Wolver-loud (A loud house/X-m...

By omegacrow-nexus

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During a fight with his older sister lori, lincoln's claws come out and he brutally injures her. He runs away... More

Chapter 1: The animal within
Chapter 2: Leaving royal woods part 1
Chapter 3: Leaving royal woods part 2
Chapter 4: Leaving royal woods final part
Chapter 5: 9 years later...Part 1: Bios
Chapter 6: 9 years later...Part 2: Life in the Howlett House
Chapter 7: 9 years later...Final part-heading to new york tomorrow
Chapter 8: Trip to New York
Chapter 9: Adamantium procedure
Chapter 10: Break out!
Chapter 11: The craziness is over...for now
Chapter 12: Relaxation for the Howlett family
Chapter 13: A relaxing night
Chapter 14: Heading to the X-institute part 1
Chapter 15: Heading to the X-institute part 2
Chapter 16: Heading to the X-institute final part
Chapter 17: Lincoln, Lynn and Luna vs Logan, the Wolverine
Chapter 18: The prisoner
Chapter 19: Tortured and Haunted
Chapter 20: Lincoln vs Grim soldier-The Mask comes off!
Chapter 21: Pain, Betrayal, Agony and Hate
Chapter 22: Harsh Encounter
Chapter 23: A fallen Utopia pt 1-Grave Tormentor's Target
Chapter 24: A fallen Utopia pt 2- A mutant talk: Grave Tormentor vs Magneto
Chapter 25: Enter the Blood Ripper, Gwen.
Chapter 26: Choose your Path
Chapter 27: I've Chosen my Path
Chapter 29: Rescue Mission Pt 1.
Chapter 30: Rescue Mission Pt 2.
Chapter 31: New Mutants Pt 1: Xaria Vasquez
Chapter 32: New Mutants Pt 2: Hannah Howl & Queen Quiet
Chapter 33: New Mutants Pt 3: Jeremy Fitz & Mikey Shmitt
Chapter 34: New Mutants Pt 4: Selene Nox
Chapter 35: New Mutants Pt 5: Brauner Sanchez
Chapter 36: New Mutants Pt 6: Tarot Arcana
Chapter 37: New Mutants Pt 7: Abby Nelson
Chapter 38: New Mutants Pt 8: Leo DesertRose

Chapter 28: To plan ahead, A Deadly Experiment

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By omegacrow-nexus

Nightfall came as we cut to the X-institute where Lisa released her newest invention, the repair bot 3000, which was fixing up the damages of the building in a few minutes.

Lisa: Excellent work there, Repair Bot.

Repair Bot Beeped in reply with a thumbs up.

Lisa: Now that the outside of the Institute is fixed, time to fix, organize and clean the inside.

Lisa and her Repair Bot went back inside. Meanwhile in the training area, Lynn was furiously pummeling a punching bag while Nightcrawler was helping Clyde on teleportation training.

Lynn: (punching the bag; angry) Damn it... Damn it... Damn it!!

Her claws came out as she completely shredded the punching bag, getting Nightcrawler and Clyde's attention.

Clyde: Lynn? Are you okay?

Lynn turns to them with a dark glare.

Lynn: (gritted teeth) Do. I. Look. Okay? Those Project Death-X bastards managed to capture a couple of mutant, half of the family and my boyfriend included, fled like cowards! When I get my hands on them, they'll wish they've never been born!

Clyde flinched as Lynn then sliced another punching bag before storming out of the training area.

Clyde: Lynn...

Nightcrawler: Don't vorry, just give her time to cool down, I'm sure ve'll figure some'sing out.

Clyde: Oh ok.


Meanwhile with the Professor, he was trying to detect the mutants that were taken by Project Death-X, using Cerebro but he felt a toll on his mind from the attack by Dreadfang's device. He took off the helmet and sighs as the door slide open, revealing Jean.

Jean: Professor.

Professor Xavier: What is it, Jean?

Jean: You need to rest professor, you still haven't recovered from the last attack.

Professor Xavier: I understand your concern but I'm doing fine.

Jean: I can tell that you're hurt from that immense attack through your telepathic powers, you're even having trouble using Cerebro due the toll on your mind, I'm having that issue too but you have the worse of it. Please professor, rest yourself to get better.

Charles saw the worry in Jean's eyes as he slightly smiles.

Professor Xavier: Very well Jean, I will get some rest.

Jean: (small smiles) Thanks.

Jean and Charles then leave the room of Cerebro.


Beast, Carol and Lisa were tending to mutants that were injured during the invasion battle, Lisa was finished fixing the whole X-institute with her repair bot as well as making a list of the mutants that were taken by Project Death-X.

1. Tabby.
2. Ronnie Anne.
3. Francisco.
4. Clone Lincoln.
5. Kitty Pryde aka Shadow Cat.
6. Evan Daniels aka Spyke.
7. Bobby Drake aka IceMan.
8. Rahne Sinclair aka Wolfsbane.
9. Jubilee.
10. Roberto da Costa Aka Sunspot.
11. Ray Crisp aka Berzerker.
12. Samuel Zachary aka Cannonball.
13. Angel.
14. Emma Frost.

As well as a few others mutants that were new to the institute as she was writing their names down.

Lisa: Sigh... Hopefully we can find them soon or later before it's too late.


Lincoln was in his room alone, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling as he had a lot on his mind. The fight between the X-men, his group and Project Death-X, Lucy doing the right thing & finishing off Dreadfang, Lisa ridding Lucy of the parasite to prevent her from dying and Liam's horrible news of Project Death-X abducting some of the mutants here, including Tabby, Francisco, his clone counterpart and Ronnie Anne. Lincoln sighs in frustration as he wonders how he's going to find and save Ronnie Anne & the others.

Normally, he would have a plan that pops into his head to solve the problem but right now, he's stuck on square one.

Lincoln: (Sighs) This sucks... I gotta think of something....

A knock at the door was heard.

Lincoln: Come in.

The door is opens as the person walking in the room was none other than Lucy loud herself. The super soldier goth wasn't wearing her armored soldier attire, instead she was wearing a black tank top, gothic punk pants and black boots.

Lincoln: I'm actually surprised that you're still here.

Lucy: Sigh... Lisa gave me a choice... you all gave me a choice, either leave and begin a new life or start over with the people I once called my siblings... if I can still call you that, you don't have to forgive me at all, you and the others have every right to be angry and words can't describe how much of a hypocritical and selfish fool I was, you said you would have my back & covered for me to keep the others from making fun of me for the rest of my life & not accepting me for who I am and how do I repay you, with a knife in your back, shunning & not accepting you for who you are....

Lucy lowers her head in sadness & shame. Lincoln then got up from bed and walks towards Lucy, despite Lucy been taller than him, he manages to pat her on the head.

Lucy: Eh?

Lincoln: So you finally woke up and understood the truth. That's good, but my trust, our trust is something you'll have to earn back as long as you have our backs luce.

Lucy slightly smiles as the buff goth hugged the white haired mutant.

Lucy: Thanks Lincoln.

Lincoln: No problem Spooky.

???: Heh. Well it's about time.

The two turn to see Luna leaning against the door with her arms crossed.

Lucy: How long have you've been standing there?

Luna: Long enough luce but bro is right, our trust is something you'll have to earn back and here's your chance to do it.

Lucy was confused by what the rocker meant but whatever it is, she'll do it to make up for her mistakes.

Luna: First, we rest for the night so we can be ready to head out to search for tabby and the others. Second, since you're an ex member of Project Death-X maybe you can help us track down their hideouts and save them.

Lucy then gave a small smile.

Lucy: That... I can do. Here's the plan...

Lincoln and Luna smiles as they heard Lucy out on her plan.


Meanwhile in a mysterious location, we see Gwen talking to the unknown employer & leader of Project Death-X.

Gwen: So you're sending some of the mutants captured from the X-institute to me?

???: Precisely.

Gwen: And what of Dreadfang?

???: Dreadfang is no more.

Gwen: Well good, that psycho nuisance was starting to irritate me so much.

???: Yes, no time to mourn for the fool, it's time to begin our next phase...

Gwen: Yeah. We break their bodies, minds and souls, piece by piece as they fade away...

???: Yes, once they're completely broken, they'll be a part of our world now as the rest of the X-Men will fall.

Gwen: (smiles sadistically) Oh yeah...

Gwen ends the transmission.

The unknown employer turns to see a figure in the shadows who steps into the dim light, a female with fair skin, long brown hair in a downwards ponytail and a graceful figure. She was wearing black goggles, a mad scientist type black and white trimmed lab coat, a black bodysuit, white gloves and black boots.

Woman in lab coat: Greetings sir, I've come with Good and Bad news.

???: What is it... Dr. Penelope Victor...

Penelope Victor: The bad news is that we've encountered the juggernaut, unfortunately... (Pulls out a orb device & presses a button, revealing the battle between the Juggernaut and project Death-X on a holographic projection) We failed to capture him, we sent 70 soldiers to subdue him but only 45 died by the hands of the unstoppable mutant as he escaped.

???: I see.

Penelope Victor: But.... the good news is that one of the soldiers managed to get some blood samples from the Juggernaut himself. If we can't have the original Juggernaut in our plan, then we'll make a new Juggernaut of our own.

???: (smirks) Interesting, go on...

Penelope Victor: I have analyzed the deadliest aspects of Juggernaut's DNA and synthesized his blood sample into a mutant formula. Whoever drinks it shall possess the Juggernaut's mutant power with... a few advanced capabilities. It's untested so-

???: Use it on her....

The Employer points to another figure in the shadows across from him. The figure then walks out of the shadows with an emotionless stare. It was a tall, slightly pale skinned woman with long black hair and red streaks, dark circles around her eyes and a curvaceous figure with a bit of athleticism but was more bottom heavy. She was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and pants with boots.

???: Dr. Penelope Victor, meet Nicole Pierce.

???: Her family long since dead... due to a battle between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Penelope Victor: So they killed her family.

???: No... hahaha... (sly smirk) You could say that it was a minor miscalculation... being caught in the crossfire.

Penelope Victor: I see... Ms. Pierce, if you'll please follow me to a more... wide area, we'll begin the experiment.

Nicole: (emotionless tone) Whatever...

The two leave the employer's room.

???: (in his mind) Things are going according to plan... for if one plan failed, another takes its place and succeeds, Due to the "Tragedy" done to Ms. Pierce, she'll be the finest soldier in my army. She won't know the complete truth of what really happened to her family but it won't matter, for our ambition, MY ambition shall be a reality.


Meanwhile, we see Penelope Victor and Nicole entering the huge testing grounds, which was in darkness with dim lights.

Penelope Victor: Okay Nicole, now that we have a lot of space, shall we begin?

Nicole: Yeah.... hand it over.

Penelope Victor pulls out a vial of red and green liquid as she hands it to Nicole, who opens the vial and proceeds to drink the serum. After gulping it down, Nicole threw the empty vial to the ground, shattering the glass as she started to feel a sudden pressure within her body as Nicole fell to her knees, groaning and grunting.

Nicole: Urk... Agh... Rrrrrrrrrrrr...

Nicole clutches her stomach as she tried to get up only to fall to the ground, feeling excruciating pain while she tosses and turned into the shadows, screaming as she felt her bones cracking and starting to expand within.


Nicole's screams started to deepen as her body started to pump up in intense muscle mass at extreme proportions while she was also getting taller as well. Penelope watched with a grin on her face as Nicole's transformation was at near completion while glowing red veins appeared on Nicole's growing body with her eyes turning red as she pounded enlarged fists into the ground, creating huge cracks while letting out a loud, threatening roar as her transformation was complete.


Penelope Victor's grin grew as she walked towards Nicole, who was breathing heavily as she sat down against the wall with a big thud.

Penelope Victor: Well, that was quite the rush yet the results was worth it. How do you feel?

Nicole: (slightly deep female voice) Like crap.... but at the same time, I feel good....

Penelope Victor: Glad to hear it, now you know what you must do as our very own juggernaut of Project Death-X, correct?

Still sitting down & moving forward from the shadows into the dim light reveals a 10 ft 3, red glowing veined, abnormally muscular Nicole Pierce, who set her red eyes on the doctor.

Nicole: (low snarl) Yeah... I'll tear through everything and everyone who crosses Project Death-X with my own bare hands, giving them nothing but Havok & Suffering. No one will be spared.... No one... especially the X-Men...

To be continued....

(Chapter 28 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and my sketches of my OC Nicole. Lucy decides to stay with the howlett siblings and make up for what she's done by planning to help them. Some of the kidnapped mutants were escorted to the employer & leader of Project Death-X while some were sent to Gwen, who has special plans for them. You all know my Oc, Penelope "Penny" Victor in Loud ops as an Agent & hero but in Wolver-loud, she's a villain along with Nicole Pierce, who went through a monstrous transformation thanks to a serum made from the Blood sample of the Juggernaut himself. What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter. This is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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