That one night (mashley)

By Sammy_alvz

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Mitch and Ashley have been friends for a long time. What happens when a drunken encounter leads to many comp... More

the party
Best day ever
Is there a possibility?
Remember the party?
You okay?
Destined to happen?
Be our guest
The Bet
Tyler+Shelby forever
I'm sorry
Nerf fight!
A new friend?
It's not my fault
Let's go home
Here she comes....
Don't bother
A stupid mistake
Not again
Just like that one night....
Where does this leave us?
1st Year
I Didn't Forget
We're Engaged!
Celebrate the good times
What have I got myself into?
Oh fuck
Don't go
What about her?
Kiss Z girl
interesting week
We need to talk.
3 weeks!
Bachelor party
Bachelorette party
It's all over

The dream

119 2 0
By Sammy_alvz

Ashley’s pov (a week later>>>>>>>>>>>)

I’m going to PAX East everyone!! Can’t wait to see all your lovely faces

I see a tweet from Adam. Oh Balls! I forgot! I change tabs on mylaptop and look at costs for the trip.

To Mitch: Hey Babe, Can I get us the Tickets we need for the PAX trip or do you want to do it? We only have 2 weeks to take care of everything.

From Mitch: Sure. Don’t forget to find out the hotel everyone is staying at and book a room. Love and miss you Baby. I will be back in about an hour.
To Mitch: Ok I won’t forget. Love and miss you too.

I put my phone down and buy mine and Mitch’s plane and PAX tickets. I

text Jerome and ask him what hotel him and the guys are staying at. I

get a reply quickly and book a room.  I throw my laptop down on my bed and head downstairs. I see Tyler and Kyle sitting on opposite ends ofthe couch watching The Walking Dead. They have been acting weird like this for the past 2 weeks. What happened? Never mind, it isn’t my business. At least Tyler has been out of his room and doing stuff. I go and cuddle with Tyler on the couch and look over at Kyle to see in his eyes……..Envy and Jealousy? I brush it away and realize i have to pee really badly. I try to get up and fail. Tyler helps me up and I run to the bathroom. I do my business and go finish the episode with them. The episode ends and Mitch walks through the door.

“Hey Ash!” he says and picks me up off the couch to hug me. I go into his arms and we sit on the smaller couch.“Did you get everything ready for PAX?”

“Yeah I did. How was it with the Bahm guys?” I ask.

“It was pretty cool. They are hilarious. I am glad Sky took me with him so i could meet  them. I HAVE FRIENDS!!!!” He screams the last part. Everyone laughs. “Anyways are you guys going to PAX?”

“Yeah we already got the tickets and stuff like a week and a half ago.  Me and Kyle are splitting the cost.” tyler said

“Cool! We Should make a video telling the fans!!!!!” I squealed.  I heard ok’s and grabbed Mitch’s phone from his pocket since mine is still upstairs.

“Hey! That’s my phone!” Mitch said.“I know. Hey guys it’s Ashleymarieegaming here with BajanCanadian,MunchingBrotato, and Kkcomics!!!!! Say hi everyone!!!!!” Everyone says their HI’s and I point the camera back at my face. “I am making this vlog thing to say that we are all going to Pax and we hope to see you guys there. we cant wait to meet you guys. I will have a signing time at the mcprohosting  booth around 2 pm. Gosh i am soo excited!!! But yeah if you see me dont be afraid to say hi. I look forward to it and everything!" i get up off the couch and head to my room. i pull out 2 shirts and lay them on my bed "I also wanted to show off my new t-shirt designs!" i point the camera at the bed and feel Mitch slip his arms around my waist. "Well Mitch joined us again! Anyways the link on where to get these shirts will be in the description." Me and Mitch go to sit on the bed. " well this was a short vlog but hope you enjoyed! Can't wait to see you guys and girls at Pax! Dont forget to leave a like and comment! Bai guys" i end the video and upload it to youtube without editing. I hand Mitch his phone back and we head downstairs. when we get back down i see that Kyle is on the couch still but no Tyler.

"Where did Tyler go?" Mitch asks before i can

"he said he wanted to take a nap" Kyle responded while channel surfing. I take that as an answer and lay on Mitch on the couch. I drift off to sleep.

Tylers pov>>>>>>>>>>

Mitch and Ashley just went upstairs. I decide to go take a nap.

" I am gonna go take a nap" i tell Kyle and head up the stairs to the second guest room.I still don't want to go into my and Shelbys old room. It still hurts to even think about going in there and seeing all of her stuff without her. I also won't go into Kyles room after what happend. I lay on the bed and think about everything. I miss having Kyle comfort me, to talk with, i miss having him around. He has tried to get me to talk to him about it. Everytime he brings it up i make an excuse to leave. I think i like Kyle and i know Kyle likes me back. He tried flirting with me all of the next day after we kissed. The only thing is that i can't like Kyle. I can't betray Shelby like that. It is wrong. The easiest way for me to avoid this is to ignore Kyle. Yet it is also the hardest. I cant handle not having my best friend with me. All this thinking has me exhausted. I go to sleep thinking about the past.

I  stand up from my bed and get up. i  start to head to the bathroom. i go over to my door until i realise something. WTF?!?! I look around  and notice everything around me. Wh-Why is everything so........blocky. I look at my hands-or should i say block hands- and I realize where i am and scream. I AM IN MINECRAFT?!?!? i go ver to a mirror and look at myself. What i see is my minecraft charactor. WHAT THE HELL!!!! i open the door and run downstairs.
"Ashley?!? Mitch?!?!" i scream as loud as i can. "Kyle?!?! Is this a joke? If it is you can stop now?!" i scream more.
I run out of the house. I look around and see a medow. Straight forward i see someone leaning over the stream from the waterfall with their back to me. The person is blocky as i and everything around us is. It turns towards me and i realize who it is.......

( i was gonna end it here but then realized that would be a douche move. So on with lee chapter!!!!!!)
"Shelby? "i say with my voice strained. I look over at Shelby- or ahould i say Shelbys minecraft charactor. The only difference is she is wearing what looks to be a white dress. She walks up to me and puts her hand on my cheek. I stay there while looking into her eyes. She looks me over than finally speaks with a sad look in her eyes.
"Oh Tyler." She says softly while brushing my cheek. It's her voice. I feel tears running down my face. " i have missed you baby" she gives me a hug and kisses me. She pulls away and holds my hand.
" oh Shelby i have missed you too. I cant bear the pain anymore." i say
"oh Tyler but you have too." i look in her eyes again.
"Shelby darling i cant. I feel as if i lost everything. Why did you have to go?"
"It was my time. Nobody could have stopped my death. I was long gone. Baby please, you have to move on."
"Shelby i cant do that. I just cant do that to you."
"You moving on wont do anything to me. Do it for me please."
" I dont know if i can." i trail off. She leads me over to a bench by the waterfall and we sit. I hold onto her hand not wanting to ever let it go again.
"Tyler you have to. You have been getting better. I can see it. I am soo proud of you for that. But baby you need to move on for me. Find love, live life, be happy. I need you to finish up life how it is supposed to be lived. For me and for you. Do things i wasnt able to do. Live for the both of us."  I pull her into a hug and dont let go.
"I love you Shelby"
" i love you too Tyler Christie. But promise me you will find another person to love."
"I will try."
"I think i know someone who us waiting for you"
" i think i know too"
"Go after him Tyler. Remember, keep going on for me." she pulls me into a passionate kiss and i feel myself being pulled from her.

I jolt up in my bed and Kyle bursts through the door. He comes over to sit by me while being caucious not to go over any boundries. I pull him into me and lean into his chest while crying. We sit there like that for what feels like eternity. I pull him to lay down and cuddle with me. We lay down and i continue to cry into my pillow until i fall back asleep in Kyles arms.

i really liked this chapter. i wont have my computer for a while cause of reasons and so the updates will be slow until i get it working. anyway thanks for reading. dont forget to vote/comment/ add to your reading lists. love you guys <3

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