Wait For Me to Come Home (Noa...

justavibingbisexual tarafından

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** There is NO smut in this story** Being labelled a successful up and coming singer-songwriter isn't exactly... Daha Fazla

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Part Twenty Four - The Lamppost Back on Sixth Street
Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One
Part Thirty Two - Wait For Me To Come Home
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty Five - Kiss Me Under The Light of A Thousand Stars
Part Thirty Six
Part Thirty Seven - Epilogue

Part Seventeen

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justavibingbisexual tarafından

*Two Weeks Later*


I sometimes forget how much I used to hate flying. I could deal with the queues, and the annoying people who were more focused on their flight information on the boards in front of them than actual people. Hell, I could even deal with the constant scowls from Businessmen at the slightest inconvenience.

It was the actual flying I used to hate. The sensation of feeling the ground lift away beneath you to be replaced with nothing but air between you and the ground twenty thousand feet away was one I tried not to think about too much.

But throw in flying back and forth all across Europe and now the US for tour, I've finally got used to flying. I actually enjoy the sensation of taking off now, which is another item along with the whole musical career on the list of things I thought would never happen.

I wish I could say the same thing for Quinn. He's not as bad as he was when he was a kid, but he still gets nervous. I'll sit next to him for the flight to New York, mainly cause I know how to calm him down and I don't think Cade wants to deal with him themselves.

All three of us are sitting in one of those off-brand airline coffee shops and just kind of... existing. Cade leaves us to go get their third double espresso, and Quinn and I share a worried look. I'm actually glad I'm sat next to him on the plane now.

Connor, the tech crew and all our equipment are travelling by road to New York, and they left a good day before us to get a head start. It makes sense, there's a much lower chance of my only guitars getting broken by baggage handlers when they're being moved by a team who know what they're doing.

Quinn's hyper fixated on his phone, trying to edit pictures for his Instagram from my final gig in Atlanta I played last night. I can see his hands shaking a little bit, and I nudge him.

'You gonna be alright?'

He looks up from his phone, giving me a weak smile.

'I'll be alright once we're up in the air. I hate the waiting part.'

'I think that makes two of you.'

He follows my gaze over to Cade, whose returning with two double espressos. Their heart rate can't be anything under hyper active at this point, but I'm not gonna say anything. As Cade rejoins us, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Since I played the Tabernacle two weeks ago, everything's gone a bit mental. We announced last week that I was playing Madison Square Garden, and the last of the tickets sold out a few days after. The tags from Millie and Noah has helped as well, I'm now nearing three hundred and fifty thousand followers on Instagram - everyday I'm still getting the odd message from fans, some saying they enjoyed my last gig, but most are asking about Noah or Millie.

I pull my phone out, expecting it to be one of these messages. I haven't heard from Noah for a little over a week, when I text him just to check in. He'd sent over some pictures from the last day of season three's shoot, and it made my heart soar a little seeing how happy he was with his friends and cast mates. He's probably back home, and I knew that in a few hours I would unbelievably be with him again.

The notification is a text from Noah. I open it immediately, a smile starting to form across my face.

Noah, 'Best Friend and Froyo God': because of you staying over, mom forced me to help make the bed in the spare bedroom. I hope you're happy with the pain you've already caused me this morning 😭

I grin as I type out my response.

Robbie: i stg, if there's one lump in my sheets imma leave a one star review on trip advisor 😤😤 (fr tho, thanks so much for this. I can't wait!)

I pocket my phone as the message sends and look up, and I'm greeted with Cade and Quinn both looking at me with these stupid smirks.

'Was that Noah by any chance?'

I roll my eyes, feeling my cheeks burn up a little. Quinn laughs.

'I guess that's a yes.'

I look back towards both of them.

'Are you guys sure you don't wanna stay with Noah? He said he's got more than enough space and his parents don't mind -'

'What, and let us get in the way of true love? No way.'

I swipe my hand at Quinn and he dodges it quickly, giggling at his little joke. Cade grins as they lift their nearly empty cup of coffee up to their mouth, enjoying the show.

'I'm just saying, Nobbie is looking more and more realistic.'

I freeze at the mention of what I'm already gonna assume is our ship name. Jesus, Noah's fans work fast.

'There can't be any Nobbie when everyone knows that Noah is straight -'

I pause a bit too long for my liking, seeing Quinn's smirk remain on his face.

'And so am I.'

Quinn shrugs, shooting me his look when he knows he's right about something.

'Whatever you say bud. But the hashtag is starting to go around after people saw the pictures of you two together. I'm not complaining, cause they kinda have a point.'

'Cade! Tell Quinn he's full of shit.'

Cade peers over their now empty cup of coffee at the both of us.

'I need a refill.'

They slide out of their seat without saying a word, heading over to the barista who's definitely starting to panic about the sheer amount of caffeine Cade is consuming. Quinn and I hear Cade mutter something as they head away.

'Bloody teenagers.'

I look at Quinn seriously, and his taunting facade falls away.

'Dude, please don't talk about stuff like that. It makes me uncomfortable.'

'Sure thing, I'm sorry if I went too far.'

'No it's fine, I'm just... I don't know. I still haven't exactly figured out myself yet and hearing you and people online saying the whole stuff about Nobbie -- it's not helping.'

'That's fair enough, look Robbie I don't wanna rush you but maybe you should start thinking about figuring out whatever all this is. Cause let's say there is truth to the Nobbie theory, and Noah likes you. You can't leave him in the dark, holding out only for you to tell him you're straight. We both know sexuality is a complex thing and you don't have to figure it all out yet. Just figure out how you feel about Noah and go from there.'

Bless Quinn. This is the reason we've been friends since we were little. He knows me, probably better than myself, and everything he's just said has kinda renewed my confidence in trying to figure out my feelings towards Noah.

'That makes sense I guess. Thanks man.'

'Of course it makes sense, cause I said it. And look. I know it's none of my business, but are you ever going to tell him that you're trans?'

I roll my eyes, not wanting to even consider that conversation yet, and Quinn returns to his phone. My phone buzzes again, and I check it in the hope it's Noah replying. Instead it's a message from the app I downloaded for the airport, telling us that the gate has been announced for our flight.

Quinn's clearly got the same message because he's looked up from his phone to me, and then over to Cade, whose still in the queue for coffee.

'Peeling Cade away from there is gonna be a two man job.'

I just nod, pocketing my phone and joining Quinn as we head over to Cade, ready for the onslaught from them when we try to revoke their coffee privileges.

*Two and a Half Hours later*

The flight was incredibly uneventful, not that I'm complaining. Quinn fell asleep really quickly by his standards, so I just ended up slipping my headphones on and spent the duration of the flight re-reading one of my favourite YA books. Time well spent if you ask me.

After awkwardly clustering around the baggage belt with some stereotypical loud Americans who heard me talking to Quinn; clocked our British accents, and then dived into a conversation about 'cultural differences', I was more than happy to get out of the front doors of the airport. Thank fuck they didn't ask what I was doing here, I don't think they'd believe me if I said I was playing Madison Square Garden.

There's two taxis waiting for us. One's going to take Cade and Quinn to their hotel which is within walking distance of Madison Square Garden. And the other is the one Noah's parents arranged for me to get to his place.

I'm an anxious person at the best of times, and the idea of being in a car without Quinn or Cade in a part of the country I haven't been to before is already making me freak out a bit. As Cade helps the driver load theirs and Quinn's suitcases into the taxi, Quinn comes over and gives me a quick hug.

'I'll see you at Madison tomorrow. Can't believe I'm actually saying that.'

We pull out of the hug.

'I can't either. But I'm glad I'll have you there with me.'

'You might have Noah too.'

I shrug.

'I don't know. I haven't asked if he, Millie or anyone else is gonna be coming. I don't want him to feel like he has to come and see me play a gig again after he's already seen me.'

'I'm sure he'd love to come again.'

Cade shuts the boot of the Taxi and heads round to the front of the car, nodding at me as they go.

'Have fun with your fuck buddy.'

Quinn bursts out laughing at Cade's comment, as my cheeks turn a brighter shade of red than earlier.

'I told you, we've both got good points-'

'Just get in the bloody taxi.'

We hug again, and he goes to join Cade in their Taxi. I don't watch them leave as I head over to the taxi waiting for me. I approach it and stand awkwardly as the front window rolls down.

'Mr. Pearce?'

'Uh -- yeah?'

The driver grins and steps out of the car offering to take my suitcase. I'm more than happy to let him take it, and I slip into the car as he opens and then closes the boot. As I strap myself in, I consider whether I should be that antisocial dick head and put my headphones on.

I spend too much time thinking about it, and the driver has already turned on their radio and has the volume up loud enough for me to hear in the back. Guess I can sit silently and let the radio do the talking for me.

'You all buckled up back there?'

I nod, they release the handbrake, and we start moving. I realise I completely forgot to ask Noah how far away his house was from the airport, as I'd kinda like to know how long I'm going to be awkwardly stuck in this car.

I pull out my phone and send a text to Noah.

Robbie: I'm in the taxi, on my way 🙂

The song that was playing on the radio finishes as I look up from my phone to look at the  populated surroundings near the airport. We're heading away from the more clustered areas and I'm kinda glad. The radio DJ comes back on with that annoying optimism most Americans seem to have that I don't understand.

'Alright folks, coming up next this afternoon is a relative new comer in the music scene! He just finished playing a couple of nights at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, and get this -- he's only sixteen!'

My eyebrows have raised immediately, and I'm fairly certain I'm gonna pop a blood vessel from how much blushing I've been doing.

'That's right, I'm talking about the Brit Robbie Pearce, ahead of his massive first time gig at Madison Square Garden tomorrow night!'

I've buried my head in my hands. Who'd have thought hearing yourself mentioned on the radio for the first time would be so god damn embarrassing?

'And we're offering TWO lucky listeners some seats at this sold out gig! That's right, TWO of you will get the chance to see this up and coming musician play his first major gig! All you have to do is listen to the next song, and tell us what the first line of the chorus is!'

The song starts playing, and it's the one which I got the record deal with. I wonder if anyone will actually care enough to call in. Hearing my voice back like this on the radio is another surreal experience.

I can see the taxi driver listening to the lyrics as the song progresses.

'This Pearce kid sounds too similar to Ed Sheeran. Just another annoying chart topper if you ask me.'

I nearly start smacking my head against the car window as soon as he opens his mouth. He's got a point, and after that I don't think I should tell him who I am. I don't want this journey to be more awkward than it already is.

I rest my head against the window, feeling it bounce with every little bit of contact on the road, and I open up Instagram to start recording something for my story. Just a short video from the back seat of the taxi where you can hear my song being played.

I caption it 'First time on the radio in the US 👌' and let it post. I know it's a big achievement and I should be celebrating it, hence the post on my story. Although I'm obviously freaking out about it, gotta fake it till I make it. Pretend I'm excited about hearing myself on the radio. That's what Cade would tell me anyway.

The song finishes much to my relief, and the DJ takes the random caller. The caller gets it right, triggering a cascade of screaming from their end of the call and I honestly feel embarrassed for that person. It wasn't too hard considering that the chorus in that song is the same couple lines repeated over and over but oh well. I should look at this positively. If it means this much to someone to win tickets to one of my gigs, then surely I'm doing something right?

'Alright pal, we're nearly there.'

In my whole panic, I missed watching the scenery change outside of the car. We're now in a more suburban setting, but the houses here are spaced out between one another and are HUGE. I can't help but stare. I'm not used to seeing houses like these, although I know that these are what Americans would classify as 'normal' houses to them. To someone whose only seen and lived in small houses and apartments in the UK these feel like mansions.

I find myself eagerly looking at each house as we pass by it, hoping to see any indication which may reveal one of them to be Noah's house. I sit back in my seat, and for the first time since I got here I'm suddenly nervous. What if the first thing I say or do is something stupid? And jeez I'm meeting Noah's parents for the first time -- I'm such an awkward person and although I'm sure there's nothing to worry about I can't help but hyper fixate on every little thing that could go wrong.

Okay, take a minute. Even if things go tits up, I'll still have Noah there. And that's what matters. These last two weeks have really dragged, and I found myself starting to cry a little during one of my emotional songs in the gig last night. I thought I was just being stupid but I'm only just hit with the realisation now -- I missed Noah. I wonder if he felt the same way?

The taxi comes to a stop in front of one of the giant houses, and the driver turns off the engine, leaving us in silence. I'm kinda glued into my seat now, unsure of what to do.

'You want me to get your case out for you?'

'Uh -- no. No it's alright, I'll get it out myself.'

'No worries then.'

He flicks a switch in the front of the car and I hear the doors unlock. The boot starts to automatically open, and a slight gust of fresh air runs across the back of my neck. I manage to clamber out of the car awkwardly, and rush to the back to grab my suitcase.

I pull it out of the back of the car, and watch as the door of the boot starts to close.


I hear my name, but I don't even have a chance to turn before a human sized bundle slams into me, knocking me and it onto the grass next to the road. I guess Noah's just as excited as I am. I know he's quite a bit taller than me, but he's skinny so I'm surprised he had the strength to drag me down to the ground with him.

I readjust my glasses after they got knocked a bit down my face, and I'm greeted with Noah's beaming smile as he lies on the ground beneath me.

'Is this how you say hi to everyone?!'

He continues to grin.

'Only the famous musicians.'

We both share a laugh, and I drag myself up off the ground, dusting myself down. I could've stayed down there, both of us holding onto one another and it would've been like the movies where we look into each others eyes --

But this isn't a movie. It's real life. But it's becoming more and more like a picture perfect movie for me. Already Noah is making me nervous. I need to do what Quinn said, and figure out if I really do feel this way towards him.

The taxi driver's been watching with some slight amusement written across his face. Noah's back up off the ground too, face flushed from the excitement.

'Let me take your suitcase.'

'I'm fine dude, you don't need to take it.'

'You're the guest, so I've gotta take it. Them's the rules.'

I reluctantly hand it over to him.

'If you insist mister five star host.'

Noah beams, and collects my luggage and hauls it up onto the sidewalk. We both thank the driver, and Noah slips him a few twenty dollar bills which I can tell the driver is pleased about.

Noah leads the way up the path to his house, where the front door is hanging open after he rushed out to surprise me. I'm a bag of nerves again now, after the initial shock of Noah's greeting. Noah's already gone inside the house, and I'm left standing alone briefly by the door.

I'm about to step foot inside Noah Schnapp's house. And I'm a nervous wreck. I can feel my breathing start to quicken, and I don't even register that Noah's reappeared in the doorway. He can tell from one look at me that I'm not okay; and he steps back outside, closing the door quietly behind him, giving us some privacy.

'You good?'

I try to nod, but give what must look like the most shaky, messed up nod in the history of humanity. A flicker of understanding goes through Noah's eyes, and he closes the short distance between us.

'You're nervous?'

I manage to nod, properly this time, looking down to the ground. Noah's arms are suddenly wrapped around me in a hug.

'It's alright dude. I want you to be here, there's nothing to worry about. Chloe and my parents are really excited about meeting you. We've all got your back. I've got your back no matter what.'

He pulls away, and I feel my breathing start to return to normal.

'You ready to come inside, or I can stay out here with you till you're fine to go in?'

'No... I'm - I'm alright. Thank you. For everything.'

Noah beams, wrapping me in a hug again.

'It's fine. I missed you.'

There it is. The only words I'd thought for the last couple weeks, which I'd thought he hadn't thought of. But he did. He missed me.

'I missed you too.'

We pull out of the hug, and Noah places a hand on the door handle.

'You good?'

I nod.

'I'm good.'

And with that he turns the handle and opens his front door, and we both step inside the house.

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