The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

By SueHart2

34K 3.4K 1K

Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... More

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold
Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games

903 85 19
By SueHart2

Vivian had no idea how to respond to what Ben said about a husband's responsibility to a wife. The kiss upon her cheek sent a thrill throughout her entire body. A sensation she had never experienced before.

He rubbed his thumb across the spot he kissed. "Today is the first of many things we shall share together."

She nodded and felt as if her brain had stopped working. "I must remember everything you have said to me today. I'll choose a new notebook. A pressed flower from the bouquet will make a good keepsake."

"When we return from our ride, I will help you choose one for such a purpose," he said touching a curl. "I would enjoy adding my thoughts to that notebook."

She stared into his eyes as he wrapped the curl around his finger. "I would enjoy writing it together. Perhaps you will share what you are thinking now?"

"That your hair is like the finest silk and there is spun gold among strands of wheat."

She giggled at what he said. "You sound like a poet, Benny." With laughter in her eyes, she checked the room. "I would like to touch your beard to see what it feels like, but Radley would not be pleased at us demonstrating such intimacy."

He glanced at her brother who was busy speaking with Charlotte. "I believe he has little concern of our conversation—or touches of intimacy. You are my fiancée, are you not, Vivian?"

"I was told that I am. No, that is incorrect. I overheard my father discuss the contract with Radley. They were not happy to discover my presence. I do not understand why Father did not share this earlier." She touched his chest. "Perhaps you and I will discuss this?"

"Are you displeased?"

She gasped. "Of course not; I have always had great affection for you, Benny. That has not changed. However, now that I know the truth, we shall build new memories that I will also cherish." A noise behind her stole her attention. She looked over her shoulder to see her father coming down the hall to join them. She turned her attention back to Ben as she stepped closer. "If possible, I wish to have time alone with you to discuss our future. Perhaps when I come for a visit?"

"I will make sure such is possible." He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers before he waited to greet her father.

She slowly removed her hand causing him to wink at her. His open affection pleased her.

He bowed before her father. "'Tis good to see you, Lord Croxley."

Reginald bowed his head with acknowledgment. "I am most pleased you have come. My apology for not requesting your visit before now." He stepped further into the room and acknowledged the two young ladies. He also noticed the way Radley stood beside the beauty he had mentioned earlier.

"May I introduce my sisters, Milord?" At his nod, he began, "These are my sisters, Lady Charlotte..." Ben said and she curtsied. "...and my younger sister, Lady Ruth. May I present to you, Lord Reginald Brighton, Marquess of Croxley."

Both girls did a grand curtsy in respect to his rank. "A pleasure to meet you, Milord. Father has spoken much about you over the years. He would enjoy seeing you again. Perhaps you would consider joining us for a trip to Kensingdale for a visit?"

"Yes, I would enjoy seeing him again. How is his health? Better I hope?"

"The country air has much improved his condition, thank you."

Vivian stood beside Ben waiting. He tickled her hand and smiled as she giggled. It was enough to say something. "Father, we will wait for your mount to be saddled if you have changed your mind and wish to join us."

He smiled at her offer. "I fear my situation has not changed. I must decline. There is work for me to finish this morning before my solicitor arrives. After you return, I will join you for a short time. Enjoy your ride." He nodded and left them.

Radley smiled and moved to the window to peer outside. The horses were out front. "Shall we go?" He offered his arm to Charlotte who hesitated for only a moment before accepting. As he walked her out, the butler quickly handed him his hat.

Vivian followed her brother into the foyer before Ben had the opportunity to offer his arm to her. Instead, he waited for her with Ruth at his side. Vivian took her gloves off the entry table.

As she slipped her hands into them, she paused to study Ben. He was not only a striking gentleman; he was also quite dashing in the way he dressed. He wore a white shirt with a Windsor knot at his neck. The style softened the appearance of his strong jaw. His trimmed mutton beard was dark like his collar-length hair. His dark brown cutaway with tails emphasized his strong physic and wide shoulders. Continuing to admire him, her gaze traveled to his tan riding pants. She was not so young she did not recognize his strong thighs and maleness. He was every inch a strong example of manhood.

When she finally allowed her attention to focus on his face, she saw he had caught her admiring him. She smiled feeling the heat in her cheeks. "Will I need my pelisse?"

"The morning is quite pleasant out. You should be comfortable as you are. If you should get a chill, we shall return."

"I would rather find a place to race," she admitted. "That always invigorates me."

He smiled with pleasure. "We shall find the opportunity." She stepped beside him and looped her hand around his arm. He smiled because she continued to touch him. "We do not have much longer until winter will arrive. I know of a field not far from here where we can ride unhindered from spectators. Ruth is not prepared for such daring, so we shall save it for another time."

"Make it soon, Benny."

He bowed and they stepped outside. He placed his hand over hers as they walked down the steps. Her white mare was tied to a hitching ring with a sidesaddle on her back. She gave her horse an affectionate stroke before moving to mount.

Ben gripped her waist and lifted her onto her saddle, and then placed her foot in the stirrup. When he did, she giggled and his heart leaped. Glancing up at her face, he saw the way her nose wrinkle as it did when she was younger. At that age, he would often hug or snuggle her against him, common with a sweet, playful child. He had the urge to tease her the same way, but after that stolen kiss he knew where such actions would lead them. He would forget her age.

The side of his eyes crinkled with laughter. "You are still playful, aren't you?" He retrieved the reins from the post ring and stepped to her side to hand them to her. "Is there a specific place you wish to ride?"

"Hyde Park isn't far. At this hour of the day there are not many riders. I am quite surprised that we have not noticed one another before, since we both ride in the early part of the day."

"I am not sure I would have recognized you. I seldom pay attention to others when I am riding." He stepped to his dark brown gilding and mounted without need of aid. His length of leg and strength fared him well.

She glanced at her brother who lifted Ruth onto her saddle and handed her the reins. When he turned to Charlotte, he paused while she took a grip on the leg-horn for balance and then raised her foot for him to hoist her into the saddle.

He stood looking at her foot. "I can lift you up like I did Ruth."

"That is not necessary." When he only stood looking at her foot she continued to hold up, she lowered it to the ground and took the reins of her horse from his hand and guided him to the steps leading to the porch. She slipped her foot into the stirrup from the step and hoisted herself up using the leg-horn.

He began laughing and she threw her nose into the air and nudged her horse forward. "Incorrigible Imp."

His gaze went to Ben who was laughing and shaking his head. "Now you see what I deal with."

"Any advice?" he asked swinging onto his saddle.

Ben watched as Ruth hurried to catch up with her. With laughter still rumbling his chest, he looked at Vivian to say, "Cover your ears, Sweetheart. This advice is for Radley." She giggled and did as he asked, which pleased him. He placed his hand to the side of his mouth in case she read lips, and told him, "Threats and power. That is what she listens to. She's testing you."

Radley laughed so hard he bent over. "God, this will be fun." He took off after her.

Ben motioned to Vivian and her hands dropped from covering her ears. "This should be more entertaining than the ride," he said with a chuckle. "Your brother is determined. Don't think him cruel. He is following my advice. My sister is challenging as well as mulish."

They kicked their mounts and hurried after them. Vivian was eager to see what Radley would do.

Charlotte looked behind her as Radley raced towards her. She used her riding crop and tried to outrun him. She could see the devilish grin on his face as he rode alongside and grabbed the reins to slow her horse.

At this point, they were too far away to hear. "Let's catch up. We need to join Ruth since they left her behind." Ben told Vivian. "Besides, I want to know what he's saying to her," he said with laughter.

"Yes, let's hurry. I am most curious to learn what he is telling her." They nudged their horses into a canter. "Why does he enjoy your sister's behavior?"

"Charlotte is like a wild mare that refuses to be caught. My father and I always try reason. When that doesn't work, we order her. I am sure your father has used such techniques with you."

"They don't always work, Benny. Not if the explanation has little reasoning behind it. 'Because I said so' does not work with me when I come to understandings from the books I read. Father has not explained why he was tardy in renewing our relationship and this disturbs me even though he has apologized. However, this is not a reason."

He suddenly saw Radley lift Charlotte off her mount and plop her down on his lap. When she didn't slap him, he took a breath. But then her complexion turned bright red and she turned away from him. Radley took her chin and turned her face to him. He couldn't hear what was being said, but he knew his sister. Her shock was easy to see and whatever he said must have satisfied her. A tiny nod of agreement had them riding away.

"It appears that Charlotte has been appeased. Your brother's actions and words have worked." He rode beside Ruth. "Could you hear them?" he asked her.

"He called her a hellion right before he plucked her off her saddle. I was afraid he would be mean to her."

"Would he dare with me here? It is but a form of play, Ruth. The damsel is conquered by the white knight," he said with humor. He ginned larger when he heard Vivian's laughter.

She rode her horse closer to him. "So that is the game they play. Now I understand. Do you like such games, Benny?"

"I have had no other love besides you, Vivian. We shall learn what pleases us during our courtship. However, I never wish to see you dash off while angry with me."

Her eyes grew round. "You have waited for me?"

"Always. Faithfulness is part of belonging to someone. I would not dishonor you." He looked towards Charlotte and nodded his head towards them so she would watch.

Radley had dismounted and held his hands up to help her down. Instead, she swung her leg over the neck of his horse, used the crop, and took off riding astride leaving him watching as she rode away. His hands rose to his hips as he called after her.

"I believe I shall help him. Vivian, would you take the reins of Charlotte's horse and follow after us with Ruth?" He grinned because she was laughing while nodding her head.

Ben rode up beside Radley, removed his foot from the stirrup, and offered his arm. In one fluid motion, Radley swung up behind Ben and they chased after Charlotte. "You have my permission to rattle her teeth. Her action has gone too far. I can't imagine what will be said if she is seen riding astride with her skirt hiked up to her knees."

I laughed at how Charlotte and Radley behaved. Hope you enjoyed it too. The next chapter continues this ride in the park. LOL

Please let me know how you liked it and REMEMBER TO VOTE.

Thank you for reading my story.

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