The Known (On Hold)

By Grattsfan

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Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, aka Charlie or C.J., is a sister, best friend, girlfriend, soccer player and ... b... More



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By Grattsfan

Charlotte and Mal sit on the couch wrapped in each other and making out when there is a knock on the door.

"Baby, that's gonna be Alana, we need to stop."

Charlotte leans forward and pecks Mal's lips, "I don't want too."

"I know, but we can pick up where we left off after she leaves."


"How about we finish out today with a bath together?" Charlotte smiles and nods.

There is another knock on the door and Mal stands up, walking over and letting in her girlfriend's teammate and roommate.

They hug at the door, "Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving, Lan." Charlotte and her hug.

Alana looks around and laughs, "Let me guess, Mal was in charge of the decorations?"

Charlotte laughs, "Yeah, and she waited until the last minute to get stuff, so we're stuck with rather sad looking turkey decor."

"It's all good, it's kinda cute actually and I wouldn't expect a group like ours to be on the ball, when it comes to that kind of stuff. So, I brought an apple pie for dessert."

"YES!" Charlotte pipes up from accross the room. "Is there ice cream?"

Mal laughs and nods as she looks at Alana, "Great now she's gonna want to eat dessert first."

Alana looks at her and smiles, "Doesn't she always?" 

Mal laughs, "Oh, boy and then there was two. Seriously though I hope you brought your appetite because C.J. has been cooking up a storm today." 

"I'm sure Charlie is more than willing to eat everything she made and unlike us she won't even put on any weight."

"Yeah, she is kinda like a bottomless pit when it comes to food and it ticks me off sometimes that she doesn't put on weight."

They chat for a bit before the timer on the oven goes off and Charlotte gets up to check on things, before pulling a dish out of it.

"That smells so good, what are we having?"

"I didn't want to cook an actual turkey, cause that would take forever, so I went and found a recipe online for bacon wrapped turkey breasts stuffed with spinach and feta."

"Well, if they taste anything like they smell, that's definitely a win in my books."

Charlotte finishes dishing out their supper on the red and brown paper plates before placing them on the table in front of the girls.

Alana snaps a picture of their supper and posts it on Instagram before setting her phone down and picking up her can of La Croix, "We should have a toast and maybe say what we're thankful for."

Charlotte raises her can, "How about we toast to friends, family and the dumbass who created the flight schedule making it impossible for us to go home for the weekend."


"What it's true!"

Mal shakes her head and laughs, "We could have went to my parents including Lan, but you chose to stay here."

"Yeah, because I always feel like the eyes are on me around your family."

"My family loves you, C.J. you know that."

"I do, but, we can't exactly be loud when we're there because well.."

"Children can we settle this discussion afterwards and preferably when I'm not here and toast now?" Alana says while still holding her can in the air.

"To friends, family and bringing home an NCAA Championship!"

"Cheers to that!" They clank their cans together before digging into the food that Charlotte mostly prepared with a little help from Mal and as her Grandparent's call it the Google."

"Seriously, Charlie if playing soccer doesn't work out for you then perhaps you should think about becoming a chef, cause this awesome!"

Charlotte laughs, "Just means that I can follow instructions. But thanks for the compliment, Lan. Are your folks planning on coming to Orlando for the Championship?"

Alana smiles and nods, "So, we better win. Your Mom and sister coming?"

"Yep and my best friend Finn too."

"Sanchez know about this Finn person?"


"Cool, because we don't need any drama."

Charlotte and Mal look at each other and smile a knowing smile.

After they finish eating and clean up the mess in the kitchen, they all sit down and put on a game to watch. 

Charlotte winches as the Quarterback gets knocked on his ass for what seems like the millionth time during the game. 

"So glad, we don't have to deal with that; dealing with one knee injury was more than enough for me."

"It's all about the need to assert their masculinity by beating each other up." 

"Yeah, but it's still fun to watch, Go Broncos!" Charlotte shakes her head at her girlfriend.  

As it starts to get a bit later, Alana decides to head back to the dorm and crash even though she was already offered the couch to sleep on if she wanted. 

"It's fine; I have an assignment that I need to finish anyways and the dorm should be quiet so I can focus." 

They all hug, "Thanks for supper and the plate of leftovers." Alana holds up the plate that Charlotte made for her to take back to the dorm for tomorrow.

"You're welcome, call or message if you need anything." 

"Will do. Later guys."  

Alana heads out, leaving Charlotte and Mal alone once more and as they sit on the couch together, they can't help but smile. 

"You know, we never really talked about what we're thankful for. I'm thankful for you C.J., I love you so much." 

"I love you, too, Mal; and I would be thankful if we made our way to the bathroom for that bath you promised me earlier because well, cramps." 

Mal takes her hand and leads her towards the bathroom, placing a kiss on her lips, "A promise is a promise, now get undressed while I get it ready." 

After their bath together, they dry off and put on some clothes to sleep in before climbing under the covers and pulling out books to read. Charlotte looks around before sighing and putting her book back on the nightstand. "You forgot your glasses didn't you?" 

"Yeah, I can read with out them, but my eyes get sore when I do it. What are you reading?" 

"Life of Pi." 

"I like that one, can you read it to me?" 

Mal looks at her girlfriend and smiles, "Fine, get comfy." 

"Thanks, Mally." 

Mal takes her book and opens it, "The sun climbed through the sky, reached its zenith, began to come down. I spent the entire day perched on the air, moving only as much as necessary to stay balanced. My whole body being tended towards the spot on the horizon that would appear and save me. It was a state of tense, breathless, boredom......" 

Mal continues to read aloud for Charlotte only to soon realize that her girlfriend has lost the battle and succumbed to the powers of the Sandman. 

She closes her book, sets it on the nightstand, shuts of the light and then gets comfortable before joining Charlotte in slumber. 

The next morning, with no place to be in any hurry there are no alarms set and Charlotte and Mal sleep in late, waking up only when Mal's phone starts ringing. 

Mal reaches over for it and lets out a big yawn as she answers, "Hey Mom, Happy Thanksgiving."

"Yeah, C.J. is here too." Mal turns over, "Mom says Happy Thanksgiving." 

"Happy Thanksgiving, Karen." Charlotte leans over and kisses her cheek and mouths, "Coffee?" and Mal smiles and nods before mouthing, "Yes, please." 

After completing her morning routine Charlotte heads out to the kitchen to brew some liquid Gold for her and Mal. Noticing the time she's surprised to find that they slept in so late. 

After the coffee finishes brewing she delivers a cup to Mal, before grabbing her own and parking in front of the TV and watching an interview with Ryan Reynolds about his current project. 

"So, Ryan, we all want to know if is it true that you've expressed an interest in playing the lead role of Dr. Nathaniel Richmond in the movie version of the best selling novel, The Known?" 

Ryan smiles and nods, "Blake and I are big fans of the books and we've both expressed our interest in being a part of the movie to our agents; but from what I've heard negotiations with the author for the rights have hit a bit if a standstill at the moment." 

"Do you know who the author is Ryan?" 

Ryan gives one of his smiles to the interviewer and shakes his head, "No, I'm in the dark about the the true identity of J.C. Glass just like everyone else is." 

Charlotte takes a breath revelling in the information that her identity is still unknown for the moment and also screaming inside at the fact that the Ryan Reynolds is a fan of her books.

Mal comes out of the bedroom and wraps her arms around her neck, kissing the back of her head. "Whatcha watching?" 

"Ryan Reynolds." 

"Ahh, so your man crush." 

Charlotte smiles, "Yep, he likes my books, Mally." 

"You're so cute, sometimes." 

"Only sometimes?" 

"N'ah, all the time. Mom and Dad say hello and asked me to wish you good luck for them." 

"Tell them thank you." Charlotte's stomach rumbles causing her and Mal to laugh, "Guess it's time to feed the bear." 

After they finish eating, Mal and her sit down and do their own thing for a bit on their computers and phones.  

"Babe, Mom was asking what our plans are for Christmas and New Years this year." 

"How about we do Christmas at your parents and then New Years at mine; that way I can enjoy a bit more time with my Grandparents before I need to return for next term. Is that okay with you?" 

"Yeah, that works, Brianna, Jace and Marley will be there so it should be fun. C.J. would it be okay if I went back home in January? I want to focus on being at my best for US Camp and the SheBelieves Tournament." 

"Of course, I've kept you here in Cali longer than originally planned and I know that you haven't been training as much or like you're used too. I'll miss you so much though." 

"I know, I'll miss you, too." 

Charlotte closes her laptop and stands up reaching for Mal's hand, "What's going on?" 

"It's a beautiful California day outside, how about we put on some sunscreen and enjoy it. We can act like tourists and sit and drink our iced coffees and talk about anything and everything that isn't soccer related." 

Mal laughs, "Let's do it." 

After spending the balance of the afternoon, shopping, chatting and just enjoying each other's company they return with their bags to the apartment. 

"I wish you didn't have to head back to the dorm tonight." 

"Well, if you want to be my eyes and read my textbook for me then I could stay over, otherwise I need to head back and finish my work for class tomorrow; not to mention I hate waking you up so early." 

"I'm quite certain that I won't be able to pronounce a good chunk of what is written in that big book you carry around, so I'll have to pass on being your eyes this evening." 

Charlotte laughs, "Good choice. Let's grab some leftovers and then I'll be on my way." 

"Always goes back to food with you." 

"Not always food, sometimes just dessert." Charlotte winks at her. 

"Yeah, well dessert isn't happening right now. How are you feeling?" 

"Still a little cramped but nothing I can't handle." 

"You can always message me if you need your tummy rubbed through the night." 

"I might take you up on that if I can't sleep." 

They finish eating and after she helps Mal tidy up, Charlotte reluctantly collects her stuff. Her and Mal share a long hug and a few kisses before she heads out, "Love you, Mally." 

"Love you, C.J. Message me later." 

"I'll try to, spends on how invested in my reading I get, but if I don't I'll message you in the morning." 

"Okay, make sure you drink lots." 

"I'm too young to drink." 

Mal nudges her and laughs, "Water you goof." 

Charlotte laughs, "Night beautiful." 

Charlotte makes her way back to the dorm and lets herself into the small room she shares with Alana, who surprisingly isn't there at the moment. 

She collects some clothes and toiletries and completes her night time routine before collecting her glasses off her desk and propping her book up to read and jot down some notes before class the following day. 

New Message

Kenz: Contracts are drawn up and ready for your signature. 

C.J.: Okay, I'll sign them when I see you later this week. 

Kenz: They are already in pre-production for a couple of other movies, so it sounds like yours would be at least 1 - 2 years out.

C.J.: Good, then perhaps I'll be done school before they come out; I don't imagine that I'll be able to maintain my cover once the wheels start turning. 

Kenz: Mal know about this?

C.J.: Yes, she just doesn't know that we are about to break the record for the most amount of money ever paid for the rights to adapt a book series to the big screen. 

Kenz: Not to mention the fact that you own the copyright to the name J.C. Glass as well as The Known Universe and they are having to pay to use them. 

C.J.: Kenz, are you alone?

Kenz: Yeah, why?

C.J.: Mal mentioned spending Christmas with her family today. I'm going to ask her parents for permission to propose. 

Kenz: I may or may not have just screamed out. It's about time, little Sis. 

C.J.: I know, but we promised that we would wait. Kenz would you consider coming here and helping me pick out a ring? I've been looking at lots of them online but, haven't made it inside an actual store yet.

Kenz: Tell me the when and where and I'll be there with bells on. Can I tell Mom? 

C.J.: I was planning on this weekend. 

Kenz: Okay, then I'll leave it with you. I'm so happy right now; I can't wait to have a sister in law!

C.J: Umm Hello, what am I chopped liver?

Kenz: Yep, but I love you anyways. It's way past my bedtime, so I should hit the sack. 

C.J.: Night Kenz, and please don't tell anyone about me planning to propose. 

Kenz: I won't. See you soon, Sis.

Charlotte sets her phone down and picks her big book up once more, typing up some notes as she goes before finally deciding it's time to call it a night. As she gets comfy, the door opens and her roommate wanders in, "About time you got home young lady, I was starting to worry." 

Alana laughs, "Sorry Mom, I was out to a movie; I should have called or messaged." 

Charlotte laughs, "Yes, you should have! Night Lan." 

"Night, Charlie." 

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