Lauren/you - Lost and Insecur...

By CCabello97

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Lauren/You "Know that when I said I loved you I meant It. know that no matter how fucked up we both got, I ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
New story

Chapter 8

10.1K 293 85
By CCabello97

Laurens POV

We were just laying on the hood of Y/Ns car looking at the sky. This night couldn't get any better. She had done all of this for our first date and now that I really think about it, Luis never did any of this for me.

We would always be around friends and go to parties with friends, it was fun at first but then I just got tired of not being able to share a simple I love you with him. It's one of the reasons why I was happy we left New York but it wasn't the main reason.

I really was falling hard for Y/N, especially after the kiss we had shared not too long ago. It was magical, the both of us felt something when our lips touched.

Every time we touched it was the same feeling, the butterflies in my stomach and the warmth that grew in my heart every time she smiled. I was in love with her.

"When we first met you would always have sadness in your eyes from time to time. Who hurt you so badly that caused you to be so sad?" I wasn't surprised that Y/N had asked that, yeah I was happy when I first met her but It was evident that I wasn't completely happy.

"My ex-boyfriend was very abusive, Keaton. Everything was perfect in the beginning. He was different from my other ex Luis and I liked that about him, but things got bad and once when I threatened to leave him, he hit me. I told Taylor and she wanted me to tell my parents but I chose not to because I loved him, I was blind. After the second time he hit me, my mom noticed and that's when the police was involved and the decision was made to move down here. I left New York with fear of being with anyone else. I was reluctant of telling you I liked you for that reason. I didn't want the past to repeat itself, in fact I still don't. But now I don't worry about that because I know you're different and I can finally be completely happy with you. I know you'd protect me."

When I had finished my story Y/N was holding me so tight as if she'd never let me go. I could hear her heart beat and to me that was music to my ears. Y/N then got up and pulled me off the hood of the car by my legs, I squealed at the fear of falling on the ground but she caught me and carried me to the passenger seat. I watched as Y/N pulled the blanket off the hood of the car and folded it. She then got in and tossed the blanket in the back seat.

We were driving back home and I was thinking if Y/N was going to drop me off at my house or if she was going to take me to her house. My question was soon answered when Y/N had put her car in the garage and opened the door for me to come in her house.

Y/N grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her room. Once we were in her room she closed the door and turned on the TV. "Do you want something more comfortable to sleep in?" I nodded.

She got up and went to her closet to look for something. When she had found something for me she tossed them on to my lap. I looked at the shirt and sweatpants, I couldn't help but laugh.

"The avengers, really? Dork." She chuckled and sat next to me looking at the shirt. "Hulk is my favorite." I smiled and got up and went into the bathroom to change. When I finished I folded up my clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

When I walked out I noticed Y/N already in bed and changed into her superman pajamas. I giggled at how cute it looked on her. She didn't seem to notice I had walked into the room because she was too focused on watching The Proposal.

I walked towards the bed and lifted the covers so I could get comfortable. I kept a small distance from Y/N so we could have space to sleep but sure enough I was being pulled into her side. She had draped her arms around me and rested her head on top of mine.

I laid my head against her chest and had my arm wrapped around her waist. This was great, the way our bodies perfectly matched when we would lay down. I was excited for what the future has to hold for the both of us.

Your POV

I swear I could go on forever about her smile that outshines every star in the sky but she's probably heard every thing there is to say about it. Her voice leaves me breathless and even though I've never seen much beauty in green, they became my favorite color. I knew that things were going to be different between the two of us and I honestly couldn't wait for it. Whether I had to wait forever for her I would, because to me she was worth it.

An hour into watching the movie I heard soft snores falling from her lips and it was absolutely adorable. I turned off the TV and took the time to tell her something I would never be able to say if she was awake.

"You've fucked me up so bad. I don't know what it is about you that made me fall for you so hard. Your eyes and smile instantly captured me and with that I knew id never be able to leave you. Whether what we have now last a few months I'll be okay because ill know that I gave my heart to someone that was worth breaking over. If this were to last forever then just know that my love for you will continue to grow and I really do hope yours grows as well. You left me speechless with the taste of your lips and the scent that you leave in the air every time you walk through the room. You've completely trapped me in your embrace and I can't seem to get out but at the same time I wont fight it. Just know that if you fall for me as much as I'm falling for you, don't be scared because I'll be right there to catch you love."

I had whispered to her what I have been dying to say since the first time we had touched. I felt relieved because even though she didn't hear what I had said, I told her. To me that was just enough.

I sat there awake for the next twenty minutes until my eyes grew heavy and I drifted off to a peaceful sleep. I went to sleep with an angel in my arms.

Laurens POV

I had fallen asleep during the movie but when I heard it go quiet I woke up. Y/N didn't seem to notice but when she cleared her throat and started talking to me I knew what was to come.

She had blown me away with what she had said and I didn't know if she was just tired and talking crazy but through out her speech her heart was pounding extremely fast. I knew what she was saying wasn't from her being tired, she was telling the truth. I had longed for someone to be this honest with me and now I had found it.

I was glad I had woken up to hear what she had to say because if not, it would've never made me realize that I was truly falling for Y/N. I had grown to trust her faster than anyone else before and that caught my attention. She knew how broken I was and now she was fixing me piece by piece just like I was mending her broken heart with my love.

I made a promise to myself as soon as Y/N fell asleep that no matter what we were to go through together or not, I would fight for her because Y/N would fight for me.

She was my person and I was hers.


A/N: Sooooo here is an update, I really hope you guys enjoyed it and are ready for more tomorrow. You and Lauren have some talking to do before anything serious. Im glad to see so many of you reading this because without you reading I would've stopped writing, so thank you very much for those of you who've been reading this far. Please comment and vote, let me know what you think. Love you guys.


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