Stolen moments

By amourpierce

12.9K 1.5K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 7(B)
Chapter 8(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 33(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 9(B)

74 11 0
By amourpierce

He squints his green eyes in concentration trying to see what could have caused the strange sound from the engine. Sweat drips from his forehead due to the hot weather and the job he was indulged in.

He sighs standing up to take the spanner. His hair as grew longer, he had to put it in a man bun to avoid it getting dirty. His grey tank top sticks to his chiseled chest, along with his dirty jeans and lumber boots, grease was smeared on his natural tan skin, slight stubble covered his Greek like face.

No doubt... He is a good looking man.

He bends over the car, maneuvering over the engine like an expert when he flew up in reflex due to his daughter's scream,  hitting his head against the bonnet in the process as he groans.

He looks up towards his house to see what caused the scream from his six year old daughter. Soon after, her loud wail followed as her five year old brothers burst out of the house. They both look angry yet you could see the mischief in their eyes as they come running towards him.

He groans then laughs at the two identical boys who jumped on him as he carries them on his both arms.

"What atrocity did you commit this time?" He teased as he gently placed them on the ground.

"It was Leah's fault! She refused to let us take her crayons" Young Matt complained.

"Her crayons? I bought those crayons for her. I thought you had yours?" He asked the two boys.

"No we don't.. We kinda lost it" he said sheepishly.

"What did you do that made her cry?" The two boys looked at each other. "What did you do?" He pestered.

"We broke some of it" Max stated, not looking at least a bit sorry.

"Boys... " he sighs as he squats to their level. "Haven't i warned you to quit bullying your elder sister or to not make her cry?" He scolded.

"She was being stingy, she refused to give us her crayons" they protested.

"Did you ask politely?" He smiles knowing his sons as they shake their heads.

"But she is our sister, we should share everything" Max complained bitterly.

"Yes she is your sister and you should share everything but not all things. Sometimes you need to ask for her permission. If you have asked nicely am sure she would have given you" he lectured.

"She is such a cry baby" Matt mutters.

"No she is not. She is just angry and frustrated and she is letting her feelings out."

"Does mum cry also?" He asks innocently.

Their father was quiet for a while thinking of how to answer their tricky yet important question.

"Of course she does...  its okay to cry but not every time. That is why you should under no condition make your mother and sister cry, females tend to show their emotions unlike we males. They are both females but yet they are really strong. Your mother for instance, gave birth to you, cooks for you and takes care of us. We may be strong but they are stronger than us in some areas"

"How?" Matt asked looking confused as their father smiles, standing up, ruffling their hair.

"When you grow older, you will understand. Promise me you won't make your sister cry again, okay?"

"We promise" they both said.

"Good... Am gonna get you your crayons tomorrow same with your sister but first you are gonna apologize to Leah" they both groan. "Okay then, am gonna get a pack only for Leah_"

"We will apologize" Matt piped quietly.

"Then am getting three packs" the two boys cheered. "Now help me with the car, will you?"


I stroll into the fairly large kitchen, heading to the fridge to get some beer.  We came to Alfred's condo today to discuss some business. It is quite far from the city but that is what we need...  some peace and quiet.

I grab the beer before heading back to the man cave but something caught my eye.

The white box with red ribbons. Weird... Totally strange for Alfredo's kitchen knowing how much he hated sharp colors.

I walked towards the box on the table top gently placing my beer beside it. I stare at the box but then decided to open it.

The yummy and delicious scent that came from the dessert made my empty stomach churn. Am not a big fan of dessert and Alfredo rarely takes sweet things, so where did he get the cupcakes?.

I stare at the cupcakes, it seems two are missing from the box. The more i stare at the cupcake, the more i find this whole thing familiar.

I heard footsteps as i look up spotting Alfredo figure coming in, he looks at me in confusion as i stayed hunched over the box of cupcake.

"I thought you wanted beer" he said as he opens his fridge taking out one from himself as Mason came in also.

"Hmm.." I nodded. "Where did you get these?" I asked as Mason also came forward taking two from the box.

"I never asked you guys to take it" he complained, as i also took one.

"This is good" Mason mumbled, as he bites and stuff the cupcakes into his mouth.

I also took a bite but stopped chewing at the chocolate and vanilla taste that filled my mouth. This tastes absolutely familiar, i swallowed it before asking my question.

"Where did you get this?" My voice sounded strained as they both look at me noticing my changed mood.

"Why are you asking that question? Don't you like it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter" my voice clipped.

"Leah gave it to me as a gift" his voice sounding indifferent as i drop the cake like it burned me, staring at it with disdain.

"I thought i told you to stay away from her!" I bellowed as a burning anger filled my inside, i feel green. They both stare at me in confusion.

"You didn't give me a reason to stay away from her" he stated calmly.

"Do you need a reason?!" I shout at him as Mason slowly retrieved his hands from the box realizing the thick tension in the room.

"Don't talk to me like that? Am not your maid" he narrowed his eyes at me giving me a hard glare. Oh shit! I pissed him off.

"Guys relax... It is just a box of cupcake" Mason, the mediator came in.

"What is your problem with the girl? First you asked we to stay away from her, then you have a problem with me collecting a gift from her. Is there something we should know?" He asked, still sounding pissed.

"There is nothing_"

"Liar" he taunts as i glare at him.

"Fuck you!" I walked towards him in anger as he stood his ground looking bored. Mason quickly stands between us.

"Guys! guys! What the fuck is wrong with you this evening?! Chill! The both of you!" He placed his both hands on our chest pushing us away from each other.

I sighed, taking my bottle of beer as i open it taking a big gulp. Am getting worse with the anger issues. I try to calm down.

"Am sorry man... Am just so worked up" I apologize to him as he stares at me, not buying my excuse.

"What is your issue with Leah? If you don't like her like you claim, why did you allow her to work for you?"

Now he hit the nail in the head. I think i should tell them the truth. They are my best friends after all. I have being keeping it in for almost five years, it is high time i let it out.

"Do you remember the vacation i went for in California about four years ago?"

They both exchanged stares, communicating silently. They nodded.

"In Malibu" Mason stated.

"You remember me telling you i met a girl that i really like?"

"Yeah yeah... I think you guys were dating back then, you never introduced us.. And you never mentioned her again. What is her name? Uhn.... " Mason asked deep in thought.

"Leah" Alfredo spoke up for the first time i started the conversation from where he was standing by the entrance of the kitchen. His opened beer in one hand.

"Yes Leah, that is what you told us... "Mason agreed,  then suddenly his eyes widen. "Is she?... " I nodded. "Wow"

"What happened between you two?" Alfredo asked.

I sit back and told them everything... Everything. The date, the fight, the make up down to when i caught her in bed with her so called best friend!.

"I still don't believe it" Alfred protested as he looks restless, walking back and forth running his hand through his hair.

"But you heard him, he saw them together"  Mason chipped in.

"Am not disputing what he saw. All am saying is that there must have been a misunderstanding somewhere" he protested.

"Don't tell me you are falling for her also?" I asked, sounding and feeling jealous all of a sudden.

"Did i tell you we had an affair? Did she even ask for your money?" I glare at him but couldn't help but find it to be true. She never asked for my money, i have always been the one showering her with gifts. She has always been independent... But still i saw them together in bed, nothing changes that fact.

"Bro.. You need to be careful, you heard what he said" Mason warned him.

"Okay... Fine fine" he raised his hands up in surrender "but he also needs to be careful because i don't understand why you allowed her to work for you if you claim she was your ex. What is the logic in that?"

"None of your business" I defended.

"That is the thing. It's my business. All what you claim is this girl is not who she is. You said it yourself she was so nice and kind. How can someone be so nice and kind by donating her blood to a stranger she helped on the road without asking for anything in return yet you say it is all a facade. No! I refuse to believe that and am not going to believe that until i find some truth to this matter!"

He finished his speech before storming out like an angry bull. His he really defending a stranger. I can hear Mason complaining about having two idiotic friends but i don't care. I promise myself to unveil the true face of Leah Martinez.


The beautiful woman walked down the spiral stairs holding the railings. Her brunette wavy hair which looks so healthy and shiny fell to her waist.

She was dressed in a simple yet classy designer dress matching it with her shoes. Her face as a mild make up. Even with her dress you can see the curves, her natural tanned skin was glowing.

A first look at her, you can tell she is of mixed descent, what people call a Latina. She should be in her forties. She looks elegant and beautiful.

She looks up to see her son who sat leisurely on one of the expensive cushion chairs in the well furnished living room, watching tv. His hand playing with the remote as he scan the stations, but his eyes looks deep in thought.

She sat on one of the cushions beside him.

"What is wrong?" She thanked the maid who brought their drink in and some fruits. She took an apple cutting it into different sizes and shape just the way he likes it into a bowl.

"Hunter is being a dickh_" his mother raised her eyebrows at him, daring him to finish the sentence "an annoying person?" She rolled her brown eyes shaking her head.

"What did he do? You guys are best friends, you should settle what ever matter or problem you have" he collects the bowl of apple salad from her, munching it.

"How was the project?" He closed the chapter of Hunter.

"It was good, basically... I have another branch" he smiled looking happy for his mother.

"Congratulations mum" he chimed. He looks so happy, this brought out the boyish grin on his face.

"Thank you... Am just so happy, my clothing line is doing great, my goods are all shipped in. Legacy is also thriving, i feel like a fulfilled woman but there is only one thing" her face turns gloomy.

Her son sat up noticing her changed mood.

"Don't worry mum, we will find her" he said knowing what she was thinking about.

"When? Alfredo... When? I have searched and searched. She should be twenty two now,i narrowed it down to her age range but it's like she doesn't exist and i refuse to believe my daughter is dead" there was silence as she cleans her eyes from her emotional fit.

"Mum.. Am i not enough?" She gasps.

"Of course you are Alfredo, you are enough but she is my daughter_"

"And she is also my sister" she huffed as he placed the bowl on the table. "Mum... Every hand is on deck to ensure she is found. Dad is also pulling every string he knows and he is working tirelessly on it. I am also doing the best i can so mum, you are not alone in this. We will see her"

She nods, as the tension eased on her shoulders.

"How is your father?" She asked him. They may not be together but she still cares about him, a lot. Even if she tends not to show it.

"He is alright" he shrugs avoiding eye contact.

"Tell me the truth Alfredo" she said reading his body language. He sighs.

"Giselle is giving him a lot of problems" he complained.

"That hyena?" she raised her eyebrows in question as he chuckled. His mother and her name calling.

"Yes. That hyena. Mum, can you believe he as been sleeping in his hotel for the past three days?"

"What?! Why?!" She asked looking worried and concerned. 

"Aunt Sabrina told me when she came over to restock my kitchen that she as been giving him a hard time, he left the house to get away from the constant fight. Giselle also left to stay in one of the other mansions. The only people occupying the estate are just the maids and guards.

"What of Claire?"

"I don't know, probably partying away?" She sighs standing up, she rubs her arms slightly looking worried. "What?"

"Am just worried about your father, how is he gonna survive in that hotel knowing how forgetful he can be a times. He can't eat all this hotel meals, you know he loves homemade food" she complained as her son watched her in amusement.

"It still baffles him on how you still love him despite everything he did to you" he said in wonderment. She smiles.

"You are right son, i also wonder a times but i guess the love for your father is still there even after everything. That is why you also need to forgive him" he looks away his jaws tensed. "I know you still hold some grudges against him in your heart but right now he needs our emotional love and support to get through this tough times, cause right now am sure he is also confused because he is surrounded by wolves"

He sighs thinking about all what his mother said. His father is a strong, hard headed man who knows what he is doing when it comes to business but when with his family he needs all the support he can get to get through the storm.

"Excuse me mum, need to make a call" he stood up hurrying out to make the call.

Questions questions questions ❓
Who is the woman?
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