The Known (On Hold)

Oleh Grattsfan

200K 10.6K 1.1K

Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, aka Charlie or C.J., is a sister, best friend, girlfriend, soccer player and ... b... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh Grattsfan

It's now Tuesday and the plane carrying Charlotte and her Stanford Cardinal teammates makes its final descent into Orlando International Airport. Mal will be joining her in Orlando on Wednesday along with her family. 

Originally the plan was for the team to fly out on Wednesday but with all the media coverage attached to the weekend's events, they moved up the timeline to accommodate everyone and everything. 

As they make their way off the plane and collect their bags, Charlotte's phone begins to buzz. 

New Message

Ash: They booked our teams into the same hotel. Let me know when you get here. 

Charlie: Just landed. On our way to hotel now. 

Ash: Sweet, come to 412 when you get time. 

Charlie: Should I really be fraternizing with the enemy?

Ash: No, but that never stopped you before, Cardinal. 

Charlotte laughs.

Charlie: See you soon, Bruin. 

Charlotte sends Mal and her Mom a message letting them know that she has landed and is currently on her way to the hotel, which will become home for the next few days. 

The Coach stands on the bus, "Can I have everyone's attention, please?"

The players stop talking to give their attention to the front of the bus.

"I know you were all thinking that we were going to just be chilling at the hotel for the rest of the day, but, unfortunately, that is only partly true. We will have a quick practise on a nearby field, just to get you guys moving after the flight here. So, once we get to the hotel and you receive your room keys, please head up and get changed into your practice gear and meet back down in the lobby in a half hour. Any questions?"

"No, Coach."

Charlotte takes her phone back out.

New Message

Charlie: Coach just sprung a practice on us, won't be seeing you for a little while longer.

Ash: All good, we had that earlier. Message me when you get back.

As the players filter into the hotel and are handed their room keys, they make their way to their designated rooms and undertake the process of getting ready for a practice fresh off the plane.

Charlotte gets herself ready and waits for Alana to finish changing.

"I hate this, I was looking forward to chilling."

"We can do that afterward. Now, we better get a move on before we're late."

They head back downstairs and join their teammates and staff before climbing back on the bus and being driven to a nearby field.

Once there, they get their cleats on and do their usual warmup exercises before forming a circle.

As they wait for the direction the smiles grow on their faces as they realize that it's not a traditional practice, and pylons are being set up to block off areas for soccer tennis and dodgeball.

They are assigned to teams and handed pinnies before being told to have fun but not get hurt.

An hour and a half later, and Charlotte finds herself as the last player standing on her side of the dodgeball game. She looks across at Andi as she holds the ball and debates the merits of letting her Captain beat her, finally deciding that it's the way to go as long as it's not too noticeable.

She makes a dash for a loose ball and feels Andi's shot connect with her leg as she does so, ending the game and practice.

"You totally could have beaten that throw, Charlie; Sulli's got a chicken arm."

Charlotte laughs, "Don't let her hear you say that. She can still make you run extra laps, you know."

Jordan laughs along with Charlotte as they make their way over to the bench to swap out their footwear.

"That wasn't too tough of practice, was it?"

"No, Coach." The girls all smile and laugh, "It was fun."

"Good, now let's head back to the hotel, get cleaned up and then we'll have a team supper at 9:00."

They head back to the hotel, and Charlotte and Alana alternate showering and getting changed. "You want to come with me to see Ash?"

"Nah, think I'm just going to chill and creep social media."

"Alright, don't have too much fun. I'll see you in a few."

Charlotte grabs her key, phone and slips on her shoes as she makes her way to the elevator and the 4th floor.

Knocking on the door, she doesn't immediately get an answer, so she continues to knock louder and more obnoxiously until Ashley opens the door looking more than a little disheveled.

Charlotte smiles, "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"Shut it, Gordon."

"Hey, Jessie. Should I leave so y'all can continue what you were doing?"

"Remind me again why we're friends?"

"Because I'm awesome and you love me, Sanchez. So, what's happening?"

Charlotte takes a seat on the made bed away from the pair of UCLA players.

"Not much, media stuff tomorrow; what about you?"

"Same. Mal is supposed to arrive tomorrow along with my Mom, and sister. Oh, Ash, Finn is coming as well but he won't be here until Friday."

"Sweet, I like Finn."

"I know you do. He asked me to tell you that he is still single and looking to mingle."

Jessie looks at Ashley, "Something that I should know?"

"Just that the two of them had a major flirtation thing going the last time they met."

"Anything more than that, Babe?"

Ashley shakes her head, "No."

"Hey Jess, do you think you could find someone to hang with for a short time, I kinda need to speak to Ash about something in private."

Jessie stands up and fixes her clothing, before making her way out of the room.

"I think I may have put you in the doghouse with Jessie."

"Not the first time and I know how to get myself out of it. So, what's on your mind?"

"Keep this between us, okay?"

Ashley nods, "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Charlotte bursts out laughing, "Not even close. I'm going to ask Mal's parents for permission to propose."

"I thought they already gave it to you?"

"They did, but I want to reiterate how much I love and respect their daughter and their family as a whole by gaining their permission to propose."

"Okay, that's actually kind of nice. So, when are you going to do it?"

"Not sure yet, Mal and I promised each other that we would wait until we had been together for two years before taking the next step, but I don't think that I can wait that long."

"I'm honestly shocked that the two of you haven't already tied the knot, you're so in love with each other, it's almost sickening."

"Well, I guess, thanks for the support?"

Ashley laughs, "I'm happy for you and Mal, doesn't mean that I'll take it easy on you if we end up meeting in the Final on Sunday."

"No worries, I would never expect that to happen. This is awesome you know, both of our teams in the Semis of the College Cup."

"Yep and two victories away from winning it all. It's been a long season."

"It has, but it could also be the fact that I didn't get a chance to play the last one and had to settle for watching on from the sidelines."

"True, I guess I kinda forgot about that considering how much you've been dominating out there this season."

"Mal being around has made a huge difference in my mental prep and game. She knows what I need to get out of my head and just enjoy the game."

"Speaking of that, we got busted when we got back to campus after our little trip to see you and Jess and I had to do extra cardio and weights."

"I'm sorry that you had to do extra because of me, but I'm also not sorry because you guys really helped me out."

"Really, I would have never realized, Ms back to back hat tricks."

Charlotte laughs, "I should probably head back to my room now and chill for a bit before supper."

Ashley looks at her phone, "Yeah, we actually have our team supper pretty soon."

They stand up and hug each other, "Good luck on Friday, Ash, give Duke, hell."

"Back at you, only give South Carolina, hell."

"Regardless of what happens we are still getting together to go surfing one weekend."


"Bye, Ash."

"Later, Charlie."

Charlotte heads back to her room and finds more than just Alana sitting and waiting for her. She sits on her bed and waits for the inquisition. 

"We heard you were hanging with the enemy." 

Charlotte smiles at Andi, "I was with Ash and Jessie for a bit, yes. Why?" 

"Just wondering what you were talking about." 

"Just catching up, nothing major and no we didn't pass any trade secrets between us." 

"Good, keep it that way or else!" 

Charlotte looks at Andi unsure if she is kidding or not until she hears laughing beside her. 

"We're only playing with you, Charlie. We just came to see if you and Lan wanted to join in on a movie night tonight."

"Sure. Sounds good." 

"Alright, Jordan's room after supper." 

Andi, Tierna, A.J., and Jordan stand up and leave the room. 

"Were you planning on saving me, Lan?" 

Alana laughs, "Nope. Wanna watch some TV until supper time?" 

Charlotte climbs on her bed and gets comfy and they watch a show until it's time to eat. 

After eating, they find out that their morning will be media and then afternoon will be video and team meetings.

Charlotte and Alana finish up and then get changed before making way to the only room where the door is propped open, finding spots on the floor and watching the Harry Potter movie playing on the screen. 

"What house do you guys think you belong in? If you don't know there's a quiz you can do to find out." 

Charlotte completes the quiz, "It says that I'm a Gryffindor. Is that a good or a bad thing?"

"Hermione was a Gryffindor, so it's a good thing."

"Oh, okay. I'm just glad I'm not one of those snake guys, cause I really don't like snakes."

They finish watching the movie before heading back to their rooms, so that no one is late for the team imposed curfew. 

Charlotte lays in her bed staring at the ceiling as Alana snores away without a care in the world. 

New Message

C.J.: I miss you. Sweet dreams, Mally. ❤️

Eventually she falls asleep and the next thing she knows is that the fire alarm is sounding out. Her and Alana both look at each other, "What do we do?" 

"We need to evacuate. Grab your key, shoes, phone and a hoodie and lets go."

They get their footwear on and follow the rest of the people on their floor down the stairs and out to the front of the building. After looking around they find a large group of their teammates and head over towards them. 

Charlotte looks over A.J.'s shoulder and sees a group of UCLA players forming in the distance. She gives a subtle wave to Ashley and Jessie who are huddled together without either of them being dressed for a 2am wakeup call. 

She walks over and hands them her hoodie, which Ashley quickly takes and puts on. "This is the only time you're ever going to see me wearing Cardinal colours and don't even think about taking a picture of me right now." 

"I'm not, you looked cold that's all I was thinking about, but Cardinal red looks good on you, Sanchez." 

Charlotte walks back over to her teammates and joins their huddle, a short time later after the Fire Department checks everything out and deems it a false alarm, everyone is let back inside and heads back to their rooms. 

Charlotte feels someone pull her arm and stops, Ashley hands her back her hoodie and gives her a hug, "Thanks for that." 

"Always, night, Ash." 

"Night, Charlie." 

Charlotte opts to climb the stairs rather than wait with the crowd at the elevator and lets herself in the room, heading into the bathroom first, plugging in her phone and then getting reacquainted with her bed and pillow as Alana comes in cursing the idiots in the elevator. 

The next morning after breakfast the head up and make themselves presentable for media obligations. With Charlotte being the leading scorer for the powerhouse Cardinals and Andi their outgoing Captain, the two spend most of the morning paired together answering questions. 

"So, you really are going to opt into the NWSL Draft, Sulli?" 

Andi nods, "Yeah, if I want to play for the USWNT it's the right move. What about you, Charlie, do you think that when the time comes you'll opt into the draft?" 

"I plan on being at Stanford for at least another two seasons, but we'll see what happens. I would love to be able to pull on the jersey again and rep the US at the Senior level one day." 

"Keep working hard and I can see it happening for you in the future."

"Thanks, Andi." 

"You're welcome, but right now let's focus on the task at hand, not down the line. Savannah McCaskill plays for the Gamecocks and she's high on the US' radar, so we need to make sure to shut her down." 

"Shut down, McCaskill. Anything else, Cap?" 

"Yeah, put the ball in the net!" Charlotte laughs at Andi's words. 

"I'll do my best." 

They finish up with all the media stuff and head back to the hotel for lunch followed by a team meeting and video session. 

New Message

Mally: Just landed. Kenz already messaged and let me know they checked into the hotel. How are you doing?

C.J.: Just finishing up a vid session, we have a few hours before we need to be anywhere. I know Mom got a rental, why don't you all come here for a bit? I'm feeling a bit tired and don't want to leave the hotel. 

Mally: Feeling okay? 

C.J.: Not a 100%, but we also had a fire alarm set off through the night and had to evacuate, so I lost a bit of sleep and am feeling it now. 

Mally: Okay, you relax and I'll co-ordinate with your Mom and Kenz once I get to the hotel. 

With her session now completed, Charlotte makes the trek back up to her room and finds Alana already out cold in her bed. She takes off her shoes and lays down on the bed and is soon out cold herself. 

When there is knocking on the door, it takes Charlotte a bit of time to clear the fogginess from her brain to understand that someone is at the door. She gets up and opens it, finding Mal, her Mom and Mackenzie standing there waiting for her. 

She leads them into the room, "Sorry, Lan and I were both in need of a power nap." She hugs her Mom and sister and then her girlfriend while adding a gentle kiss on the lips, "It's so good to see you guys, how were your flights?" 

"I got a phone number from the guy who was sitting across the aisle." 

Charlotte shakes her head, "Let me guess he was cute." 

Mackenzie smiles, "You should see his sleeve, seriously the ink is top level." 

"Since when were you into tattoos, Kenz?" 

"Since, I may have gotten one." 

Charlotte looks at her, "You what? Where? I want to see it!" 

Mackenzie lifts up her foot and shows of the rose tattoo around her ankle. 

"Really a rose? That's boring, Kenz!" 

"And your idea isn't?" 

Carol Gordon looks at her daughters and then Mal and shakes her head before deciding to catch up with Alana. 

After Mackenzie and Charlotte hash out their tattoo discussion and as to whether Charlotte will ultimately go through with it, they grab seats on the bed and join in the conversation. 

Charlotte gives Mackenzie a look and then nods towards Mal her sister smiles, knowing what's eating her up. "Alana, Mal, how about we check out the vending machines down the hall and give these two a few minutes to catch up." 

Mal looks at Charlotte and then stands up, kisses her on the cheek and then follows Alana and Mackenzie out of the room. 

Carol looks at her youngest, "What's going on? What did you do?" 

"I didn't do anything, yet." 

"What do you mean, yet?" 

"Mal and I were talking and we decided to spend Christmas with her family this year and then we can have a big New Year's party at home." 

"Okay and?" 

"And while I'm in Denver, I want to ask Mal's parents for their permission to propose." 

Carol smiles at her, "You really do love her don't you?" 

"Dad always told me that he knew right away that you were the one for him; Mal, is the one for me." 

"I should probably give you a speech about being young and rushing into things, but, honestly, your Dad and I weren't much older than what you and Mal are now when we got together and I really like Mal for you. So when are you planning on doing it?" 

"I don't have the details sorted out yet. I asked Kenz to come to Cali and help me ring shop, because I'm honestly scared to do it myself." 

"How much are you going to spend?" 

"Kenz and I talked about that before and I think that I will go on the smaller side, because it will be less conspicuous and Mal isn't really about the flashy. We can always upsize down the line." 

"I'm proud of you, Charlotte. You're thriving in school and on the field, have a wonderful girlfriend and an incredibly bright future ahead of you." 

Charlotte hugs her Mom, "I love you, Mom, and I'm really glad that you're here." 

After catching up a bit longer, they make plans to meet up the following afternoon and enjoy some of the Florida sights and sounds together before it's time for the players to get down to business. 

Charlotte holds Mal in her arms, "I love you." 

"Love you, too." 

They share a few more kisses before Mal heads out of the hotel with Charlotte's family while she heads to the team's supper. 

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