Stolen moments

By amourpierce

12.9K 1.5K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 7(B)
Chapter 9(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 33(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 8(B)

75 13 0
By amourpierce

I sat with Mr Fox and Sam as we go through the plan of the building. The project was really big, the company is reconstructing some parts of an hotel somewhere in Manhattan and our unit as been given time to think of the architecture and design.

Imagine the workload on me, i must not disappoint the unit and i must not disappoint myself. There is a reason we were given this project.

The company as different branch and each branch as its constructing unit. Hunter_I mean Mr Knight is really serious and interested in the project so he wants it done in the headquarters.

Am developing cold feet already with his indifferent behavior and due to his employees walking on egg shells around him. The last interior designer was fired due to her incompetence on his part.

According to Sam, if you fail to do your job, or not doing it on time, heads will roll. He is like another different person to the one i know.

"We are to submit our proposal next week?" I asked looking at the blue print.

"Yes, which means extra work for you guys" Mr Fox points out, leaving us with the blueprint to get more files. I let out a sigh already conjuring plans in my head.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me as i nodded "you look troubled"

"Am nervous, this is my first real job, am excited, at the same time nervous... It is all jumbled up" I mumbled. He chuckled.

"You will be fine Leah, you just need to focus and get your head in the game, you know what i mean.. " he winks as his phone rings. He picks his phone as his face lit up. "Hey babe" he grins standing up, he made a sign to me that he would be outside the meeting room as i nodded.

He is probably talking to his girlfriend, heard she is a sweet little thing. Hope to meet her soon.

I bring out my sketching pad and pens as i begin to pen down, sketch, draw, shade and and color the plans. The owner wants it mystic, classic yet old fashion and historic. The request is giving me a beauty and the beast vibe.

I made three plans trying to find which one will fit. I did this for almost four hours not noticing the time it was when one of my co workers called me for lunch that was when i remembered i had to be somewhere.

I quickly grab my jacket, bag and my boxes of cupcake, i informed Ciara and Sam i won't be able to join them for lunch cause i have an appointment with someone. I promised them tomorrow and bribed them by saying i will make more cupcakes for them.

I clutch the two boxes to my chest as i leave the building, i need to hurry in other to get back on time and luckily the venue was just five minutes walk away from Knight's Corp.

I walked into the cafe as i quickly remove my  jacket shivering slightly from the cold weather. I look around the big cafe trying to see if he was here. I let out a sigh of relieve as i spot the jet black hair.

I walked towards him briskly, as if sensing me he looked up from his newspaper.

"Mr Anderson" I greeted as he stood up.

"Have told you to call me Alfredo or simply Alfred, Mr Anderson is my father's name" he corrected, we shook hands as he told me to take a seat. "Hello... How are you?" He asked as i replied.

I sat opposite him placing the boxes on the table. We sat down in silence as i readjusted my glasses. He cleared his throat, i spoke up.

"I brought you a gift" I gestured towards the boxes as he rose his eyebrows in question.

"A gift?" He asks in confusion as i place the two boxes in front of him.

"Yes, a thank you gift for helping me.... I made them, it may look so small but_"

"Thank you"

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"Thank you.. You don't have to but you did. I should be the one thanking you" he smiles for the first time i meet him. The smile was contagious as i find myself smiling.

I told him one belongs to him and the other belongs to his father. The waiter came over as we placed our orders.

"Tell me.. How do you like the job?"
He asks as i took a sip of my hot coffee thinking of how to maximize my time with him.

"It is great. Although i just started and i find the working area and atmosphere conducive. I think i will enjoy my time there" I said truthfully, avoiding the CEO part.

"Am glad you love it." 

We sat in silence again not knowing what to say. I felt comfortable in his presence probably because he didn't look at me the way some men do. They look at me with hunger as if they want to eat me but he has this welcoming aura which screams trust and protection. He is one of the richest and powerful men in the city but his kind behavior proves otherwise.

He looks calm and collected.

Then i decided to ask the question that as been at the tip of my tongue ever since i got here.

"How are the injuries?" I gestured to my ribs as he looks at his chest.

"It is healing well, i feel the pain once in a while but it's all good thanks to you" his blue orbs glitters in appreciation as i blush at the compliment.

Finally, someone who compliments me for me and not just my physical appearance. It reminds me of my time with_snap out of it!

"It was nothing, am just happy i walked through that place when it happened, what would have happened if i didn't take that quiet route.... Can i ask you a question on how it happened?" I pushed. He let out a small forced smile.

"Let's just say... Some people are not happy with my existence" he shrugs as i furrow my eyebrows in confusion, until i finally got it. It was an attempted murder.

"Wow" I voiced out surprised, as i look at my wristwatch, i gasped as i quickly stood up, he followed.

"What is wrong?" He asks sounding worried.

"Am late... I have to go back" I panicked grabbing my bag but he stops me.

"Wait! Let me drop you off" he carried the two boxes of cupcakes in one hand.  I look around nervously not trusting him or myself in a confined space, he must have noticed this. "Am not going to hurt you okay... And besides am going to call Hunter if he notices your absence."

I nodded. He brings out  sunglasses putting it on. He looks like a secret agent man delivering cupcakes, i giggled quiet but i think he heard me.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked amused.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?"
He chuckled.

"Camouflage... You know paparazzi and their craziness"

"Oh..." He still looks recognizable but am not gonna tell him that.

We got to his black Audi A6. I gaped at the car but quickly controlled myself. He opened the door as i thanked him. I check my phone to see five missed calls from Ciara and Sam that was when i knew i was trouble.


"Boss wants to see you" Ciara said looking worried as i bit my lip.

"What? What happened? Did i do anything wrong?" She shakes her head.

"I don't think so. He asked of you during lunch. I guess he noticed your absence, i don't know how though. He called again after break but you were not around. Where were you?"

"I had an appointment and i thought i would make it back on time" I groan.

"You know how he is with lateness. You need to hurry up, he is in his office"

I let out a sigh as i thank her before hurrying out of the office. Curse this pumps, i think i will lose this bet i made with Rosalia cause am wearing my ballerina flats tomorrow. I stump towards the elevator, i got in, pressing the button to the last floor.

I said a quick hello to the secretary who gave me a charming smile. I asked if i could go in and she said i could. My palm turned sweaty, am gonna see him again, i check my outfit to see if there is any ruffles or coffee spills. All clear. Why am i even trying to impress him. His behavior clearly shows he doesn't want me here.

I timidly knock the door before entering his big office. I gulp as his cold eyes sized me up upon entering. I walked up to him fearfully.

He was busy signing and going through some papers, he ignored my presence as i stood awkwardly in front of him, since he has decided not to say anything i decide to take the reins.

"You called me" I said, trying to sound as professional as i can. He ignored my statement as he was still going through the papers, i guess he is busy, i will have to come back then.

I turned around to go back but was stopped by his voice.

"And where do you think you are going to?" I turn to meet his glare.

"I thought you were busy" I said as i nervously bit my lip, he close his eyes for a second as i take in his handsome figure. He looks so good. He opened his cold eyes again, narrowing them at me.

"You thought?!" He spat as i winced "you also thought that it is alright to leave your work and go do whatever shit you do!"

"Am sorry Hun_"

"It's sir to you!" He roared as i yelped, i can feel my eyes getting wet as i quickly turn my face down trying to hide my tears. He knows i hate it when he screams at me and i tend to cry. He is using one of my weakness but i won't allow him to see me cry.

"Am sorry sir"

There was silence as i can hear his hard breathing.

"Look at me when am talking to you" I try to control my tears as i fail to look up. "I said look up!" I flinched as he slams his hand on his desk.

I look up to meet his eyes. I saw a small smirk playing on his lips as he took in my red eyes and pained expression.

"Give me one good reason i should not fire you due to your insolence" I gasp as i look at him pleadingly.

"Please don't... I really need this job and i won't try it again" I begged as i feel my eyes turning moist again, praying to God that he touch his good heart even though i don't know the person sitting on the chair in front of me again.

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when his phone rang.

"... Yes, hello... , ... Sorry i didn't check my message...,... What?...," he was silent for a while listening to the other person on phone, i shifted uncomfortably as he rest his eyes on me, his face void of any emotion, his face hardened as grits his teeth "... Oh..., ... so she was with you... " his voice turns cold. "... Alright then..,... Talk to you later..."

He hangs the call as he stares at his phone, i got uncomfortable due to the tensed atmosphere.

"Get out" he said calmly as i got confused.

"Sir, you said_"

"I said get lost you whore!" He screams at me with hatred in his eyes.

I gasp, turning around before racing out of the office as fast as i can with tears streaming down my face.

The secretary looks at me with pity and sympathy as i assure her that am okay.

I got into the elevator thinking about the last word he called me, as it rings in my head. WHORE...


"No! No no no.. You are resigning from that place" Max said angrily as he paced back and forth in our apartment.

Rosalia came out of the adjourning kitchen as we sat down in the living room. She holds a tray as she placed it on the table, she hands me a cup of my favourite, hot chocolate.

A lot might have changed but nothing can make me deny my chocolate. In fact, Mr Chocolate and i have gotten closer because it also helped me during my dark days. I will hide boxes and bars of chocolate and chocolate desserts in my room, i tend to eat it when am feeling down but Rosalia being the gym freak always make sure i hit the gym at the end of every week.

"Thank you" Matt takes the cup of coffee from Rosalia as she placed Max own on the table. She sat down beside me taking a sip of hers as i stare at the single marshmallow on top of the goody flavour.

"Am not leaving my job because the boss is my ex" I pointed out, as i took a sip of my drink. Men... That tastes good.

"Yes you are... You even said it yourself that he hates you" he replied.

"But they have a good working atmosphere over there, you know how i got the job... I don't want to look ungrateful to Mr Anderson" he rolls his eyes taking a seat on the carpet floor beside his brother who as been quiet all through.

"Are you okay there?" Rosalia asks out of the blue as i sigh nodding.

"Yeah... Just that he sometimes likes to make my life a living hell. It is always painful whenever he ignores me and when i get his attention, he answers with painful and snide remarks... But it's okay, am used to it" I smile a little as Rosalia rubs my back.

"He will regret it one day... Trust me sis, he will" Matt voiced out. I hope he does. I just hate this new Hunter Knight.

"Don't you think you need a new haircut?" I change the conversation as Matt quickly touched his hair glaring at me.

"Leave my hair alone!, the girls love it!" Rosalia laughs out as i chuckled while Max shake his head at his brother's stupidity. 

"Oh... I need you to check my laptop, i have a problem with downloading some files and it keeps shutting down" Rosalia complains standing up.

"Then get another one" Matt chided while she glares at him.

"It is a new one dumbass" she pulled him up by the arm as she drags him away while he kept complaining that his genius brain is being abused.

They left the two of us as we both sat down enjoying the silence.

"So tell me.. How is your ongoing project?" I asked him as he shrugs. Max inspires to be a photographer while Matt a techie.

"It's good, but slow. Am not going at the pace i want. Everything seems boring" he complains. That is the thing with Max, he gets bored easily. Maybe that is why he keeps getting bored of the girls he goes out with.

"Come on baby brother.. We are in New York, you will find something interesting to work on" he puffs.

"I hope so" I nodded before taking a sip of my drink. "You need to forget about him" I groan inwardly, trust Max not to drop an uncomfortable conversation.

"It is not that easy Max" I placed my cup on the table.

"It is very easy. Move on, go on a date, follow Rosalia to one of those clubs she always go to during the weekends"

"It is not as easy as you think" I frowned.

"It is very easy sis.. You should not waste your life like this over a stupid man who doesn't deserve you. You are a very beautiful person inside out and you deserve some happiness" he lectured.

"I can_can't" my voice broke as i closed my eyes while memories and my past plays in my head.

"Why?, you_"

"I just can't okay, i can't!" I snapped at him as he turns mute.

"Is it because of what happened?" He asks softly as tears escaped my eyes, i nodded. "Come here sis"

I crawl up into his embrace as i burst into tears. He wraps his arms around me, crying my eyes out, channeling my pains and frustration from today into it. I inhaled his cologne, trying to calm down.

I rest my head on his shoulders as tears leaked into his dark T-shirt. I feel so weak, drained and hopeless. This was why i don't like this topic. I feel like the younger one here.

Max is always fond of treating me like the younger sibling, so over protective, he sometimes questions what i do and warn me of decisions sometimes. He behaves like our father but after the incidence it as gotten worse.

Matt is better, though also protective but can be quite supportive and allows me to be free but can also back on his twins a times and it is always so infuriating and annoying. He allows me to think for myself and he treats me like the eldest which i am.

"I failed" I got quiet at his words. "Matt and I promised dad that we will take care of you and mum no matter what, he made us promise... It was two weeks before his car crash, it was as if he had foreseen everything. He looked and sounded so serious. Now i know why" His voice sounds shaky.

I look up at him to see his red eyes, my heart broke.

"You didn't fail us... Neither of you did. I was just a victim of circumstances i guess" I shrugged.

"Sometimes i wish i could draw back the hands of time. I wish i was the elder one, maybe you will not have met him... any of them"

"How many times will you say that? Its a good thing i was born first"

He chuckled as he wipes my tears with his thumbs. I rest my head on his shoulder, i closed my eyes embracing the darkness.

Hey guys..
Now we all know how their father died.
The next chapter is going to illuminate more on this.

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