Their Astronomer

By cem-dr

222K 6.8K 1.4K

Anoki Heishi, a fighter, astronomer, and Luffy's first mate. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

4.1K 143 92
By cem-dr

                           m̶y̶ ̶l̶i̶m̶i̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶b̶r̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶c̶e̶l̶l̶s̶ ̶u̶r̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶a̶d̶ ̶d̶e̶c̶i̶s̶i̶o̶n̶

To those who wanted to virtually hold my hand...I love you and I hope you have a good day.

I've apparently been writing this story for over a year now. 


Ace and Anoki have set out into the desert once again, this time the lizard (gecko?) was pulling a sled filled with supplies behind them. No words were being said between  the two, the only sound heard was the quick stamping steps the lizard made through the sand. Anoki was basking in the warmth brought by the sun while Ace was basking in Anoki's body warmth and natural scent. It was about an hour into the lizard's sprint through the dunes that Anoki could faintly hear the sound of overlapping voices. Ace nudged the lizard into the direction of the noise and urged him to go as fast as he could. Once the lizard managed to get to the peak of a sand dune both Anoki and Ace let out gleeful laughs at the sight of Nami reprimanding Luffy while the others watched. 

"Hey there you guys are!" Anoki called out loudly, her voice causing everyone to whip their heads in the direction of her voice. The lizard raced towards the group and skidded to a stop right in front of them, the sled of supplies swinging to the side in a wide arc. Ace and Anoki dismounted the lizard and stepped closer to the group, a wide grin on Ace's face while a pleased smile was on Anoki's. Ussop and Nami instantly had tears pouring from their eyes, both of the cowards racing towards Anoki and hugging her tattooed arms close to their chests. 

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US ALONE LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!! WE WERE SO SCARED THAT WE WERE NEVER GOING TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Both of them sobbed out, causing Anoki to give them a strained smile. Anoki wrapped her arms around their shoulders and pulled Nami and Ussop closer to her person, holding their heads against her collarbones. "I want both of you to take a deep breath and calm down." Anoki instructed, both cowards immediately doing as instructed and concentrating a the feeling of Anoki holding them close. "Now you both need to know that for as long as I'm still breathing that I will never leave. This crew means far too much for me to leave behind." 

Crocodile tears starting pouring from their eyes once again, the both of them deeply touched at Anoki's dedication to the crew. Their lips were trembling too much for words so Nami and Ussop settled on holding onto Anoki even tighter. "Oh Ace and I brought some supplies from a nearby town." Anoki stated, causing Ussop to let go of her and race over with Luffy to a large keg that was filled with water. Zoro pulled Chopper over to the keg and gently ran some of the water through the little reindeer's fur in hopes of cooling him down. Nami and Vivi went over as well with Sanji to start looking through the food that was provided, leaving Ace and Anoki to watch over them with prideful smiles. 

"How did you get this? You didn't...steal it did you?" Vivi asked out, her tone borderline accusatory. Ace shook his head. "No, we promised these so called rebels some help with sand pirates that were going to attack the town, though it does seem as if you guys are the sand pirates. Anyways, I wouldn't call those guys part of the rebel army at all, a bunch of hoodlums if you ask me." Ace shrugged out, his tone casual and light as he explained. A frown replaced Vivi's relaxed expression as she turned to look at Ace. "There is nothing wrong with citizens pretending to be part of the rebel army to try and keep enemies away." Ace raised his hands up in surrender at the princess, his expression becoming sheepish. "I didn't mean it in a bad way..."

"Maybe...maybe we could test them in a way." Vivi proposed after a beat of uncomfortable silence. "To see if they can handle to burden of protecting a village."


Ace walked back into the small village while Anoki stayed back and hid behind large rocks with Nami and Vivi. The two girls originally wanted Anoki to be part of the plan but Anoki rebutted by saying that her pride wouldn't handle 'pretending to do a tactical retreat' and that she was already seen in the town with Ace. 

Anoki watched with an unamused eye as the village seeped out from the front gates to watch as the 'rebel army' defeated the sand pirates. The blonde man with the purple headband and his little crew looked around with anxious eyes. It was obvious that they had absolutely no experience with fighting whatsoever. She watched as the mayor of the town handed the blonde leader a poster, which was actually Luffy's bounty. The blonde leader's eyes bulged out as he nearly did a spit take at the amount, causing Anoki to snicker. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, and Chopper in his heavy point form. The five of them stood menacingly in front of the town, their gazes sharp as they glared at the blonde leader and his crew. 

Anoki couldn't tell what the 'rebel army' was talking about, their faces shifting from fear and adrenaline, to fear and adrenaline with a dash of resolve. 

The five started to 'attack' the rebel army, their hits extremely weak and taking the hits being dealt by the rebels. Vivi smiled, using a piece of glass to reflect the sun to gain Ussop's attention. "Oh no! The rebel army is too powerful for us, we need to retreat!" Ussop shouted out, his words sounding fake and rehearsed but it caused the villagers to start shouting with glee. Luffy was about to punch a rebel, but Chopper dragged him away as all five of them started to retreat from the town. Luffy was laughing joyously as he ran with Chopper and the others. 

Zoro's face was beet red as he ran, obviously ashamed from being apart of such a lame scheme that forced him to run from such weak guys. 



Anoki convinced Ace to let the lizard go since the poor thing had been forced to carry both of them a good portion through the desert. The crew was off once again, trying to get closer to their destination of Yuba. Nami asked Vivi about her childhood, causing the blue haired princess to tell the group a story of a boy she befriended in her youth named Koza. "You seem really close to this Koza guy, do you know where he is now?" Nami asked, her eyes shining with interest. Vivi's smile seemed to grow nervous, a sweat-drop rolling down the side of her face. "Funny thing to ask...Koza is actually the leader of the rebel army."

The crew continued to walk until a large section of raised rocks came into view, making Luffy demand to stop for a food break. Everyone was too tired to argue and settled themselves into the large clearing in the middle of all the rocks. Sanji immediately got to work on creating the dishes, Ussop and Luffy hovering around him like dogs begging for some scraps. Anoki sat down on a rock, her back slumped while her elbows rested on her knees. Ace sat down in the sand right next to her leg, Zoro doing the same thing. Chopper sat in the shade that all three bodies provided, his fuzzy face alight with glee at the cool feeling of the shade. 

Sanji soon then passed out plates of food and sat off to the side so he could enjoy a plate himself, only for Ussop and Luffy to start bugging him for seconds. "NO! The ladies need the nutrients more than you! They need all the energy they can get to make this journey more bearable!" Sanji screamed like the simp he is. Since Zoro and Ace were conversing with each other, the green haired male didn't notice how Luffy stretched his arm to snatch a few goodies off his plate, though Ace definitelty did which caused him to snicker at the moss heads misfortune. Zoro looked over and his face was instantly overcome with rage. 

Anoki and Ace didn't say anything, they just watched as the crew erupted into chaos while neatly eating their food. Nami and Vivi were talking amongst themselves, both admiring how Anoki and Ace weren't fighting and were acting normally. Anoki stopped mid-bite, her gaze narrowing as she stared heavily into the sands. She handed her half finished plate to Ace who was gazing at the tattooed woman with confusion laced in his eyes. Anoki looked around for a minute before picking up a small rock, tossing it up in the air a few times before nodding to herself. She reeled her arm back before launching the rock towards a large rock spire that was a little farther out from where the crew was resting. 

"What was that for?" Luffy asked out with his head tilted in confusion. Anoki sent the rubber boy a closed-eyed smile, her aura radiating innocence. "Oh I was just trying to rid us of a pest, there is no need to worry." 

"Alight then!" Luffy cheered, his attention quickly being pulled to the sight of a piece of meat being pulled away on a string. Anoki doesn't pay much attention to the sight of Luffy chasing shadows and meat, but the voices of children does make her halt. Everyone else becomes alerted as well, Zoro getting up and yanking on the string pulling the meat. Two children tumble forward, their frames thin and their cheeks gaunt. Their clothes were dirty and both had scratches on their faces and arms. "Oh dear..." Anoki murmured, her hand massaging her temple. 




Sanji made plates for the children that was stacked high with meat and vegetables. Both kids were scarfing down their meals, the taller one hastily excepting the water bag from Anoki. Ace was sitting on a rock just off to the side from the kids, his gaze was hidden in the shadow of his hat. "Say...the two of you wouldn't be from the Badlands would ya?" The children's eyes widened in fear, before slitting into irritated and enraged looks. "SO WHAT IF WE ARE!? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, HUH?" The taller one aggressively spat out, his arm protectively in front of his younger brother. Ace stands up and walks over, only stopping when the older kid pulls out a gun. His grip was tight and his hand was shaking, showing how nervous he was. "S-Stay back! One move and you're a dead man I tell you!" The blonde kid yelled. The smaller kid with brown hair was trembling behind the taller one, his eyes were glazing over with fear and unshed tears. 

A smirk pulled at Ace's lips, "Dangerous things like that don't frighten me." The blonde kid's eyes widened before pulling the trigger, a resounding bang filtering out throughout the rocks. Ace easily took a step to the side, causing the shot to miss. "Just who are you kids?" Nami asked out, her eyes narrowed as she stared down at the now quivering children. "We need your help." The taller kid asks, his hand rummaging through the worn out bag resting at his hip. He handed a piece of paper to Ace, "We need you to find this man and capture him." Ace hummed in thought, his eyes raking over the image of a gruff looking man. A scream echoed out, catching Luffy's attention. The rubber boy looked over at his first mate who only nodded and watched as he stretched his arms and flung himself to the spire of rocks. 

Anoki turned back to watch the kids and listen to their explanation. Nami explaining to Ussop that the man on the paper, named Scorpion, was a bounty hunter. "I have business with Scorpion." Ace stated. "The only reason I'm in this country is because I heard that the bounty hunter called Scorpion defeated Blackbeard in Yuba." Both of the boys eyes shined as they stared up at Ace. "Wait, you're Fire Fist Ace? Like for real!?" Ace nodded absentmindedly, his gaze stuck on the desert. In the same area Anoki was glaring in earlier. 

"Is something wrong?" Vivi asked out, her hands clutching at her chest with a nervous expression on her face. "There's two men and a bird." Was the only thing Ace said, his tone void of any emotion. Soon Luffy and the hunter known as Scorpion show up while riding a large bird. The older man was sweating nervously as his gaze shifted between Ace and Anoki. "My name is Scorpion, and I'm going to take you down Fire Fist Ace. And when I'm done with you, I'll be going for your bounty as well Anoki!" The bounty hunter yelled out, his voice occasionally breaking during his spiel. Luffy, who was sitting behind the man, punched him in the back of the head before jumping off the bird. Luffy rushed over to Anoki and hugged the tall woman, his arms wrapping around her torso three times. 

Scorpion growled, readying one of the large guns strapped to his back. he shot the gun, shooting out a large net but Ace knocks the net back onto the man. Everyone watched as Scorpion thrashed about while entangled in the net, his screams becoming incomprehensible. As soon as Scorpion got himself free, he launched himself at Ace with his fist reeled back. Anoki could almost hear the exasperated sigh from Ace as he slammed his fist into Scorpion's jaw. 

"You wouldn't have been able to defeat Blackbeard, you're too weak." Ace spat with narrowed eyes. Scorpion grit his teeth and was about to reach for another weapon, but the two children came running up with their arms out stretched. "THAT'S ENOUGH DAD!" The taller child yelled, his eyebrows were furrowed with frustration. "Please stop, you're no match for Fire Fist Ace, he's too strong for you." Scorpion's face visibly fell at his son's words. 

"What are you saying? I'm the worlds best bounty hunter..." Scorpion trailed off, as if he was trying to convince himself of that fact. Both children ran up to their father and all three of them started to talk amongst themselves. Scorpion's face twisted in irritation and sorrow as he grabbed a large gun that Anoki could only assume would explode if shot and not only kill a few people in the crew, but Scorpion and his children as well. Anoki watched as the children started sobbing, their little hands grabbing at Scorpion and begging him to stop. She watched as tears collected in Scorpion's eyes as he dropped the gun and wrapped his arms around his children in a loving hug. A loud whistling was heard before an explosion sounded out. The rocket shot out and hit a large cropping of rocks behind the small family, causing the three of them to scream out in terror. Ace shot forward and destroyed the falling rocks, his back towards the family. 

"T-Thank you..!!" Scorpion yelled out, his voice breaking with sobs as he hugged his children close to him, all of them trembling with relief. Ace only waved to them, urging the crew to start walking once again. 



The sun was beginning to set, a shadow being cast over the crew as Ace was standing a few feet in front of everyone. Luffy and Anoki were standing closer to Ace while the rest of the crew was farther back. "Since Blackbeard isn't actually here, I gotta move on to the next destination." Ace calmly spoke, his gaze flickering back and forth between Luffy's large black eyes and Anoki's singular dark blue one. Ace stretched his hand out, two small pieces of paper resting in his large palm. "Your Vivre card..." Anoki quietly spoke, her long fingers gently holding the paper. Ace nodded, "Yeah that's my Vivre card, it will tell you guys which direction I'm in and will also tell you if I'm in any danger. Though I'm sure between all three of us, it's only you Luffy who will get in trouble." Ace teased, his hand ruffling Luffy's dark tresses.  Luffy giggled and rushed forward to hug Ace. 

"I'm going to miss you." Luffy mumbled, his tone less cheery now that the fact of Ace leaving so soon was settling in. Ace playfully scoffed and pushed Luffy's face away from his chest. "We'll see each other again don't worry. I'll meet the both of you at the Pirates Summit!" Ace proclaimed. Luffy nodded and watched as Ace pulled Anoki into a tight hug. 

Ace clung onto Anoki, his face buried in her neck. Anoki had one arm around his back to hold him while the other was around his neck with her hand in his hair. He squeezed her tighter to his body, his eyes closed in bliss at the feeling of Anoki holding him and at her natural scent. Anoki's face flushed a soft pink at the feeling of Ace leaving small kisses against the junction where her neck and shoulder met. Ace pulled away and stood to his full height, his shoulders squaring in resolve. His warm hands cupped Anoki's tattooed cheeks and pulled the confused woman down to his height...

and he pressed his lips against her's.

Anoki's body went rigid and her single eye went wide as Ace pressed his lips tighter against her's before pulling his face away. Anoki's mouth was agape with slight shock and her lips and cheeks were tinged red in color. Ace's face was crimson red and his eyes had small swirls in them, his shoulders lightly trembling. "I...I w-wanted to give you a goodbye kiss!" Ace practically squeaked out, his embarrassment rising from the eyebrow quirk he got from Anoki. "ACE!!!" Luffy screamed, his eyes narrowed in anger as he threw his fist towards his now smirking brother. Ace chuckled with a smug expression as he observed everyone's pissed off faces while dodging Luffy's attack. He waved to everyone, laughing as everyone shook their fists angrily at him and turned to look at Anoki once again. He impishly smirked and pressed another quick peck to her lips before disappearing into the sand, his chuckles ringing out through the dunes before dying out when the last cloud of dust finally settled down. 

"MY ANGEL!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Sanji screamed out, tears streaming down his cheeks as he fell to his knees before the giggling first mate. Anoki turned around and gave Sanji a head pat, her cheeks still having a pink tint to them. "I'm okay, I was just surprised is all." Anoki explained, her fingers going through the cook's blonde locks. "But wasn't that your first kiss?" Chopper asked out, his head tilted innocently as he and Anoki remained oblivious to the rage they unleashed behind them. The rest of the crew was seething, their auras red and dangerous expressions were plastered on their faces. 

"My first kiss? No I had that when I was fifteen." Anoki stated, causing the red aura encasing the crew to get shattered immediately. "WHAT NO WAY!? WITH WHO??" Nami screamed out, her entire frame shaking with barely contained rage. Anoki hummed, her long fingers drumming against her chin as she thought back to three years ago. "I don't remember her name...or the island really. The only thing I can remember was that they had really good alcohol, like really good." Anoki stated, her tone turning dreamy when she started remembering how she woke up in the middle of a cow field, with the baby cows snuggling against her for warmth. 

"Did you guys know that baby cows are like really soft? And they have the cutest eyes, all big and doe like." Anoki gushed, her cheeks tinging pink as she remembered the adorable farm animals. "Your first kiss was with a girl?" Zoro asked out, his eyebrow quirked up. Anoki nodded, her one eyed gaze boring into his frame. "Gender doesn't matter. Who the fuck cares about gender anyways, just do whatever you want like rob a store or something because we're all going to die anyways." Anoki stated, her expression serious. 

"That makes sense." Luffy concluded while nodding his head in acceptance, the rest of the crew nodding along. Anoki gave out a small sigh, sweat dripping from her forehead and a shaky smile spreading across her lips from successfully diverting their attention to something else. 




It was hot, like extremely hot. Water preserves were running low so Nami forbid Luffy from having a drink because of last times mishap. So Luffy resorted to drinking the juice from a cactus, resulting in him hallucinating. 

"Crrrrroockdmkw!!" Luffy shouted with his fist raised in the air. Anoki had absolutely no idea what the hell Luffy just said, but gave him a thumbs up when his body whirled around in her direction. Nami sighed, her shoulders slumped with defeat at the sight of their out of control captain. "Chopper, can you please get Luffy to calm down?" When Nami's request was met with silence, she whirled around to face the doctor only to halter in her tracks. Chopper was unconscious with his face in the sand. "Oh poor thing, the heat must be too much for him." Anoki cooed while crouching next to the reindeer's collapsed body and proceeding to fan his body with her hands. Nami wanted to scream, so she turned around to face Zoro. "Deal with him." Zoro only scoffed at the navigator. "Why should I do it? Do it yourself." 

"Do it now or else I add 100 million berries to your debt."

Zoro grumbled unintelligibly under his breath and urged Anoki to grab Chopper and follow after him towards their rambunctious captain. Nami sighed with relief, urging the rest of the crew to continue walking towards Yuba. 

"Oi Luffy, stop messing around we need to start moving to Yuba." Zoro stated, his tone clipped showing his aggravation. Luffy whirled around to face the green haired male, his body tittering side to side and his eyes were droopy. Luffy looked confused at the sight of Zoro, his gaze flickering between Zoro and Anoki. "Green....crocodiles are green...crocodile..." Luffy murmured to himself, his gaze hardening the longer he stared at Zoro. "But isn't that Anoki? Why is Anoki with Crocodile...did Crocodile kidnap her!?" Luffy's thoughts were progressively getting more aggressive as he persuaded himself that his first mate and swordsman before him were somehow Crocodile and Anoki being held as a hostage. "Oi you stupid Crocodile! Let go of my first mate and get out of Vivi's country!" Luffy shouted, reeling his fist back and launching it straight into Zoro's cheek. Zoro coughed out some spit from the blow and skidded a few feet away. 

"What the hell are you doing dumb ass!?" Zoro angrily asked out, his face twisted into an enraged snarl. Anoki hid a smile behind her palm as she watched the two start throwing punches towards each other. Though her amusement was short lived when the fists Luffy was throwing around slammed right into her jaw, forcing her head to the right from the force. Zoro's eyes widened in horror while Luffy just continued mindlessly throwing attacks, causing Zoro to start throwing punches once again. Anoki cracked her neck and gently placed Chopper into the sand and walked towards the two still going at it. Anoki's face curled up into a nasty looking snarl, and she didn't hold back as she slammed her fists into both of their cheeks, causing the two of them to go flying in both directions as they lost consciousness. Anoki deeply inhaled through her nose and slowly exhaled through her mouth. 

"Damn it."


Anoki, after a few minutes of berating herself for wasting time, pulled Zoro and Luffy's body near a rock that was jutting out to provide them shade while they slept through their involuntary nap. Anoki's shadow provided shade for the still unconscious Chopper, leaving the first mate to her thoughts in the mean time. 

As her thoughts wandered into the dangerous waters of her mind, the sun started to dip lower and lower until only dark golden rays dipped over a dune, casting a warm orange glow across Anoki's tan face. Her single dark blue eye looked void of emotion as she stared blankly into the sand, her breathing gradually getting slower and slower as she fell deeper and deeper into her own memories. She was so absorbed into her thoughts, she didn't notice Chopper stir awake and dig desperately through his bag for a small vial, to which he held under Zoro and Luffy's noses to wake them up.  Chopper was about to patter over to Anoki, but the dead look in her eye shook him to his core, causing his feet to glue themselves in their spot as he continued to stare at the first mate. Zoro and Luffy looked over and watched as Chopper shakily walked over to the motionless Anoki.

"A-Anoki...?" Chopper shakily murmured out, his tone soft as if to ease the tall woman out of the trance. Anoki's dark eye snapped up to Chopper, her mouth a thin line and her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the small doctor. It scared the reindeer. Anoki's gaze softened when she noticed how Chopper was shaking. "Sorry..." Her tone was unusually soft and all three of the males stared at her with concern lacing their eyes as they watched her stand up and brush off any loose sand. 

"Are you okay Anoki?" Zoro asked out, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "Just fine. We should probably start moving, the others left us behind." Anoki stated as she started walking off in the direction she last remembered the others going in. The three males watched in concern as Anoki slowly lumbered her way across the dunes. 


The four of them continued to walk through the dunes. Anoki listened as Zoro and Chopper talked amongst themselves while listening to Luffy pant and complain about the heat once again. "Ah!" Anoki perked up at the sound of Luffy's excited chirp, her head snapping to look at him, only to realize that he found an outcropping of rocks. "Look Anoki, I found some shade!" Luffy cheered out, his childish grin seemed to stretch as he looked at his first mate with excitement. Anoki chuckled and nodded her head, only for her face to fall into a grimace when she felt the all too familiar feeling of Luffy's rubbery arms snaking around her figure. Zoro and Chopper were wrapped up right beside her and she could only watch as Luffy stretched his arm forward to get a grip on one of the rocks to launch all four of them forward. Anoki, who was already used to this sort of treatment, listened on with scrunched eyebrows at Zoro and Chopper's deafening screams. 

All four of them landed roughly on the ground, with Chopper's body being shot farther and slamming into some rocks. Anoki tried to stand up to go get him, but her body fell straight through the sand causing her to let out a startled yelp. Zoro shortly fell after the tattooed woman, and both of them glanced around the cavern they slipped into. "This looks man-made." Anoki stated, her dark eye darting around to quickly see everything she could. Zoro nodded along to her words and fixated his gaze on the hole that he made as he fell into the cavern. 

"Oi Luffy, come pull us up!" Luffy jumped down through the hole that Zoro fell into and looked around the cavern with excitement in his eyes. "Ohhhh! It's so  cool down here!" Luffy chirped out while dusting off his trademark straw hat from extra sand, his fingers grazing against Ace's Vivre card. An angry tick mark appeared on Zoro's forehead as he glared at the cheery captain. Anoki just stared in disbelief, no words could compensate for how defeated she felt in the moment. "IDIOT! Why didn't you just stretch your arms and pull us up that way!?" Zoro shrieked, his fits balled in Luffy's shirt as he violently shook the rubber boy back and forth. Luffy pleadingly looked at Anoki for help, his large black eyes seemingly starting to shine and his lower lip puckered out in a begging way. Anoki stared....and stared. Luffy's eyes seemed to get bigger and shinier as he stared right back at his precious first mate and he silently let out a cheer when he heard Anoki's sigh of defeat. 

"That's enough Zoro, he can pull us up from here as well." Anoki reasoned, her eye staring up at the only source of light for the cavern. Zoro wanted to rebut, but Anoki was right so he let go of Luffy and silently sulked to himself that Anoki wasn't on his team for this one. Luffy giggled and launched his fists toward the ceiling to grab a hold of the ledge and pull all three of them up. Anoki and Zoro watched with deadpan eye[s] at the sight of Luffy missing the hole and punching the ground surrounding it. "Luffy you're going to cause the cavern to cave in." Anoki calmly stated while Zoro was starting to scream at Luffy to stop. Luffy only stopped when large chunks of the ceiling started to fall, causing him to cheerfully laugh and wrap one arm around both Anoki and Zoro while the other reached for the ledge and oh so conveniently not miss this time.  

All three of them land in a pile right next to Chopper, who was now coming  around. The little reindeer groggily sat up and rubbed at his eyes with his hooves. The sun was starting to dip behind the horizon at this point, orange hues painting across the sand like a rich paint. Anoki watched as Chopper's nose start to twitch and how his eyes widened in joy. "The scent of the wind has changed! I can smell Nami's perfume!" Chopper cheered causing Luffy to join in while Zoro and Anoki sighed in relief. 

They could finally start their journey towards their friends and Yuba once again. 


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe. 

School started on Tuesday so I won't be able to update as much as I'd like (though it's not like I updated regularly anyways ahaha). I'm taking AP Physics and AP English Language Comp. this year and the teachers are nice and actually respond to my emails which is a miracle in upon itself. 

Tell me your classes and if you're a junior like me, bruh how the hell are you guys going to study for the SAT? 

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