The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

By SueHart2

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Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... More

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation

659 68 36
By SueHart2

Vivian stood beside Ben as he leaned over the desk, explaining what he was working on. She had stopped listening to him because all she could think about was the passionate kiss they had shared. His dark curly hair had caught her attention, and she began to play with the curls by his ear.

Ben dropped his head forward and curled his fingers into a loose fists as they rested against the top of his paperwork. Without looking up, he told her, "Sweetheart, if you keep doing that I won't get any work done."

"You want me to stop?"

"Actually, I don't. Though, if you continue..." he said as he turned to take her into his arms, "you may get us both in trouble. He tightened his arms and lifted her high against his chest. Her toes couldn't touch the floor. The kiss they shared was scorching hot. "You are too tempting to resist for long."

"You are too. I am glad we have this together," she said running her hands over his shoulders. Her toes curled from the sensation he cause while holding her. "You are hard all over. My brothers are like that; they box and practice with swords. What do you do, build rock walls?"

He laughed at her joke. "I practice the same sports. "Perhaps Radley and I can spar sometime today. Charlotte has probably caused him as much frustration as I have experienced with you." He had seen Charlotte walk Radley to the door a few minutes ago and he looked as though it were a planned escape.

"Are you saying you wish me to stop kissing you?" she asked staring into his eyes daring him to say yes. When he threw his head back in laughter she threatened to bite his neck.

"Behave," he said threatening to drop her. She grabbed his shoulders while frowning at him, but her eyes sparkled with playfulness. "I was under the impression that you were coming here today to see what kind of work I did. Now I know you just wanted to torture me with temptation." Ben leaned down and took her earlobe between his teeth. "If you don't help me resist taking you to my bed, you will find yourself married within a week."

"I am not in disagreement in regards to an early wedding, though you should learn a few things first."

"And, what pray tell, should I be practicing? Positions you are fascinated with in that book?"

She pushed against his shoulders to be set down. "I do not want a babe in nine months. You must talk to someone to see what must be done to prevent such from happening. Until then, I will try and resist you, but it is most difficult," she said rubbing her thumb over his bottom lip.

"You are an imp teasing me, but I will hold you to that."

She rubbed her hand over his chest before taking a few steps back. "'Tis most liberating to know I can tease you."

"Such liberty may end after we are wed. I will enjoy tossing you over my shoulder and taking you to bed," he said with a teasing grin. In his peripheral vision, he saw Charlotte run up the stairs alone. "We can resume this conversation of torment later. I believe your brother has left. I saw Charlotte going to her room. If you wish to speak with her, now would be a good time."

"That is a good idea." She reached down to his desk and picked up her book.

"Do you plan to talk about that book?"

"Yes. Your mother has likely spoken with her concerning things about mating. Radley and Michael speak to me about such things, but I wish to know what Charlotte has been told." She rose onto her toes and kissed his lips. "I will come back after we discuss what's in here," she said holding the book up. "Perhaps my absence will help you finish the problem you were working on."

He wasn't sure what to say. Work was the last thing on his mind. It was his mother that worried him. She would not approve of that book even if Vivian considered education a woman's right. "I must ask a favor of you, Vivian. Please, do not show that book to Ruth. Promise me. My mother would have a fit."

"If you think that is wise, we will bar the door to keep the book our secret," she said with a cocky grin. "Remember, later, I wish for you to show me your bedroom. If you don't have multiple pillows, we shall buy more. The drawing shows a position that claims to be most enjoyable." He reached for her and she dodged out of his reach while laughing.

"I will not forget your mischievousness," he said with a playful frown. "Go and speak to Charlotte. Perhaps my mother taught her something."

She whirled around and headed for the hall to go upstairs. There was no one around and she knew the butler likely kept busy elsewhere. She climbed the stairs and found Charlotte sitting by her window staring outside. Vivian tapped on the door.

"Come in, Vivian. It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop. We may need to postpone our buggy ride."

"I am most content being here." She pulled the book from her pocket and joined her on the window seat. "Ben and I have been testing our compatibility. I was unsure if he desired me enough for us to marry. His kisses put butterflies in my stomach and make my breasts ache. By what the book says, this is a good sign. Ben reacted to me as well by growing hard between his legs. I felt it."

Charlotte's eyes grew huge. "You touched him?" she said with shock.

"No, Silly. I was sitting on his lap while we kissed." She smiled dreamily. "He definitely desires me. But I need to know a few things. Did your mother tell you how to prevent pregnancy?"

Her astonishment of such a question turned her cheeks a bright pink. "Sponge and vinegar; you buy it at the apothecary's shop. Not you, but Ben should get it. You aren't planning to make love to him already, are you?"

Vivian shook her head. "We must be prepared first. Ben said that my father is worried about us having a child while I am this young. I, of course, agree that waiting is wise. We shall take measures to ensure my safety. I spoke to him about the book and since it belongs to Father, we will buy our own. Our sex life should be enjoyable, don't you think? Michael said he wouldn't marry a girl who didn't desire him. I am sure most men feel as he does."

"Your brothers are quite direct with you, aren't they? Neither Ben or Owen would discuss this topic with me."

"You have a mother. It is her place to do so. But if you wish to know more, Radley will discuss this with you. Unlike Ben, he is not a virgin. I heard him talking about a widow he sees. He said she enjoyed having him in her bed."

Her eyes turned to slits. "He's sleeping with a widow?"

"No, he has sex with her. But I am sure that is over. Now he wishes to have sex with you."

Charlotte lowered her face into her hands as she laughed. "I believe you are correct. But I couldn't discuss sex with Radley," she said shaking her head. "Such a topic is considered unsuitable before marriage."

"Why not? Radley is courting you," Vivian declared. "He believes it is important to communicate our thoughts. Though I doubt he does that with the widow he was visiting. I like it that I will be Ben's first bedmate. My father never had a mistress when married to my mother. Though, he does have one now. I overheard Radley tell Michael that he had seen her."

Charlotte relaxed her shoulders. "I believe my parent have a solid relationship because they make all these noises after they go to bed. They also laugh so it must be fun," she said with a smile. "But my mother doesn't speak of it with me."

"Would she if you asked her?" She watched Charlotte shake her head wildly. "Then you should read this book to learn the ways of it. I'm sure Radley practices such positions. He has read it often. There is a section that explains where a woman finds pleasure on her body."

Charlotte's face stung with the blood rushing to her checks. She reached up to cover her face. "I do not wish to hear what Radley does with other women. As to finding pleasure, have you tried doing what it said?"

"No. I am not brave enough yet."

Charlotte nodded. "I have not explored my body either in such a way." She looked up at Vivian and admitted, "My French is poor. Perhaps you could read it to me?" She handed the book back to Vivian. "Your brother left abruptly today. He has been kissing me whenever we're alone and I told him to stop when he touched me inappropriately. A man should not take such liberties with a woman he is not engaged to marry."

"Did you enjoy his touch?"

Charlotte chewed on her bottom lip as she nodded her assent. "He knows that I do because every time he brings me into his arms I become nonsensical in my response. I am too eager. It makes me angry that I allow such intimacy. I'm weak when it comes to denying him."

"Good. Such a reaction is the way it should be. I feel that way with Ben. Isn't it wonderful?" They both broke into giggles. When they calmed down, Vivian asked, "Did your mother say if it would hurt the first time? The book says a woman is made to fit a man's penis, but the hymen must be broken on a virgin."

"Mother said it happens quickly and stings a little, but is also forgotten when the love making begins. Why do you think we are made that way?"

"I have no idea," Vivian said with a shrug. "A priest would say it is to make sure the woman has remained chaste. You know how men are. They want their wives to be pure even if they are not. 'Tis unfair, but that is how they are—all except for Ben," she said on a sigh.

They spent an hour reading and discussing what the book taught before Ruth knocked and asked to come in with them. Charlotte quickly hid the book beneath a pillow and bid her to enter. When she came inside with such a brilliant smile, Charlotte asked, "Did you capture the color you wished for your painting?"

"Yes, and I am most pleased with the results. The look of distant rain was hard to capture, but I believe I did well. I look forward to returning home to have mother's instructions once again. I miss her."

"If you wish to return home, Ruth, we shall make arrangement to return."

"Not yet. I wish to become better acquainted with Vivian." Ruth smiled at her. "I heard you laughing earlier. What were you talking about?" Ruth asked innocently.

"The rules of the church and what expectation men have of the women they marry," Vivian said with a straight face.

"You found that to be funny?" she asked with eyes wide in shock.

"Men often want what they cannot have. The church teaches women to be silent. Can you imagine Mother not speaking her mind?" she said laughing.

"I hope such a demand is not in the contract," Vivian admitted.

Ruth watched Vivian and Charlotte laugh heartily. "Would you like to see the painting? I'm quite proud of it."

Charlotte stood slipping the book to Vivian, who slid it into her pocket. They headed for the stairs to go up to Ruth's studio when someone began banging on the door quite loudly. Charlotte went to the staircase to look down and see who had arrived with such urgency. But she didn't recognize the man as he came inside heading towards Ben's study.

She turned to join Vivian as they climbed the stairs.


Ben heard the knock and called for them to enter. One of the men who worked for his brother opened the door and took a step inside.

"I beg your pardon, Lord Caldwell, yer brother told me to come and get ye. He's havin' trouble at the warehouse by Saint Katherine Docks. Men are riotin' about the last shipment not being enough to give them work."

Ben rose from his desk and headed for the door. "I'll be right with you." As he rushed past Earnest, he gave him orders saying, "Have my horse saddled. Tell Vivian I had to leave. I'll be back when I can."

When he passed the stairs leading up to Ruth's studio, he heard the girls talking. He didn't have time to stop and explain. Once in his room, he changed into his leathers. After he was dressed, he took his pistol from the drawer and slid it inside the holster on his right hip. The sword he had buckled on rested on his left side to draw it from the sleeve quickly. Dealing with these ruffians was never peaceful. He often thought the fights came from boredom.

Trotting down the steps, he pulled on his leather gloves. Earnest handed him his hat as he hurried through the open door with his employee. He never saw Vivian at the top of the stairs watching him dash out.

"Was that Ben leaving?" Charlotte asked her.

"He was wearing a sword as well as a pistol. What's happening, Charlotte? Is he doing something dangerous?"

Charlotte looked at the worried expression Vivian displayed. One day, she would see the scar on his upper arm from the sword fight he'd been forced into. That had happened two years ago. "He is likely going to take care of business in a rough part of the city. He's very good with that sword. You have no need for concern. When he's wearing it, no one dares to bother him."

Vivian stared at the door. "I understand why. Sometimes, Radley wears his, but he also has guards that ride with him."

"Does he? Our father's have similar investments. I prefer the bakery Owen purchased. We get wonderful pies and bread delivered." She linked arms with Vivian leading her away. "Since my brother is off to play peacemaker, why don't I show you the bedroom you will share with him? You may want to change a few things. It is very masculine in the décor. However, do not even dream of putting Ben under a ruffled canopy."

The sound of their laughter echoed down the hallway as they walked towards the master's suite.

I hope you had a chuckle or two. These two girls are so different to me. Vivian innocent and yet bold as brass and Charlotte who is daring is shocked by Vivian. They will surely be the best of friends. I wonder if Vivian plans to talk to Radley about Charlotte by suggesting he speak to her about his desire. That sound like her, doesn't it?

I'm excited to see how Ben handles such things. He's a big man who can handle himself. I sure want to watch that. Don't you?

Let me know if you had fun with the chapter. There's sure more coming. I'm starting on that chapter right away.

Thanks for reading! Let me hear from you and please, remember to vote. They count by telling me you liked the story.

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