The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

By SueHart2

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Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... More

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold

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By SueHart2

Ben watched Vivian step beside him, clasp his cheeks between her hands, and then lean down to kiss him. He gripped the arms of his chair as he felt her sweet lips caress his. It was clear she had read that book when her tongue swept over his bottom lip and begged entrance into his mouth. The moment he tasted her his control snapped. Without much thought, he lifted her onto his lap, tipped her back into a reclining position, and allowed his passion for her take over.

He sucked on her bottom lip, chewed on it gently, and the moment he heard her intake of breath, he sank his tongue into her mouth. They were a little clumsy at first. But desire turned the play of tongues into strokes and his free hand began to explore her body.

Her fingers gripped the hair at the back of his neck as she responded to his touch. They passed any test imaginable concerning any possibility of thinking of her like a sister. She was his, and his desire to mate with her was hard to fight.

He heard someone clear their throat. Instead of releasing Vivian, Ben waved his hand to shoo them away. That was when he heard Owen laugh.

"I never dreamed those letters would send you two into this situation."

Vivian collapsed against Ben's chest as she giggled at what he said. Ben held her close to his chest as he frowned at Owen. "I know that door was closed," he said with disgust.

"I knocked, but now I see why you didn't respond. I came to bid you goodbye, but perhaps you two need me to stay?"

Ben set Vivian on her feet. The evidence of his pleasure was too obvious to stand. "We are not in need of a chaperone."

"Then I will see you later this evening. Michael has already left. He told me to tell Vivian to enjoy herself." Owen barely kept from laughing as he turned and left. However, it broke loose as he closed the door.

Vivian leaned against the edge of the desk, smiling towards the door where Owen had departed. "Later you should explain why he thought our desire was funny. I understand how kissing stimulates one for mating now. By your condition, I also understand the book's explanation concerning the reaction the body has to such stimulation. You grew quite stiff while I sat on your lap. Now, I no longer have doubts that you desire me."

Ben's face stung from the sudden rush of blood caused by his embarrassment. "You have correctly assessed my reaction to you. The same way your nipples hardened."

She nodded in agreement. "You were also correct. It was unpleasant to stop kissing. I did not wish to. I ascertain that we are well suited for marriage." She pushed away from the desk and walked back to the chair she had been sitting in. "Would you like to finish reading the first letter?"

"Would you rather speak of the sexual positions in that book? You did ask me to take a look at the drawings."

Her face turned pink. "After such a demonstration, perhaps we should wait. I promised Charlotte she could keep the book tonight to study it. She was most interested."

Ben saw the trouble immediately, but since Vivian saw nothing wrong in a woman learning such things. Once again, he wished his parents were here to handle the situation. "I believe I shall take a better look at the book myself. I imagine your brothers have studied the diagrams?"

"By the looks of it, they have studied it frequently. Perhaps they wish to be a good lover for the woman they marry. It is important to have a healthy relationship in the bedroom, don't you think? I imagine we will because of the way I responded to you. Though, most things in life take time to perfect. We shall practice often, don't you agree?" She tilted her head, her eyelids slowly blinking at the thought of such activity.

Ben's breathing had sped up as he pictured making love to her. "I definitely agree."

"Good. Because that book belongs to my father, you should find one for us to keep in the bedroom. I have given consideration to sharing a bedroom. Owen explained that some couples sleep apart." Her eyes caught his. "I do not wish us to follow that practice... unless you snore loudly."

He knew the subject would be discussed until she was satisfied. His father had taught him how important it was to give your wife's ideas full consideration. It was a sign of respect. "I have not been told that I snore. Do you?"

She giggled. "Do women snore?"

"My mother does. Nevertheless, my parents share a bedroom each night."

A smile lit her eyes. "Good, then it is settled. We shall visit a book store and see what we can find. Later, I wish to see your bedroom. There are many uses for pillows."

He stared at her and knew that their marriage would not wait a year. If they continued conversations such as these, they would have a child by then. In an act of survival, he grabbed the letter and began to read.

The men across the hall sound as if they are having fun. There is laughter and I would like to take part. After I have unpacked my clothing, I will go and introduce myself.

Yesterday, I received my class schedule and later this afternoon I must go to the library to obtain my books. I am hoping that my studies will keep me busy with less time to dwell on how much I miss you. My father said being told you may not do something always makes the heart want it more.

It may not be possible to mail this to you, but one day we will share them. Here, in the privacy of my thoughts, I can say I love you. My fear is that you will not love me back. That only leave hope that you will eventually share my love.

My father also taught me that kindness leads to affection and eventually love. It is hard not to think kindly of someone who shows support and affection. This is what I want for us. Time will build our relationship into a deeper union. Affection is how my parents have remained happy. More than anything, I wish to make you happy. You have my heart, I only ask that you protect it as I protect yours.

I've often wondered how you will be raised concerning our marriage. One day, we shall talk about it.

Speaking to you like this has helped me feel close to you. I trust that we will get past this separation and plan for our future.

All my love,


He set the letter down and then raised his eyes to see her response to what he had written. His mother had warned him not to suffocate her with the love he felt for her. She feared after years apart it would scare her.

Vivian stood and once again walked around his desk until she stood beside him. "Make room for me." He scooted his chair away from the desk and she immediately sat on his lap. "Tell me again, Benny. Tell me while you kiss me, how much I mean to you."

His arms automatically wrapped around her waist to hold her close. He knew she wanted the romance of it, like she did when she received the flowers. His mother said she wanted to hear that she was loved and it was his father's job to tell her often. This first time should be special.

He reached down and took her hand in his. "Each time we have been apart for any time, I've reminisced about the things we've shared. You were such an adorable child but, even then, I saw you differently than a child because to me you were so much more.

"When I grew older, I tried to imagine what you would look like when you were grown. But my imagination did not do you justice. You have not only become a beautiful woman with a brilliant mind, you also have wisdom and a very curious mind about the world."

At her smile, he leaned forward to kiss her cheek. "Vivian, I am honored that I was chosen to become your husband. My hope is that you will find the same love for me. For it would be sad for you to look at me, knowing I loved you, yet be unable to return that love.

"Allow me to demonstrate it this way. Each time I do something that makes you smile, my heart sings with joy. If you are sad or angry, I will want to comfort you to bring back your smile. If you are afraid, I want to soothe your worries and give you confidence that I can protect you. This is how you are a part of me even now," he said placing his palm against her cheek. "Love is deeper than just passion, for passion is only part of how we express our feelings. There are men who practice bed sport, becoming intimate with women just for the sexual satisfaction. However, not sharing with others will make our union special. It will bond us as one. So, my dear, I can truly say that I love you to the depth of my soul."

She fell forward, her arms circling his shoulders as she kissed him. Again, they dipped into the pool of pleasure before she released his lips and lay against his chest. "I have always loved you too, Benny, even though I was not raised to know you would become my husband. Perhaps my father did not have the wisdom of yours. Please, I don't wish for us to be separated any longer."

"We will be together, daily if you wish it. Our courtship will teach us things about each other. However, if we become intimate too soon, our time of learning more about each other will be cut short."

Vivian tilted her head as she looked into his eyes. "You are wrong. I will learn about you quickly once we marry. It will also enhance our intimacy. We can still enjoy activities together..." she paused to study his expression. "Are you unsure about us living together?"

"Not at all. I learned that your father fears you could become pregnant too soon. Such could be dangerous because you are so young."

She thought of how this fear of Father's could make him postpone the wedding even now. "I will research this topic further. You must learn how to prevent pregnancy until I am older," she said placing her hand against his cheek. "When we learn more, we shall discuss this further." She moved off his lap. "Now, I wish for you to show me the work you must do today."


Upstairs in the attic, Radley knew he must have seen every piece of artwork Ruth had done over the past five years. She had been very excited to show her work to someone other than family. While he examined the excellent landscapes, Charlotte continued to watch him. He knew their intimacy had affected her, though it worried her as well.

Charlotte approached her sister to help Radley escape. "Ruth, he has seen most of your work. Shouldn't you finish your new painting? You mentioned using the storm."

"Yes, I do need to." She glanced out the big windows to stare at the dark clouds. "It will help me to get the colors right."

"Then you best begin before the sun comes out." She took Radley's hand and led him out of the attic. "They were grinning as they hurried down the steps to the second story.

Before they went down to the first floor, he stopped, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. "All I can think about is getting you into my arms."

"I suggest you try harder, Radley. We have just met and this is not appropriate."

"I know you, Charlotte. You have a rebellious streak and that makes you respond against authority, as you did by taking my horse. I not only understand you, I like the challenge you give me. When I kiss you, you like it. Whether or not you recognize it, we are courting... unconventional though it is. I'll speak to Ben, though he already knows what's going on."

"Shouldn't you ask me if this is what I want?"

His cocky grin brought a chuckle with it. "If you don't want me to court you, why do you keep kissing me back?"

"I didn't say I don't want you to court me. I want to be asked, Radley."

"Consider this as me asking you." He pulled her against him and kissed her using his tongue as he touched her breast. "You're the woman I want. You best tell me now if you object."

"You are taking too many liberties, Radley." She forcefully swept his hand off of her. "I want respect and this makes me feel as if you only want sex."

His eyebrow hiked at hearing such a bold statement. "I thought you were enjoying what we share together, Charlotte." He stepped back from her and formally offered his arm. "If you wish me to conform to stricter rules, I suggest you control your temper. When you get sassy, all I can think about is drinking in that fire you are demonstrating."

A soft grin tugged at her lips. "I'll try. Sometimes, that's too hard to do. In time, perhaps you can train me to be more receptive."

"Don't tempt me. I'll be only too happy to try." When they came down the last steps, he turned to look at her. "It would be best if I leave and come back for you later to take you for that buggy ride. If it's still raining, we'll postpone the event for another day. Friday, we are going to the opera. I've been invited to join some friends at a party afterwards if you would enjoy meeting them."

"I would be pleased to join you. Are you sure you can't stay now?"

"I have work I must see to, Charlotte. I'll be back by four this afternoon. If it's raining, think of something for us to do. All I can think about is dark corners and kissing you." It didn't help that she stood there staring at his mouth. They needed a chaperone worse than Ben and Vivian.

He changed his mind about that when he glanced inside the library and saw Vivian standing beside Ben at his desk. Her arm was draped over his shoulder with her fingers in his hair. By what he could tell, they were already moving toward the altar.

To the reader:

Here is how I picture it. . .

Ask any teenager if they have found a boy or young man that makes them want to be touched and you will hear a big fat YES! How far it goes depends on how hard you fight it. Boys want what they want, men will either justify that want or feel a little guilt with the right circumstances. Only a few things make a person turn away. With love, well then it's harder to say no.

I place Ben in the honor first category, like the U.S. Marines shout all the time. I'm not sure Ben would dare to take this relationship all the way without being married. Vivian could seduce him.

Radley is a different story. We'll have to wait and see what Charlotte does. After all, she was raised by the same parents who taught Ben to be honorable. However, Radley is hard to resist.

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you read.  With the way Vivian is behaving, she needs a hobby like planning that wedding.

Please, remember to vote.

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