
By Katies_Girl

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Sid-er-eus ~ Latin Heavenly; Starry; Star-like Stars are holes in the universe; the light of heaven coming fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Sixteen

134 6 1
By Katies_Girl

"I suggest you move quickly...And that Eleanor ceases taunting the Archangel Uriel."

Like Sam, I was a brainiac child. The only difference was that I use to punch a kid out on the first day the second they attempted to bully me for it. Yet the one thing I never understood, could never master in my limited high school career, was art. The techniques between pencils, paints, charcoals, and clay puzzle me beyond reasonable measure. It infuriated me beyond measure. I could be using the brush the exact same way as the A-Grade student but come up with a finished product that looked completely different- guess who came out worse. Standing in Tracy's art classroom couldn't make me feel worse about myself as a student.

Yet, one glance over to Dean gazing up at the overhanging Halloween masks and I sense my concern edging in. Hands in his pockets Dean can't seem to hide the fear and horror on his face whether he is aware of it or not. It's a look that has worry gnawing at the edge of my consciousness. "Hey", sliding my hand softly into his, I remain composed with concern when his wide eyes edgily shift to mine. His hand twitching from the fright I must've given him, I ask Dean cautiously "What's going on?"

Pulling back the slip of fear, Dean shakes the nervous twitch of his hand and assures me with a smooth smile "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Slipping his tightened grip from mine, Dean motions around "We just fight a lot of this...stuff. It's freaky seeing them as masks." I don't buy the lie for a second. From the way Dean prolongs his stare with me, I think he understands this too.

Nobody looks that fearfully at a child-made Halloween mask for no reason.

"Bring back memories?"

Glancing over my shoulder to see Sam's finally wandered over to join us, Dean feigns "What do you mean?"

"Yeah" I side-eye Sam, "What do you mean?"

"Being a teenager", Sam clarifies, motioning around the masks surrounding us "All that angst."


"What did you think I meant?"

"Nothing", Dean hums averting his gaze around the classroom filled with teenagers and their art projects.

"You gentlemen wanted to speak with me?" Quickly the teacher comes bustling in with a large stack of books piles atop a box, his mug balances craftily atop the messy pile. Skidding to a halt his messy dark hair splashes around his face in his frazzled halt "Pardon me, madam."

"It's okay really", I dismiss it, offering "I'd shake your hand but-"

"No-nonsense!" he boisterously shuffles the weight of his objects, extending me his hand "Names Don. Please." Shaking our hands respectively one by one, Don beams "Even my students call me Don."

Bustling past us, Dean comments "Yeah we get it, Don." Pulling out our badges we flash them to Don who messily tosses his things onto his already crowded desk "I'm Agent Getty, these are Agents Lee and Bingle. We just have a few questions about Tracy Davis."

"Uh- yeah Tracy" Don seems to dim a little, explaining to us more fondly then I would've thought "Bright kid, loads of talent. It's a shame she got suspended."

"Pardon me for being brash", I voice skeptically "But didn't you two have a violent altercation?"

"Yeah she exploded", Don chuckles breathlessly, motioning outside "I'm telling you if Principal Murrow didn't show Tracy would've clawed my eyes out."

"Why?" Sam asks the question plaguing my thoughts.

"I, uh, you know", Don stumbles over his words for a second "I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing."

"More disturbing then..." Trailing off Dean subtly shrugs back to the masks, a troubled smirk on his face "Then uh... those guys?"

Don merely offers us a shaky laugh, "She would cover page after page with those bizarre cryptic symbols." As an after-thought, Don pauses before admitting "Then there were... these drawings... Detailed images of killings. Gory and primitive. And she would depict herself in the middle of them, participating."

"Symbols?" Sam shuffles into the suit pocket of his jacket, offering over the coin found within the hex bag from Mr. Wallace's "Anything like this?"

"Yeah" Don doesn't miss a beat, identifying with ease "Yeah I think that might've been one of them."

Pursing my lips at the vague confirmation, Dean questions "You know where Tracy is now?"

"I would imagine her apartment."

"Her apartment?"

"Yeah" Don nods over to Dean, explaining with a shrug "She got here about a year ago. Alone as I understood as an emancipated teen." Shaking his head, Don appears disappointed to mention "God only knows what her parents were like."


Skipping across the street I sharply wave to the car blaring it's horn my way. It was a people crossing. They should've stopped for me. So with a smile and a wave towards the swearing driving, I sip my milkshake and head straight for Sam and Dean.

Noticing the sour-looking astronaut shuffling away from Dean, I shove my hand in my pocket and try to wander around him. Yet he steps into my way with an expectant look "Trick or treat?"

Arching my eyebrow, I apologise "Sorry kid. Not today." Stepping to move around the kid I feel my frustration grow when he sidesteps back into my path. Bigger things nagging at me, I grit through my teeth "Either you move... or I will move you."

"I'm ten!"

"Does this look like a face that cares?" With a disdainful glare, the astronaut soundly moves on. Slurping the shake dregs I toss it into the bin with a clang, trying to ignore the judgmental looks Sam and Dean are giving me. Brushing off the looks, I question "Either of you find Tracy?"

Tucking his hands into his pockets, Dean huffs "Nope. Friends don't know anything."

"Not in her apartment either", Sam confirms what I was beginning to suspect from their pinched worn looks "You find anything on her?"

"Nothing on Tracy but did track down an awesome shake bar", I shrug, falling into casual step with them towards our motel room "So- you know- look at this loss from a positive angle."

"Sure", Sam runs a frustrated hand down his face "We're about to let a teenage girl resurrect the definition of Halloween- but Eleanor found a real fantastic milkshake so everyone can calm down."

Glaring sourly at the back of Sam's head, I can't stop myself from muttering sourly "Lord help me Sam I'm going to strangle you one day."

"Can you even reach his neck?" without ceasing my stride after Sam, I turn around to wallop Dean. Grabbing my hand in the air Dean laughs after me as I'm left irritably cursing the brother's out under my breath.

Spitefully shoving Sam aside when he finally cracks open the motel door, I waltz into our room only to hesitate at the sight of Castiel. Stood staring at the tacky piece of art decor on the wall Castiel doesn't even react to our abrupt entrance. However, my pause didn't account for Sam's shoving.

Swept aside, Sam's gun is out and trained on Castiel "Who are you?!"

Recovering from the stumble I dart out and wrap my hands around Sam's, trying to make him hold off on the spray of bullets "Whoa!- Sam! No!"

Dean must be thinking the same as I, hands grabbing Sam's arm "Sam- Wait! It's Castiel." Under my hands on his gun I sense Sam hesitate in his sted, eyes widening a fraction as I'm pushing for him to lower the gun "The Angel."

As Castiel rises to his feet my gaze flickers across the room to a second figure. He's stood by the window, gazing out the sheer white curtains we had pulled closed. Dressed in a finely crafted suit, I curiously look the stranger up and down when I ask Dean "Any clue who he is?"

Averting my stare to Dean I notice him stare cautiously towards the second man, "Him I don't know." With one last curious look towards the stranger, I step back when Castiel approaches Sam. One look to the Winchester and I recall Sam has never met Castiel. He's only heard what Dean and I told him of that night in the barn. Observing the way Sam's face lights up when he understands an Angel is stood before him I can't help but awe over it a little. He was right to believe. Certainly proved me wrong- and Dean at that.

Walking calmly over, Castiel greets politely "Hello Sam."

"Oh my God", Sam's jaw drops. Rolling my lip I hide my smirk when Sam realizes "Oh-Uh- I didn't- er- mean to- um I'm sorry-" pausing for a breath, Sam sticks out his hand eagerly striding closer to Castiel "It's an honor really- I've- I've heard a lot about you."

Arching my eyebrow at the scene rolling before me, Dean leans into my ear "I got a fan club."

A smirk curling on my features I silently watch the way Castiel observes Sam's hand extended before him. Not with anything other than curiosity. For a minute I'm not sure if he understands what he's supposed to do with it. Yet with a small shake of Sam's hand, Castiel seems to click with the gesture. "And I you Sam Winchester", Castiel grasps Sam's eager hand, appreciatively adding "The Boy with the Demon Blood." Whilst I notice Sam flinch at the title I don't hear or see any malice from Castiel. His words weren't filed with disdain or disgust. It was merely an observation. An observation of Sam. Placing his other hand over Sam's, Castiel adds somewhat appreciatively "Glad to hear you have ceased your extracurricular activities."

"Let's keep it that way", the deep voice of the stranger rumbles through the room, still not providing us any attention despite the fact he's stood in our motel room.

I furrow my eyebrows at the nerve of the stranger "Aint you a charmer."

Humming agreeably beside me, Dean asks Castiel "Who's your friend?"

Ignoring the question, Castiel pries from the three of us "This raising of Samhain. Have you stopped it?"


"Dean" Castiel adamantly ignores his question "Have you located the witch?"

"Yes", Dean mockingly mimics Castiel "We've located the witch."

"Is the witch dead?"

"No, but we know who it is."

"Apparently the witch knows who you are too." Crossing the room Castiel walks between our beds to pick up a carefully oriented hex bag- identically to the other two. Admittedly I uneasily shift my weight when Castiel explains "This was inside the wall of your room. If we hadn't found it surly one or three of you would've been dead." None of us speak a word as the weight of what could've been resting on our shoulders. Staring at the hex bag I can't help but think about how close we could've been to death. It's a narrow escape I have nobody else but the Angel's to thank for. Ignoring our silent gratitude, Castiel places the bag into his tan trench coat pocket "Do you have any idea where the witch is now?"

"If we did don't you think we'd be out there killing her by now?" I pose to Castiel, thinking the answer is quite obvious to see.

"You would. It's in your job description as Hunter."

Rolling my bottom lip to bite back another remark I turn my stare to Dean who raises his eyebrows knowingly back at me. Taking the lead, Dean gives Sam a look before admitting "We're working on it-"

Averting his stare from me, Castiel cuts Dean off with a sharp "That is unfortunate."

"Forgive my boldness", I step forwards to regain his stern attention, finding it odd Angels are only just showing up now "But why do you even care?"

With a look at Uriel's back, Castiel turns back to tell me "Because the raising of Samhain is one of the 66 Seals."

I don't even have a moment to proses what Castiel has said because Dean comes back with "So this is about your buddy Lucifer?"

"Lucifer is no buddy of ours."

"Okay- stop talking- everyone", I hold my hand up, specifically to the two newcomers in our motel "Angel's included." Snapping my stare to Dean he shifts a small step back from my irked stare "What the Hell am I missing?" Whilst Dean searches for the words I notice Sam remained silent behind him. Scoffing, I blurt disdainfully "Oh great- apparently I'm last to the party!"

"El Sam found out on the sly- okay?" Dean brushes off my brashness, explaining "Look the 66 seals are what is keeping Lucifer locked up in Hell. Once they're all broken he rises-"

"Lucifer rising!" I cynically scoff, running a hand through my hair when my heart rate begins picking up from stress "We have the locks on the literal Devils cage being broken and this is how I'm finding out?!"

"Dean Winchester calm your human-"

"Your Human?!" Ignoring the quiet 'oh shit' Dean mutters, I spin to frustratedly question "Who the hell are you Bird Brain?"

Lowly chuckling with a tone which seems to reverberate from every crevice in this room, the stranger turns around to eye me off "So glad we don't have any of you in Heaven. You Alexander's always were a temperamental bunch."

Dean's hand reaches to lace in mine but I snatch it back out. Between him and Sam I'm pissed off beyond what my words can even articulate. And the condescending stare this stranger is sending me does nothing to quell it. If anything I feel it burning harder inside of me. My shoulders locking back, Dean stubbornly grabs hold of my wrist and tugs me back despite my stubborn stance in front of him. So as I glare the stranger down for his patronizing remark, Dean sharply snaps "Okay- who are you and why should we care?"

"This is Uriel", Castiel states, introducing more hesitantly then I would appreciate "He's what you might call a ...specialist."

From the ominous looks, Castiel and Uriel wear I can't stop myself from prying "What kind of specialist?"

Watching Castiel averting his stare back to the window Uriel had been staring out of, Dean questions "What are you going to do?"

"Both of you-" pausing I notice Castiel receive an affirmative nod from Uriel "Both of you need to leave this town immediately."


Looking back to Dean, Castiel tells him without fault "Because we are going to destroy it."

My jaw couldn't have fallen lower if I unhooked it from its joints. Shaking off Dean's tight grip I smack his hand away when Dean tries to grab it again. Motioning outside, I scoff at the absurdity of what I'm hearing "You want to massacre a thousand lives just to kill a witch? You're just going to up and smite a whole damn town?"

"A thousand, two hundred and fourteen", Uriel corrects me, face placid and unmoved in his resolve "We are aware."

"And-", Sam breathes out, disbelief dripping from his tone "And you're willing to kill them all?"

"This isn't the first time I have..." trailing off I listen disgusted as Uriel searches for the term "Purified a city."

The furrow in my brows deepening at what I'm hearing, Castiel evenly puts "Look I understand this is regrettable-"

"Regrettable?" Dean scoffs at the word Castiel decides to settle for use.

Once more averting his gaze, Castiel tries justifying to us "We have to hold the line. Too many Seals have already been broken."

"Oh goodie", I growl at Castiel, not at all caring how sharp my words are "So you and the rest of your Dancing Monkey Armada screwed up, and now a thousand people are going to die?" Still, Castiel can't look any of us in the eye. His stare is rooted across the room.

Despite Castiel's silence, Uriel voices sternly to me "Hold your tongue Alexander before I cut it out myself."

Yanking my hand back out of Dean's grip once again, I raise my boot and snatch out my silver blade. Twirling it in my fingers with expert precision, I threateningly coax "Bring it Lap Dog."

"Nobody is taking any tongues", Dean roughly yanks me behind him, not even bothering to give me the choice anymore. Moving to step around him Sam becomes the restrictive hand to latch onto my own. Yet still, Dean can't seem to stop his hand reaching to grab my forearm. Restrained place before I make a mistake my fury throws me into. "So you screw the pooch on some Seals and this entire town has to pay the price?"

"It's the lives of a thousand verses the lives of six billion", Castiel reasons with Den, telling his just as adamantly "There's a bigger picture here-"

"Right" Dean cuts Castiel right off, scoffing "Because you're big picture kid of guys."

Adamantly, Castiel steps closer to the three of us "Lucifer cannot rise. He does and Hell rises with him. Is that something you three are willing to risk?"

"We'll stop this witch before she summons anyone" Sam hopefully tries to reason, a harsh comparison to my glare "Your Seal won't be broken and no one has to die."

"We're wasting time with these mud monkeys."

Dean's grip tightens when I nudge forwards as does Sam's hand around mine.

Castiel turns away, clearly done with the conversation which was anything but desired "I am sorry but we have orders."

"No- you can't do this" Sam pleads in a way which hurts to hear, his faith in the open "You're Angel's. I mean- you aren't supposed to- You're supposed to show mercy."

"Says who?"

Castiel tilts his head aside, agreeing with Uriel "We do not have a choice."

With a horrified shake of my head, I tell Castiel over Dean's shoulder "There is always a choice." Finally, I receive a small tilt of Castiel's head. Acknowledgment. He doesn't look my way but he turns his head enough to make me think he's listening.

As if he's noticed this too, Dean adds sharply "What? You've never questioned a crappy order before?" Scoffing when he is only met with stubborn silence, Dean snaps "I mean what are you two? Just a couple of hammers?"

"Look even if you can't understand it, have faith. The plan is just."

"How can you even say that?" Sam questions Castiel and I can't help but wonder if he's got his head wrapped around the fact that these Angels are nothing the good-willed celestials he's read about.

"Because it comes from Heaven", Castiel still stands to argue "That is what makes it just."

"Oh it must be nice", Dean cynically throws at Castiel "To be so sure of yourselves."

Turning to face Dean, Castiel must have finally had enough "Tell me, something Dean. When your father gave you an order, didn't you obey?"

Dean doesn't answer. Yet with one look over his shoulder to Sam and I, I arch my eyebrow curiously. He's got a look on his face I know clear as day. Determination. If the three of us have anything in common it's our stubborn, unrelenting headstrong mentality. At least John raised us enough to have that. "Well sorry boys", Dean turns back to the Angel's "Plans have changed."

Smirking amusingly towards Dean, Uriel laughs "You think you can stop us?"

"No", releasing my wrist, I take back my hand when Dean saunters confidently over to Uriel "But if you're going to smite this whole town then you're going to have to smite us with it. Because we're not leaving." My gaze flickering to Castiel, I notice his chin tilt when Dean affirms "See you went to the trouble of busting me outta Hell... I figure I'm worth something to the man upstairs." Watching Uriel's smirk swindle I feel my own returning as Dean blackmails the Angel's "So you wanna waste me go ahead. See how much he digs that."

Through his teeth, Uriel threatens "I will drag you out of here myself."

"Yeah", Dean hums, turning it back around "But you will have to kill me and then we're back to the same problem." Taking Uriel's silence, Dean pushes "I mean come on. You're going to wipe out a whole town for one little witch? Sounds to me like you're compensating for something." Uriel isn't as amused as Sam or me. His smirk has completely disappeared. Dean has the bull by the horns and this entire room knows it. So when Dean saunters back over to Sam and me, I nod agreeably when he pauses before Castiel "We can do this. We will find the witch and we will stop the summoning."

Castiel is silent and that's when I realise he's actually listening. Considering the possibility that maybe we can pull this off. Catching Uriel's eye amongst the silence I can't help the smug smirk etching into my cheek. Raising the dagger I give it a sly patronizing twirl which has Uriel booming "Castiel! I will not let these people-"

"Enough!" Castiel yells assertively back, silencing Uriel as Castiel keeps his stare locked measurably with Dean "I suggest you move quickly." Tilting to look at me, Castiel adds the warning "And that Eleanor ceases taunting the Archangel Uriel." Dean looks over his shoulder in time to witness Sam clamp his hand around mine, ceasing the daggers movement around my index.

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