The Empress Wears Gucci

By FloraDuong

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*2nd editing* If you like historical, harem affair dramas, and the underdog rising to regality, you will lik... More

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By FloraDuong

        I stepped out of my car before I slammed the door closed. I gave my chauffeur a quick nod. He reciprocated a gentle gesture back. The wind breezed past me as the engines of the car turned off. Goosebumps were already forming on my skin; I shivered and hurried into the building.

       The automatic glass doors opened. I walked in and was bombarded with the greetings of the front receptionists. I gave a curt nod and entered the elevator. It's been a day since I was here. I walked out of the elevator and straightened my back. 

        With the click of my heels against the ceramic floor, I have alerted my personal secretary that I have arrived. She was busy filing a few things but stood up when she heard the distinct noise. Her eyebrows knitted.

      "Good morning, Ms. Han," she spoke. She studied me. "I... I believe you were supposed to be taking a month off?"

       Jasmine was my personal secretary—or personal assistant, if you will. She was always loyal and ready to help me and I admired her for it. Maybe because she had qualities Hua Er did; strong but gentle, kind and a bit nurturing.

       "Yes, but I need to clean my office," I said. "There are a few things I'll need to take home with me."

       She nodded.

      I continued walking but turned around again. "Jasmine, I hope you keep Jaxon in his place. I know he seems a bit too much to handle, but I"—I winked—"feel as if you can tame him."

      "Yes, ma'am," she didn't meet my gaze. A small blush crept on her cheek. "He's a handful... But I guess he is able to carry himself."

       "Oh, I know, but I don't have to worry. Jaxon knows what he's doing," I turned around. My heels clicked away.

       It's been five years since I came back from ancient China. After the lawsuit money, I started up a tech company which gained a lot of investors who joined the wave. We were already a very successful company but I didn't stop yet. I had a vision, and soon, it would become a biotech company. As of now, we are one of the top valued companies in the country.

       The empress role I played helped me realise that I was made to be running something. I had the power and the determination to do something... And I did. I realised this gift and I started studying business and leadership. The interest for technology was something I unlocked in my head.

       I comfortably sat on my office chair. The view from above was beautiful. Cars were rapidly driving by, and it was lively under my nose. With all this stress, I had to take a month off. It wasn't risky because Jaxon co-founded the company with me. We were both business partners and it was a spontaneous choice to start something beautiful. I knew Jaxon can be able to handle it himself. He was intelligent, diligent, and able to handle tough working conditions.

        "Time to start cleaning," I whispered to myself.

       Being the CEO and the president of the board of directors wasn't easy. It was hard to keep up with so many things at once, but I love risk-taking.

      Starting up a company from scratch was extremely tough and challenging. I couldn't have done it alone. I distanced myself from family and friends, and any leisure activities someone my age would be doing. I remained single because of it. I felt independent, and I was happy like that. What happened in ancient China, in the harem, taught me a lot of things. I have applied them to the world I belonged in.

       I've barely met up with Cherry as well. Since I had no time, it was obvious to say that I haven't visited ancient China because of my heavy schedule. 

       Things have changed. But I believe who I was still remained. I grew, but I had the same morals and values. After piling the folders in a nice pile for Jaxon, I took a good look at myself in the cosmetic mirror in the corner of my desk. 

        My face has also changed. I have become extremely attractive—not that I wasn't before, of course.

      After cleaning my desktop, I pulled out the drawers. There were two containers of lipstick that I kept for emergencies. Both were red. I took one of them and gently fixed my lips to perfection, before putting it in my purse. 

      Something glinted from the corner of my eyes as I turned. I did a double-take. The Empress pin sat there, waiting for me to pick it up. I haven't touched it for so long. When I moved into this office, I placed it in the drawer, but I never took a good look at it.

        The last time was years ago. 

        Slowly, I took the pin. It was cold, so cold between my fingers. I pinched it and admired how it looked. It brought back memories. Good and bad memories. I couldn't help but have a smile on my face. There was a wave of emotions overpowering me. I believe Jasmine could turn around and see my goofy smile, but I didn't care. 

       Hua Er's pin stayed at my house, in the drawer of my vanity mirror.

      After tidying everything up and collecting things I needed, I took the Empress pin and gently placed it in my purse. 

      "See you next month, Ms. Han," Jasmine said as I walked past. "I'll miss you!"

      I turned around. "Don't do anything stupid—especially in the elevator. There will be consequences. Tell that to my temporary replacement as well."

        "Won't promise you that," the familiar voice was heard. 

       Ah, I forgot to tell you about Jaxon.

       We were business partners. Not lovers. Things just didn't work out. I was an ambitious woman, I wanted to start up the company as soon as possible and I wasn't emotionally available. Jaxon and I remained friends. Now that I think of it, I think one of the only reasons he decided to help me was because he wanted a hot secretary. 

       I stared at him.

       It was probably the only reason.

      "Shut up," I rolled my eyes. "You be good."

      He crossed his arms and smirked. 

       "I will," he patted my back. "Go get your rest. You've been stressing too much... Carmen... Is that a strand of grey hair?"

       "Where?" I shrieked.

       I heard laughter erupt. Jasmine was stifling her laughter, but Jaxon burst into a sly chuckle. He was annoying and I'm surprised I let him stay for so long. 

       Jaxon's laugh slowly faded. "It always gets you, doesn't it?"

      "Goodbye!" I flipped my hair and turned around, walking towards the elevator with the loud and rapid click of my heels.

        My chauffeur opened the door of the slick black car. I hurriedly stepped in and adjusted myself comfortably. The engines were on again.

      Should I visit? It's been five years... The Emperor promised he wouldn't be mad if I didn't visit, but I felt like this was the best time to visit. I had a month. The Empress pin glinted in the drawer for me to see it... There was no sunlight in this autumn weather. It was meant to be.

      "Ale," I began. "You won't be seeing me for a month. I'll get your pay ready."

      "Why, miss?" he stopped the car. We were at my destination. 

       I smiled at him as he turned around to face me. "I want some time alone. I think I'm capable of driving myself. Besides, I want to go off the grid for a while."

      Ale was also one of my trusted employees. He was middle-aged and fun to talk to. He was either extremely quiet or very talkative. There was never an in-between. Honestly, it's easy to deal with that. We've had great conversations together.

      "Then, I wish you the best," he nodded, then gave me a slight smile. "Thank you and I hope you have another one of your self-discoveries."

      We shared a quick laugh before he drove off. 

      I lived in a comfortable penthouse in the city. The interior designing was modern and chic, which I loved.

       The beautiful lights from the tall ceiling illuminated my place. I placed my bag on the granite countertop and poured myself a large cup of water. As I chugged, I remembered the Empress pin. I quickly placed the cup down on the counter and rummaged through my bag. After finding the pin, I took a close look at it.

      Today will be the day I'll go back.

      Swiftly, I dashed up the glass stairs that felt cold under my feet. I threw my phone on my bed. I had a great view of the city from my bedroom. The industrial buildings and advanced cars... I will miss them. 

        And the pollution. I'll miss the pollution as well.

        It was irrational, I know. But I needed to talk to the people I used to talk to, five years from now. I quickly texted Cherry, my family, and Jaxon that I'll be off the grid for a while. Jaxon responded immediately, and he knew what I was thinking.

        J: Going back?  

        C: Yes. 

        J: Alone? 

        C: Yes. Do you want to come? 

        J: No thanks. Poke yourself on your bed so you can 'spawn' on your bed... Also, this is so impulsive, don't you think you should wait it out a little?

        C: I waited it out for five years, Jaxon. I want to go back. 

        J: Okay. Be careful, stay safe...

        C: I will. 

        I exited our chat. My parents haven't responded, they take a long time to reply to anyway... I didn't message Cara because frankly, I don't think she cared. Cherry responded with a huge paragraph.

       Skimming over it, I laughed to myself. It was just her asking me what was going on and if I was okay. It was whatever. We were always in touch. Although my busy schedule and hers, we always have time to video call or call each other.

      "Hello?" I answered the call.

      "What the hell do you mean you're going off the grid? What are you? A spy?" Cherry yelled.

      I stifled my laugh. "I'll be alright. Don't come looking for me! Jaxon will know where I am, and he won't tell you either. Love you, bye."

      Quickly, I hung up the call and plopped my phone on my bed. I don't think I'll be needing my phone, do I? I messaged Jaxon to keep my penthouse safe. I know this place had high security but I needed to be sure. Jaxon lived closer to me, and he was someone I could trust besides Cherry.

       This was so spontaneous. But I had a desire to go back. Besides, how many more years will I have to hold it off? Their life expectancy was low too, the Emperor could literally die before I see him! 

       Before I go back, I need to wear something comfortable. I pray I wake up in my palace. That would make sense, would it? Oh, this was so risky... I loved to take risks. This was fine. 

      My breaths were starting to roughen as I pinched the pin slightly. I gently placed it next to my phone and walked towards my closet. I put my fingerprint on the lock, and the doors slid open. My fingers immediately ran through the fabric of the silky red slip dress. 

      Those silk bolts were useful.

      After changing into my slip dress, I placed my phone in the drawer. My penthouse was locked. I even had an upper lock just in case. After being in ancient China, I brought my trust issues and paranoia back here. 

      I was going to see them again. I couldn't believe it... It's been five years. I wonder how things were... I wonder how they would react. I wonder if they successfully covered up my disappearance. Imagine if I came back and everything changed... and I stood there dumbfounded. 

       Realistically, I don't expect the Emperor to keep the 'Empress' role idle. It was impossible. Niu Lin was probably crowned 'Empress' as of now.

       "Well..." I pinched the Empress pin between my index and my thumb.

      Just a little poke won't hurt. 

      I took the pin by the top and swiftly stabbed it in my arm. "Ouch!"

      Again, I remember the meditative space I was in when I was on the way there. I felt my body go limp. Not only was my soul light, but my mind and body felt light as well. Everything was spiralling around me. I was in deep sleep, yet I didn't lack awareness. The pin was pinched between my index and my thumb while I let myself fall into a trance. 

       My heart was racing when I was fully conscious. I kept my eyes closed because I was scared. I was nervous to go back. A lot of things can change in five years. I was afraid to come back during a bad time. Another reason why I was nervous was that I felt guilty for not coming back in time. They must have thought I would never come back. Do they hate me?

       Finally, I had the courage to open my eyes. The Empress pin was still with me. My surroundings were familiar. My body was slightly floating. 

        And wet.

        I didn't wake up in my bedroom. 

        The bathhouse was empty... and also dark. My silk dress was soaked, along with half of my hair. I slowly got out of the large bathtub and silently thanked the Universe that no one was around. Perhaps it was meant to be like that. 

       I walked out, barefoot. There were no Gucci shoes to support my feet. Those pair of shoes were resting on the top of one of my bookshelves for memories. I lacked interest in wearing them as I aged. Right now, I was walking back to my palace barefoot hoping that no one would see me.

      When I arrived, my palace was dark. It was night time. If I sneaked in, they would assume I was a thief. Whatever. 

      The windows were closed except one. At the back of my palace, there was always this window that was broken. I actually don't know how it happened. I blame Jaxon. But if you looked at the window, you wouldn't expect it to be open at all times. That's why it took me about twenty seconds to slip my body inside. 

      Did anyone even live here anymore?

      The moonlight illuminated the hall. Everything was clean and dusted. No cobwebs, rats, or dusty tops here. It was well kept and tidy... 

      I reached my bedroom. Someone was in my bedroom. They were snoring quietly. It was a small snore, and nothing too major. It gradually became louder as I walked further in. My hands were clammy and I felt it when I gripped on the desk to hold my balance. I was very ninja-like when I was standing here. Tip-toeing around was easy because I was used to the position of my feet.

      My bedroom seemed the same. It still had the same boxes of my jewellery and makeup. I eyed the person sleeping on my bed with suspicion. There was more movement. I shot my eyes at the lower bed and noticed there was someone else sleeping there. 

        I couldn't see with the lack of light in here.

        Was she the new Empress? Was that her lady-in-waiting? 

        I had to leave... As soon as possible.

        Turning my body towards the doorway, I rushed out. Before I could, though, my pinky toe was stubbed by the drawer and I winced in pain. I let out a not-so-loud squeak from my mouth and heard more shuffling from the two beds.

       The person sleeping where I slept, woke up. She raised her upper body up and I turned around like a deer under the headlights. I wanted to leave and make a run for it, but I was stiff. The Empress pin was still in my hand, how on Earth could a new empress be here?

        But the Emperor could've made a new one?

        "Who are you?" the voice asked and I immediately felt stupid.

        "Hua Er?" I squinted, but it made no sense to squint. It was dark.

        I walked closer. She stepped down the bed and almost ambushed me. Her arms wrapped around me with the strength of a lion rather than a cat, and I heard her sniffing. I didn't want to shed any tears, but there was a few seeping out of my eyes.

        Hua Er pulled away. She leaned her body to the left of me and flicked something with her index finger. While still facing me, light immediately entered the room.

        They have what now?

        Electricity... They have...

        I looked up and there it was. A small, old-fashioned light bulb staring back at me. Wow! I'm impressed.

      She was staring at me with admiration. Her eyes were in awe as she ran her eyes around my face. I didn't have anything else to say, so I just stared back. Hua Er was on the verge of tears, but held it in. "Ying Yue, I thought you forgot about us."

       "I-I would never," I frowned. "Five years have been busy for me. I put work over everything in my life... I even distanced from family and friends." Another round of hugs. This time, I pulled away. I was about to ask about how things were going before we were interrupted.

        "Ying Yue?" Lei Shu stood up and rubbed her eyes.

        She widened her eyes at me. Standing there with a blank look on her face, Lei Shu slowly pointed at me. It's been five years since I've seen them. I had to remember that. A smile was on my face when I looked at both of them. It's been too long. It's been so long. I wish I visited years ago but at least I am here now. I missed them. 

        Work was hectic and sometimes I never had the chance to just be in my own thoughts. But I would never forget about them. 


        I fell comfortable in a big motherly hug. Lei Shu was ranting to me about how she was afraid of never seeing me again. She pulled away and shook her head. "Empress Han is now known to have an accident where she can't show her face! They all think you're unattractive now and lost His Majesty's favour!"

       "It's better than me being from another world," I shrugged. I looked at Hua Er. "How's everything?"

      "Good," she smiled. "It's been so long... I can't believe you're standing here in front of me." She leaned toward her mother. "Are you seeing her as well?"

      "Of course I am seeing her, you silly child!" Lei Shu scolded and we both shared a small laugh. Hua Er leaned her body against the drawer and laughed with us.

      The laughter died down and Hua Er got serious. "It's a miracle you're here. We need the Empress more than ever right now."

      Perfect timing.

      But her face was solemn. There were no traces of amusement. She wasn't kidding when she looked like this. She was frowning and Lei Shu was looking away. I didn't want to come here while disaster struck. I wanted to come because it was supposed to be happy time. It was like a vacation... I hoped.

      "What happened?" I asked, matching the energy of the room.

      She shook her head. "Tomorrow. We'll tell you tomorrow, but for now, let's get some rest."

     "Your... outfit is a bit wet," Lei Shu looked at the bottom half of my dress. "I'll get you your sleepwear."

      "Tomorrow, your maids will be shocked to see you," Hua Er explained. She settled herself at the lower bed. "They'll get you ready so you can be our Empress again."

      I nodded. It's been so long since I've worn the attire and the headpieces. Through the five years, four of those years I almost had the same setting when it comes to people. Every time I entered the building, I was always greeted. Maybe I subconsciously chose that career.

     "We can share the upper bed," I finished slipping into my attire. "Hua Er, why do I have to wait tomorrow? Why can't you tell me now?"

      "You have to see for yourself," she slowly climbed to my bed. "I apologize, I still think I am dreaming, so I must fall asleep... This... This can't be real."

     Lei Shu was already under the blankets. I was still standing there. I wasn't even tired! But, I couldn't go out and take a walk. Seeing the Empress when she disappeared for five years would be freaky, especially if there's a rumour tied to her disappearance. But I didn't know how they kept me in the dark. 

    I flipped the light switch off and climbed into bed.

       "Your Majesty!" a loud exclaim woke me up, and I was awakened to my two close maids staring at me in shock.

      Fen Ai and Snoopy. 

     They were the only maids who knew and I assumed they were supposed to check on the palace daily. Hurriedly, they quickly kneeled and deeply kowtowed to me. "Happiness and peace to the Empress!"

      I stretched and got up from my bed. "You may get up... I've missed your faces."

      "We have to alert the entire palace! You're back! You're willing to come out of hiding and reveal yourself," Fen Ai exclaimed. "It'll dispose of the palace rumours!"

      Hua Er nodded. "You two will have to notify the six other maids. Help her get ready and she'll make her way to the morning assembly."

     "Then, she'll see His Majesty," Snoopy said, her voice was timid as she made eye contact with Hua Er. They both looked uneasy.

      I wanted to ask them what was going on, but I know when to be silent. Hua Er opened a cylindrical container and handed a very familiar object to me. It was weird to see something modern. Here, we usually brushed our teeth with wooden-like bristles so I was shocked to see a wooden toothbrush in front of me.

      How could they have known these things? First the lightbulb and now a toothbrush? How did the Emperor know? Will the Industrial Revolution happen later? It was weird to see. 

        After seeing myself in my Empress attire, I was intoxicated in nostalgia. I looked beautiful in this. I looked powerful, flames engulfed everything I walked past. I could conquer. 

      "Hua Er," I said as my maids did my make-up. "What made you stay in the palace and not at a manor? His Majesty has offered one for you and your mother to live in."

      "I haven't told you, yet, have I?" Hua Er looked in thought. She put her index finger on her lips and smiled at me teasingly.

       My maids stepped back after they finished with my look. I stood up slowly and turned around to face Hua Er. She still had a smile on her face; her lips were hiding a squeal of excitement. It's been so long that I still felt weird to see her in front of me. Five years went by, and she still looked the same. More mature, but she still had a youthful glow.

       I tilted my head. "What is it?"

      "I'm married, Ying Yue," she stood up also, grinning from ear-to-ear. "To the main advisor's son... His Majesty bestowed us with marriage two years ago..."

      "Oh, Hua Er," I breathed, taking her hand in mine. Hua Er was married and I wasn't there to see her. "I'm so happy for you! I'd love to meet him!"

       "You will! I'm glad you're here," she sighed, still smiling at me in awe. "I continue to stay in your palace as well... as it goes well with the plan of things."

        We headed off to the morning assembly. While I stayed in the sedan chair, I poked my head out to Hua Er. She was directly glaring in front of her. Her facial expression had changed. She was less soft on her face. I heard my maids walk behind me, whispering amongst themselves. 

       I realised that it's been five years since I revealed myself to the public. The eunuchs walking near me remained neutral. I won't be surprised that rumours will soon explode in the whole Palace. Also, I had no idea how the Emperor managed to cover things up and not make it look suspicious. I expected a lot of hate and backlash as I left the harem as a whole. 

      Hua Er continued to stay in her own headspace before I interrupted her.

      "Hua Er," I began, leaning towards her from the window. "How did His Majesty end up covering for me?"

      She turned to face me and widened her eyes. "Oh, yes! I haven't told you, have I?"

      I shook my head.

      "You had a lot of reflecting to do and you are hard-working to the point where you have yet to leave your palace," she explained. "When the time is near, you will reveal yourself again... Additionally, the trauma with the attempted assassination left you anxious."

       "And I am afraid to go out because of it?" I raised an eyebrow.

      Hua Er smiled. "Yes. Only your trusted two maids are allowed to enter your bedroom. Your other maids are required to stay out of your bedroom... Surprisingly, I'm shocked as to how no one found out about this big lie."

      I am as well.

      How would they react when I return? Would Niu Lin hate me for making her be in charge of the entire harem? Would we go back to being enemies? It's tough to say because she was unpredictable. If she was the only one in charge, that means the Emperor hasn't chosen an Imperial Noble Consort.

      And I highly doubt that.

      "The Empress has arrived!" my eunuch, Li Shu, announced. He was trying to hide a smile on his face, but I caught it.

      As I stepped out, the doors opened slowly for me. All the concubines were murmuring, whispering, with different looks on their faces. 

        I looked at Li Shu before I walked in. "Thank you. I've missed you."

       This time, when I walked in, they went on their knees to kowtowed to me. I felt more respected this time. Absence was powerful.

      "Warm blessings to the Empress!" they sang in unison and I walked the main path to my throne. I missed this. I missed it all. They were all in strategic positions, with the high-ranking consorts sitting in front of me. Niu Lin was on my left, another was on my right. It didn't take me long to find out who it was.

        Roasted Duck... The consort I had no idea what her name was, so I called her a stupid nickname. It was bizarre to see two by my side because I was always used to one empty spot. She was pregnant the last time I was here. There were at least five princes/princesses in the Imperial family now. It's been five years, so there was definitely more.

        All of those children were technically mine.

        Twenty-three and a mother of a handful of kids. Nice.

       "All rise," I ordered. There was a gentle smile on my face; a nostalgic feeling while the doors were open and the kind autumn breeze ran past my skin. My heart was warm, my skin was warm although it was chilly outside. 

       "Thank you, Empress!" they said. 

       After we all settled down, Niu Lin was ready to speak. All the other women didn't know where to start. Five years of the Empress was in hiding, of course, they would be stumped. Although I did want to start by pretending to be on a hiatus, Niu Lin was ahead of the game.

      She turned to me. "Your Majesty, it's been five years... I believe it was the perfect time for you to come back."

       I still don't understand.

      "You did well managing the harem with..." I turned to look at Roasted Duck. 

       Fen Ai leaned forwards and whispered in my ear. "Jiao Chen, Imperial Noble Consort Shi."

      "Imperial Noble Consort Shi," I smiled at Roasted Duck. Turning back to face the other concubines, I sunk down into my throne. "You two have done a great job. I do apologize for my abrupt leave but I am glad that all of you do not resent me for it... Empathy is an important principle. We must understand how other people are feeling."

      "Yes, Your Majesty," they said. "We will follow the Empress's teachings!"

      I nodded. "Good."

      There was a lot to catch up on. Eight children were now frolicking around the place. Eight doesn't seem to be a lot, but it was when infant mortality rates were so high here. 

        When the women were dismissed, Niu Lin and Jiao Chen stayed back. I stood up from my throne. Two women handling things were always better than one. Niu Lin exuded power and Jiao Chen was kind and understanding. The Emperor chose well. I also assumed he didn't know that I came back.

       Niu Lin bowed. "Empress, I have missed seeing you. I hope everything is well with you."

      "I am still recovering," I lied. "I'll have to take a few breaks throughout, but I am glad to be back. You two have done so well and I am proud of you two. I hope His Majesty has rewarded both of you well."

       "He has," Jiao Chen nodded. She was smiling at me, but there was a sad undertone. "Have you—"

       "The Empress is a bit busy," Hua Er interrupted. She took my hand and helped me down the stairs. Before we walked further, she turned around. "You two may be dismissed, Her Majesty has something important to do."

        When we walked out, I was slightly irritated by Hua Er's behaviour. Su Yin stood outside waiting for me. Her eyes were glistening and she looked as if she wanted to hug me... or kill me with her frown. 

       Su Yin bowed. When she lifted her head up, she was glaring at me. "Where were you? You told me you'd visit us!"

      "I apologize! I've been busy," I looked around. "How are you? How is Uncle Bin?"

      "He's doing well," she smiled. "Where are you heading next?"

      I turned to Hua Er. She sighed. I turned back to Su Yin. "We'll visit Uncle Bin first, then we'll have a talk at your chamber."

      After walking for a while, I realised we weren't going to the main kitchen. And then it hit me.

      "Where are we going?" I questioned.

      Hua Er blinked a few times in confusion, then she realised. "Ah! Uncle Bin is with Lieutenant General Hu."

      "Who is—" I began but also realised. 

      Hua Fa. Hua Fa was no longer Consort Hu. I've changed the system to the point where the Emperor could openly appoint women in different occupations. There was a sigh of relief and a spark in the core of my body. I felt like I was on top of the world. I felt happy that I could influence this much... and happy that there were more opportunities for people.

      "Your Majesty!" Uncle Bin exclaimed.

       After Su Yin gave him a look, he noticed Hua Fa standing there in shock as well. They both quickly got on their knees and kowtowed. "Joy and bliss to the Empress!"

      "You two may get up," I smiled. "It's been so long."

      Hua Fa grinned. "Empress, because of you I'm the Lieutenant General!"

      "I'm glad," I chuckled. "I'm surprised you wanted to stay here."

       "I'm just visiting," she said as she turned to look at Uncle Bin. He quickly dragged me away to the other room. He looked like a scolding grandfather, which made me stifle my laugh.

      "What have you been doing in your other world that is so hectic that you couldn't visit us just once?" he scolded me.

       I pouted. "It is my fault. I'm very busy, but at least I'm here, aren't I?"

      We talked for a while. Uncle Bin asked me about how things were in the past five years and I told him general knowledge about what I've been doing. Working, basically. There was a point where he joked that I still had my empress phase back in my world, and I agreed.

        Uncle Bin looked ecstatic. "Your Majesty, because of you, I have the permission to put my knowledge into good use! We won two battles already! We've expanded our land!"

       "You said you wanted to be known for good deeds in the Palace," I whispered. "Look at you now! You're doing well!"

       "If it wasn't for you, Your Majesty, I'd just be a pitiful old man in a kitchen," he smiled.

       I laughed. "Are you still working in the kitchen?"

      "No, no, that job is left for another," Uncle Bin said.

       Before I left, he gave me a long, deep bow.

       Su Yin and I went back to her chamber.

        "You're quite busy," Hua Er whispered. "Twenty minutes... After that, we need to leave elsewhere."

        The more Hua Er rushed me, the more I was anxious. I ignored her when she spoke all the way until we were at Su Yin's chamber. Surprisingly, Su Yin and Hua Er were the ones talking. Su Yin seemed to notice my shock as she smiled at Hua Er, then at me. "Hua Er and I have developed a close friendship since you've been gone."

       "Alongside with Jia Ying," Hua Er looked at the lady-in-waiting. Jia Ying sat next to me and studied my face. 

       She poured another cup of tea for me. "Empress, you look amazing."

       "Thank you." I smiled

         After observing her room, I realised that this is not the same chamber I've been in last time. This was for Noble Consorts. Su Yin... She was Lady Su Yin now. 

       "You've ranked up, haven't you?" I questioned, although I knew the answer.

      "Yes, Empress," she responded. "Although I've only given birth to Yue Fei, I feel the Emperor promoted me to Noble Consort because of my associations with you."

        I bit my cheeks. "How do you feel about that?"

       "Not that bad, I am glad that I got the title I deserved," Su Yin took a longing sip of her tea before continuing. "I believe Madame Jiao Chen and I are competing for the Crown Prince title for our sons... We just have to wait and see."

       Roasted Duck—I mean Jiao Chen was always kind to me. Both of them deserved to be highly rewarded but Su Yin's son was most likely to succeed. She was fierce and bold. Either way, once the Emperor has passed and the Crown Prince becomes his successor, I have the upper-hand. 

       Su Yin would still live in the Palace under my control.

      "Don't worry, if anything, I will have a palace reserved for you and Jia Ying," I softly replied. Su Yin looked at me, her eyes gleamed.

       Hua Er raised her eyebrows. "Empress, you do know that the role of an empress dowager may be too hard to handle? I mean... you have other duties to do..."

       I winced. "I know, but I'll be able to handle it. I'm a workaholic at heart."

      "They're talking about your reappearance, Empress, did you know?" Su Yin whispered as she leaned towards us from across the table. "You came at such perfect timing that they're speculating whether you truly are usurping His Majesty's throne or not... Or whether His Majesty had instructed you to come out of hiding."

       "I still don't know what's going on, Su Yin," I placed my teacup down.

       "Have you visited—" she began but stopped at the abrupt noise.

        It was the noise of Hua Er standing up sharply. The chair was pushed out and made a loud dragging noise. She took my arm and helped me up as she nodded at Su Yin. "We'll have to go now. Her Majesty has a busy schedule."

       Su Yin furrowed her eyebrows at me, and then at Hua Er. Once she did look at Hua Er, though, her eyebrows immediately rose. Tapping her fingernails on the ceramic cup, she pursed her lips and looked at me. It was now quiet in her chamber.

       Hua Er still gripped my arm. I was confused and annoyed. First Hua Er and now Su Yin. They were both hiding secrets from me. 

       "Thank you for the lovely conversation, Empress, and I am glad to see you again," she stood up and bowed. After she raised her head, she looked at me soberly. "How long... will you be staying?"

        "'m not sure," I took a pause and finished my tea before setting it down on the saucer. "I do have a month off, though."

       Again, they exchanged glances before I left. 

        My anger was burning when I was hit by the cold breeze outside. I was left in the dark. I wanted to know what was going on. Hua Er was rushing me to get into the sedan chair, but I refused to go in.

       I turned to her. "Hua Er, what is going on?"

      "Hurry," she whispered. "The Palace is already talking about your appearance. Everyone wants to have a peek of you..."

      "Then let them," I retorted. I scanned my eyes over the eunuchs. "I'll be walking to His Majesty's palace, thank you."

      Perhaps I've pissed Hua Er off, but I didn't care. Throughout the whole walk, I had been greeted plenty of times. I missed the attention and I missed the power. We walked in silence most of the time and I could sense the uneasiness in Hua Er's demeanour. My eight maids walked right behind me. They didn't inform me of anything either.

       But I noticed the assertive behaviour in Hua Er. She's developed it in the past five years, I assume and I think I know why. It had to be that she was the lady-in-waiting for the Empress, me, and since I've been gone... she had to do a lot. I looked at Hua Er.

       "Hua Er, thank you for doing your best when I was away. I can tell that you changed, and I like this change," I held her hand. 

       She beamed at me. "Of course."

      Arriving at the Emperor's palace was nerve-wracking for me. I remember the last time I came here, it was to bid the Emperor a goodbye. Now, I came to greet him. Entering the palace, I smelled a strong scent of herbal medicine and soup. 

      The bedroom was dull. I entered in quietly, waiting for the Emperor to greet me but I found him lying on the bed. Three physicians, including his sister, Hua Yang, didn't notice until I was a few feet away from them.

       "Greetings to the Empress!" they exclaimed.

      Hua Yang's eyes widened and so did the Emperor who had his eyes closed until they greeted me. The room was now completely silent except for my beating heart. The Emperor raised his upper-body up from his bed, coughing a bit before looking at me as if I was the ghost of his dead mother. 

       "Ying Yue? I didn't expect the rumours to be true," he whispered and held out his hand for me to reach.

      "You're back..." Hua Yang gaped at me.

      I chewed my bottom lip. "Hua Yang, I've missed you... How is His Majesty?"

      "You came back at the right time," she stood up and gripped my shoulders. "You look even more beautiful than before."

       "You as well," I chuckled. "You look like a great physician."

         Her eyes were slightly watery and I wanted to give her an embrace, but the Emperor interrupted our moment. 

      "I want everyone dismissed, I've already taken my medicine," the Emperor instructed. "The Empress stays with me."

      "Yes, Your Majesty," they bowed and left the room.

      He was still attractive. He didn't seem to age. It's been five years, and he looked the same... Just a bit more dull because he wasn't feeling well. I pray whatever this sickness was, it wasn't contagious. We both let the eye contact remain as I approached him.

       The Emperor gently clasped my hand between his. He looked up at me warmly and a smile was on his face. I slowly kneeled to level myself with him. "Warm blessings to Your Majesty... How are you?"

       "I'm great... now that you're here," he whispered. "You can come closer. I'm not contagious."

      I was afraid if this would be one of the last times I am seeing him. The Emperor was too young to die, and the empire was relying on him as well. His hands were warm as well, contrasting my cold hands from walking outside in the autumn weather.

        "It's been five years, Ying Yue," the Emperor shifted his body to face me even more. "What took you so long to visit?"

       "I had a lot to do. You must hate me for not visiting any sooner," I spoke softer this time. I let my emotions sit still in my body—I don't want to cry. The Emperor's face made me almost sink to the bottom of a pit. It's been five years. How could I have not visited in five years?

       The Emperor shook his head. He turned away from me and paused for a few seconds. The sunlight illuminated his face, and his dark brown eyes looked lighter under the radiance. He looked to be thinking quite a lot. There was plenty of things to say to me, maybe even insults, but he remained calm in my presence. I continued to hold his hand.

       He looked at me. "I don't hate you. I was just... disappointed. Every day for the first year of your departure, I could barely sleep. Every month, I wondered when you will visit. And you never did."

       "I'm sorry..." I sniffed. 

       "You remembered," he smiled. "I can forgive you because you remembered."

       I nodded and slowly wiped a tear away. "Are... Are you extremely ill?"

       "No, I will recover very soon. I'm not going to die, Ying Yue." the Emperor said with amusement in his tone. He finished with a slight chuckle at me. I eyed him with concern but remained quiet. Then, I remembered the light bulbs. 

        "The light bulbs... The toothbrush... Your Majesty, this place is starting to advance very quickly," I whispered. "But, how?"

        "Imperial Noble Consort Shi," the Emperor leaned back, he looked away and smiled. He was in love. "She was from your world as well, Ying Yue. But she chose to stay. She's incredibly intelligent and wrote me a few significant things about your world. That woman is amazing."

       Jiao Chen... Roasted Duck was from... 

      That would make sense as to why she was nice to me. Maybe? She minded her business. I also felt somewhat betrayed. Did she know that I wasn't from here from the start? Why didn't she inform me of anything? Perhaps she didn't know until I ranked even higher. Maybe she felt the same as the Emperor did when he suspected me to be a foreigner—or an alien.

       The Emperor chuckled at my gaping mouth and I slowly closed my jaw. By the way his eyes glinted, and by the way he looked dazed with the thought of Jiao Chen, I knew I had lost his favour now. I wasn't mad, though. It was a good thing. He couldn't have spent five years thinking about me, could he?

       "I spent four years thinking about you, Ying Yue," he turned to me. "I kept asking myself when you were coming back to visit... Then, I moved on. I couldn't keep wishing for you to come back. I just knew you would come back, but I didn't know when."


       "Before you left, you told me women were equal to men," he looked thoughtfully at the dragon embroidery I embroidered for him. I also wondered about my cat, Dragon. "I did a lot of convincing to the officials. Women are allowed to be educated now. There are women in the council. We created more laws."

       He grinned. "The first female guard is training right now."

       Shock. There was shock on my face. To think that the Emperor truly listened to my suggestion, was heartwarming to me. My lips were quivering as I tried to hide the tears in my eyes. This was a happy moment, not a sad one.

       It took me back to when the Emperor said he wanted to appoint me as an Imperial guard. I remembered that stuck-up guard passive-aggressively telling me it was impossible. This was a big 'screw you' to whoever that was. 

       "Thank you for listening to my suggestions... Thank you for still letting me hold this title... I thought you would replace me so soon... You'd tell people that I passed, and then you'll make Imperial Noble Consort Shi 'Empress'." I was slightly tearing up. 

        I was shocked. The Emperor was someone remarkable in my life. I placed my other hand on top of his.

       My eyes wandered around his face. He was staring back at me. I gulped. "I've missed you, Your Majesty."

        "So have I, Ying Yue." 

        "How is Dragon?"

       "Dragon is well, she's getting old but she's being taken care of by the two Imperial Noble Consorts."

        My respect for Niu Lin and Jiao Chen is increasing.

       "But there's also something else that I want to ask you," I let go of his hand. "People are telling me that I came back at the right time... What happened?"

       The Emperor's shoulder relaxed and he looked relieved. "Ah, yes. It's hard for me to rule laying in bed. Of course, I do leave my bed and my trusted advisors come to me... But it's a hassle. I'm starting to get old."


       I should've expected this one.

       "Due to these circumstances, I am quite glad you came," he grinned at me. "I've missed your presence but I am sure the court officials are dying for your presence as well."

       I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. "Oh, sure they do, Your Majesty."

       His shoulders shook as he laughed, but he started to become serious. "Seriously. I need you."

       "Need me to... rule? You want me to take your role? The Empress is going to attend daily morning court assemblies alone?" I asked in shock.

       He nodded. "If... If you don't wish to, then that'll be fine. I'll just—"

      "Are you kidding me? Your Majesty, I'd love to!"

      The Emperor's eyes widened. The faded smile on his face nourished and grew again as I stared at him with a big grin on my face. He studied my reaction carefully. We both were insane. We both knew that this would cause public outcry. But we both knew that I was the only candidate.

      I watched as he took my hand in his again. He leaned back into his bed. The Emperor wasn't too ill, but he needed to recover. Besides, how hard was it to run an empire? I've read plenty of history books...

      To my dismay, the Emperor nodded with agreement as well. He chuckled. "Han Ying Yue, would you like to temporarily run the Wang dynasty?"

      "Yes, Your Majesty," I laughed. We were smiling at each other, brightly. "Issue an edict right now!"

        There I was. Standing in a red and gold brocade hanfu, alone in front of all the palace residents. All kowtowing to me, as I looked forward, in front of me. My mind was racing with so many ideas, so many thoughts, but I chose to stay silent and watch the people below me. I raised my arms to the side of me and closed my eyes. There was a light breeze rushing past me. 

       The maids, the concubines, the guards, everyone who situated in the Forbidden City began to kowtow.

       "Long live the Empress!" they chanted with respect.

       I guess ancient China will be my vacation destination for this year. 

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