The Known (On Hold)

By Grattsfan

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Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, aka Charlie or C.J., is a sister, best friend, girlfriend, soccer player and ... b... More



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By Grattsfan

After having breakfast together and then doing some sightseeing as a group, the US players are given the remainder of the day off to recover and enjoy some chill time during the busy tournament schedule.

After checking in with Mal and her Mom, Charlotte gets changed and heads down to join a large group of her teammates sitting in loungers poolside.

Laying back with her eyes closed she is enjoying the moment, listening to the girls laughing and splashing in the pool while others listen to the blasting music and have conversations.

"Yo Charlie! I need a partner for volleyball."

"Make a friend, Sanchez, I'm busy."

She hears laughing and then screams out as water is dumped on her, "I'm gonna kill you, Ash!"

"You'll have to catch me first!" Charlotte chases after her and they both eventually end up jumping in the pool, splashing each other. Eventually, they join forces and dominate the volleyball game, at least in their heads they do; in reality, not so much.

Sitting back down and allowing the rays of sunshine to dry them off, Charlotte and Ashley down their bottles of water along with a plate of food poolside.

"Feels so good to have a day off."

"Definitely, my body and mind were needing it. Ash, can I ask your advice on something?"

"That depends if it's school-related, not a chance that's more your area than mine."

"It's not about school. I have all these ideas bouncing around in my head about the how, when and where I should propose to Mal and I can't decide what I really should do. I want it to be something special and that she will never forget, but I don't know where to start."

"Do you guys have anywhere special you like to go together?"

"Not really, we're both kinda homebodies. I need there to be a WOW factor and not just wow, you know?"

"I get it, but, you do realize she will say yes, no matter how you do it." 

"I know, it's just I need it to be perfect."

"Mal's going to be heading back to Washington soon, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Charlotte looks down at her hands.

"Is there someplace there, that you could pop the question? Maybe someplace that means something to you guys?"

"Possibly, I'll have to do some serious thinking about it though. But, ooooo, I do know something."

Charlotte stands up and takes off leaving Ashley behind mumbling to herself, "Thanks for the help, Ash." "You're welcome, Charlie."

Ashley hears laughing and realizes that she has been caught talking to herself in front of her girlfriend.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I just came to check on you before we left for our game. You weren't answering your phone. Should I be concerned that you are talking to yourself?"

"No, I'm fine. Charlie just left me hanging. Let me grab my stuff and I'll walk with you out."

They duck into a corner in the hallway and share a quick kiss before, Jessie joins her Canadian teammates and boards their bus.

Ashley waits until the bus departs before catching the elevator back up to the US floor and then walking down the hallway back to her and Charlotte's room.

Opening the door, she finds Charlotte with her head buried in her computer and talking to someone on the phone, she overhears the words "Ring Pop" and is drawn into the conversation.

"No Kenz, I'm not proposing with an actual Ring Pop, I want to put the real ring inside a Ring Pop case that opens up."

"Yes, I know. I don't care, find someone to make me it; oh and it needs to be Red, like a Strawberry one." 

"Okay, thanks. Love you, too, bye Kenz."

Charlotte puts her phone down and looks over at Ashley, "Sorry for taking off on you, I kinda had a brainwave and needed to deal with it right away."

"It's okay. So, you're proposing with a Ring Pop? That's the gist I got from the conversation."

Charlotte laughs and shakes her head, "Mal and I had a conversation before and joked about me proposing with a Ring Pop and if she'd say yes; I intend to find out. You know on TV when they show the guy pulling out a ring box and then getting down on one knee, opening to box up to show the sparkler off and then asking? Well, I want to have a little fun with Mal and rather than her engagement ring being in a box, I want a Ring Pop that opens up to reveal it. Do you get what I mean?"

Ashley looks at her and Charlotte turns her computer around to show her a picture.

"I want something like this."

"You're serious?"

Charlotte smiles and nods, "Yep. Now, I just need to find the ring to go inside and decide when and where it's all going to happen."

"God, I hope I never have to do the proposing, because it seems like a lot of work!"

"Yeah, but when you find the right person, it doesn't matter how much work is involved in it, you just do it because you know that the end result will more than make up for it."

Charlotte stands up and grabs some clothes, "I'm going to grab a quick shower, when I'm done I'll look over that assignment that you wanted me to, okay?"

"Sounds good."

Later on, they settle in and watch the stream of the Canada and Haiti match. Ashley cheers on her UCLA teammate, Shana Flynn as she knocks out a hat trick within the first 20 minutes of the game.

The remainder of the match is pretty boring and with Tanya Boychuk scoring in the 81st minute, the Canadians easily defeat their opponents by a final score of 4 - 0. With the victory, Canada locks up first place in their group and advances to the Semi-Finals along with Haiti, who finishes second in the group.

Shutting down the laptop, Charlotte and Ashley head down to grab some food with their teammates before engaging in some team bonding activities until it's curfew time.

The next afternoon, the United States plays Mexico in their final game of the group stage and comes away with a 2 -1 victory on the back of goals from Abigail Kim and Ashley, with Charlotte drawing an assist on the second goal. The victory allows the US to finish out the group stage in the first place and advance to the Semi-Finals.

With three days before the Semis take place, the players are finally able to take some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of the surrounding area and make the most of it, by going hiking, exploring, trying some of the local delicacies and taking in some water sports.

The next day, the team has a training session and puts the work in, in hopes of being prepared for anything and everything including the possibility of penalty shoot-outs, with the Semi-Final matches going straight to kicks rather than playing extra time. Each player has their opportunity to show what they can do, should the situation arise and the Coaches make notes as to who they feel are the most comfortable and capable.

Each of the goalkeepers stands on the line, alternating between shooters and waits for their teammates to fire away on them. Charlotte steps up and places the ball down in front of her, looking at Amanda in goal as she takes a few steps backwards and decides her shot.

The whistle sounds out and she wastes no time in sending the ball to the netting before jogging back to join the line behind Tierna.

"Alright, hands up those of you who want to be first up to the spot?"

Charlotte puts up her hand as do most of the other girls.

"Good that's what I like to see. Now, let's finish out with a cool down before we head back to the hotel and have some lunch."

They follow the Coaches through their cool down and stretching before swapping out their cleats and socks for slides or shoes and then grabbing some fluids for the ride back.

Back at the hotel, they alternate grabbing showers and getting dressed prior to heading down to have lunch.

While they eat the room is filled with chimes, beeps and buzzes as most of the players text their loved ones.

With lunchtime over, they go their separate ways once more, "You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, why not."

"Can Jess join us? She's going kinda stir crazy in her room."

"Send her a message, she's welcome to join, if she sneaks us in some snacks."

Ashley laughs, "Chips?"

Charlotte nods, "Yes, please."

"Alright, I'll tell her."

Ashley types out a message to her girlfriend with the request and gets one back.

"Um, Jess wants to know if it's okay for Jordyn to join us as well, I guess her and Alfonso had a disagreement earlier and she's kinda down."

"How about we see if we can commandeer the common room and then invite whoever wants to join to come and chill and watch something."

"That works."

Charlotte and Ashley head back to the common room and ask the few girls that are there if it's okay to invite others to join so they can all hang and watch a movie together.

Soon the room begins to fill up with pillows, blankets and soccer players from both the Canadian and American teams.

"What are we watching?"

Charlotte looks over at the Canadian player who asked, "Wonder Woman?"

"Yaaasss Gal is awesome!!"

"Everyone good with Wonder Woman?"

Most of the players nod in agreement, so they get it set up to play on the screen. With the lights down the room becomes quiet except for the sounds coming from the movie until the fighting starts and then voices and catcalls bounce around the room.

As the credits roll on the screen and lights are turned back on, the players begin to intermingle and chat amongst themselves, unaware that their Coaches are standing in the doorway watching on and smiling at the current events.

Players begin to leave the room as it gets later, while Charlotte, Ashley, Jessie, Jordyn and Tierna sit on the couch and floor and talk about school, soccer, relationships and everything else under the sun.

Tierna noticing the time suggests that they all head up to their rooms before they are late for room check.

Charlotte hugs Jordyn and Jessie before heading to the elevator with Tierna.

"Hey T, is it just me or does Jordyn smell really good?"

"It's not just you."

Charlotte smiles and laughs at her teammate's response.

"So, Ash and Jessie, huh?"

"How did you?"

"Gay, not blind and they were snuggled pretty close to each other during the movie."

"Do you think others picked up on it? I know they don't want to be public with their relationship."

"A few of the girls were looking and making comments on it, but most of them were just with regards to them being friends and teammates at UCLA."

"Good, let's keep it that way. None of us need any additional distractions at the moment, especially me."

"Everything okay with you, Charlie?"

"Yeah, just miss Mal and my family. Talking with them on the phone or online just isn't the same."

"I know the feeling, I miss A.J., but we've only got a few days left here and hopefully we'll be heading back to Stanford with a medal around our neck."

"A medal would definitely be nice. Anyways, have a good night T, see you in the morning."

"Later, Charlie."

Charlotte completes her routine and then climbs under the covers, watching some television while she waits for Ash to return.

New Message

Kenz: Found someone to make the ring holder, but it will take 6 - 8 weeks to arrive.

C.J.: That's fine, go ahead and place the order. Thanks, Kenz.

Kenz: Any luck with Revelation?

C.J.: No, I did like you suggested and put it off to the side for now. I've got a rough plotline and character outlines done so far on my other project.

Kenz: Okay, just so you know, the publishers are starting to get a bit antsy about Revelation.

C.J.: Seriously? Tell them they will get it when I'm satisfied, with it and not before.

Kenz: Already relayed that message to them. I'm just glad that your other three books are on the New York Time's bestseller list as it makes it much easier to justify your need to take your time.

C.J.: You haven't mentioned to anyone about my other book idea, right?

Kenz: No and don't worry I don't plan on unless you tell me that it's okay too.

C.J.: My current deal with the publishers only covers The Known Universe books.

Kenz: I know, which means that there will be room to renegotiate for future books should Revelation fly off the shelves as the others have.

C.J.: No pressure there.

Kenz: Sorry, but it's the truth. It's always about the numbers and bottom line with these corporate people.

C.J.: I get it. How is everything else going?

Kenz: I went on a date last night and it wasn't a total disaster, so that's good.

C.J.: Really? I need deets?

Kenz: Nothing big, we had supper together and then played a couple of games of pool.

C.J.: Let me guess, he let you win?

Kenz: No, actually he didn't, which is why I agreed to go out with him again. That and the fact that he's totally cute.

C.J.: Use protection, I'm not ready to be an Aunt, yet.

Kenz: Don't worry, we will. Now, get to bed!

C.J.: I'm already under the covers. Just waiting for Ash to return.

Kenz: Where is she?

C.J.: Going to assume she is currently shoving her tongue down her girlfriend's throat.

Kenz: Wait! What? Girlfriend?

C.J.: Gotta walk my laptop, night Kenz. Love you.

Kenz: Love you, too.

Charlotte looks at the time on her phone and decides to call Ashley to check her whereabouts. She hears a familiar ringtone as the door opens and her previously MIA roomie returns sporting a smile and a noticeable mark on her neck.

"I'm not even going to ask, night, Ash."

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