Wait For Me to Come Home (Noa...

By justavibingbisexual

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** There is NO smut in this story** Being labelled a successful up and coming singer-songwriter isn't exactly... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Part Twenty Four - The Lamppost Back on Sixth Street
Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One
Part Thirty Two - Wait For Me To Come Home
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty Six
Part Thirty Seven - Epilogue

Part Thirty Five - Kiss Me Under The Light of A Thousand Stars

845 15 2
By justavibingbisexual


It was odd waking up for the first time in about a month where I didn't have this sort of pressure bearing down on me -- the unspeakable kind related to having to come out to my first person. But I'd woken up next to the guy who is just so irresistibly cute, after spending most of the night in each other's arms. It might just be because it's the wedding today, and that love is in the air after the huge milestone in mine and Robbie's relationship, but honestly I feel unstoppable.

Robbie's limbs are sprawled all over the bed this morning, and I have no idea how he's sleeping in that sort of position. I never wear a shirt to bed, but Robbie's wearing a simple grey t-shirt. I managed to convince him to take a break from wearing his binder last night as I read up on the damage long term wearing them can do, and I care about him. I'm hoping he'll eventually realise that I'm gonna love him no matter what he looks like.

I check the time on my phone, and see that it's only just gone eight. I doubt anyone will be awake this early after the late night, but who knows. Robbie's parents are early risers so I wouldn't be surprised to see them. I slip out from the covers and quietly open the door so as not to wake Robbie up, grabbing my towel as I duck out into the bathroom.

Stephen had told us the plan for the wedding last night down at the bar, and we'd be taking coaches from the town square up to the venue which is an old castle in the hills. He'd shown me some of the pictures of it from the venue's website, and it looks like the perfect place to host a wedding. The coaches don't leave till around three in the afternoon, so we've got a bit of time to relax and get ready if we want to this morning. I'm very glad that we aren't anywhere near Robbie's cousin or her groom, cause I bet they would've been up since the crack of dawn getting ready and just generally being stressed out.

I get showered relatively quickly by my own standards, and attempt to sneak quietly back into my room, but there's no need as Robbie's awake and on his phone when I get back inside. He looks at me in just my pyjama shorts and damp hair, and looks away, blushing. I roll my eyes, stepping over to my suitcase and I start picking out a relatively relaxed outfit for the time we're gonna get chilling around the villa this morning. It's already scorching hot today, and I don't want to feel more uncomfortable than necessary in the heat. Robbie's looked back to me as I start getting changed.


'Morning, sugar cakes.'

'Okay I regret saying good morning to you now please don't ever call me that again.'

I laugh again, and finish putting my shirt on to lean over the bed to give Robbie a little kiss on the cheek.

'There. Does that make up for it?'

He frowns, but I can tell he's struggling to hide his smile.


I flip him off and sit on my side of the bed, trying to locate my sliders.

'So Dad just sent me a text. Him and mum are already awake and want to go into the square to get some fresh pastries and stuff for breakfast, if you want to come with?'

'Pastries and a walk into a scenic Greek square? God, are we really gaying it up that much?' I joke, and Robbie rolls his eyes in response, turning his attention to the phone in his hand.

'I'll tell them we're coming.'

'Better get ready quick then, mister big musician.'

Robbie rolls his eyes again at my taunt, flinging the covers off of himself and getting out of bed. He grabs his towel and goes for the door, but pauses just as he's about to leave, turning and dashing back towards me and enveloping me in a hug. We stay like that for a while, our breathing slowing and becoming the same as each others, before he slips out of my arms and out of the bedroom. I was joking about the whole 'gaying it up' thing, but it is a genuinely nice way to start the day. We might be able to even hold hands on the walk down now that we're out to his parents, even if we can't in the town square, but that alright. And there'll be no sign of Amanda and her husband, so that's an even bigger bonus.

After the walk down and getting a large selection of probably some of the nicest smelling pastries I've ever smelt, we were all lounging around the pool after having a brief swim when we got back. Everyone else is on a sunbed or under the covered part of the decking where there's a large table and chairs, except for Amanda and Joe, who are both awake but keeping confined to their blacked out room until they can brave coming outside with their raging hangovers.

It's reached that midday temperature where it's too hot to even be sitting around in the shade, so we can't do anything else. Robbie's pulled a chair up right next to me at the table, both of us have our headphones in and he's doing a lot of writing in this beaten up notebook I've seen him carrying around a lot recently. His leg is bouncing up and down on the spot, one of his hands dropped down to his side, and it's being held in my own hand that's hidden beneath the table. This, although I'm covered in croissant crumbs from our late breakfast, is the sort of idea I had hoped our vacation would turn out to be.

My thoughts start drifting to the wedding. I had been worried that the designer clothes I'd picked would stick out and maybe draw attention, but after meeting a lot of the guests last night and seeing how they were dressed, I was no longer worried. A lot of the men there with their girlfriends or fiancés were the typical mid-thirties 'lads' who have well paying jobs, and were decked out in more flashy designer stuff than I have. Not that I care, cause I've never liked the super flashy expensive stuff anyway. It just means I might blend in.

A couple hours later and Robbie and I have just finished getting changed into our outfits for the wedding. I'm praying that we all don't get too sweaty during the short walk to the square and waiting coaches, cause if I had to spend the rest of the wedding in front of all of Robbie's relatives walking around with a large sweat patch on my back I'd shrink away into a hole and die from embarrassment. Robbie's just finished getting changed in the bathroom, and comes back into the room looking a lot cuter than I remembered him looking when he sent me the pictures of him trying on the outfit back in the UK. We lock eyes with each other and share an awkward, shy smile before I scoop him up into my arms.

'You look really handsome.'

'I think you mean terrible.'

'No, I mean it.'

Robbie looks up and scowls at me playfully, only making me squeeze him tighter in the hug.

'Let's just agree that we're both super sexy alright?'

I take his muffled laughter from my chest as a positive response, and I pull out of the hug to grab my phone from my pocket.

'You wanna get some of those cute ass couple photos?'

'Get out of my head.'

I grin as he latches himself onto my side in front of the large mirror on the wall in our bedroom. I point my phone at it, and snap off a whole bunch of different photos, including a couple right at the end where we kiss. The grin that was on my face in all the photos never fades as Robbie goes over to where he's left his phone charging near the bed. You can guarantee that these photos are gonna find their way into my vlog at some point.

He pockets his phone, and turns back to look at me, a small bit of concern etched across his face.

'You good?'

'Yeah? I-- I think I am. I just hope that we have a good time tonight.'

'Well, as cheesy as it sounds, and I hate that you're so cute you make me say shit like this--'

I step towards him and wrap him in a hug again.

'I'm always gonna have a good time when I'm with you.'

'Ewww. Gross.'

He pushes me away with a laugh, and I flash a grin at him again.

'What's the matter with the romance? Today's all about love and eternal commitment--'

'Not to mention all the couples who're gonna be boning tonight because they're all loved up.'

I burst out laughing, and Robbie glares at me with mock anger, raising his hands up as he attempts to explain.

'For real, it's probably going to happen. I can guarantee there'll be a bunch of kids being born around nine months from now. You've met the guys in relationships here, they're gonna go mental with all the mention of love and new life. And the free alcohol will definitely help too.'

'Well, at least we don't have to worry about accidentally getting one another pregnant.'

I realise what I've just said, and it hits Robbie at the same time and he kinda freezes, absolutely bewildered and his cheeks turning probably the brightest red I've ever seen them go. But if his have gone that red, so have mine cause I can feel the heat radiating off of them and it's definitely not cause of the tropical weather. I recover first, spluttering to cover myself.

'I-- That's not what I meant-- You know that we don't have to even talk about this stuff--'

I flail my hands desperately before just shrugging and letting out a long sigh. Robbie's staring at me, and my eyes fall to the ground, as I don't know if I've overstepped a line here. It kinda just slipped out, it's the sort of humour guys our age use all the time. He knows that my priorities in this relationship aren't solely focused on that stuff. Yet. I look back up from my shoes and Robbie's got a little grin on his face.

'God you sounded like my parents when they gave me the sex talk.'

He comes closer to me, grasping my hand gently and its warmth seems to start radiating across my body. He looks into my eyes, and my worries are gone.

'It's alright Noah. Most guys our age wouldn't have even started apologising or whatever but I want you to know that I'm always gonna be open with you okay? And personally, right now, I'm not entirely sure about... that stuff. I know that I'll want to try it at some point, but the way I am at the moment--'

'Which is perfect' I blurt out, and Robbie smiles shyly, squeezing my hand with his again gently.

'Which is false. But what I'm trying to say is that I'm still trying to figure myself out. I might even be ace or something, but if or when I feel comfortable talking about this stuff we can. I'm sorry to let you down but I'd rather be up front with you than uncomfortable.'

Jesus Christ, every time I think I've said or done something that might make things awkward between us, he's somehow alright with it, and he's just as adorable as he always is.

'Robbie... I appreciate that a lot more. If I was making you uncomfortable or something I don't think I could ever forgive myself.'

He wraps me in a hug, and all the worry in my life is quiet. Again.


'Promise that we'll stick together at the wedding?'

'Of course. Like glue.'

There's something extraordinarily British about being piled into a boiling clapped out coach with a bunch of strangers on holiday in Europe, and I'm getting the full experience right now. We were lucky enough to be the first on the coach and therefore got to take the coveted back seats. Well, I was going to sit on the row of four seats at the back until Amanda made her advances towards them, and Robbie pulled me to safety into one of the pairs of seats near the back, so we were at least right next to his family.

Everyone's loud and chatty on the coach but I don't mind sitting in silence with Robbie in our little area with his family, and he's looking out of the window at the sun scorched hills of Greece as the coach takes us up higher into them. It looks like a great moment for me to get another video and a few photos of Robbie as the sun catches the window, perfectly lighting up his face with its low, afternoon glow. I snap a few pictures for myself, before switching to film and I focus on Robbie for a bit, before flipping it round to selfie mode and getting my grinning face and some of his family in it, who all wave and smile at the camera. That's definitely going in the vlog as well.

Robbie's still staring out of the window, but I watch as he drops one of his hands down by his side, into the small space between us on the raggedy seats that have definitely seen better days. He doesn't say anything, but I can tell what he wants. I copy him, slowly dropping my hand down onto the rough material of my seat, and inch it closer and closer until my fingertips graze his hand. I wait a second, before enveloping his hand in mine, and giving it a soft squeeze. I look up from my hand to Robbie, and I see a small grin on his face as he continues to stare off at the hills.

We pull up to the entrance of the grounds leading up to the castle, and I can see that we're being directed to the gardens, which is where the ceremony must be happening. We all pile into a large courtyard flanked by blossoming trees and old farmhouses. Free drinks are already being handed out, with Robbie and I taking some glasses of water whereas most of the other guests here opt for one of the many glasses of champagne. I've been to enough parties and events to see that this is where they expect us to 'mingle', but honestly no one's bothering to approach anyone they don't know yet so I cling close to Robbie, Becca and his cousins, as Robbie starts pointing out certain family members to me and explaining who they are and how which ones will be more stressed until after the ceremony.

There's a couple of photographers making their way around, not so subtly taking pictures of people, and it's kinda funny watching how uncomfortable they're making the people they're taking pictures of. I shoot a look at Robbie, and he gives me a small smile back, just as one of the photographers make their way over to us. This is at least something I'm used to, and Robbie's gotten used to having Quinn taking photos of him too, so we kinda just continue chatting with each other and he points out one of his uncles, with a couple of men around his age.

'My uncle over there formed a rock cover band a few years ago with those guys next to him. They normally just play local little gigs, charity ones in pubs and also play at a lot of family parties too.'

'Do you think they'll be playing tonight?'

'Well, considering it's his daughter getting married, then yeah I think they definitely will be.'

'It must be cool having other musicians in the family.'

Robbie's eyes go to the ground, and his expression changes ever so slightly. I can assume that he's trying to keep himself looking happy for the family around us, but I can tell this might be a bit of a sore subject.

'Shit, I'm sorry if something's gone on between you and them, are-- are they dicks as well?--'

'No, not at all. It's just that everyone was so supportive of them when they put that band together, and sure they're not terrible and it's a bit of a laugh but still...'

It clicks in my head, and my heart throbs again for Robbie.

'The rest of the family actually supported them. Even when you had been doing music for a couple years before...'

'And they never had all their relatives tell them to stop cause it wasn't reasonable or impossible.'

I give a quick glance around the packed courtyard, noticing that no one else is really near us, and those who are like Becca, Michael and Tyler are too busy talking and drinking to care. I slip my hand into Robbie's and give it a brief squeeze before quickly retracting it. Robbie looks up from the ground, blushing a little bit.

'Well, I know that certain people--'

Our eyes both lock onto Amanda a few metres away from us, cackling at a joke she'd just told to some guests who are trying their hardest to both grin and inch away from her as quickly as possible.

'As much as they'd hate to admit it, they know that they ended up eating their words. So don't feel down alright. It is a day of celebration after all--'

Robbie gives me a slight shove as he giggles at me trying to raise the mood, and I let him, enjoying watching the smile cross his face. A photographer had snuck up behind us without me realising, and caught this moment on camera. We both pause in realisation, with stupid grins on our faces, but I don't care and I'm certain Robbie doesn't too. The photographer gives us a small smile after capturing this moment, turning to leave, but they stop, instead coming back to look at us both with that signature 'Do I know you from somewhere?' look.

'I'm sorry to stare, it's just... are you... Robbie Pearce?'

A slight exhale of air escapes my nostrils cause I'm actually glad that this photographer has noticed Robbie instead of me. My eyes turn to Robbie, wondering if I'm going to need to step in and help him out, but he's got a sheepish smile on his face, and I can see that he's definitely comfortable. He scratches the back of his head, and it's kinda cute seeing him do the same thing I do when I get noticed in public.

'Uh-- Yeah. Yeah I am.'

'Well it's amazing to see you here! Can I just say I love your music, I actually first found you when I listened to your E.P'

'Oh, well thank you so much! Not many people seem to remember my E.P, yet alone liked it, so thank you!'

'And you're here with Noah Schnapp too, what are the chances! Are you both related to the bride or groom?'

Robbie's inched himself closer to me, keeping a bright smile on his face, and I'm surprised I haven't started blushing at the fact that he feels more comfortable next to me.

'I'm related to the bride, but we're here together.'

Robbie freezes when he realises what he said, and the photographer and I can't help grinning as he stutters to cover himself.

'I mean! We're not like... together together, I mean we came here together. As friends.'

If the photographer had any suspicions I don't think they really noticed as they just beam at both of us.

'That's really cool! I wasn't expecting some celebrities to be here.'

Robbie gives them a weak grin, starting to falter a bit as he doesn't exactly know when to subtly suggest he wants to end the conversation after thinking he embarrassed himself.

'I mean, we're both just normal people to be honest, and today's not really about us.'

'Oh yes, that's so true. Well, maybe I'll see you guys later?'

Both of us give them bright grins and I nod earnestly.

'Yeah we'll have to see.'

The photographer gives us a little wave and then disappears off after the mother of the bride, whose trying to micromanage everything even though that's what the staff she's probably spent thousands of pounds on for the evening are doing for her. Robbie looks at me with a bright smile, beaming with pride. Becca materialises next to him, making him jump, and both Becca and I laugh at Robbie.

'Jesus Becca, can you stop creeping up on me when we're surrounded by people I don't know.'

'I can't make any promises. But did I hear that right? The photographer recognised you?!'

Robbie blushes slightly, giving Becca a weak nod, and she wraps him in a hug which definitely catches him off guard.

'That's so cool! I'm really proud of you big bro.'

'Aww... thanks Becca. I'm proud of you too you know.'

'I know!'

She unlatches herself from him and skips back over towards Michael, whose started stacking up as many empty glasses as he can find and is carrying them around with Tyler. Odd, but at least they're having fun I guess. I look back to Robbie, whose taking a sip from his glass of water and looking around sheepishly.

'Well done. You definitely handled that a lot better than I did when I first got recognised in public, even if you did absolutely lie through your teeth and told the photographer that we're not together--'

'Shut up. I don't want to hit you in front of Amanda.'

I give him a gentle dig on his shoulder and he looks back up at me with that face filled with a mixture of pride and love, and I swear if we weren't here right now I'd have kissed him in an instant. The mother of the bride comes dashing down some brick steps from one of the buildings, which I'm going to assume is gonna lead us to where the ceremony is happening.

'Okay everyone! We're ready for you all to make your way through to the garden.'

Murmurs start rising from the assembled guests as we all begin to pile our way towards the very picturesque building, and I manage to catch a glimpse of some of the pure white chairs in the garden. As all of us club together through the entrance of the building, before exiting out into the large, well sheltered garden, I start to cling a little closer to Robbie.

There's apparently a seating plan here, with the family or those in the 'circle of trust' sitting in the seats closest to the raised brick platform where a beaming vicar is standing, some wedding musicians sat further off to his right, and I really don't want to be separated from Robbie if I can help it. Luckily, Robbie directs me with him towards the 'circle of trust' area, and I guess that he must've pulled some strings so that I could sit with him and his family -- and I can't help but grin as I see Joe split from Amanda, as she's ushered to sit with the friends of the family.

As the first guests begin trickling into their places, the wedding 'band' which consists of two guys who are cut and dry stereotypes of trendy thirty year olds (complete with shitty trilbies on their heads) who think they're a lot better than everyone else cause they can play instruments and get paid to do it; begins to play some soft, soppy music on their guitars and I nudge Robbie, pointing them out to him with a grin. He rolls his eyes, gently shoving me back as we take our seats.

I've never met any of the people here, or know the bride and groom personally, but even I was getting a bit emotional as the ceremony went on. There were lots of jokes shared by the friends of the groom, who was embarrassed a couple of times but he took it in his stride and then he finally had the first kiss with his new wife, and they lead us out and into this massive courtyard where all the tables where neatly arranged, facing a section of the courtyard overlooking the steep cliffs and hills where a stage had been set up for the evening. 

But the best part of this area was the entrance into it. There was a large brick arch that opened up into the courtyard, and it had strings of white fairy lights dangling down its entire length, creating a wall of light for every guest to pass through as they came into the cobbled yard. Robbie and I passed through it, both of us wearing the ridiculous face of awe which everyone had as they went through. After we went through it Robbie looked at me and gave me a wink, which I'm guessing means that he's thinking what I was also thinking -- I want to get a picture of us together when it's darker in front of those lights.

The tables had been set out with a seating plan that was somewhat similar to the plan at the ceremony, however we weren't close to the table of honour and I was quite glad about that. We were tucked away near one of the corners of the courtyard, but we were right next to the toilets and bar so honestly, we kinda lucked out. I'd noticed with dismay that Amanda was on the table with me and Robbie's family, and even worse, was that I was also supposed to be seated next to her.

However before she could arrive and permanently ruin my evening (she was busy having a go at some poor member of staff), Becca had committed a huge gesture for me by switching her name placard with my own, putting me next to Robbie, and I mouthed a small 'Thank you' to her, and she just giggled and nodded in approval. I definitely owe her more than a few selfies now, but that's nothing compared to spending an evening next to Amanda. We all wait for the newly wed couple to take their seats, and as they enter we're all told to wave our napkins around in the air and cheer, which was actually a lot of fun.

The happy couple come in and make a point of dancing around a bit, much to everyone's amusement, and I can't help but look over to Robbie as we're surrounded by the noise. He's got a wide grin on his face as he waves his napkin around, cheering on his cousin and I wish that I was filming him instead of his cousin's entrance, so that I could see this little bit of joy on his face forever.

His cousin and her husband sit down, and we're finally allowed to sit after them, and the chatter starts up as waiters appear out of nowhere and start serving up some really fancy looking food. As the plates get put on our table, Amanda's gone too long without complaining, and chooses to address the table.

'Oh, this is a wonderful courtyard. But I don't see why they had to squeeze us all into this corner. It's like they're trying to hide us away.'

'I'm sure that's not the case Amanda, we're closer to Natalie's table than a lot of the other guests here--'

'Yes Stephen, but surely we could do better. I mean, we have a freaking celebrity on our table--'

She gestures towards me, and the bingo wings on her arms that the dark red dress she's wearing have left wonderfully exposed flutter in the air, making a funny little pit-pat noise which nearly makes Michael and Becca snort out with laughter. Amanda and Joe's eyes are on me, and I shrink a bit in my chair, flashing her the patented grin I've had to use for every moment she's had her eyes on me.

'I actually like where we're sat. And who cares if this table has two famous people on it. It's Natalie's big day and it's not about me or Robbie tonight.'

Amanda sits, stumped at what I've just said. I continue to smile sweetly at her, and even her husband who looked like he was about to say something, has thought better of it. I can see Robbie out of the corner of my eye, and although he's avoiding looking at the woman opposite him at the table, he has a slight grin on his face. Of course I was gonna remind her that Robbie's also a successful musician.

'Well... uh-- If you're happy then I guess-- that's alright...'

Amanda drifts off and starts picking away at the meal in front of her, and the rest of us start doing the same as usual chatter starts to resume between Robbie's parents. I sneak my leg under the table towards Robbie and rest it against his, and I see the small smile from the coach return to his face as he continues eating. He knows that I'm not gonna let people walk over him, and that I'm also not scared to tell others how freaking proud of him I am. I know he's already been doing the same for me, and it's that kind of support that makes me realise how lucky I am to be dating someone like him.

The three courses went down really quickly, and everyone's mood was improved throughout the meal, even Amanda's. All the free alcohol was definitely helping, and the waiters had even poured out a glass each of red wine for Robbie and I, so we were both getting a bit more 'giggly', but so was everyone else so thankfully it wasn't that noticeable. People have started mingling from different tables now that they've started finishing their meals, and a couple of Robbie's mom's relatives drift over. They actually know who I am, and we go through the whole thing of shaking hands and polite chatting before they inevitably grab a couple more glasses of wine and start chatting in depth with Robbie's parents.

Robbie nudges me, struggling to hide a grin on his face as he grasps my hand and leads me away from our table, over towards the little stage at the far end of the courtyard. A space has been cleared for an impromptu dance floor, and I'm gonna guess that this is where the first dance is going to happen. Robbie pulls me to the edge of the group of people who're starting to assemble around the 'dance floor', and points at the stage, where I can see his uncle who he introduced earlier and the men from his band are grouped together in deep discussion.

'I told you they'd be performing. I can see their instruments being brought up to the stage.'

'Are they going to play the first dance?'

'Oh God no, my uncle didn't want to be responsible for something that important. It'll probably just be played through the speakers--'

As if on cue, the speakers come to life as the first notes of a love song start playing, and a collective 'Aww' comes from the assembled crowd as the bride and groom take the dance floor. We both stand amongst all these people who I'll probably never see again after this vacation, as the air fills with love and I kinda get lost watching the couple sway together. I've subconsciously leaned my head against Robbie's shoulder, but he doesn't shrug me off. No one's looking at us anyway, all their focus and phones are on the happy couple, but I can definitely say that they're not the only happy couple right now in this courtyard.

They finish their dance to a wave of applause and cheers which Robbie and I more than happily contribute loudly to, and then his uncle steps up to the microphone at the stage, an electric guitar slung around his shoulder, his band ready and waiting behind him.

'Thank you everyone so much for coming this way to celebrate our Natalie's big day. I know that she said she didn't want me and the band to play here tonight, but it wouldn't be complete without this. So we're going to play Natalie's favourite song. I hope you all sing and dance along.'

Robbie looks at me with a huge grin, and I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

'You're going to love this.'

'It's not a shit song is it?'

'Not at all. Just a word of warning, you've only ever heard me singing nicely up on stage. I always end up screaming out with this song so if you wanna protect your eardrums--'

'Shut up. If you're gonna be yelling the lyrics, so am I--'

The opening chords cut me out as they ring out across the courtyard, and I've got to admit that for a cover band made up of middle aged guys, they sound pretty good. But I don't really have time to think about that cause my yells have joined everyone else's cause we've recognised what the song is. It's 'High Hopes' by Panic! At The Disco, and it brings memories flooding back from a couple years ago when I got the amazing chance to go up on stage with them at one of their gigs.

I've definitely surprised Robbie with how loud and excited I've gotten, I fully expect him to maybe blush and get quieter, but his arm is suddenly around me as we both start singing or practically yelling out the lyrics as the lead singer starts the main verse. The dance floor is packed by the time they hit the chorus, and I find myself jumping around with not just Robbie, but Becca and Robbie's mum, and I'm loving it. This is the side of his family I like, and if every gathering was going to be like this, I know that I'll need to make more excuses to be able to tag along.

By the end of the song we're all red in the face and out of breath but no one cares as we all applaud the band loudly. I pull Robbie close to me as he continues to clap and I start losing myself in watching him again, seeing the happiness etched across his face that I wish I could keep there forever. Becca tugs Robbie's arm and effectively pulls him out of my grasp, as she looks at him with bright and eager eyes.

'Robbie! You've got to go up there and play a song! Uncle James won't mind. Come onnnnn! Pleeeasse!!'

Robbie gently prises her hand off of his arm, grinning slightly at her as he does so.

'Becca, I'd love to but you know that I've spent months playing gigs. I kinda want to just enjoy tonight, and let everyone else have a good time.'

Becca looks at him, crestfallen, but she doesn't push him about it anymore. I think she understands what Robbie's getting at. I know I do. I'd love more than anyone to have him get up there and sing, but I understand that it could end up being free ammunition for Amanda and Joe. I've been lost in my thoughts for a moment, and I snap back to reality with Robbie's face coming into focus.

'Is that cool?'

'What? Not playing a song here tonight?'

'Yeah. I know you'd tell me to do it, and I will if you want--'

'You don't have to do that. You're right about wanting a break. And besides, I don't want people here falling in love with you when they see how talented you are, cause they're gonna have to fight me.'

Robbie laughs, making direct contact with me. We're staring at each other, our faces kept apart by the circumstances and the people around us. The light from candles and lamps that have been lit by the staff as night fell falls out of focus as everything slows, yes, like in the movies,  and Robbie's the only thing that's clear in my vision right now. We both share an awkward little smile with one another, knowing that I'd already be making out with him if we weren't in front of all these oblivious people. His uncle's band start playing some rock covers, and everything comes crashing back into reality.

'I-- I need to go to the toilet. I'll be right back.'

'Don't get lost in there. I kinda need you.'

'I won't. Promise.'

He slips away from my grasp, and I'm left alone for a brief moment, before Becca materialises out of nowhere (again?!), and drags me into a circle of wedding guests all dancing without a care to the music that's playing. I laugh a little at Becca's attempts at dancing, but soon join in. The music, the atmosphere, is all electric and I have so much energy despite bouncing around to their first song. I'm loving this.

The courtyard is eerily quiet now, since nearly everyone has migrated through a building into another courtyard attached to this one for the 'proper' festivities. There was a small room in the building connected to the courtyard with what I can assume is the closest thing to an Ibiza nightclub here, and I'd gone in for a little bit, watching as a really drunk older cousin bought double vodka and cokes for Michael and Tyler, who were both tearing up the dance floor in an alcohol induced frenzy. And they were the most sober ones in that room.

I'd left pretty quickly after that, as Amanda had also clocked me and I could smell the alcohol on her from across the room, but I luckily managed to duck out before she got over to me. Past this room in the building, it opened up to another courtyard which had views of the hills now surrounded in darkness, and there were plenty of comfortable sofas scattered around the courtyard where people were resting or chatting amicably with new people. There was a buffet table set out as well, which I obviously had to try out, and a couple of guests did come up to me and ask for pictures. Luckily, I hadn't smeared anything on my face, so I'm sure that the pictures came out without any embarrassment on my end. I just know that my fans are going to go insane about this new 'content' and the tags will start coming in again. But I wouldn't change them for anything in the world.

I headed back towards the courtyard where we'd had our meal in earlier, as I hadn't seen Robbie in a while and it was at that point in the night where couples were all pairing off and I wanted to see if we could get a moment alone by the dangling wall of fairy lights. As I stepped out of the building into the now dimly lit area, I could make out the silhouettes of some people chatting by one of the tables.  I made my way over to them, instantly noticing the shape of Robbie's body in the flickering, orange light from the candles that were most likely down to the last of their wicks by now.

As I got nearer, I could hear laughter, and I briefly paused to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything.

'I'm telling you, you're incredible. Your next album is going to be amazing, and I bet we'll be seeing you play someplace like Wembley in a couple years.'

'Thanks Natalie. Your support means the world to me--'

I can't help but grin as I see Robbie get cut out cause Natalie has enveloped him in a hug, smothering him with her wedding dress. This is a tender moment between him and one of his relatives who doesn't hate him, and I don't want to ruin that. They both pull out of the hug, and Natalie giggles. I can guess that her blood is probably nearly all alcohol by this point.

'No problem little man. I hope you have a great rest of your night with your friend-- Oh, there he is!'

Natalie's spun around and I have no idea how she's spotted me coming towards them in the low light, especially when she can't even see straight. I give her a shy wave as I approach, and she's already started heading back towards where I've come from, one of her bridesmaids in tow.

'Noah, isn't it?'

'Uh... yeah.'

'I knew I'd seen you somewhere. I can't believe you were in Stranger Things! Robbie told me all about the most recent season, and he said you're really talented. And I-- I have to agree.'

'Aw, thanks Natalie. The wedding's been lovely.'

She gives me a grin, before grabbing me out of nowhere in a huge hug, putting her entire weight on me and staggering me back a bit. Robbie bursts out laughing at my misfortune, and I shoot daggers at him from over his drunk cousin's shoulder. She eventually lets me go, patting me on the head although we're about the same height.

'Thank you for coming. Robbie's a great guy, and I'm super glad you're really close friends.'

I look off over at Robbie, whose watching us both nervously, and a small smile finds its way onto my face.

'Yeah. I'm really lucky.'

Natalie just beams at me, before sprinting off towards the clubbing room, her poor bridesmaid in tow. I watch as she leaves, a little concerned, and Robbie comes up alongside me.

'Is she gonna be alright?'

'Oh yeah. She can handle her alcohol really well. And even then, she's not a person who does stupid stuff when she's drunk.'

'Unlike a certain someone.'

I've turned back to look at him, and we share a laugh at Amanda's expense. I'm suddenly aware of the stillness in the air, and not even a stray gust of wind can make its way into the courtyard. Everything right now just feels... right. I catch Robbie looking at me, and he looks away blushing. I know what he wants to ask, even though he's gotten a little embarrassed. I step towards him and wrap him in the hug I've wanted to give him the entire evening. Neither of us move as we stand in each other's arms, in this moment of calm despite the party happening nearby. That's the effects Robbie has had on my crazy world. He brings this calm which not many people I know are able to bring, and it makes me love him even more than I already do.

I see the shadows flickering on the brick wall near us, cast by the low candles, and there's suddenly some movement nearby which makes us both jump apart from each other, staring out in fear at the darkness. Some instantly recognisable laughter comes from it, and Becca reveals herself from the shadowy domain, prompting huge sighs of relief from both Robbie and I. She looks at us curiously.

'Am I interrupting anything?'

'Uhm-- Kinda yeah, but now that you're here--'

Robbie looks at me and gestures towards the dangling fairy lights nearby. I understand, and face Becca.

'Would you be able to take some pictures for us?'

Her face lights up as Robbie offers her his phone, which she snatches eagerly, stepping towards the lights. Robbie and I join her, placing ourselves in front of the beautiful backdrop. We stand next to each other, as friends would when posing for a photo. And it feels incredibly awkward, so I can only guess the photos themselves look the same. Becca's taken a few, but looks at Robbie's phone in her hands with a raised eyebrow.

'God, you guys look so awkward. I don't know, maybe try something else you're comfortable with.'

Robbie looks up at me, and shrugs his shoulders and I think I catch his drift. He turns his head towards Becca.

'Becca. Promise you won't tell anyone else?'

'Tell them what?'

She doesn't get her response as Robbie has grabbed my arms; and I've done the same, and we come together in a close hug, me resting my head on top of his and him burying his face into my neck. Becca's in too much shock to really say anything, but I hear her taking photos. We stay like that, swaying a little, before Robbie's head lifts up from my body, and he looks up at me with the warm, orange glow surrounding us reflecting in his eyes, and I know what he wants. But it's also what I want.

He lifts himself up a little bit in my embrace, so that he can reach my lips. And then it happens. Our lips connect, and it seems like the light surrounding us is exploding, as if in celebration of what we're doing. I keep my eyes shut, enjoying and losing myself in the moment, and I have to keep a firm grip around Robbie cause I'm so scared that this is a dream, and I'm gonna lose him forever --

The kiss ends, and as Robbie breathlessly pulls away from me, I dare to open my eyes. He hasn't disappeared. He's still here, and just as perfect as he was before I closed my eyes. He's beaming up at me, and I can tell that I have the same expression on my face. We're still staring into each other's eyes as Becca finally comes to her senses, and dashes over to us.

She hands Robbie's phone back to him without saying a word, and my arm remains around him as Becca looks at us incredulously.

'This... explains a lot.'

Robbie and I look at each other before bursting out into laughter, and Robbie brings Becca into a group hug with the both of us.

'Do mum and dad know?'

I can feel Robbie nod near my shoulder.

'Well, I'm not going to lie... I kinda had been shipping it for a while.'

We withdraw from the hug with bright smiles on our faces, and Robbie's hand finds its way into mine. Becca continues to stare at us with joy written on her face, before she turns to look at me.

'Oh my God. My brother in law is going to be Noah Schnapp!!'

'Woah, we haven't even been together for more than a couple months, and you're already planning our wedding?'

'I've got to be prepared.'

'Becca, I promise that we can talk more about this when we're not at a wedding. Let's just try enjoy the rest of the night.'

I couldn't agree more with Robbie as we start making our way back towards the sofas and buffet in the courtyard next door. I look down at mine and Robbie's entwined hands, and when I look back up with a silly smile on my face, I find Robbie looking at me. I nudge him, making him giggle.


'Nothing. Just that you're cute.'

'Shut up. Honestly though, thanks so much for inviting me along. I'm really glad we got to spend this time together.'

'I don't think I'd of had it any other way. You somehow managed to make being with Amanda bearable. And I love you even more because of that.'

I peck him on his forehead, and I watch the same stupid grin I've got on my face make its way across his.

'I love you too.'

Our hands stay together for as long as we dare, right up until we step through into the courtyard. No one notices us. No one comes running over. And I'm happy. I can't wait to see the photos Becca took on Robbie's phone, cause you can guarantee that I'm gonna save one of them as my lock screen. Robbie shuffles a little closer to me, even if we aren't holding hands anymore. I know I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now.

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