Never said I love you┃D.M.

By H0echang

114K 4.2K 3.4K

Draco x Ravenclaw reader fanfiction written in the third person POV/ some Draco POVs (I wanted to switch it u... More

Never Said I Love You
Chapter one
Chapter two
Draco POV
Chapter four
Draco POV
Chapter five
Draco POV
Chapter six
Draco POV
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Draco POV
Chapter nine
Draco POV
Chapter ten
Draco POV
Chapter eleven
Draco POV
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Draco POV
Chapter sixteen
Draco POV
Chapter seventeen
Draco POV
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Draco POV
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Draco POV
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Draco POV
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Draco POV

Chapter three

3K 105 79
By H0echang

Hogwarts Express soon came to an abrupt halt. Students of all ages began to file out of the large doors, leaving behind two curious girls.

"Ready?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, let's get started." Luna replied.

It was a tradition of the girls to stay on the train to search for what was 'unseen by the naked eye'. 

Y/n waited patiently for her best friend to inspect each compartment.

Finally, they entered the last compartment. To Y/n it seemed as though the area was completely empty, but her best friend knew otherwise. Luna bent down and swiftly lifted a cloak to reveal a bloodied Harry Potter.

"Merlin Harry!" Y/n gasped taking a closer look at the beaten boy.

The two girls assisted Harry to the carriages and sat him across from them.

"Episkey" Luna exclaimed, mending the poor boy's nose whilst Harry groaned in pain. 

Y/n held Harry's face in her hand examining his injuries. She lifted her wand muttering a few incantations and healing his bruised face to the best of her abilities. Harry thanked the kind girls and remained silent for the rest of the ride. Y/n and Luna knew better than to meddle in Harry's business, so they stayed quiet as well.

Upon arrival at Hogwarts, Harry thanked the girls once more and searched the dining hall for a bushy haired girl and a ginger. Y/n held Luna's hand guiding her to an empty seat across from their friend who had waited patiently for the pair.

"What's wrong with Potter's face?" Michael asked.

The two girls exchanged glances and shrugged. 

The rest of the evening was spent downing large amounts of pudding and discussions about Summer. Y/n tried to pay attention to her friends, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her. The girl searched the tables, her eyes landing on a platinum haired boy. 

Y/n could tell that though his body sat in the dining hall, his mind wandered elsewhere. Y/n studied her classmate, his appearance was very different than last year. She observed the heavy bags that had formed under his silver eyes. His face was unhealthily skinny, and his complexion was even more pale than before. He looked quite ill.

"I noticed as well" Luna whispered breaking Y/n out of her trance.

"Noticed what?"

"Draco. He seems sickly, doesn't he?" Luna asked. Y/n simply nodded drawing her attention back to her pudding.

Y/n's conclusion was correct, Draco Malfoy was quite ill. Ever since the dreary day Draco Malfoy had become a deatheater, he rarely cared to eat and nights were long, as Draco feared sleep.

Draco Malfoy was slowly withering away right in front of his classmates.

The pale boy was lost in his own thoughts. The feast he once looked forward to, was now looking extremely unappetizing. Draco picked at the food on his plate and reverted his gaze to his classmates.

Though they were dumb and basically useless, Vincent Crabbe and Greggory Goyle were very loyal to Draco. He's never admitted it, but he truly did appreciate their presence.

Pansy Parkinson was an obsessed lunatic, but she was always there to put Draco on a pedestal, and that he enjoyed very much. 

Blaise Zabini was the only person Draco saw as an equal, a friend that didn't hang out with him just because of his status.

Draco's eyes continued to scan the hall, observing students he had tormented in the past, an activity that brought him an immense amount of joy. His eyes finally landed on her. He watched as she picked at her pudding. Ignorance truly is bliss, he thought to himself. The clueless girl had no idea that the most vile wizard to exist required her in his possession.

It hurt Draco deeply to know that he would be the cause of her demise as well as the deaths of many wizards and witches. 

Draco was the last piece in Voldemort's game of chess, and by the end of the year deatheaters would take over the only place he ever felt safe.

Students paid little attention to Professor Dumbledore's repetitive speech, though if they had known it would be his last, they surely would have listened closely to every word that left their headmaster's mouth. 

Albus Dumbledore however knew it would be his last time making this welcome home speech. He looked at his students' sweet faces with pride and hope. The amount of trust Albus had that Harry Potter would protect his children was indescribable and almost alarming.

Finally, the old wizard finished his welcome speech for the very last time. 

He sat and watched as students left the dining hall. He laughed at the first years' troubled faces and turned to his companion Severus Snape. 


"Yes Albus?"

"Take care of my children for me" 

Severus nodded at the gray wizard's request. Hogwarts would see dark days without his protection.

Most of the students slept well that night, unaware of what was happening in the room of requirements right under the professors' noses.

Sitting in the drab room was Draco Malfoy. Draco ran his hand along the smooth wood of the cabinet and began his first task. Though he was exhausted and only wanted to collapse into his bed, he knew it was his duty to finish this cabinet, before the Dark Lord grew impatient. He sighed and continued working hastily through the night.

Meanwhile, Y/n Godwin laid underneath her blue comforter listening to her steady breath. She had tried to stop herself from thinking about her encounter with Draco, but she was a Ravenclaw after all. Her natural instincts didn't allow anything to slip her mind. Ever since she was a young girl, she had obsessed over every little detail of her day.

She wondered if he was thinking of her as well, but finally concluded that he obviously couldn't be. They had never even had a proper conversation, let alone exchanged a single word. She sighed and turned to see that Luna was awake as well.

"Luna" Y/n whispered.

"Yes Y/n?"

"Why do you suppose Draco is ill?"

"I suspect something is worrying him. Maybe his grades? I do hope he is okay"

"Me too"

Over in the Gryffindor dorm, Harry Potter lay wide awake. Ideas of what Draco was up to ran through his mind. He believed that Draco had pledged allegiance to Voldemort, but Hermione believed his assumption was incorrect, and Hermione was never wrong.

Harry touched his face to feel the scars that had been given by Draco on the train ride. He hadn't told his friends about what happened on the train, they were already worried for him as is. Harry shuddered as he remembered Draco's sharp words.

"She was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin"

This encounter made Harry livid, and from then on, he was determined to stop Malfoy from whatever he was plotting. 

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