Fall For You - Liam Payne Fan...

بواسطة xoxosecretlover

219K 4K 290

She was heartbroken. He was heartbroken too. Coralie was told to stay with her brother's friend during her ho... المزيد

Fall For You - Liam Payne Fan Fiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 - The End <3

Chapter 13

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بواسطة xoxosecretlover

So I'm dedicating this to xMusicxBooksx <3

It's already 2nd December in my country and it's her birthday. So, Happy Birthday :)


Coralie's P.O.V

I woke up to Dylan's face, staring and grinning at me. I offered him one of my flirtatious smile and got up from bed. I walked to the dressing table and started to brush my tangled hair. While focusing on my hair, I could see Dylan walking up to me from the mirror reflection. He had his sweatpants on and a tank top. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I continue to brush my hair. He started kissing and sniffing my not-so-nice-scented hair. I found him weird but I didn't say anything to stop him.

Once I'm done, I turned around so that I could face him. I stared at him and he did the same thing. I started to feel that something isn't right but I didn't say anything. He took my hand and brought me out, down the streets. I could have shout at him if I wasn't wearing something appropriate but good thing I did have a three-quarter harem pants in blue on and a black tank top, which is quite acceptable to go out.

I wanted to ask him where were we going but I couldn't voiced out anything. It felt like something was choking in my throat and my lips were being glued. Dylan glanced at me before pointing to the opposite road which required us to pass through some vehicles, dangerously since there was no traffic lights or bridge or anything for us to crossed over. I looked over to him to see him nodding slowly to me. Why aren't we talking?

Dylan started walking towards the opposite road, leaving me behind. He was in the middle of the road when a truck dashed onto him, causing his body to flung about a meter away, landed on top of a car before falling back down on the road. I wanted to scream, yell, shout my heart out for help but again, no voiced came out. I ran over to him, not caring of any other moving vehicles around me. I knelt down and brought his head to my lap and started to wiped off the blood that was covering his face and the thing I'm so annoyed with I couldn't speak. Since when was I mute?

"Let.....me go," Dylan said before passing out.

I opened up my eyes and quickly sat up. I looked around me until I was sure that Dylan wasn't around nor I was outside on the streets with vehicles around me before I placed my head on my hands. That dream felt so real. Wait, a dream? That was a nightmare.

I looked around again to search for my phone when I realized I was in Liam's room. The last thing I remember was watching Toy Story. I didn't expect to be woken up by the nightmare and not feeling any pain on my tummy like I always do. I heard shower going on in the bathroom and I assumed right away Liam was in there.

I don't know what has gotten into me, I got out from the bed and out of the room. I made my way down to the kitchen. Everywhere else was dark except for the kitchen. The dimmed blue light around the back garden helped me with the directions I have to go. I didn't plan to switch on the lights as to not let anyone aware I was there. I was known of afraid of the dark but, my feelings for the nightmare was way more frightening than the dark.

I was feeling so disturbed by the nightmare. What was it that Dylan meant in that dream? I clearly need a distraction and just in time, my stomach growled. I went to the cereal cupboard that I saw Liam opened earlier on and started to surveying on what kind of cereals I wanted. I opened it and spotted Cornflakes cereal to be the first box on the row. I thought Liam said they don't have any cornflakes cereal? Why do he have to lie to me? The thought of it made me a little upset but I didn't care because my stomach haven't stop growling for food. I pour a sufficient amount of cornflakes on a bowl and opened up the fridge. I recalled Liam said they only have normal milk, so that should be fine. True enough there were 2 cartons of milk until I caught another carton, near the cans of bears. I took it out and there it was.....chocolate milk.

What's with Liam lying to me about everything? Was eating their food a crime or he didn't want me to finish the food and then leaving the rest of the boys with nothing to eat? For goodness sake, I'm not that bad. Suddenly, I'm feeling so infuriated by him.

I poured the chocolate milk into my bowl of cornflakes and brought it to the dining table. I eat a mouthful each time I scooped the cereal. Coming to the forth scoop, I heard footsteps and someone calling my name. "Cora? Cora?!" It was Liam. I stayed silent, not even bother to acknowledge him that I was in the kitchen, feeding myself with the food I wanted so badly since earlier on. The thought of Liam lying made me so furious that I didn't realized I dropped the spoon on the bowl of cereal, making loud sound.

It was too late to find a hiding place or anything because there stood Liam at the entrance of the kitchen, "Cora? You weren't in bed so I thought you went back to your room but I've checked and you wasn't there. What are you doing here?"

Oh, I'm just trying to iron some clothes here, can't you see? I thought of answering him like my mind planned but I didn't. "Eating," I answered simply.

"Right, you're hungry?" he asked while offering me a simple smile.

"No," I stated coldly. Isn't it so obvious? I won't be down here eating something that he had hide from me if I'm not hungry. I continued scooping the cereals into my mouth greedily while Liam still stood at the entrance of the kitchen, didn't bother to come towards me which I didn't mind. I know he must be feeling guilty for lying to me. Hmppff.

Liam's P.O.V

I placed Cora on the right side of my bed. I couldn't sleep seeing that Cora and I slept almost throughout Toy Story which was strange because I had never sleep during Toy Story. I went on twitter to check on the fans' mentions and our facebook fan page. Seeing Cora was soundly asleep and I doubt that she will wake up in any minute, I made my way to Harry's room to see his shopping achievements for the day and then to Niall to give him lectures for buying too many bags of chips. I went to Louis and Eleanor to take a look at her baby nephew and then decide where can the baby sleep so that it won't disturb their time alone. At the end, Harry offered to let Eleanor's baby nephew, Johnny, sleep with him. No doubt in trusting Harry, Johnny slept with Harry.

I went back to my room and Cora was still sleeping. She's such a heavy-sleeper. I got in the shower since I haven't had any this morning. I decide a long shower would be good but apparently my long couldn't be that long because I got out 10 minutes later and to my surprise, Cora wasn't in bed. I quickly put on a sweatpants, shirtless and went out to check on her in her room but in vain because there was no sign of her at all. Where could she be? Worried sneaked through me. I ran down the stairs while calling out her name but there was no answer. I was about to make my way out to the front porch when I heard noises from the kitchen.

I let out a sigh of relieve because there she was, silently eating in the kitchen, "Cora? You weren't in bed so I thought you went back to your room but I've checked and you wasn't there. What are you doing here?"

"Eating," she stated plainly. I slapped myself mentally. I saw her eating, she couldn't be sleep-walking, could she?

"Right, you're hungry?" I asked in a friendly tone, glancing at her bowl of cereal with chocolate milk. Thankful enough that I did the right thing by calling Harry to get those when he was at the supermarket.

"No," she replied, coldly. I sense something was wrong. She was all friendly and pampered to me before she went to sleep. Right! She was having her time of the month. I wanted to go to her but she was eating with a...err...spoon. So I just stood where I originally was.

"So....enjoying your food?" I asked again, while peeking on her bowl from afar. She didn't respond me with anything but got out from her seat and wash off the bowl and spoon. She stared at me for a few seconds before disappearing herself through the kitchen's back door. I followed her silently. She settled herself on the swing, which I guess now her favourite place in the house.

I did the same thing, settling down in front of her. We just stared at each other with she having her sour face on. I decided to break the silence because it was getting uncomfortable as it was freezing and I had no shirt on, "Are you okay?"

"Why do you lie?" she finally voiced out, coldly. She stopped staring at me and was just staring blankly.

"What lie?" I asked, obviously confused by her questions.

"You said there weren't any cornflakes cereal and chocolate milk when I asked for it just now but I found them. You lied," she answered impassively. She still hadn't look at me and her voice sounded really low.

I placed my hand on top of hers, on her lap to get her attention. Once she looked at me again, I smiled, "I got Harry to buy them for you because they went out for groceries shopping."

Her eyes widened a little in guilt and I just chuckled at her reaction, "I'm sorry, I thought you lied."

"It's okay. Do you wanna get in now?" I asked while gesturing to my shirtless body. I still had a smile plastering on my face. She looked cute with her sour face earlier on. "I'm freezing."

"You can go in first," she demanded.

"But I'm not going in and leave you here alone."

"Then stay," she stated plainly firm. I can't tell if something was wrong with her or was it just her mood-swings, but she didn't speak at all after that. I remained silent too but kept rubbing my arms and palms, hoping for the heat that produces against my skin would help. She looked at me the whole but it was as good as ignoring me since we didn't talk at all. She slid from where she was seated to the empty space next to me and hugged me by the sides, "I'll give you some heat. I don't wanna go in yet."

I was stunned for words that I just nodded even though she couldn't see it. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and we stayed silent until she voiced out what I thought was bothering her, "I dreamt of Dylan."

"What was it about?" I asked softly while running my fingers through her hair.

"He told me to let him go," her voice was at a verge of crying.

"Cora, it was just a dream." I tightened the wrap around her shoulders.

"But it felt so real," she argued, raising her voice a little. "Differences are he was leaving me because he was dying from a car accident."

I removed my arms around her and cupped her face, "Cora, you're taking that dream too seriously. You need to accept the fact that you're no longer his and he's no longer yours. Yes, let him go. I know it's hard, but I know you can do it. I believed, Someone is gonna heal your heart." Crystal liquids started to roll down her cheeks and on my hand. I wiped them off with my thumb while she continued sobbing. I definitely know how she was feeling and girls always take it rather sensitively when it comes to break-ups. I wiped off the stain tears on her face and said, "Now, I want you to be happy. Not me alone, but the boys as well as your brother and I'm pretty sure Dylan wants you lead a happier life without him. So do it."

She dropped my arms and I saw her eyes lighten a little, as if I've given her some strength through my touch on her face. She mouthed a 'thank you' with a smile on it. "Can we get in now?" I asked.

She nodded and slid past me before taking my hand in hers to lead me inside. I can see her pampered and childish side coming back and that's all I asked for. Seeing her being sad and dwelling on her past relationship with that jerk actually saddened me, like it saddens Bryan. I believed that one day we all will eventually find the happiness that we've been dying for, the time will come.

She walked up the stairs, stomping silently while pulling me by the hand. I shook my head at her childishness. She stopped in front of my room and looked at her room, "I'm getting some clothes first."

"You can wear mine," I said truthfully.

"Dylan doesn't like me wearing other...." she stopped, maybe realizing that she was supposed to forget about Dylan, "Err, I'll just get some clothes and come back." I nodded. She let go of my hand and disappeared into her room. I was settling myself on bed when Cora came back with some clothes in her hand and her laptop. She placed it next to me and requested, "Will you help me switch on my laptop, please? I wanna shower." I nodded again while she went into the bathroom.

I admired her laptop case before removing it. It was in soft pink color and the letters 'CAE' was sewed on both sides in hot pink. I punched in the switch on button and waited for it load. A minute later, the desktop showed 'please enter password' page. I walked to the bathroom and asked loudly, "Cora, what's your password?"

"It's Dylan120394," she yelled from inside. I walked back to her laptop and keyed in her password which was her ex-boyfriend's name with what I assume his date of birth at the back. Once it was loaded, I stared at her desktop wallpaper. It was a picture collage of her and Dylan. An idea suddenly popped in my head. I went to google and searched for One Direction's wallpaper. I chose what I thought the best of all and set it as her desktop background. I then navigated to her settings and changed her password as well. Satisfied with whatever I've done, I sat back on the bedhead, grinning to myself.

Cora came out of the shower a few minutes later, dressed in a pink, superman printed sleep shorts and black tank top. With towels wrapped around her head, she sat in front of her laptop and furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't remember having this picture as my wallpaper."

"Of course," I grinned, "I changed it a few minutes ago because in my opinion, the current one is so much better than the previous one. I changed your password too. I changed them to 'iloveliampayne'."

She chuckled. Didn't protest or attempt to change it. I smiled in a sign of victory. "Oh anyway, what does 'CAE' stands for?" I asked while pulling her laptop case. I've been wondering since I saw it earlier.

"Oh, it's the initials for my name. Coralie Ariana Evans," she answered, with a proud smile on her face.

I nodded repeatedly, getting her full name in my head. "So, Coralie Ariana Evans, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Sleep? I slept throughout almost the whole day. I'm not sleepy anymore," she informed. "Do you wanna hear my story?"

"What story?" I inquired. She clicked on one of her folders that was named as The Sweetest Story. The folders contained a few pictures. No, a lot. There were pictures with unknown people, with Bryan and even with Dylan. She didn't answer me right away. Instead, she took my pillow and placed it on her lap. She patted on the pillow, gesturing me to lie down before she started on her story. I did as instructed, lying sideways so I could still see what's going on, on her desktop.

She started off with a picture of her late parents, telling me how beautiful was her parent's love story. Proceeding to a picture of Bryan and then herself before their parents were involved in an accident. How Bryan wasn't a responsible brother until their parents went away. She ranted everything about herself as well. She added some stories of Dylan and his family as well and that's when I felt my eyelids getting heavy and a few seconds later, I was consumed by sleep.

Coralie's P.O.V

"His little sister, Daisy....." I trailed off my voice when I heard a light snore coming from Liam who was lying down on my lap. I leaned forward, trying to get a good look on his face. It's confirmed, he was fast asleep. I noticed the digital clock on my desktop that stated it was half past 1 in the morning, no wonder he's asleep. I placed the cover over him and gently stroke his hair and caressed his cheeks.

There's something in him, that amazed me. Him being one of the famous boy band isn't it, definitely. The way he advised me, care for me, wiped my tears and the way he shivered from the cold in the lawn. I can't call this love. Not this soon. He's like another Dylan that I've met. Gentleman, stern, caring, good-looking and the list go on.

I stopped letting my fingers play through his hair and face when he stirred slightly. I closed my 'The Sweetest Story' folder which I was telling Liam, (even though the part of Dylan in that story isn't sweet anymore) and opened up youtube. It took me sometime to think of a movie to watch and I end up loading High School Musical.

6 hours later, after High School Musical 1, 2 & 3...

My laptop went dead right after I finished High School Musical 3. Just on time, I thought. I couldn't get up and get my charger since Liam seemed comfortable on my lap. I shut my laptop and kept it in the case. I moved it to the nightstand and stretched my legs slowly and gently as to not wake Liam up. I lay back on the bedhead and tucked my teddy bear on the side of my neck and tilted my head.

I found my phone under one of the pillows. I navigated to my camera album and moved all the pictures of Dylan and I to a secret folder which I won't be navigating to. I thought of deleting all of them but I don't have the heart yet. Once I'm done moving all the 3511 pictures, I browsed through google images and searched for One Direction. I saved some pictures of all of them and some of them alone. Then I moved to youtube and punched in their band name again. I listened to two of the singles which are What Makes You Beautiful and Gotta Be You and immediately fall in love with the songs. I downloaded it before proceeding to watch some of their live shows video during their time on xFactor and their world tour concerts.

I checked the time on Liam's wall clock, 08:30am. My leg started to feel numb from Liam's weight. I wiggled and squirmed my legs a little, trying my best not to wake Liam up but in vain because Liam opened up his eyes.

"Good morning," I greeted with a grin on my face.

"Morning," he greeted back. His morning voice sounded extremely sexy, "What time did you woke up?"

"I hadn't sleep," I replied. He got up from my lap and looked around for a few seconds.

"Did I sleep on your lap the whole night?" he asked, widening his eyes a little. I nodded and offered him a smile. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't know that I was falling asleep on your lap."

"It's okay. You can continue to sleep," I said, "I'll sleep soon."

Just by looking at his beautiful brown eyes that didn't shine, I knew he was still very sleepy. He didn't reply me. Instead, he lay down on his chest on the other side of the bed and fast asleep again. I got out from bed awhile later, with the intention to make the boys breakfast. I worked in a very slow manner in order to not make a lot of noises and to wake the boys up.

I found some potatoes, sausages and eggs which I thought would be good for today's breakfast. I boiled the sausages and then removed the potatoes skin, slicing them a few times, and turned them into a crisps (or french fries) by frying. I made each boy scrambled and arranged all the food in a plate, with two extra sausages for Niall. I placed them on dining table and glanced at the wall clock. The boys should be up in about an hour or two. I bit and chewed on one of the sausage that I saved for myself and made myself a cup of tea. Once I'm done with my breakfast, I went back to the sleeping Liam's room. I settled myself under the cover next to him and hugged my teddy bear before I was fast asleep.

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