."  She brought out a white cowl neck dress  from the clothing rack. We were at a boutique on 5th Avenue looking for dresses for Logan's product launch this evening. Mr Gray gave us the day off and a 'clothing allowance' to get ourselves new clothes for this event. He made it clear that we needed to look "exquisite" in his own words, because Logan was also going to announce their partnership and he wanted us to represent his company very well. It was an all white event so everyone had to come dressed in white outfits.

" People are attracted to what they see first, you know ." Mr Gray had said as he ordered us to go home and pamper ourselves in preparation for this evening .In other words, I had to throw away my plan of telling him that I didn't want to attend the event.

" You should buy it . It would look lovely on you." I told her as she removed it from the hanger and walked into the dressing room with it while I continued searching for a dress for myself .

After shopping and spending most of the day at the hair and nail salon with Sierra, I went back home . Maddie helped me get ready for the event. I missed Tess doing my hair and makeup whenever I wanted to go out . Maddie is good at doing stuff like this but Tess is a professional. She actually went to a hair and makeup academy . Still , Maddie did a great job with my hair and makeup.

" You look so good , you're going to turn heads tonight." Maddie said as she dusted my cheek bones with the blush.

" Thanks , that's the idea." I said , smiling at my reflection in the mirror. As usual, Maddie outdid herself .  The nude eyeshadow and bold red lipstick I was wearing went well with the white went with a white blazer dress with a low neck line. My sleek hair fell behind my shoulders giving me a minimalist look. I felt confident and beautiful.

" Now I feel like coming with you." Maddie pouted.

" Too bad there's a guest list that you're not on." I pointed out .

" That's why you're here so that you can sneak me in . Duh?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

" This isn't Charlie's Angels, Maddie." I chuckled ." Plus I'm sure Logan and Charles are going to have tight security surrounding the place."

" I know, I know . I'm kidding." Maddie raised her hands then ran her hands through my hair . " You do look stunning though. I did a great job."

" Yes , yes you did." I agreed, glancing at my watch at the same time . I had just twenty minutes to get to the Four  Seasons Hotel. That was the place the Launch was holding and I couldn't afford to be late or Mr Gray would have my head . " Thank you so much Maddie, I love you." I put my arms around her and quickly let go, scurrying out of the room.

" Love you too girl. Bring me back some chicken since you're leaving me with no food !" She yelled after me. Maddie was sleeping over at my place tonight because Ron had to fly back home to see his parents and she didn't want to stay home alone in their apartment. I guess being haunted by a crazy psycho girl makes you have some sort of fear of being alone.

I made it to the hotel just on time. As if on cue, Sierra was standing by the door and we walked into the hall together. Like every event that involved Logan, everywhere looked very grand and breathtaking . There was a large projector screen on the podium showing videos of the new Ross Mobile products . Beside the projector screen was a display of all the new gadgets in a glass cases for everyone to see . On the walls there were holographic imagines showing videos of the products and how they're used . The light was playing music in the background was so serene , it matched with the white themed ambiance of the hall. At one corner there were dozens of cameramen and reporters taking pictures and interviewing people . I'm sure they're so thrilled to get their fill of content today since there has been a buzz on the Ross Mobile product launch for weeks. Hopefully they avoid me because I intend to avoid any form of attention at all cost.

Emma's Dress.

Sierra's Dress.

As expected, the hall was also filled with all the 'high and mighty' of New York and they were all mingling. Most of the people here were not only here for Logan, Mr Gray's colleagues were also present .

" I'll have some of that." Sierra said the moment she saw a waiter pass with a tray containing what looked like a bottle of champagne. The man poured her a glass and gave it to her .

" Thanks." She turned to me after taking a sip.
" Emma don't you want some? It's really good."

" No thanks. I'm not in the mood for any drinks  just yet." I declined as the waiter nodded and moved on to another person . The truth is I was starting to feel a little queasy. The last time I was at an event like this was last year at Logan's charity gala. How time flies .

" Suit yourself sis . As for me, I'll be downing all of the tequila I can take tonight." Sierra said, taking a sip from her glass. I laughed, knowing that she was definitely going to go home drunk tonight.

She left me to mingle with some other work colleagues while I searched for Mr Gray . Joanne, his personal assistant had already texted me to ask me where I was . I was replying her text when someone yelled my name . Startled , I looked up from my phone abruptly . That voice sounded familiar.

" Emma ? Omg, you're here ?!" Alex shrieked as she flung her arms around me.

" Alex, Wow, It's been so long." I said surprised by the force she used to hug me but equally happy to see her.

" I missed you so much ." She smiled excitedly as she turned back. " Hey Jace , Avery , guess who is here ?"

My eyes followed the direction she was looking at and I saw Jason and Avery standing some feet away. The moment they turned and saw me , they both yelled my name and rushed to me . I gave them very big hugs not caring about the people around us . I didn't even think about Logan bringing his kids along to his product launch. To be honest I was surprised that they came for this event . Logan hardly took the kids out to events like this . I guess tonight must be different and very special .

" Where have you been ?" Jason asked the moment I pulled away from the hug .

" I've been around." I replied not really knowing how to answer that question.

" I've missed you so much , Nanny Emma." Avery said . The strings in my heart pulled . 'Nanny Emma' . It's been so long I've heard that name . I thought Logan's kids must have forgotten me by now since I stopped communicating with them a lot. The truth is that it was hard for me to keep in touch with them because it reminded me that I was still holding on to a part of Logan . His kids are a great part of him and I wanted to let him go so badly so I had to let them go too. I know it's not fair considering that I still love them so much even though I'm not with their father anymore but at that time , I just wanted nothing to do with Logan. Now seeing them standing here in front of me , I feel bad for cutting them off for months .

" I've missed you guys too." I told them . " You have no idea."

Alex narrowed her eyes at me . " Really? Because you stopped calling ."

" Alex..." I began , starting to feel very guilty.

" There you guys are. I told you to wait at the table." A woman I hadn't seen before came up to us. She placed her hand on Alex's shoulder before looking at me.

" We're sorry." Avery mumbled .

She shook her head and smiled . " It's fine ." She looked up at me, extending  her hand. " Hi, I'm Moria."

" I'm Emma." I replied shaking her . She looked like she was in her early forties but her dark brown curly hair was beautiful. Was she Logan's new... No I'm not even going to ask because I don't even care .

" She's the new nanny." Alex used her thumb to refer to her . Well at least that answers my question .

I thought you didn't care ?

" Don't worry , I know who you are ." She said with a smile.

" Um...okay." I said not knowing how to reply to that. Though I wasn't very surprised. Months after ending things with Logan , I'm still facing the after effects of being in a relationship with him .

" I don't mean it in a weird way." She laughed probably noticing the expression on my face . " The kids talk about you all the time ." She explained .

" Do we?" Alex's cheeks flames red as she glared at Moria .

" Yes ." Moria chuckled . She was obviously not moved by Alex's glare . I remember how cared I was of that look when I started working for Logan . It's either Moria has really thick skin or  Alex doesn't treat her like the way she did ,me.

" Fine. It's true." Alex rolled her eyes.

Feeling very flattered a smile spread across my lips. I thought it was very adorable that the Alex, Jason and Avery still talked about me. It made me feel happy that they didn't forget me just like that because I never forgot about them too.

" When are you coming back home , Emma?" Avery asked with hope in her eyes.

I didn't know how to answer that question. I didn't know what to tell them . I thought they were finally at peace with the fact that I was never coming back. I stopped down to her level " Avery , I told you before sweetie , I don't think I'll come back."

" It's not fair." Alex said angrily as she stormed off.

I stood up straight and wanted to go after her but Moria stopped me . " Don't worry I'll take care of her. Besides , I think the event is about to start."

I glanced at the stage and saw the Master of Ceremony  come out from behind the curtains. Everyone else were taking their seats . Almost immediately I got a message notification with Bella's name at the top.

With a sigh, I nodded . " Okay."

I watched Moria take the kids back to their table and go after Alex while I went to my table . I feel very bad that what happened between me and Logan have affected my relationship with his kids but I don't know if there's anything I can do about it. I love Alex and I wish things didn't turn out the way the did but I can't change what has happened . I just hope she understands.

I thought about the possibility of meeting other members of Logan's family here . If his kids were here then Christina and Henry must be here too. Maybe even Daphne , Liam and Faith . This was a very big night for Logan  and I was certain they would be here to support him. The problem is that I haven't seen or spoken to any of them in a while , even Daphne. She still calls me once in a while but that's it. When I left Logan, I unintentionally left his family too. Seeing them here would feel slightly awkward .

I met Sierra already sitted at the table reserved for us . My chair was beside hers and two seats away from Mr Gray's . He introduced me to some of the people on the table and I tried to make small talk with them . I hadn't seen Logan around yet. He was obviously getting ready . Tonight was the most anticipated night of his career after all. I know how long he has been working on these new gadgets and I also know that there have been many obstacles on the way . Still Logan's resilience got him here and even though we are not together, if there's one thing I still admire about him, it's his ability to fight against all odds to get what he wants. He's used to getting what he wants and it has always worked for him especially with his company. Except this time, there's something he wants that he can't get. Me.

The Master of Ceremony, Trevor Noah  welcomed everyone to the product launch . I was so excited to see that he was the MC of this event . Trevor is literarily my favorite comedian of all times and I also like the fact that he infused comedy even when he's talking about serious issues going on in the world. He has one of the most refreshing pages on Instagram.

He took the mic and made a few jokes sending everyone into a plethora of laughter then introduced the entertainment, The Weeknd and Dua Lipa. The Weeknd was one of my absolute favorite artists. He performed one of the songs from his recent album ' After hours' which is one of my favorites by the way. After he was done , Dua Lipa and Da baby both came on to the stage to perform ' Levitating' . By now they had every one standing up and singing along with them . At least I know me and Sierra were .

When they were done with the performance, the crowd erupted with Cheers and everyone took their seats again. Trevor came out and then he introduced Logan to the stage. The crowd erupted in cheers as he walked majestically from the side of the curtain with Rachael walking a few steps behind him and stood behind the podium. As much as I hated to admit it , he did look very good the white suit he was wearing. I almost forgot how good he looked in a suit. I mean I see him at work almost every time and he looks good but tonight , there was something different about him . It felt like he was dressed for world domination.

Logan welcomed everyone again and went straight to the reason why we were all here .

" As we all know , Ross Mobile has been at this for  a decade. Touching lives and creating magic with our products is our mission statement . For years our products have been about simplicity, effectiveness and convenience and we want to keep pushing that agenda. That being said , with our best tech experts , we have looked into the nooks and crannies of our previous products and discovered how we can make them even more convenient for your use . And as much as we always strive to bring you the best quality, It's not about labeling the products with far fetched prices even though I'll take your money any day..."

The crowd laughed at Logan's joke.

" ...We want to tell a story with our products . It's about going back to the past to figure out what went wrong and making amends or what I call restitution. It's about not letting the mistakes you've made in the past define who you are and it's about not letting your past define your future , finally it's about letting go of the old you and becoming a new man because holding on to what's behind can hinder you from seeing what is in front of you even when it's so amazing. You end up losing it because of what you thought you had and you forget about what you have right there with you ..." Logan stopped talking for a moment as his eyes locked with mine . I suddenly as I felt uncomfortable . I wanted to turn back to see if he was staring at someone behind me and if it was all in my head but I didn't want to make things more awkward than they already were . God , I hope no one else notices that he's staring at me because he was making it very obvious .

Sierra leaned in beside me and whispered in my ear. " Why do I think he's talking about you ?"

Oh shit.

" No he's not . He's obviously just making a random speech." I denied , managing to pretend like I didn't know what was going on .

" Are you sure about that ? Because home boy has his eyes locked on you right now ." She pointed out matter of factly.

" Shh, you're distracting me from listening." I snapped at her to get her to stop talking .

" Okay okay." She said as she sat up straight .

I peeled my eyes off Logan and requested for a glass of sparkling wine from the waiter that was passing by me. Now I really needed that drink.

Logan cleared his throat like he had just been released from a hypnotic trance and continued explaining the workings of each product . " We aim to give you a refreshing new feel and experience with our new products . That is why we made a change to not only the digital applications and services but also the physical aesthetics of our products . We believe that change is needed for one to reach their full potential and we can bet that you'll be asking for more once you try them . I would also like to use this opportunity to announce my partnership with Gray Enterprises. Charles can you come up here please ?"

Mr Gray stood up from the table and walked forward to the stage .

" We believe working with Gray Enterprises would help us grow our brand better and take our products to every part of the world , changing lives in other continents as we've done here . That being said I would like to make a toast. Raise your glasses everyone . To new beginnings."

" To new beginnings." Everyone repeated as we clinked our glasses together and I for one finished my drink in one gulp.

" That was intense ." Sierra whispered in my ear again . I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore her . Trevor came back on stage after Logan had left and held an auction for Logan's gadgets where different people made huge bids on Logan's products . After that, Rachael announced that there was going to be live demonstrations at different stands for people to see for themselves and experience how the gadgets work . Everyone stood up and started moving around to the live demonstration stands.

I stood up and went over to the stand Rachael was at . She was showing a group of people how the new Ross-pad 3000 works. Her eyes met with mine and she waved at me with a broad smile on her face . I smiled and waved back. I've forgiven her for the advice she gave Logan but I hope she never gives me a reason to dislike her again.

My eyes traveled around the hall and I saw Moria and the kids. Alex was doing a pose and Moria was taking a picture of her in front of a Ross Mobile  banner stand. Then Avery and Jason joined her . They must be so proud of their Dad . Hoping Alex wasn't still mad at me , I walked to where the kids were.

" Hi guys, can I join in?" I asked , giving Alex a hopeful smile.

" Fine ." She answered reluctantly.

" Hey,  be nice." Moria gave her a warning look.

" Thanks." I replied to Moria  as I got in their middle and Moria took pictures of us together.

" They look very lovely." I told Moria as I checked the photos out the photos she had taken of us .

" Not mine. I didn't get anyone with good angles." She complained . " Let's take some more."

" Okay but first I need to talk you." I told her ?

" Why?" she asked , still staring at the phone. " I t's not like you care about me."

" Alex, I know you're mad at me but I just want to talk."

" Okay." She agreed.

" We'll be right back." I told Moria as Alex and I walked out of the hall and down the hallway. Once we stopped walking , she folded her arms against her chest like the sassy girl that she was .

" So ?" She folded her arms against her chest , waiting for me to speak .

I sighed . " I know that you're mad at me for not keeping in touch. You have every right to be."

" Go figure." She narrowed her eyes at me .

" You need to understand that I miss you guys so much and I tried to reach out to you guys. I tried not to let everything that happened, affect me but I just couldn't." I explained to her in sincerity. " I thought continuing communication with you , Jason and Avery would give Logan some access to me so I decided to do what was best for me by cutting you off."

She looked at me pointedly. " So you decided to punish us for our Dad's sins. That's great."

" Alex the truth is , you can't always get what you want even though you have genuine intentions." I said getting a little bit upset.

She scoffed. " This is not about me . It's about you and Dad. It's about all of us." She hesitated a bit . " I know Dad hurt you but he's not like that anymore. He's doing so much better. He stopped drinking . He spends a lot of time with us. He has changed I promise."

" Well that's good for him. I'm happy he's doing better." I replied genuinely . " But all of that is for himself and you guys , not me."

Alex sighed frustratedly. " You do know that whole speech Dad gave on stage was about you right?"

" Why is everyone saying that?" I asked , feeling exasperated. First Sierra , now Alex? The whole world must have seen that moment where Logan paused just to stare at me . So much for avoiding attention .

She threw her hands in the air for emphasis.
" Because it's true . And I know that somewhere deep down in your heart, you still love him just as much as he loves you."

I shook my head in amusement. " Alex since when did you become the love doctor?"

" Since you used your charms and swindled me into actually liking you." She muttered shyly as she glanced to the side .

" Aw that's sweet." I laughed . It actually felt very good to hear Alex admit that she likes me . I remember when she hated my guts . It safe to say that I'm glad I'm on her good side now .

" Don't get used to it ." She muttered again as a smile creeped up her lips.

" Nah, it's too late. You know you love me." I smiled teasingly, poking her arm.

" Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes then her face became serious again . " So wait. You really don't love Dad anymore ? Like not even a little bit ?"

At first I thought I knew the answer to that question . If you had asked me if I still lived Logan two months ago , I would have told you a straight up "no". But the day he walked through that  board room door , he began to stir some feelings in me . The problem is I don't know if they're new or resurrected feelings . The  bigger problem is I don't want them . Honestly I don't want to feel anything for Logan but something tells me that it's easier said than done.

" I don't even know, Alex." I answered sincerely. " All I know is that love was never enough for your Dad and I . There were other bigger issues."

" So you do love him?" A mischievous smirk appeared on her face . She completely chose to ignore what I had just said about love not being enough .

I shook my head frantically. " No, I never said that. Did you listen to what I just said ?"

" I'm going to tell Dad that you said you love him." She grinned as she started walking back to the hall.

" Alex, don't do that ." I protested. " Please."

She stopped and turned back to face me. " Fine but only one condition. I have to attend a school dance tomorrow. I won't tell Dad you love him if you come by tomorrow to help me get ready."

" Alex," I groaned. " That's not fair."
The last time I left Logan's house, I made up my mind never to go back. That's why I had to send Tess to get all my stuff back for me instead of going back there myself. I knew what I was avoiding . Now Alex wants me to go back to the very place that I never wanted to step foot in again .

" Deal ?" She asked.

" No." I refused. " I can't do it. I would love to help you get ready for your dance but I really don't want to..."

She started dialing a number on her phone and placed it on her ear . " Hi Dad."

The phone was on loudspeaker so I heard Logan reply. " Yes Princess, where are you?"

" Oh I'm around. Guess who is here with me ?" She smirked.

Oh God, Alex was not kidding .

" Okay, okay, stop. I'll help you get ready for the dance." I agreed desperately.

" Is that Emma?" Logan asked over the phone . Crap. He recognized my voice.

" It's nothing,Dad. Bye" She replied with a triumphant smile as she ended the call. " Great , I'll see you tomorrow . You should come early because it starts by 6."

With that she turned and walked inside the ballroom. I took a deep breath and exhaled. For a teenager, Alex was one expert in blackmail. She's really her father's daughter.

After a moment, I went back inside the ballroom to and saw  Alex, Avery and Jason taking pictures Logan. I wanted to walk past them but I felt a hand on my shoulder making me freeze on the spot.

I turned around to see Liam, Logan's brother. He was also dressed in a fine suit and his hair was curled in front. I guess looking good runs in the family.

" Liam,Hi ." I replied visit you as he surprised me by pulling me in for a hug. I used my eyes to check for any other member of Logan's family around. How did I think it would be possible to avoid them?

" It's good to see you again Emma." He replied. " How have you been?"

" I've been good." I replied. " You?"

" Well it's the same old , same old." He replied . " I actually just came back from San Fransisco. Just in time to support my brother."

" That's nice. How was San Fransisco and Celeste?" I asked. I remember the first time I met Liam with Celeste. It was at Logan's Gala. Logan has told me that they were in a long distance relationship and I admired them for it. Not many couples know how to make an LDR work but it seemed like they were pulling it off.

" Oh you know how it is, hot as usual. As for Celeste, we're no longer together." There was some kind of sadness in his eyes as he talked about Celeste.

" I'm so sorry for asking." I apologized almost immediately. " I'm sorry about the break up too."

" No , it's fine." He shook his head then he glanced at Logan who was still taking pictures with the kids and back at me . " So you and my brother are working together now huh?"

" Apparently." I answered. I knew he was going to bring up Logan. Everyone does.

" That's good . At least you'll be seeing each other more often." He winked at me and patted my back lightly. " I gotta go. I'll see you some other time."

" Okay." I replied as I watched him leave feeling a little bit confused. What did that weird wink mean?

I didn't have the time to figure it out before the kids walked up to me.

" Nanny Emma, we're leaving ." Avery said .

" Already?"

" Yeah. Dad says we can't stay for the after party because it's almost our bed time." Jason sulked .

" Oh well, he's probably right." I said . The last time checked my wristwatch, it was already eight-thirty pm.

" You bet I am." I heard Logan say behind me. I stiffened as all the hairs on my body stood up immediately.

" But I'm like way older than them . I should be able to attend after parties and stay out late." Alex retorted.

" Maybe ,I'll start considering moving your curfew just a little bit when you're sixteen." Logan replied . It almost made me smile seeing the way he was being strict with Alex but I kept a straight face.

" Just so you know, I'll be sixteen next year." Alex pointed out.

" Well we'll just have to wait till then ,won't we?" Logan said . He was definitely enjoying this.

" Fine." Alex finally agreed knowing that she couldn't win this one. " Emma is coming over tomorrow to help me get ready for the school dance. Is that okay?"

The shock on Logan's face was unmissable. He probably never expected me to ever show up to his house after everything that happened. That's okay because I was never planning on doing it either .

" Emma, is that true?" He asked skeptically. The look on his face said a lot of things. It felt like he expected me to say that it wasn't true and Alex wasn't being serious but his eyes were pleading for me to say yes.

" Yes. Alex asked me to come over and I just couldn't say no." I glared at Alex the whole time while she smiled at me sweetly.

"Okay. That's fine. That's definitely fine." Logan agreed.

" Yayyy. You're coming home." Avery said excitedly. I wanted to explain to her that I wasn't but I decided against it. She was already too happy.

Logan's phone rang while we were all standing there . " Hello? Okay , Good." He ended the call .
" Moria take the kids to the car , Wallace is here ."

" Okay kids, you heard your dad. Let's go." Moria used her hands to beckon on the kids .

Alex sighed heavily as she came over and hugged me . " Bye Emma. See you tomorrow and please don't back out ."

" I won't." I said as I ran my hands down her hair . She turned to he father and glared at him . " I'm not gonna hug you ."

" Oh you'll get over it." He chuckled .

Avery and Jason took turns to hug Logan . " Bye Dad" they said as they left with Moria leaving just me and Logan standing there in an awkward silence .

" I'll go now . Mr Gray must be looking for me ."

" You look beautiful." Logan said catching me off guard . His eyes roamed all over my body like he was just seeing me for the first time tonight .

" Thanks ." I replied . I should probably give him a compliment too. " You don't look too bad yourself." Looking at Logan up close , he did look really handsome tonight . It wasn't just physically, I think he was genuinely happy about finally being able to have his products launch and nothing makes you more radiant than achieving something you've worked so hard for .

" It's all thanks to my stylist ." He replied as he looked around me . " So , where is your boyfriend?" Logan asked .

" Who?" I asked almost immediately forgetting that I had told him Jake and I were together.

He raised an eyebrow. " Jake?"

" Oh uh...yeah he couldn't make it . He had a business meeting to attend." I replied as quickly as possible . " Besides it's not like you put him on your guest list."

" On the contrary I did."

I pushed my head back in surprise. " Really? You expect me to believe that you actually wanted Jake to come?"

I found what Logan was telling me very hard to believe. Besides Jake didn't tell me he was sent an invite . Well maybe it's because I didn't bother to ask him because I didn't actually think Logan would want Jake at any event of his.

" Jake and I are not exactly enemies...anymore . I don't know if he told you but we had a conversation once I found out that he wasn't involved in his father's crimes and we called a truce ." He explained.

" So you're saying that you don't hate Jake anymore ?" I asked .

" Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I don't exactly like him especially now that you...and him ..." He didn't complete the sentence. I could physically see how hard it was for him to talk about me and Jake . The feeling of guilt started to creep back in again . This was probably the right time to tell him the truth .

" Logan, there's something I have to tell you about me and Jake ." I began .

" Emma, I've told you before..." He started cutting me off.

" You have to listen to me ." I said firmly before I would decide to change my mind  . " Jake and I are not together ."

His eyebrows slowly pulled together . " What?"

" I lied when I told you Jake and I were in a relationship. We're not." I told him.

He still looked confused . " So you mean you and Jake are ...?"

" We're just friends and nothing more ." I finished off his sentence. Now that I've decided to tell Logan the truth , I don't think anything can keep him away anymore.

Even though he doesn't have the right to get angry at me, I expected Logan to be mad at me for lying to him. Instead , I watched the expression on his face turn into one of relief.

" Wow .What a relief ." He breathed.

I looked at him amusedly. " You're not angry that I lied to you?"

" Emma, trust me there's no better feeling than knowing you're not with Hartley. That beats everything else." He replied with a relieved smile.
" Besides it all felt quite shady. I knew there was a possibility that you were just saying that just to get me to stop coming around."

I scoffed. " No you didn't . You believed me . I saw your face when I said it. You looked like you wanted to pass out."

" Well you sounded so convincing on that elevator. How did you expect me to react ?" He pointed out . We paused and stared at each other for a moment before we burst into a fit of laughter.

Logan stopped laughing before I did . He stared at me for some seconds, the intensity of his eyes , making my heart beat faster . "You're so beautiful when you laugh." He pointed out like it was the first time he had seen me laugh.

" Um ...thanks." I replied suddenly self conscious. I never expected to be in the same space with Logan at this event . Let alone laugh with him . I couldn't let my guard down even if it was just for a second . At that same moment , Trevor announced that everyone should move to the next room for the After party .

I was about to go when I felt Logan's hand on my arm. " Wait."

" Logan..."

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked. His eyes were almost pleading .

" I don't know . What about the after party?" I asked . Logan obviously had to be there. He was the host of this event.

" Rachael can take care of it . She knows what to do." He answered.

I looked at him doubtfully. Now that Logan knows Jake and I are not together, he'll stop at nothing to get me back . I know how it feels to be loved by this man and I also know how it feels to be broken by him . So I'm trying so hard to keep the walls around my heart up . The problem is I don't know how much longer I can do it.

My brain searched for every excuse to give. " Where are we even going ? And Mr Gray might be looking for me . I should just stay back here."

" We can go wherever you want and I'm sure Charles will be preoccupied. If he does ask where you are, I'll tell him you were with me . That should suffice." He gave a solution to my every excuse . It looked like he had really thought this through.

Against my better judgement, I found myself nodding my head. " Okay."


Hey guys!

I know I know. Sis is late again but just remember that I never forget to update . I might be late but I don't forget . Real life is really taking a toll on me. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Do you think Emma is softening towards Logan?

Do you think Logan should take longer to get Emma back?

Don't forget to tap on the star below to vote and leave your comments .

I love you !

Xoxo Kiara❤️❤️

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