Sotus Short Stories

By AuthornimJRose

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This is a series of Short Stories from Sotus. Cover done by @sheismathilda Divorce Lawyer in Love (Completed)... More

Before You Read
Short Story Main Cast
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Synopsis)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 1)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 2)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 3)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 4)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 5)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 6)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 7)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 8)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 9)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 10)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 11)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 12)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 13)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 14)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 15)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 16)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 17)
Divorce Lawyer in love (Part 18)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 19) END
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Chapter 21) Extra
An Alpha's Revenge
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 1)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 2)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 3)
An Alpha's Revenge Part 4
An Alpha's Revenge Part 5
An Alpha's Revenge Part 6
An Alpha's Revenge Part 7
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 8)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 9)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 10)
An Alpha's Revenge (Past Life 1 )
An Alpha's Revenge (Past Life Part 2)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 11)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 12)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 13)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 14)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 15)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 16)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 17)
About my books and Rant about my life
December Special 1-6
December Special 2-6
December Special 3-6
December Special 4-6
December Special 5-6
December Special 6-6 Ending

Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 20) Extra

4.8K 257 227
By AuthornimJRose


Kongpob's heart was racing as he heard the music start. He was waiting at the end of the aisle for Arthit. Just one month after he had proposed the two had decided to get married. Thanks to Byul, May, Emma, and Boonsri, the wedding preparations had gone smoothly. Both Kongpob and Arthit had agreed that what they wanted for their wedding was something simple and small. Something that felt intimate and that would only have their friends and family with them. 

Looking at the crowd Kongpob smiled as he saw his mother, father, and sisters Ema and Boonsri, Ming, Kit, Beam, Forth, Wad, Prem, Em, Byul, Jae Ha, Phana and May, There were a few more people that worked for them in their law firm as well as a few other relatives from either side. Arthit's friends from Paris were there like Xia Yu Ping and Ella, a girl named Emily and a few others that Kongpob was yet to properly meet. There was of course a few of Yo's friends like Nate and her parents Two and Wish as well. 

The music began and Nate walked in first as she was the flower girl. Her parents were all smiles and soon Yo was walking down the aisle with the rings. Seconds later Arthit finally walked out with his father at his side. Kongpob's breath caught in his throat as he looked at Arthit. He was in a white tuxedo the smile on his face and the pink hue on his cheeks made Arthit look more ethereal. 

No matter how much time passed in Kongpob's eyes Arthit would always be an angelic person. Kongpob's palms began to sweat as he looked at the beautiful man slowly approach him and when Arthit was finally at his side his father gave Arthit's hand to him.

"I told you before that when you asked for my blessing I would give it to you." Dusit began.

"I have no doubt in my mind that if there ever was anyone that could make my son the happiest it is you. So be happy together." Dusit tells them. Arthit is looking back at Kongpob with a smile as he silently mouths the number eight (I love you) at Kongpob. They still use this love language from time to time in moments such as these. Kongpob has the urge to kiss Arthit but holds himself back knowing well that it's not the right time yet. 

The priest in front of them offers a smile to them before he begins. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two souls in holy matrimony. Before we begin I have to ask if there is anyone who objects. Speak now or forever hold your peace." When the priest was met with silence he smiled. 

"Now. The grooms have chosen to write their own wedding vows." The priest looked at Kongpob who took a deep breath as he held on to Arthit's hand and spoke.

"Arthit, my love. I've said these words before to you and I mean it when I say that you are the love of my life. Never in my life have I ever met someone like you that I admired as much as I admire you. You're one of a kind and every single day I thank the universe for bringing you to me. I'm so grateful that you chose to love me. I'm grateful that you love our son so unconditionally. You've brought a different kind of joy in my life and in Yo's that I did not know we were missing. You made our family complete and our lives happier. I love getting up in the morning to see you beside me and I'm happy to go to sleep with you in my arms. I want to spend the rest of our lives together and I hope to live every day with you as happy as we have been so far. I love you." Kongpob places the ring on Arthit's finger.  Arthit is fighting back tears as he looks back at him with a look of love as he begins to speak. 

"Kong. I have a lot to say to you. A lot that I have to thank you for. When we met I was in one of the darkest moments of my life. I never dreamed of love or someone falling in love with me. I stopped believing in myself or that I could be happy, or that someday I would have a child as wonderful as Yo. Then I met you. That is when I learned that I was capable of loving and being loved. I learned that I could dream of a family and children. There are many things that you taught me. But more than anything, what I love is how selfless you have been with your love towards me. You allowed me to go so that I could find myself and come back to you. Your love taught me what it really was like to be loved by someone and how amazing it is to have people that love and care for you. I love you so much and I hope that we can continue to love one another and grow old together and love each other beyond our lifetime." Arthit then places the ring on Kongpob's finger.

"Now, Kongpob, do you take Arthit to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, for richer or poor, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" The priest asked. 

"I do."

"Arthit, do you take Kongpob to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, for richer or poor, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do"

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you partners. You may now kiss." Kongpob reaches out to cup Arthit's cheek gently before pressing a kiss on to Arthit's lips. Claps and cheers were heard and when Yo clung to Arthit's leg and tugged at both their hands, Kongpob and Arthit both smiled at Yo kissing his cheeks and walking out of the church with Yo walking in between them and holding on to both of their hands. The smiles, on all three of them, are infectious. 

The wedding reception is beautiful. The Jaturapooms use one of the many villas that they owned in order to have the reception. They choose the beach because of the memories that came with it. Both Kongpob and Arthit enjoyed the soft breeze, the smell of the ocean, and the night sky. 

They are surrounded by friends and family but when they dance together they do so to the song called Gift (Kaung Kwan) by Musketeers.

It was a song that they had both collectively chosen as it resonated the most with them and their love. Kongpob pulled Arthit closer as they danced, their foreheads were pressed against one another. 

"Thank you...For making me so happy." Arthit whispers to Kongpob as he pulls himself closer. 

"You've made me happy too Arthit," Kongpob tells him wholeheartedly. They weren't going to have a honeymoon. At least not yet anyway. They would wait until Yo finished the Second grade and they would be able to go together. For now, they would spend the weekend in the villa after everyone would leave. Yo would be spending the rest of his weekend with Pha and Nate at a sleepover. 

Kongpob loved Yo very much as did Arthit. But it was nice to get some time to themselves sometimes too. The night continued with them basking in each other's love and enjoying the presence of their friends and family until it was time for them to go. As soon as they were out of their hair Kongopb picked Arthit up in his arms carrying him bridal style. Arthit laughed as did Kongpob. Arthit's arms wrapped around Kongpob's neck and he boldly gave the handsome man a peck on the lips. 

Kongpob made his way inside the main house, closing the door behind them with a kick as he made his way upstairs and towards the main bedroom. As they did so, soft kisses were exchanged between the two of them. This was not their first time, nor was it the most special but when Arthit was gently lowered on to the bed that was decorated in flower petals and the room was candlelit it certainly felt like another moment that they would both cherish for the rest of their lives...


(3 months later)

The sound of the alarm was heard causing Arthit to groan. He tried to reach for his phone in order to turn the sound off only to be pulled back by Kongpob's hold on his waist. 

"Kong..." Arthit called out softly to the man as he tapped his arm in order to free himself. Kongpob's hold loosened on him and Arthit simply turned off the alarm only to be pulled back into Kongpob's arm with a soft yelp.

"Kong..." Arthit spoke trying to hide his smile as Kongpob buried his face in his neck and placed a soft kiss there. 

"Stay a little bit longer," Kongpob muttered out. 

"I want too," Arthit spoke while turning in Kongpob's arms in order to face him. 

"But I need to get Yo ready for school. It's Monday and I need to make breakfast" Arthit pointed out to the handsome man. 

"Let's order breakfast instead." Arthit smiled at him and pecked him on the lips.

"I promised Yo that I would make him fluffy pancakes." 

"What will you give me?" Kongpob spoke cheekily as he pulled Arthit closer to him. Arthit laughed lightly before speaking with a playful smile of his own.

"Well... What do you want?" He questioned. Kongpob nuzzled his nose against Arthit's causing them both to close their eyes. 

"You... Always you." Kongpob whispered. Arthit's heart fluttered as usual. Kongpob's words were always so sweet and filled with love they melted him over and over again. 

"Kong..." Arthit spoke when the man pulled him into a kiss. A second alarm rang and Kongpob sighed. 

"Fine..." Kongpob spoke with a pout.

"Tonight... let's finish this okay... I need to shower first." Arthit spoke to Kongpob. He was about to peck the handsome man on the lips when Kongpob pulled away and got up from bed. Arthit was confused but gasped when Kongpob picked him up in his arms and threw him on his shoulder.

"Kong!" Arthit spoke in surprise. 

"Let's shower together. Why wait for tonight if we have time now." Kongpob said to him as he carried him into the bathroom and locked the door behind them...

By the time they were out of the shower. Arthit was hurrying to prepare pancakes. He was only glad they had a mixer. He forced his naughty husband to cut the fruit up and blend it for their morning green juice. By the time he woke Yo up the pancakes were almost ready. He had helped Yo prepare his clothes for school at night simply to save some time in the morning. 

"Daddy. Juice please." Yo spoke up when he sat down in front of the kitchen island. Kongpob handed Yo his green juice in his favorite Pororo cup.

"Daddy Art. Yo has a field trip to the aquarium on Friday. Can Daddy make Yo Pandas and chicken?" Yo questioned. Arthit smiled at Yo and nodded.

"Okay sweetheart. We can go shopping later." Arthit spoke as he continued to make the pancakes.

"I want to come too but I need to finish filing some paperwork before I get home," Kongpob spoke as he wrapped his arms around Arthit's waist from behind and kissed Arthit's cheek. 

"Kong..." Arthit spoke. Behind them, he could hear Yo's giggling.

"What?" Kongpob questioned. 

"Not in front of our son."

"It's okay. I like it when Por kisses Appa." Yo spoke up with a cheeky grin. 

"Come on let's have breakfast," Arthit spoke as he plated the fluffy pancakes with strawberries and blueberries on the side.  

Kongpob put honey on his pancakes while he and Arthit used strawberry Jam. 

"Daddy. You need to sign this." Yo spoke to both Kongpob himself. It had been a little before their wedding when Arthit had legally been able to adopt Yo as his son. 

"Yo. This says that you need a chaperone." Kongpob spoke up.

"Oh.. yeah. Daddy never went with Yo on field trips because he worked. Grandma always goes with Yo. Last year when Phana became a student at Yo's school his mommy became a chaperone. But Phana says that his mommy is working on a fashion line right now and is really busy. His daddy is busy too.... Can Daddy Art come with us?" The question was directed at him as Yo knew Kongpob was usually busy with work. Working at the number one law firm in all of Thailand always kept Kongpob busy but not enough to the point where he was unable to come to dinner and spend weekends with them as a family.  Weekends as a family were never compromised nor were dinners it was a rule in the house for both he and Kongpob.

"I can come too," Kongpob spoke up.

"Yes but. Daddy Art is more fun. He can make Yo pandas for lunch." Arthit laughed and Kongpob stuck his tongue out at Yo childishly earning a giggle from Yo as he did so. 

"Daddy has an important case on Friday," Yo spoke up to Kongpob who sighed. 

"We'll go somewhere fun next week. How about a fair?" Arthit suggested as they had already made plans for this weekend. It was  Phana's birthday and Yo was the guest of honor. Arthit had a feeling that the little boy would confess to Yo again. 

"Spoiled boy can wait," Yo spoke up

"Wayo," Kongpob spoke causing Yo to pout.

"He still calls me shorty. Daddy. I have grown three inches already." Yo huffed out. 

"He's still taller." Kongponb pointed out and Arthit laughed when Yo glared at Kongpob. 

"Come on Yo too. Let's finish eating so that we go to school Yo." Arthit spoke patting his son on the head. 

"I don't want to go to Spoiled boy's birthday."

"Why?" Arthit questioned.

"Pring says that Phana is going to tell her he likes her. Ever since Phana sits with her during class she always wants to hold Spoiled Boy's hand." Yo spoke. Both Arthit and Kongpob exchanged a knowing look.

"He would be sitting with you instead but you've been cheating on your tests." Kongpob scolded.

"Did not!" Yo spoke up. 

"Yo... Your teacher put a hidden camera in the room. Yo took the math test for Pha and he took the vocabulary test for you." 

"That's because Numbers confuse Pha and Yo's not that good at spelling yet. Phana told Yo that he will spell for him forever and Yo can do his math for him" Yo countered. Arthit laughed as he heard this.

"Then what about when Pha isn't with you and you're not with him?"

"Daddy says that you are his other half. We need to be together always." Yo continued.

"Then why are you getting upset by Pring."

"It's not Pring. She's annoying like a fly buzzing in Pha's ear. But that Spoiled Boy said that if I don't accept to marry him he'll marry Pring instead." There was anger in Yo's eyes as he continued.

"Let him marry her! See if Yo cares! Yo told Spoiled Boy to do what he wanted."

"Is that why you didn't want to go to Pha's house today after school?" Arthit questioned. Yo nodded, 

"Pring invited herself to Pha's house. Let him play with her. All she wants to play is wedding. Annoying! Daddy. Can't Yo go to work with you or Por?" Yo asked Arthit with puppy eyes. 

"You can come to my job. But just remember you need to behave." Kongpob concluded. Yo grinned and nodded happily.

"Daddy. I can go to work with you on Tuesday. Yo wants to paint with you." Arthit nodded and ruffled Yo's hair. He would normally work from home when he painted, now that he was in charge of the gallery there was always one thing or the other that needed his attention. He didn't mind, but he didn't like leaving Yo with nannies or baby sitters. And while Yo did not complain, Arthit tried to spend as much times as he could with his son. Most of the time Yo would accompany him, other times when he could be home he would stay at home. He liked being at home and cooking for Yo, helping with his homework. Quality time was important for a child.

"Come on then go get your things so we can drive to school," Arthit spoke to Yo as he stood up in order to wash dishes.

"I got it love. Don't you need to gather some things too?" Kongpob questioned. Arthit smiled at him and thanked him. By the time they were out the door and he had driven Yo to school he could already see Phana standing outside with some flowers. Byul was with him and Yo smiled inside the car but glared when he stepped out of the car. Arthit chuckled,  he realized Yo liked keeping Phana on his toes. Both he and Byul exchanged pleasantries but knew not to get involved in their children's quarrels.  

"Yo... Phana brought these for you." Pha spoke up shyly. Yo glared at him and tried to walk away only to have Pha catch his arm. Pha was already sniffling and fighting back tears. Arthit felt bad for him.

"Yo... Phana is sorry. Phana promises to marry you."

"What about Pring? She says you are going to marry her. So go. Yo doesn't want Spoiled Boy anymore." Phana bursts into tears. 

"I'm sorry Yo. I didn't mean it. I was sad because Yo said he wouldn't marry me. What do you want from Phana?" For the first time, Arthit saw guilt in Yo's eyes.

"Don't cry... Yo is sorry. That day... Yo was upset because Pring kissed Pha."

"It was on the cheek and I told her not to!" Pha defended as he sniffled. Arthit and Byul were both watching their children in amusement. 

"Phana has told Pring that he loves Wayo. But she says I have to like her because she's a girl and you're a boy."

"So what? I'll teach that little fly a lesson." Wayo takes Pha's hand and leads him inside the school.

"Should we expect a call from the teacher today?" Byul questioned.

"I'm not sure," Arthit said to her.

"Well... At least they're not cheating on tests. I'll tell the teacher to sit Phana with someone else." Byul spoke up.

"Have him sit with Khulay. It seems he and Achi have been having the same cheating problem." Arthit said. Byul laughed as she heard this.

"Is it weird that I see our kids getting married?" Byul questioned.

"Not really. I think they will be together too." Arthit spoke with a smile. 

"By the way, Yo will be picked up by Kongpob today. I heard that Pring is having a playdate with Pha."

"Her parents asked us for a favor. Pring's mother has to take their youngest to the doctor. I'm letting her know about the seating arrangement. Pring is threatening to bite Pha if he doesn't let her cling to his arm. She's a girl and he doesn't want to hit her or have to bite her back." Byul explained with a sigh.

"I'll see you later Arthit. We're still going to the beach this weekend with the kids right?" Byul questioned.

"Yes. Forth and Beam are also coming with Kyro." Arthit explained. 

"Kit and Ming are also bringing the twins Chai and Suda." Byul said to him. Arthit smiled. In the past three months, there had been a few surprises. Ming and Kit had adopted 2-year-old fraternal twins Chai was a cute little boy and Suda was a pretty little girl. Since adopting the twins' Ming and Kit had moved out from living with Byul and Jae Ha. Originally the house had been purchased by Ming and Byul with the intention of having Arthit move in with them but things changed and so did their plans. Originally when Jae Ha and Byul moved in together Ming had planned to move in with Kit. Byul and Jae Ha had ended up convincing Ming and Kit to stay with them. The compromise had been until marriage which they then delayed do to Arthit's circumstances. Gradually they grew accustomed. 

Then Phana was adopted by Byul and Jae Ha. Ming and Kit had wanted to move out then to let them bond as a family but once again Jae Ha and Byul had convinced them otherwise. The agreement then was until Ming and Kit started their own family. They two had chosen to adopt and after a full year they were able to bring the twins home with them. Ming and Kit lived in a comfortable house together and despite the fact that they were sometimes exhausted as they dealt with being new parents or when the twins were sick. Despite the fact that Kit was a doctor he had cried and worried over the twins when they had both come down with a fever. Overall, the two were great parents. Then there was Forth and Beam. 

Unlike he and Kongpob who had a small wedding. Forth and Beam had simply eloped without telling anyone and had come back married. No one had known about their wedding until three months ago. It seemed that the two had gotten married over a year ago. They had gotten married one drunken night and had simply chosen to stay married.

"We love each other. What's the point of divorcing?" Of course, they had not told anyone that they had, in fact, used a surrogate to have a child. That is where Kyro comes in. They had only announced they were married after Kyro was born. Had this been anyone else but Forth and Beam, Arthit would have thought they were crazy. 

However, whenever Forth and Beam were together it was quite obvious how in love they were. They were certainly not shy about PDA. Whenever they had the chance they held hands, hugged kissed. They did not care about anything or anyone around them as long as they were together that was all that they needed. Now that they had Kyro they were both so devoted to their son. Forth already thought Beam hung the moon, with their son, the little baby had Forth wrapped around his little finger. Kyro looked so much like Forth there was no doubt he was his father. 

Arthit was happy for his brother and that his friends were also having kids now. He and Kongpob had talked about having more children. For now, Arthit was happy with the little sunshine he had in Yo. Children would come when they would come. Yo was enough for now. 


"Daddy!" Yo ran into his arms when he saw him standing outside the school. Kongpob smiled at Yo who was rushing towards him. There was a bouquet of flowers in his arms that Kongpob knew were from Phana. A few seconds later Nate, Pha, and another girl followed after Yo. 

"Yo... You won't come play with me today?" Pha asked sadly. 

"Sorry Spoiled Boy. Yo can't play with Pha today. Yo made plans with his Daddy and all week Yo will get to go to the gallery with, Daddy Art. Yo wants to be a painter and lawyer like his Daddies so Yo must learn everything." Yo appeased Phana who pouted but otherwise nodded. 

"Don't worry Pha we can play instead." The little girl who Kongpob assumed was Pring spoke up trying to cling on to Pha who moved away and stood beside Nate who frowned at Pring.

"Don't worry Yo. I will take care of Phana." Nate said to him. 

"Come one Buddy. I have to get back to work." Yo nodded and hugged Nate goodbye first. He looked at Phana and then kissed his cheek. Pha looked taken back by the gesture as he touched his cheek and looked at Yo in awe. Yo didn't even look at Pring and simply got inside the car. Kongpob shook his head at his son's antics and wondered how it was that his son was that bold. 

By the time they made it to the office, Yo was back to being happy again. Kongpob didn't say anything to Yo about the kiss with Pha. But he would tell Arthit about what their son had been up to. 

When they arrived at his office Kongpob set up Yo on the coffee table so that he could do his homework. Because Yo was going to the office, Arthit had packed some snacks for Yo in Kongpob's lunch box. There was some celery, some cut up slices of apples, a few pretzels, and some peanut butter as well as a small juice box that was prepared. 

Yo quietly ate his snack while Kongpob continued going over a few cases that he had. Both he and Yo were busy with their work and did not notice when the door of his office opened. 

"Kongpob." That voice caused him to freeze and as he looked up he met the eyes of his ex-wife Mary. She offered a smile to him and it took Kongpob a moment for him to realize that she was walking towards Wayo who was looking at her in confusion. 

"Wayo. My baby." She tried to touch Yo who immediately pulled away. 

"Daddy? Who is this?" Yo questioned as he ran towards Kongpob who had immediately stood up from behind his desk. Yo hid behind his legs and looked at Mary.

"Wayo. I'm your mother." Kongpob's heart stopped at this woman's boldness.

"May!" Kongpob shouted. There was no response and it took three more screams until moments later May was rushing inside. 

"Sorry I went to the bathr-" May was frozen in her place as she recognized the woman who was standing in front of them.

"What are you doing here Mary?" Kongpob questioned. The woman offered a smile to him. She was in a red dress, high heels, her blonde hair was in soft curls and the red lipstick she wore complimented her fair complexion.

"Isn't it obvious. I came to see my husband and my son. Hello Wayo. Mommy is back."

"Daddy..." Yo was looking at him in confusion and his eyes were starting to water. Kongpob could not help but feel rage bubble up inside of him.

"May. Can you take Wayo to Forth's office? Call Arthit for me." May nodded and simply reached out to Wayo who immediately took her hand and allowed May to take him away.

"Why are you here?" Mary rolled her eyes and invited herself to have a seat in front of Kongpob.

"Isn't it obvious? I want my family back."

"You haven't been in Yo's life since he was two years old. In which you signed full custody to me and gave up your rights as a parent." Kongpob pointed out. 

"Yes well. I'll be fighting in court back for those rights."

"On what basis?" Kongpob questioned trying to keep his anger in check.

"Coercion. Among other things.."

"Why are you doing this now? What's the point?" Mary extended her hand out to caress his arm which caused Kongpob to cringe and pull away.

"Why don't we forgive one another. We both made mistakes but I'm ready to come home and be with my family."

"Mary. You and I happened five years ago. I've moved on and I'm sure you know that I'm married now."

"To one of the Jaturapoom heirs." The tone in her voice made it clear to Kongpob that she was only after money. 

"How much do you want?"

"I don't want your money. I want my family back."


"I'll see you later. My lawyer will be in touch with you." Mary interrupted before she walked out the door.  Kongpob felt shaken as he watched her leave. Fear crept inside of him, things had been so good lately. He, Yo and Arthit were happy, his phone began to ring and he immediately picked up.




It was their worst nightmare. Just when things were perfect something like this happened. While Arthit was afraid that Yo would be taken away from them he knew that he needed to be strong. Not only for himself but for Kongpob and Yo. He knew that Kongpob was a great lawyer as it was and Arthit had been on the phone with his brother a few hours and had been reassured by him that there was no case when Kongpob's ex-wife had signed her parental rights away. 

The moment that both Kongpob and Yo had gotten home it was clear to Arthit that they were shaken. Yo had rushed into his arms and cried begging him not to send him away as he feared that now that his mother was back he would leave. He had refused to eat anything for dinner including pink milk or his favorite strawberries and chocolate. 

Yo had cried for a long time in his arms and Kongpob's. It had taken a while to convince Yo that he wasn't going anywhere. It wasn't often now, that Yo would sleep with him and Kongpob in their bed but he had asked to sleep with them. With Yo, Sweet Pea always joined them snuggling up to Yo's neck. Their son slept in between them and Arthit was both sad and angry at the fact that Yo had cried himself to sleep. 

"How can she just show up to your office like that?" Arthit questioned Kongpob as they laid in bed together. Yo was clinging on to Arthit like a baby Koala, there were a few tears that fell from Yo's eyes.

"Daddy Art..." Arthit hugged Yo tighter kissing the top of his head and gently running his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay sweetheart. I'm here." Arthit turned to look at Kongpob.

"I have no idea... but I think it has to do with you..."

"Me?" Arthit questioned confused.

"When she left I told her I wanted full custody and she needed to give her rights up. She agreed so long as I gave her a large amount of money." Arthit bit the inside of his cheek.

"So you're saying she wants more money." Kongpob nodded.

"She's never cared for me or for Yo. " Arthit could see that Kongpob was hurt. Not for himself but for Wayo. Arthit understood more than anyone what Wayo must have been feeling. He had a mother who had never loved him, at least, who he thought was his mother. He didn't think much about her anymore. Therapy had helped him cope with a lot of his traumas.

"Have you called Mai?" Arthit questioned referring to Mrs. Suthiluck. He was very thankful to her, even before he and Kongpob had gotten married or had become romantically involved she had always been good to him. Now that he and Kongpob were married she treated him like her son too. 

"I did. She's already recommending a few child psychologists."

"Are you okay?" Arthit questioned. Kongpob reached for Arthit's hand and offered a soft smile.  

"I'll be fine love."

"How did you feel seeing her again?"

"I was shocked. I never thought she would come back. I stopped loving her a long time ago. But I'm angry that she came back the way she did. Had she wanted to see Yo... That's not the way to do it." 

"We'll be fine. You're a great lawyer and if all she wants is money then-"

"No. You won't be giving her anything Arthit. This is my problem."

"Yo is my son too." 

"I know love... But you can't give her any money. I won't do that either. If we do that she will only keep coming back again. She'll only be hurting Yo like this. She may have given birth to him but Yo only knows and has two parents and one of them is you not her..." 

Having Yo go back to school the next day had been hard. Had Byul not suggested that Phana and she would go to school with them, Arthit was sure that Yo would have not gone to school had Pha not taken his hand and led him out of the house. 

Arthit was expecting Kongpob's ex-wife to reach out to him. What he had not expected was for the woman to show up at Yo's school and ask to see him. Of course, Yo was attending the school that belonged to his family. Naturally, she was rejected and his father had immediately called him knowing that he would handle the situation better than Kongpob. 

When he arrived the woman was sitting inside his father's office. There was a smirk on her face as she looked at him. 

"Hello I'm Kongpob's wife." Right off the bat, Arthit knew this woman was trying to upset him.

"Yes. I'm aware of who you were in Kongpob's life. If you wish to talk then let's do it somewhere else. Not at my son's school."

"Don't you mean your school. After all, your family owns it."

"You can follow me out or I'll have security throw you out and you can talk to my husband or my brother, our lawyer," Arthit spoke before turning to leave. Seconds later he heard the clinking of heels as the woman followed behind them. They didn't go far, simply across the street at a local cafe. Arthit ordered a glass of water and she ordered an Americano. 

"So. What do you want?" Arthit questioned. The woman smiled at him. 

"I want my family back." 

"Really? Why?"

"I love my husband. I want to live with him again. Did you know that Kongpob was a photographer?"

"I know. He still is." Arthit tells her and she seems surprised by his words but continues.

"We met in college. Kongpob was such a great man. When he proposed-"

"I don't care about that. You're his past and there's nothing you're telling me now that I don't already know. Including how you left him with a two-year-old while you lived your life away from them without a worry for your child. You took Kongpob's money and signed away your rights to Wayo."

"Did he tell you that I was his first love."

"Second." Arthit corrected causing her to glare.

"He told me about Sam and any other of those past loves he had. Kongpob and I have no secrets. I don't care about his past loves. I'm his husband. You're his past, I'm his present and will continue to be part of his future too." 

"What does your ex-husband think of that?" Just for a moment, he flinched as she brought up Knot. Most of time Arthit forgot about him. When he did remember it was painful. He watched the satisfaction in her eyes but he quickly recovered. 

"He has nothing to say in this."

"His best friend's husband. Kongpob has really fallen to an ultimate low." Arthit ignored her comment and spoke up.

"What do you want?" Arthit questioned, causing the woman to smirk at him. 

"You have a lot. Money, power, whereas all I have, is my family. What are you willing to offer me for them?"

"What do you want?" Arthit pressed again, he was not willing to play these mind games with her. 

"How much money are you willing to offer me?" Mary questioned. 

"You want money. You want me to offer you a bribe?"

"I wouldn't call it that. Take it as an investment. How much is my husband and my son worth to you?" Arthit smirked at her before pulling his phone out at stopping the recording. 

"Now I have a recording of you." Mary glared at him.

"I'll be handing this to my lawyer. You won't be seeing my son any time soon."

"He's not your son."

"Wayo is my son. And Kongpob is my husband. Legally. Kongpob and I got married three months ago and Wayo was legally adopted by me too." Arthit said to her. 

"You have so much money! Why not give me some of that if you really love them."

"It's because I love them that I won't play this game with you. Kongpob and Wayo are priceless to me. No amount of money in the world could ever determine their worth to me. How you so heartlessly think that is beyond me. You've sat here for the past five minutes and have endlessly tried to get under my skin by talking about your past with Kongpob, you've asked questions about my marriage and my past. You've tried to get money out of me yet not once have you asked me about Wayo. Don't you wonder how he's been? How he's grown from the last time you saw him. Don't you wonder if he's missed you? " Arthit questioned the women.

"No. Wayo is not important to me. He's just a means to an end and that is money."

"I won't be giving you money. I hope this is the last time I have the pleasure of seeing you. Anything else you need to say you can say to my lawyer. Don't you dare come near my son or husband? If you come anywhere near my son or my husband I won't be as nice as I was today." With that being said Arthit stood to leave. 

"Do you really think Wayo would choose you over his mother? All children need their mothers. You are not even his blood." Despite the fact that her words hurt Arthit continued to walk away. 

He tried to forget their conversation. He would only tell Forth and Kongpob about the incident. He did not want Yo to know about it. By the time school was over his son was rushing to his arms with a happy smile on his face.

"Daddy aren't we going to the gallery today?" Yo questioned in confusion when he did not turn the car in the direction of the gallery as he drove. 

"No. Today I want to spend the rest my day with you. Just us." Arthit spoke to Yo with a smile. 

"Daddy. What dessert are we making today?" Yo questioned knowing that whenever he was home they would always make dinner together. 

"What do you want to have sweetheart?" Yo gave him a pensive but cute look before answering. 

"Yo wants to make a strawberry cake with Daddy but... What about the Strawberries Yo didn't eat yesterday. They will go bad if Yo doesn't eat them." He spoke with a pout. Arthit chuckled at his cuteness.

"It's okay. We can use them for our cake." Yo's eyes lit up at his words and he nodded.

"What should we make for dinner then?"

"Cheddar Bacon Chicken." Arthit knew the answer before Yo could even speak. Yo loved Chicken and many of the recipes that Arthit had learned to cook revolved around that as well as many strawberry desserts. He had done the same for Kongpob as well. 

"Alright then. Let's stop by the supermarket to buy what we'll need for the week."

"Daddy the Panda Chicken too." Arthit nodded and they simply headed to the market. He made sure to send the recording to both Forth and Kongpob on the incident and promised to Kongpob that the would talk about it when he got home after they put Yo to bed. 

When Kongpob got home, Arthit could tell that he was stressed. But like him, Kongpob smiled for Yo when the child ran to his arms as he always did. When his father got home.

"Smells great love." Kongpob spoke when he walked into the kitchen just as Arthit was setting the table. Arthit offered his husband a smile when the man pecked him on the lips. 

"Daddy. Appa and Yo made a strawberry cake too." Yo spoke with excitement. 

They had managed to use the chocolate coated strawberries as decoration on top of the cake which they had frosted using pink frosting. They had added more chocolate on top as well. 

"Only one slice. This is a lot for you to eat." Kongpob spoke. Yo pouted but nodded. He was still a child after all. He would only eat half of the chicken breast and a fourth of the slice of cake. They would leave another slice for Yo to eat the next day and the rest of the cake would be given out at the law firm the next day. Arthit's desserts had become quite popular and he was already booked to do the birthday cakes of not only his son but Ming and Kit's Twins, Phana's cake as well as Nate's birthday cake and little Kyro's. He made sure to take pictures whenever he baked cakes, cupcakes, or cookies and sent them to the children's parents so they could let the kids choose what they wanted at their birthday. Arthit didn't mind, he liked baking. 

Yo seemed to be a lot more relaxed than the previous day. Despite the fact that he was smiling and talkative the fact that he had not at all mentioned his biological mother concerned both he and Kongpob. Yo had cried once more when they had tried to get him to sleep in his room and that was when the child had mentioned his mother.

"She'll come take Yo when he's sleeping." They had promised that would not happen and he once again slept in their bed. 

"I've already made an appointment for next week. I think we need to handle this quickly." Arthit said to Kongpob who nodded. 

"I can't believe she went to Yo's school and tried to bribe you. Are you okay?" Arthit smiled at his husband who reached out to caress his cheek gently. 

"I'm okay. I'm just worried about you and Yo. After all she is his mother."

"I have no feelings for her you know that."

"I know... But Wayo... He'll want to get to know her one day."

"He's terrified of her. He's never asked for her and he's always saying how he doesn't need her because he has you now."

"I can't replace his mother Kongpob."

"I know. We've never asked you to do that. You're better than any mother Yo could have asked for. He loves you so much, you know that and I love you too. You're the love of my life." Kongpob tells him. Arthit's heart flutters and the insecurities that had come with Mary's words to him vanished. Arthit kissed Kongpob's open palm and smiled at the handsome man. This was why he loved him, he was always so sweet and understanding even when it was supposed to be Arthit that was comforting him. 

"We'll be okay. I promise you." Arthit said to Kongpob who nodded. 

Third Person

The rest of the week had gone without incident. Mary had not tried to come near them, but in fact, her lawyer had contacted them. It came as no surprise to anyone that the man happened to be her lover. Arthit's father had done a thorough background check on the man and he'd found that both he and Mary were in a large amount of debt and were being chased by some not so good people. 

Yo's therapy session was scheduled for Monday. 

"Come on Daddy!" Yo spoke in excitement. They were going to the zoo with the rest of Yo's class, Arthit was going as a chaperone in order to help Yo's teacher. There was a teacher assistant with them as well. 

There were a total of twenty-five children going on the field trip. 

"Yo. Aren't you going to sit with me?" Pha came over to ask. 

"Sorry Pha but Yo wants to sit with his Daddy. You can sit behind me with Nate if you want."

"Yo. You can sit with Pha. I have to sit with the teachers." Yo pouted but nodded and sat with Pha and Nate in the middle. 

Arthit went to go sit with Ms. Day and Ms. June at the front of the bus while Yo sat with his friends. Neither seemed to notice the black car that followed the bus closely or the blonde woman that was driving it. 

The day started out quite smoothly. They were able to see a lot of things.  From fishes to sharks to stingrays. The children all seemed to be having plenty of fun. While Yo stuck with Nate and Pha holding both their hands as they walked he followed Arthit choosing to stay by his side. 

When lunch came around they sat with the children by some benches. They asked if anyone wanted to go to the bathroom and both Nate and Pha stood up to go. Nate went with the girls and their teacher Ms. Day while the boys went with Arthit. 

Yo sat in the benches by himself at the table as Pha and Nate had gotten up. He smiled to himself happily as he took out his small lunch box that Arthit had prepared for him. He looked at his panda lunch box that consisted of cute panda like rice balls, chicken, some cucumbers, and a few slices of strawberries. 

Yo was smiling happily and as he looked around he quietly took out the polaroid camera that Kongpob had gotten for him that previous Christmas. He took a picture of himself and the cute lunch box. He took the film and waited for the photograph to be ready. He took out a small photo album he had been putting together for his Appa. 

He was too preoccupied with what he was doing that he did not notice when a woman went to sit beside him. Mary observed Yo closely and put on a smile.

"Hello Wayo." Yo froze as he turned to look at a woman who had introduced herself to him as his mother a couple of days ago. His heart felt as though it had jumped away from him. 

"It's mommy." She moved forward and Yo moved back, dropping his lunch box on the floor in the process. 

"Stay away." Yo began to say. When Mary grabbed him Yo yelled causing Ms. June to look up from where she was helping one of the students open his lunchbox.

"You have to come with me. Mommy needs a chance to talk to you. I know Daddy lied to you about me he's trying to get you to hate me." Yo tried to get away screaming.

"Daddy! Daddy Art!" When Mary would not let him go Yo bit her hand, which caused him to fall. Mary looked at him in shock.

"Wayo!" Ms. June shouted as she ran towards him but by then it was too late. Yo had run off, at that moment Arthit comes back with the rest of the children and sees Mary. 

"Wayo!" Arthit calls out when he doesn't see his child but he sees Mary. Yo's lunchbox, as well as his backpack, are on the floor and beside Mary.

"Wayo!" Ms. Day who also came back immediately rushed towards the scene grabbing Mary and turning to Ms. June.

"Call the police now!"

"Where's my son?" Arthit questioned Mary but she refused to speak it was as though she was in a trance of some sort. Arthit ignored her and turned to Ms. Day.

"In which direction did he go?" He asked trying to hold back tears.

"Towards the left." Ms. June managed to say as Arthit ran in that direction. 

"Wayo! Wayo!" Arthit was like a mad man as he yelled and ran around the aquarium trying to find him. He was in tears when he got back to where the rest of the children were. Wayo was nowhere in sight. Already, there was security officers, and Mary was handcuffed.

"The police is on their way Arthit." Ms. Day spoke up to Arthit. Arthit's hands were shaking he turned to look at Mary.

"Is something happens to my baby. You'll pay for this." Had he been a woman he would have slapped her himself. Instead, he took out his phone and speed-dialed Kongpob's number. It took a few rings before Kongpob responded.

"Love..." Arthit broke down when he heard Kongpob's voice.

"Love? What's wrong? Arthit?"

"It's Wayo..."


When Kongpob arrives at the scene, the aquarium is being kept under very tight security. The Jaturapooms had pulled all the strings possible so that they could find Yo. From the video that was provided by the cameras, they were sure that Yo was still inside the aquarium. Unfortunately, many of the cameras were not properly working and they could not find Wayo. Kongpob is comforting Arthit in his arms. A few feet away Mary is observing them. Only once does Kongpob turn to look at her. He was completely enraged but the only reason he did not say anything to her was because Arthit held him back as he cried. 

The police had interrogated her yet she continued to say that all she had wanted to do was see her son and talk to him. 

"His father turned him against me. That's what it is." Mary continued to say.  Byul who had arrived at the scene after comforting her son who is distressed because Yo is lost. After hearing Mary say those words Byul pushes past the officers and slaps the woman. 

"How dare you!"

"Byul," Arthit says shocked but Byul shakes her head.

"You can't hit a woman. But I can because I am one. And I'm like you Arthit. A parent who has no blood ties to her child. Phana's parents both tragically died they did not want to be separated from him. But you took money from Kongpob and now you come back and ask the same from Arthit and still dare blame Kongpob for Yo running away?"

"What have you done for that child to prove that you love him? Kongpob has never spoken ill about you. He's never once brought you up to Yo because Yo never asks about you. In his heart he only has Arthit." Mary scoffed. 

"He's nothing. 

"You are nothing. Arthit is Yo's parent, something you have never done. You don't worry about him. As you sit here and so calmly blame Kongpob and Arthit for your wrongdoings Arthit is crying for his child. Are you at all worried about Wayo?" Byul questioned. Mary did not answer.

Mary was left alone, she was to remain handcuffed and was placed inside the security office. No one had noticed that she had Yo's photo album with her. She smirked to herself as she looked at it and realized it was more of a diary. Yo's words were small and his writing was indeed that of a child. 

Mary realized that she might find something in there that could be used in court in order to get custody of Wayo. Having the child with her would be worth it. How much money would both Kongpob and Arthit give her for a simple glimpse? She would get rid of all her troubles. Of course, she would have the burden of a child but that's what nannies were for. She would not have to be bothered by the child. 

The title read.

Wayo Suthiluck

100 Reasons why Wayo loves Appa Arthit.

Mary had expected to see many things in relation to both Kongpob and Arthit. What she had not expected was a photo diary depicting everything that had to do with Arthit. 

Dear Daddy. Wayo is so lucky to have you. A lot of kids get mommies but Wayo has something better. Daddy Art. 

Mary felt taken back by Wayo's words and the more she began to read the more she grew confused as to what she was feeling inside her chest. There were various photographs of Arthit in the kitchen. Arthit painting. Arthit smiling. 

There were photographs of Arthit, Kongpob, and Wayo having fun at the beach, cooking by the fire. Playing by the pool. There were photographs of Wayo baking and cooking in the kitchen with Arthit. 

Daddy Art always tells Yo he loves him. 

Daddy Art always calls Yo Sweetheart.

Daddy Art always tucks Wayo in bed.

When Yo is scared Daddy Art hugs him tightly and promises things will be okay.

Daddy Art always sings to Wayo.

Daddy Art made Daddy happy again.

Daddy Art made Yo's family complete and Wayo feel happy.

She hates reading and seeing everything that Wayo has prepared for a man that is not his father and who is not related to him by blood. It is as though she never existed in his life. It akes her a moment to realize that in fact she never had existed in the child's life. 

The door of the security office opened and police walked in.

"Have you found him?" She questioned the officer that walked in.

"No. The aquarium is large. The child could be anywhere."

"Let me look for him. Please."

"No." Kongpob walked in a long with who Mary recognized as Forth Jaturapoom. 

"You've done enough already. I want you arrested and out of our lives! I gave you the money you wanted five years ago. You should have never come back!"

"Kong..." Arthit walks inside the room in tears. Immediately Kongpob is at his side again, the look in his eyes is tender, yet full of worry as well.

"It's getting dark out and he's not anywhere. Yo is still afraid of the dark and he didn't eat anything for the past couple of hours. He must be so scared."

"We'll find him love. I promise." Kongpob spoke as he fought back tears. 

"Let me help please," Mary spoke up.

"Wayo is terrified of you. What could you possibly do to help? He'd only run away from you." Kongpob spoke up coldly. 

"If you let me. I promise that I won't bother you again." Mary didn't know why she was speaking these words to both Kongpob and Arthit but she realized that she really was out of place for coming back.

"I want it on paper," Kongpob spoke up. Forth took a blank sheet of paper from the copy machine and handed Mary the pen and paper on releasing her of her handcuffs. Mary signed the blank sheet of paper at the bottom. 

"I'll come with her and look," Arthit spoke up. 

"Love..." Kongpob began but Arthit shook his head. 

"I can handle it. You go look with Forth. We'll cover more ground like this. Jae Ha brought his men as well. Ming, Kit, and Beam also came. I didn't tell My Dad or Mai and Por. I don't want to worry them." 

"It's fine honey. I'll do what you want." Kongpob spoke up. Despite the look of apprehension, Mary received from Kongpob she ignored him and went out the door with Arthit. The two did not talk in fact Arthit simply went around calling for Wayo. The Aquarium was rather large Yo could be hiding anywhere. 

They looked around for hours where the jellyfish were as well as several types of fish schools. But found nothing. Mary grew more nervous as the hours passed. If something had happened to Wayo then it really would be her fault. There was a staff room at the far end of the large hall that read keep out. Male Staff only. The door was open and Mary went in when she realized that the door was open. 

"Wayo..." Mary called out. There were several lockers lined up with the names of the staff. As she walked down several aisles, but it wasn't until she reached a single locker that had no name but was closed that she heard soft sniffling. 

"Wayo... Is that you?" Mary called out softly. She reached to open the locked and when she did Wayo was shaking as he looked at her and began crying. 

"Wayo... It's okay I promise" She reached out to touch him but the minute she did so he began to scream.

"Help! Daddy! Help! Daddy!" Yo's cries alerted Arthit who had been looking for him close by in the restroom. When he heard Yo's screams Arthit raced towards his voice.

"Wayo!" Arthit called out as he walked into the staff locker rooms. Mary is standing in front of the lockers frozen in her place but the minute Wayo sees Arthit and hears his voice he rushes out of the locker and into his Arthit's awaiting arms.

Wayo is sobbing and Arthit himself is a crying mess as he kissed the top of Wayo's head.

"It's okay baby. You're okay." Arthit was hugging Wayo tightly in his arms while Yo clings to him. Arthit has a radio with him and immediately lets everyone know where he is and that he's found Yo. Mary is unable to move from her place as minutes later Kongpob is rushing inside the room. 

Kongpob hugs both Yo and Arthit pulling them close. He pecks Arthit on the lips and kisses Wayo's cheek when the child hugs him tightly and clings to both he and Arthit. 

"Yo wants to go home. He doesn't want to see that lady ever again. Yo wants to live with Daddies forever. Please Daddy. Take Yo home. Yo doesn't need a mommy. He has Teacher Art and Daddy."

"It's okay baby no one is going to take you away from us," Arthit spoke to Yo. Mary who was still watching them looked at Yo who's eyes met her's one again. The fear in his eyes was clear and there was a feeling inside her chest that made its way through her throat that she could not describe. 

Even if she wanted to come back. Even if she genuinely felt that desire to hold her child once again after five years the fear in his eyes kept her from moving towards him. 

"Yo doesn't need a mommy." Those words continued to ring in her head and when Yo looked away he clung on to Arthit burying his face in his neck. Neither Kongpob nor Arthit acknowledges her further as they took their child and rushed away. For a long time, she stood there and when she was finally cleared to go she realized that Yo's photo album had been left at the office. When she takes it in her hands she clutches on to it tightly and realizes that the truth had been staring at her in the face. 


The day had been exhausting both emotionally and physically. When they get home they try to get Yo to eat but the child only cries. He's hungry but is sad that his panda lunchbox was dropped. Arthit promises to make him that lunchbox again soon which seems to calm Yo down. Kongpob prepares a bath for Yo who insists on bathing with him. Kongpob accepts and helps wash Yo's hair. Arthit manages to slip into the shower after Kongpob and Yo are done. He hurries and when he comes out of the shower Yo is waiting for him to blow dry his hair. 

Arthit has been trying to keep his emotions in check. There were a few times when he almost broke down. Yo refused to be put down to bed. Instead, he insisted on Arthit carrying him. Arthit complied with what his son wanted. He walked around the house humming Yo's favorite lullaby softly and trying to get Yo to sleep. Eventually, after about an hour or so Yo fell asleep and Arthit put him down in their bed. They knew that if they didn't Yo would wake up crying for them. Given the traumatic experience they had all been through Arthit himself did not want Yo to be away from them either. Sweet Pea immediately snuggled with Yo. 

"I'm going to file the proper paperwork and a restraining order," Kongpob tells him. He's been on the phone with Forth for the past couple of minutes. Arthit can tell how stressed Kongpob is and he himself needs some time to himself. He goes to his studio and begins to paint. He finds himself crying when he realizes that he unconsciously painted a portrait of Yo. 

Kongpob comes into the studio and hugs him tightly. Both cry as the weight of the day finally makes them crumble. 

"I promise you no one will take our son away. Nothing will happen love." Kongpob says to him. 

"I'm sorry. I know you are more worried about this Yo is your-"

"Our." Kongpob corrects him gently.

"Blood has nothing to do with the way you love our child Arthit. He's ours and no one else's. We've been raising him together for the past couple of years and I wouldn't have it any other way. I couldn't see myself with anyone else and Yo and I could only see you as his other parent."

"One day he'll ask for her and then I won't-"

"You could never be replaced Arthit. And I would never ask that you take the place of his mother either. She made her choices and if one day she sincerely wants to come into his life then that's for Yo to decide in the future. But our son loves you. Maybe more than he loves me." Kongpob tells him with a smile.

"That's not true."

"He cried for you. He's afraid to not see you again. Maybe he's fearful of the same thing you are. He needs you Arthit. He doesn't want to lose you."

"I don't want him to have to choose." Arthit begins.

"He doesn't have to. But with me it's different. You are always going to be the person I always choose. While I'm grateful to her for giving me Yo, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else." Tears fall down Arthit's eyes at Kongpob's comforting words and when their lips meet Arthit is consumed by the feelings that come with that kiss. 

"I love you too Kong..."


It's during Yo's therapy sessions that he receives a phone call from Kongpob. Mary has gone to the office to see him again. This time, she wants to meet with both of them. Two weeks had gone by since that incident and Arthit would be lying if he said he was not still shaken by the incident. 

The therapist had told them that Yo feared his mother. He had felt her rejection and despite the sadness he had felt at one point he was still a happy child. Arthit had not replaced his mother but filled up a void that had been in Yo's life. He was able to experience what having a two-parent household was like and when the therapist asked him if he missed his mother Yo denied it and pointed out that he still had two parents that loved him. 

The incident with Mary scared him because she was a stranger to him and Yo was afraid to lose his happiness. He was asked if he wanted to see his mother. If he wasn't curious. Yo had answered that he had been but now he was afraid of her. The therapist concluded that Yo had been surprised by Mary whose selfishness had caused Yo to be afraid of her. Had she approached him with real intentions of meeting him and not barged into his life and threatened to take him away from the stable home he was in, this would not have been the outcome. 

Was there a possibility of him seeking her out in the future? That was always a possibility. One that both Kongpob and Arthit realized they had no say in, they made peace with it. This was Yo's choice all they had to do was love him and understand that this had nothing to do with loving Yo or feeling like they weren't enough. Arthit more than anyone understood as he had never met his mother. Now that he had Mrs. Suthiluck while she was like a mother to him he would have still liked to meet and know Fah Rojnapat. 

So here he was with Kongpob, sitting in front of Mary.

"Here," Kongpob spoke up to Mary handing her a briefcase of money.

"Arthit and I have discussed this and this will clear your debt. Not your boyfriend's debts. It will leave you in a complete zero and you can start your life again."

"I love Zee. We've been together for over a year." She tells them.

"He's a free spirit he thinks just like I do. We have fun moving from place to place. But I'll take it." Mary says to them. 

"I'm sorry for the trouble." The woman actually looks ashamed. 

"I won't come back I promise. But... Yo deserves answers and as cruel as they may be, tell him I'm sorry that I couldn't love him. I won't bother you and I will never contact him again. He doesn't deserve to be bothered by me when he's happy."

"He'll ask for you one day..." Arthit says but Mary shakes her head and smiles at him.

"He won't. Not when he has someone as great as you." She then hands him a photo album that Arthit recognizes as Yo's. He has not read it, Yo says it's not ready yet but when he looks at the first page he begins to tear up.

"I'm sorry Kongpob. I had no right to come back here."

"You right about that. " Kongpob tells her coldly. 

"Not if you weren't sincere with your feelings for Yo. You've traumatized him."

"I know... I'm sorry. I have no right to ask but... can you give this to him?" It's a letter.

"If he ever asks for me...." Arthit takes it and nods. 

"Thank you.. for.. Taking care of him so well and being what I could never be." With those words, Mary walks away. 

Over the years, Kongpob and Arthit sometimes wonder if they will see her again. Will Yo ever ask for her? The years go by and when Yo turns eighteen Arthit decides to give him the letter from his mother. Yo doesn't read it. He places it at the bottom of his drawer and gets upset with Arthit. 

"Do you think that I care about her? I have you and Por. Why would I need that woman?" Later Yo apologizes to him for yelling and hugs him tightly. When Kongpob comes back from work that day he finds an eighteen-year-old Wayo in their bed while Arthit is gently running his fingers through their son's hair. Soon their eleven-year-old son comes to join them as does their six-year-old daughter. 

Kongpob doesn't say anything simply smiles at them and goes to lay with them all. Their daughter giggles and clings to Kongpob her face is exactly like her grandmother Fah and her biological father Arthit. Kongpob turns to look at their eleven-year-old son who has the attitude of an eighty-year-old grumpy man. 

"Do you need a hug too?" Kongpob questions. 

"Not from you old man." His son replies. Arthit laughs and their son simply lets Kongpob hold him. Yo who is stirred from his slumber moves closer to Arthit hugging him tightly and burying his face on Arthit's chest. Arthit smiles and kisses the top of Yo's head no matter how old his eldest son was he was still going to be his baby. This was his happiness and nothing would ever replace that. 


He's 21 when he finally decides to open the letter from his mother. It's his graduation from Kanthapat University. He and Pha are engaged and they're moving in together to his childhood home. His parents had moved out of that house when his sister was born and when his brother was adopted. The house was small, big enough only for a family with one child. Wayo was glad to be back living there. He and Pha had moved their things in the previous week but were only moving in after the wedding. 

They would live there until they too would start their family. Yo was aware of how much his Appa loved their old home and knew that they could not part with it. His Appa and Por had offered the house to both he and Pha after graduation. Yo readily agreed. It was a nice home to start with. But Yo knew that as soon as his little sister moved out of the house at eighteen his parents would like their house back. 

His Appa was always talking about retiring in their old home. Both his fathers were in their early forties and still looked great. They both worked hard and still loved one another immensely. Yo loved that about them. He could still see Sweet Pea running around and having fun. His sweet little Skunk made him feel nostalgic. She had passed away of old age six years ago. He had been so heartbroken as had Pha when Bolt passed away. They didn't have the heart to have another skunk pet. Their life expectancy was only ten years of age and both Skunks had made it to old age with Bolt going first then Sweet Pea a year later. They were heart broken but they were glad that they had given their skunks a long and happy life. 

"We should get a dog." Pha suggested as they carried boxes in. 

"No. If he ruins anything from this house Dad will kill me. Especially if Appa's studio is ruined. You know that this house is borrowed. We can get a dog when we move into our own house."

"Then we can get a baby too." Pha spoke with a grin. Yo shook his head. Over the years, Pha had remained the same silly boy Yo had met years before. It was why he loved him so much. Pha was now a doctor, and Yo himself was now a chef. He supposed that he should have seen it coming as he loved cooking and baking so much as a child. While he admired both his parent's Law wasn't for him. He found it boring he would leave that to his little brother who wanted to become a lawyer like his father. His little sister dreamed of being a photographer and both their parents supported her. When it came to painting, Yo still liked it even if he knew he wasn't any good. Not like his father and certainly not like his little cousin Tine. The kid was a natural and was often at their house painting with his Appa who was glad to have a student again. Yo was happy so long as he could see his Appa smiling. 

He had been rummaging through his drawers when he found the old letter. When he had received it he had been angry. Not because he felt that his Appa had overstepped but because he felt like his Appa was being too kind to a person that did not deserve it. 

When he was younger, before meeting his Appa. He often did wonder about his mother. But he always knew that she had not loved him. Not the way a parent did at least. It was only after he had an amazing parent like his Appa did he realize what he had been missing. His father was the best. He had taken good care of him on his own and Yo had always felt loved but Arthit brought something different. Another type of special warmth. He loved both his parents equally but for different things. 

He had kept the letter thinking that someday he would read it or throw it away. But it had stayed at the bottom of his drawer for almost three years now. When he opened it he saw handwriting that he did not recognize and the feeling inside his chest was confusing. Even so, he began to read. 

Dear Wayo,

If you're reading this then it means you've finally asked for me. I want to say that I am sorry. For everything that I did to you and to your father. I was irresponsible and reckless in my actions. I have hurt you and never once thought of how I affected you because I am a selfish woman. 

I never cared or loved you because I thought a child should love their mother no matter what. I did not think I had to win your affection but simply come back and take it. It's only now that I realize how much love and genuine care and hard work help affection grow. I saw your photo album all about that man Arthit. 

I can see how much he loves and cares for you. How much you love him and how you call for him when you're afraid. It made me wonder. It made me want to be selfish. It made me wish for things that were no longer at my reach. I'm selfish enough to write this letter. But only to let you know that I'm sorry and I won't ever bother you again. I'm grateful to your father for raising you right and thankful to Arthit for doing what I could never do. 

I can never be your mother because I don't have the strength for it. That instinct was never in me for that I'm sorry. I have left an email attached at the end of this letter I hope you can write back to me if only once. I would like to know that you're well. If you wish to see me or if you don't. I will respect it. 

Sincerely Mary.

Yo stays in his room for hours until he hears a knock on the door and it's his Appa. He's smiling at him sincerely and in his hands is a tray with chocolate-covered strawberries. Until now, Yo still loves them.

"I thought you'd like these. I made some for you to take home afterward."

"I'm still staying the night," Yo tells Arthit who smiles at him.

"I know. But... You can still take them home."

"Fah eats everything herself"

"I hid them in the back of the fridge."

"Sarawat always steals them and takes them to Tine." Arthit laughs and goes to sit beside Yo who lays his head on his Appa's shoulder.

"Where's Por?" Arthit sighs. 

"Fah has ballet classes today. Your Por volunteered to take her. I wanted to stay home with you." Yo smiles at his Appa and then hands him the letter. Arthit is quiet as he reads it but smiles at Yo.

"I won't be mad you know. This is your choice. Whatever you decide is okay."

"I know. But... I don't... feel anything. I... I don't miss her. I've never wondered. I'm afraid she'll come back I."

"You're an adult now Yo. She can't take you away. I'm sure Pha won't allow that either." Arthit jokes and Yo blushes. 

"Don't worry sweetheart. Do what You think is best. Your choice no matter what will be the right choice because you made it." Yo nods but hugs Arthit tightly. 

"Can you sing me something." Arthit smiles at Yo as he begins to hum and lets Yo rest his head on his lap while he runs his fingers through his hair gently. 

"You should be embarrassed that you're 21 and Appa still sings you to sleep." Yo looks up at his fourteen-year-old bratty brother. 

In his hands, there is a Tupperware and Yo glares as he sits up from Arthit's lap.

"Are those the strawberries Appa packed for me?" Sarawat feigns ignorance and hides the Tupperware behind his back.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Wayo. I don't have anything in my hands, right old man." 

"Sarawat. I told you those were for Yo." Arthit scolds. Sarawat shrugs.

"There's a rule about 21-year-olds and their love of strawberries. It's creepy."

"Let's see if you think that when Tine is 21."

"He's young," Sarawat says with a shrug.

"And he's an exception."

"Well if he's an exception let me make you an example you little twerp! Come here with my strawberries or I'll kill you!" Yo springs out of bed to chase after Sarawat who runs away quickly. Arthit shakes his head as he watches them run around. He makes his way towards the door knowing that is where the chase will end and is kissed on the cheek by Sarawat who smiles at him.

"See you later Appa. I have a date." Arthit shakes his head when the door slams shut 

"That brat! How dare he tell me I'm too old for chocolate strawberries." Arthit laughs and Yo pouts. 

"I left some in front for him to take. There are still some at the back." Arthit assures. Yo looks at his father and hugs him tightly. 

"Thank you..."

"They're just strawberries Yo-"

"No. Thank you for raising me and loving me like your own."

"That's because you are mine." Yo smiles as he hears those words from Arthit. 

"Thank you for everything. I'll replay to her but only to tell her that I am happy the way I live now." 

"You don't have to do that for-"

"I'm not. I'm doing it because I already have someone that's better than a mom. I have Teacher Art." 

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This wasn't so much about Kongpob and Arthit I felt that there was no more need to cover that but rather tie up this loose end with Yo's mother and at the same time give you guys a glimpse of what the next one-shot will be about. IF you have not guessed it then I will tell you. Sarawat and Tine. There will be a bit more about Arthit and Kongpob. I will give you a brief background about how Sarawat is adopted he is not blood-related to Arthit or Kongpob. Tine is in fact Forth and Beam's second child and is biologically Beam's. That is all I will say for now. Remember the next chapter will be the last of these one-shots and it will be a long one too. Don't forget to vote for this chapter, add this story to your library, and leave a comment. 

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