Destined to be together

By missganguli

154K 6.9K 907

It is a work of pure fiction. Imagine draupadi having a younger sister Niyati. Both draupadi and Niyati are i... More

Arjun meets Niyati
Niyati loaths Karn
The kauravas meet the pandavas
Karn saves niyati
Lost in the forest
Arjun weds Draupadi
Indraprasth: The land of dreams
Indraprast : The land of dreams(part 2)
Karn and kunti
Angraj's drastic step
Karn weds Niyati (part1)1
Niyati's insecurity
Vrushali and Duryodhan join hands
Karn weds Niyati (part2)
Romantic moments of love
Changed behavior
Karn and Vrushali
Karn loves Niyati
kunti's secret
The trick
Radha's help(part1)
Radha' help (part 2)
The Truth
Karn breaks down
Moments of Joy
Niyati's curse
Draupadi's misery
The exile
The exile(part 2)
Emd ofShishupal
New members
The begining of Agyatvas
Agyatvas (part 2)
Kichak's death
Search for the Kaunteyas
End of Agyatvas
Sweet surprise
Biggest Surprise
The peace proposal
New Book!!!!!!!!!!!
Geeta (part 1)
New book
Geeta (part 2)
Entry of Shikhandi
Mahamahim death (part1)
Mahamahim Bheesm death(part2)
new book
Dronacharya' death
New book!
new book!!!
Sudden twist in the epic

Niyati is jealous

3.6K 154 16
By missganguli

They kept on walking aimlessly in the forest without any exchange of words. Karn was filled with guilt immediately after uttering those words.
I should have controlled myself. It is none of my business to interfere on her life . Moreover I should not accuse a woman in this manner, thought Karn. He hung down his head trying to recover from his guilt.
Niyati ,on the other hand was extremely hurt. She didn't know what to say. She kept walking with a blank face recalling Karn's words.

The woman who is betraying her sister by romancing with Arjun at night.
Is this what he thinks about me ? How can he assume such a thing! He accused me of something I would not do in the wildest of my dreams. I would never betray jiji. Even if I want to marry Arjun , I wont as jiji loves him with all her heart but ...Niyati continued thinking.

After walking for a long time, karn thought of breaking the silence.
"Rajkumari I didn't intend to...say those...I apologise." Karn cried,  his head hung in shame.
Niyati didn't utter a word. She kept walking.
She didn't know how to feel.
Earlier she used to be kinder. She used to forgive anyone for any sin if they apologized but she couldn't do so in case of Karn.
She was majorly hurt and she didn't know why Karn's words hurts her so much.
He was nothing to her then why did he affect her so much.

She walking lost in her thoughts when
"Careful Niyati!" She heard Karn's voice and the next moment karn held her hand and pulled her towards him.
She landed on his bare body. He held her waist tightly and caressed her hair. She placed her palm in his chest.
Karn looked at her confused.
There was a mix of emotions reflecting in his eyes. There was confusion, anger and mostly care.

She freed herself from his grip.
"What is your problem Angraj?" Niyati cried .
She was embarrased by her action of touching him but it was triggered because Angraj held her.
"Why did you pull me in this manner? What is your problem?" Niyati cried.
with frustration.
Karn's face was filled with shock.

"Are you insane! Please walk carefully. You know why I pulled you . See for yourself!" Karn cried and held her firmly turning her around.

Niyati was shocked.
There was a deep pit in front of her.
She was going to fall inside it . It had a great height.
Had she fallen down , she could have died.
She stared at it shocked and scared.
Scared and shocked she started moving back. She , unconsciously held Karn's hand.

Karn looked at her face.
It was filled with fear.
He held her hand tightly assuring her that she was safe.

She looked at Karn.
His face had a kind look.
She quickly looked away and without any further words, they began walking again.

I don't understand this man! First he misbehaves with me then he saves me . I feel something when I touch him. Is it pure hatred for him that affects me so much! Hatred is a strange emotion. It has an intensity equivalent to love. I hate this man yet I feel safe in his arms. What is wrong with me and why am I still thinking about him. He insulted me and accused me of sucha big crime  thought Niyati.
She cursed herself for giving so much attention to Karn but she couldn't help it! Her emotions didn't stay in her control before Karn.
She is so confused.

Karn continued giving her weird glances.

"Jiji! There you are" Niyati turned around.
It was her younger cousin Chitrali.
Wait! What is Chitrali doing here?, thought Niyati.

Niyati didn't like Chitrali that much because she always taunted Niyati . She didn't leave any opportunity to taunt her.
Nevertheless she was her sister and it was far better to be with Chitrali than being with the person she hated the most, Angraj Karn.
"Jiji , everyone is searching for you and some Angraj. Draupadi jiji is so worried . Wait a second ..." Chitrali cried looking at karn.
"Is this handsome man Angraj Karn?" Chritali asked excited.
Niyati looked at Karn. He looked at her with innocence.
She looked at him angrily.

What did I do now! This girl will seriously drive me insane . All the time she is angry with me. What is her problem,thought Angraj.
Why am I so angry all of a sudden? This is all that angraj's fault  thought Niyati.

"Pranipat Angraj Karn. It's a pleasure meeting you.  I am well aware of your amazing archery skill but I didn't know you were such a good looking man." Chitrali cried with a wide grin in her face.
Karn smiled uncomfortably.
"Let's go , govind is searching for you both" she cried and held Karn's hand.

Niyati felt a pang of jealousy in her stomach when she noticed her holding karn's hand.
Why am I feeling like this! I dont care whatever Chitrali does! But I dont like her holding Karn's hand,thought Niyati.
She was so confused.
"Niyati!" Karn shouted.
Niyati was back to her senses.
That was when she realised that Chritrali and Karn had overtaken her and were ahead.
Seeing Niyati not move, karn called out to her.
What does she keep thinking about? She looks so beautiful lost in her own world, thought karn smiling a little.

Chritrali didn't care to leave Karn's hand in the entire journey.
Karn tried his best to avoid holding hands but she was extremely adamant.
Niyati didn't speak a word.
She kept looking at their entangled hand which increased her irritation.
To avoid looking at them,  she overtook them.
Karn could see the rage in her manner.
He was a bit amused seeing her like that.
She was tapping her foot loudly making a noise and was moving here and there.
Suddenly she started chasing a butterfly.
She was looking very pretty.
Karn couldn't stop himself from admiring her.

A wide smile appeared in his face.

After a long walk , they reached the others.
"Where were you Niyati?" Draupadi asked with concern.
"I hope you are fine. I mean ...looking at your company ...I was pretty worried." Arjun cried looking gravely at Karn.
Karn's closed his fist tightly.  He looked ar Arjun but didn't say anything.
"No I am fine, thankyou parth" Niyati cried smiling widely.
Karn looked at them angrily.
"Sakhi where were you both?" Krishna asked.
"We were lost Govind." Niyati answered.
"So were parth and draupadi... in each other's eyes. " Govind cried grinning.
Parth and Draupadi glared at Govind.
"Where is Mitr Duryodhan?" Karn enquired.
"He left for the palace." Krishna cried .
"He didn't wait for Angraj!!!" Parth cried sarcastically.
"Finally he realised one of his mistakes and that is befriending a sutaputra" Bheem cried laughing loudly.
Krishna didn't say anything but the smile vanished from his face.
"Someone's caste cant decide their capability Arya" Niyati cried with a  grim face.
Karn looked at her shocked.
She stood up for me! But she had insulted me for being a sutaputra earlier, thought Karn.
He was extremely confused.
Niyati seemed like like a puzzle which he couldn't solve.

They boarded on the chariot. Before entering the palace Govind asked everyone to not mention the incidents that happened in the forest. Everyone nodded.
Niyati kept looking at Karn and Chitrali. Chitrali was still holding Karn's hand.
She looked away with anger. She didn't know the reason for this anger.
She just didn't like the sight of her hands clutching on to him.
Govind looked at Niyati and then karn.
He couldn't control his laughter.
He burst out laughing.
Everyone looked at him confused.
"I apologise,  it's just..." he continued laughing.
"You are irritating me Govind!" Niyati cried with anger though the real reason for her irritation was karn.
Govind laughed harder.
"Are you sure Sakhi? Is it really me who is irritating you? I mean there are a lot of us doing a lot of actions which can irritate you." He cried smiling.
Saying so he glanced at Karn .
Niyati caught him looking at Karn.
Her face showed a patch of embarrassment. She hung down her head .
"Wait why am I... Govind!!!" She shouted angrily.
" will scare away your suitors." Govind cried amusingly.
"See Angraj is already frightened. Dont scare him away Sakhi. He will step back and run away looking at your temper." Govind cried and started laughing again.
Draupadi joined Govind. She too started laughing.
Arjun smiled a bit.
Bheem didn't get the joke.
Angraj was shocked.
"No Vasudev ...its not that..." he mumbled.
"Oh still like sakhi?" Govind asked with an enquiring look.
"Yes" Angraj cried in a flow.
Everyone looked at him.
Govind continued smiling. Niyati looked at him shocked. She was a little surprised by the revelation.
"No...I mean trapped me Vasudev ...I said I am not frightened by princess Niyati." Angraj cried with a smile.
Vasudev looked at him notoriously.

He knew the destiny and he couldn't help but smile at their situation.

"Niyati,draupadi- the shalya king is on his way. He will be spending the rest of the week with us and will take part in the swayamvar." Shikandini cried with despair.
Draupadi and Niyati were shocked.

That man always tries to touch me in an impolite manner. I cant tolerate him, were Niyati's thoughts.
King shalya was infamous for his bad behaviour with women.

Karn looked at Niyati concerned. Her face had paled. He knew what a disgusting man Shalyaraj was but he was a friend of Duryodhan therefore he could never speak against him but he swore that if he tried to cross his limit with Niyati or for that matter any other woman , he wouldn't tolerate it.
Being Radheye Karn , he knew what a blessing women were . He respected women as he respected his mother the most in the world.

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