Stolen moments

By amourpierce

12.7K 1.5K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 8(B)
Chapter 9(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 33(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 7(B)

75 11 0
By amourpierce

Pic of what Hunter's office looks like...

I stood beside Mr Fox as he introduced me to my fellow colleagues. Every contractor or project manager has his or her own working space, in which he has people working under him.

"Guys... Meet our new interior designer, Miss Leah Martinez. She will be working with us so i urge you to be in your best behavior, be nice and if she needs help or anything at all,please endeavor to help her"

They all murmured a reply as i heard hi's and hello's from different corners in the large room. I followed Mr Fox as he showed me to my desk. It was a big round desk with a laptop and other office materials on it. I gently placed my carton filled with my belongings on it looking around.

"I will leave you to settle down, but remember you have a meeting with the CEO by twelve noon, okay?"

"Alright sir... Thank you so much" he nods giving me a kind smile before heading to his desk which over sees our desk. I look around, taking in the interior of the office. Half of the office, the walls were made of glass so you can see who is going in and out of the company. The rest of the walls were normal looking walls.

I start setting up my table, bringing out my sketch book, jotter, books, a picture of mum and the twins, a picture of Rosalia and I. I was still setting up my desk when two of my colleagues walked up to me.

One was male and the other a female. The guy was dark skinned and good looking, his hair was in a low afro cut, his skin fits him perfectly along with his brown eyes, he gave me a smile which brought out his incredibly deep dimples, i smiled back a little. The ebony haired girl beside him with green eyes and extremely pale skin which reminds me of Edward Cullen also smiled as returned the gesture.

"Hi... Am Sam, am the unit architect and she is Ciara, the unit purchasing agent"

"Hello" I shake hands with the duo as they both look friendly. 

"Nice to meet you Leah and welcome to Knight's Corps.. I hope you enjoy your stay here and if you need anything or you want to ask questions, don't fail to inform us" Ciara finished with a warm smile.

"Thank you, am grateful for your kind gesture"

We talked for a while before they leave me to get acquainted to the place. There are seven people working in the unit making me the eight person.

I sigh going through my laptop as i wait for the CEO to finish up the meeting. Forty minutes later, Mr Fox worked up to me, telling me the CEO was ready for me.

I let out a deep breath as i stood up, some of my colleagues wished me luck as i step out of our working space. I followed Mr Fox as we go towards the elevator.

We got to the top floor as Mr Fox said his greetings to the busy secretary, who replied us absent mindedly as she looked so indulged in her work.

"Leah... I need you to listen to me. Mr Knight can be really strict and scary but whatever question he asks you, be truthful with your answer. You seem like a intelligent and hardworking person and a girl who knows what she is doing and i want that kind of person in my unit so please give it your best shot cause the CEO is really interested in our work."

I nod at his train of words or should i say pep talk, he sounds nervous.

"I will give it my best sir" I said assuredly.

"Good that's the spirit, that is what i want to hear, now off you go" he shooed me away as the secretary stood up, showing me to the office.

We stop in front of the door which looks posh yet scary, she gives a timid knock before opening the door to enter as i followed suit.

The first thing i noticed was the large windows and the dark interior, it was like the temperature dropped, like we were in another dimension, the office looks expensive but it has no feelings attached to it. I look around trying to take everything in, a typical office setting.

"Here is the new interior designer sir" the lady whispered timidly. His he that scary. Even i was scared to look, if his employees were that scared then what is my fate?.

"You may go" he spoke gruffly, his voice deep. I stay still as the voice sounds absolutely familiar. I look towards the desk to see a grown man in suit, his heads down in paper work, his head full of brown hair with blonde tips.

When he looked up, time stands still as we both froze in shock.

My throat turns dry as i stared into the green eyes i fell in love with, the same green eyes who looks shocked to see me.

The same green eyes that use to assure me that everything will be alright...

The same green that do stare at me with love and care...

That same green eyes looked shock to see me..

That same green that has been hunting me in my dreams...

That same green eyes was staring at me with contempt and disdain.

"Miss Martinez" his voice strained, frosty and clipped as i gawk like a fish on drug. "You can have a seat"

Oh no... Hunter Knight..

Knight.. Why didn't i think of it?!

Hunter Knight is my boss...

My ex is my freaking boss!.


I sniffed then blew my nose into a disposable tissue staring blankly at my laptop. I just finished a round of tears. Ever since i came back from the office, i have indulged myself in the act of crying.

He gave me the job for which am thankful but what got me so moody and sad was his attitude towards. He pretended as if he never saw me before. He kept everything so strict and professional. He even went to the extent of asking me why i choose that course of study, as if he didn't know.

What hurt the most was him pretending to have forgotten my name, it was embarrassing as i kept correcting him yet childish on his part.

He deserve an Oscar for his acting, expect for the look of shock on his face when we first lock eyes, he showed no emotions after that. His last words to me as been hunting me.

"You shouldn't have come here.."

The words were faint but i heard it.

I still don't understand why he called off the relationship. He left me when i needed him the most, i trusted him when he said he will love and protect me but here we are acting and behaving like strangers.

He looks different... His muscles more built up and he looks more good looking. The position suits him because he looks more intimidating than before.

I remember those time when we will cuddle up and i will let my wandering hands have a fill of his toned chest and muscles. I will ask questions about his few tattoos in which he will explain to me while i trace them with my fingers.

Those time he will always beg me to cook for him in which i will teach him basic steps and cooking skill in the kitchen.

All those times we will sit with my family and friends and i will catch him staring at him, instead of him to look away, he will wink at me or mouth 'I love you' in which i will turn beetroot red.

They all seem to be distant memories.....

I stood up as i crawl into bed in my sweatpants and hoodie. I close my eyes as images crowds my vision.

Leah sat on the uncomfortable chair facing the woman, a therapist her mother arranged for her. She rather be anywhere than here, she couldn't stand the creepy questions and pitiful eyes of the woman but she as no other option. She crossed the line this time.

She went on a walk with Rosalia, it was a peaceful one as they were heading towards the park, both girls quiet trying to enjoy the solitude and serenity but luck was not on their side.

"Leah, Leah Martinez right?" The both turn around as two girls walk up to them. They both the same age in fact Rosalia remembers them, they are their ex classmates, she narrowed her eyes on them.

"Yes?" Leah clutched the hem of her sweater.

"How are you?" The other one asked giving her a wide smile but they all knew it was fake.

"Fine" Leah squeaked.

"How is Antonio? He is your best friend right?" Leah froze as the two girls smirked at their question as Rosalia glared at them. They were his fan girls.

"What are you driving at?" Rosalia snaps.

"We are not driving at anything" the brunette pointed out as the blonde nods. "We just want to know.." They moved closer to Leah as if to tell her a secret. "Is he really big as they said he is?" She asks innocently as Leah face turns pale and her eyes glassy.

"You bitch! Leave now or i will give you something to talk about!" Rosalia snarled pushing them away, they stumbled before cackling. The blonde girl stared at Leah in disgust.

" I honestly don't see what he saw in you that made him befriend you, you are so plain and fat and got no class but he was still your friend yet you lied against him." She smirks " maybe he did fuck your brains out so you didn't want to leave him, you were so desperate" she pouts mockingly as she taunts a crying Leah " now tell me how was he maybe i can use your know with his Italian blood, we all know he as a stamina like that of a horse_"

Leah bolted as Rosalia runs after her as the girls laughed.

Through out that day she spoke with no one, she was mute all through.

She gave up.

She remembered walking to the living room with the pesticide she took from the garage in her hand.

She remembered opening the lid of the container as the putrid smell escaped into the air, she recalled taking it towards her lips and a hand stopping her.

Her mother...

Her mother was her savior that day. Her mum gave her a hot slap out of frustration trying to snap her out of it, screaming down at her with tears falling from her eyes as she sat numbly.

Now she is here trying to keep her mother happy by obeying her wish while Matt waits outside to ensure she does not run away again.

"So tell me Leah" the woman writes down on her paper "how are you today? On a scale of one to ten"

"Minus zero" she said truthfully, the woman sighed, this was like the third meeting yet no progress.

"There is no number before one" she spoke calmly.

"But that is how i feel.. I feel used,... tainted,...  betrayed.... I feel pain"

I gasp waking up from the nightmare. I inhale sharply as i try to calm down. I quickly take off my hoodie as i rummage through my drawer searching for my pills. I took them, downing it with water from the water bottle beside my bed. I sigh relaxing back in bed.

"Where have i gone wrong?"


 I slam my phone on my desk as i fumed in anger. What the hell?! What the fuck is she doing here?!

You can't imagine the shock i felt when i saw her... here, how? Why did she come to New York?! What is she doing in my company?!

I rummage through the file on my desk until i found what i was looking for. I go through her file, slightly impressed by what i saw yet not surprised, she was a fresh graduate, with no experience of the outside world. What is Alfred trying to do?

Does he know she was my..

I groan as i closed the file. I don't know how i was able to interview her without loosing my cool. I kept a cold and indifferent facade while my insides were screaming at her, crying out at her on why she betrayed me.

Why did i fall for her? Curse that innocent and beautiful face!

She has changed.. A lot. She looks more womanly and gracious, she looks more beau_

"Hunter snap out of it! Don't let her innocent face fool you... She is a gold digging bitch" I assured myself.

I should call Alfred again and warn him of that snake.. Only God knows how she worm herself into his life.. Maybe, she helping him was coincidental, he should not fall for her fake facade.

I think i will sack her..

No no no... I won't. If i let her go, another man will fall to her prey.

Am going to break her. Yes... Am going to make her life here a living hell. Am going to make her regret the day she was born. Am going to make her regret the day she ever thought of playing me. Am going to make her regret she meeting me or crossing path with Hunter Knight.....

More drama coming up...
What do you think of the new Hunter?

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