Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End

By KingDiscord

66.5K 1K 1.1K

Japanese Sensha Do is a sacred piece of Culture for the people of Japan. it dates back for decades the use of... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Authors Note
Alt. Chapter 1
Alt. Chapter 2
Alt. Chapter 3
Alt. Chapter 4
Alt Chapter 5
Alt. Chapter 6
Alt. Chapter 7
Alt. Chapter 8
Alt Chapter 9
Alt. Chapter 10
Discord Server Notice
Alt. Chapter 11

Chapter 17

1.4K 26 12
By KingDiscord

Girls Und Panzer: Tankery's End Part two

Chapter 17

For two months the Japanese High schools had been working closely with their new allies. The Americans had taken them into the fold quite quickly. Getting all the girls situated was trivial but it all had worked itself out. The girls had then begun helping with the maintenance of the American tanks and started going on patrols and lookout watches. It wasn't the most entertaining, but it needed to be done or risk Federation wrath.

The boys from Uncle Sam and Montana had all gained back much needed weight and got back to working as soon as they were able to. Mark's leg had healed fine, and Austin's back would scar but he said it would be perfect proof of the Federations mistreatment of him and his team.

After the first two nights of staying at the base the mood hadn't really changed. It seemed people still harbored negative feelings towards one another. Mainly the boys from Virginia, but when Chubbs and William came forward with the idea of a Barbeque Edward was on board. It was the perfect tension breaker. Everyone mingled and gotten negative feelings out of the way. It was coming together to be a wonderful time.

Now things had moved into a more professional stream. With a call to Johnathon about Uncle Sam's and Montana's tanks it surprised them that Edison High School had managed to reclaim the town of Homedale for just long enough to rescue all the tanks. A long convoy of Association vehicles arrived to bring the old relics of war back to their owners. With more maintenance and some extra supplies all American tanks were good to go.

Things seemed to finally be looking up. However, complications are sure to still arise.

Edward and Maho were in the command room debriefing each other on Federation movements and fortifications. The two had grown close in the time spent in the city. They relied on each other to update them on missing info or other important details involving not just the Federation but with their own forces. Their manner in which they communicated was highly professional. They both were even voted overall commanders of the joint forces in Hoja City. While Johnathon still had command of the Association forces across the island, here in Hoja City things were in a completely different situation.

"So, we have confirmed the presence of Federation snipers in the mountains, we think they might try to use the height advantage to hit our supplies or something." Edward said.

"If we keep Rivers and the Montana boys on the north side of the city, they can deter any chance of getting out a clean shot. Any Federation tank that shoots from there will be taken out by Rivers and his team. They can hit that right Edward?" Maho asked.

"Rivers would be insulted if he heard you ask that. Also, how many times have I asked you to call me Ed?" Edward asked.

"You have asked me sixty-two times and told me fifty-five times." Maho said grinning towards him.

Edward only allowed one person to call him his whole name. his mother. And he gets personal with anyone who even tried to do the same. However, with Maho it just felt right. Her demeanor and attitude felt like she couldn't hold saying nicknames at all.

"Alright, what about personal. How's moral holding up?" Edward asked.

"No situations, however, there have been some instances of people giving others 'looks' whatever it means. I think that their might still be some animosity in the ranks." Maho said.

"What looks are they giving out?" Edward asked.

"some are just staring profusely at another; some are gazing at another and there is just something in their eyes. I can't explain it. Their faces get red which I could only presume with anger. It's a growing happenstance to." Maho said.

Edward only looked at her in disbelief. He shook his head at the complete denseness of his friend. He knew what she was talking about. All these guys and girls together and the possibility someone is going to develop romantic feelings for another was quite high.

"Well, we'll get it sorted later. Now I think we should continue with putting Rivers and his team on the northern garrison." Edward said.

"Should I go find him?" Maho asked.

"No, I'll get Mark to do it. Believe it or not he actually wants to do simple errands since he's been back on his leg." Edward said.

"I can believe that actually. I'll send a crew to the west watch to get an update. Who knows what Akari is planning?" Maho said.

"Here, here." Ed replied.

Mark had never felt more alive than now. That benefactor being he was simply walking. His leg healed a few weeks ago but he still needed to be cautious. Though he would be fine for duty should the need arise, Mark was contempt with simply running errands for Ed. It helped him with his 'Physical Therapy'.

Walking along side Mark was Kay. Commander from Saunders. Much like how Maho and Edward grew closer, so had everyone else. In fact, Mark now memorized about half of the names from his Japanese allies. But he and Kay had so much in common you could say they were siblings.

"-So a Foreign reporter asks, does that include the hotline to hell?" Kay finished saying the quote Darjeeling liked to flaunt whenever she was around anyone.

"Hell yeah we do. We got the devil on speed dial. When you got a military with a big K/D ratio as ours you got to call ahead and get reservations for the poor sods." Mark responded.

Kay laughed at his response. It was the same response she had read in a book about an American fighter pilot who accidentally got shot out of the air by a group of Japanese Tankers. It was a good read.

"So, where do you think Rivers is hiding? If he's not in his room he's always at the garage working on his tank or at the range practicing his shots." Kay said.

"I don't know and that's what's wrong. Rivers is not the most social person. Alisa told me about the Commanders meeting back then. He doesn't like groups but once you get him warmed up, he'll be as cool as ice cream." Mark said.

"Hm. Naomi's been more distant lately to. After what happened at Homedale, she's been quite quiet about the whole thing." Kay said.

"Rivers is the same. He's more secretive about what exactly happened then he normally is. Its strange, he might be cold, but he takes his job as a Commander very seriously." Mark said.

"from what we know Rivers and Naomi hit each other with the same exact calibrations. That doesn't happen often." Kay pointed out.

"It could be some of that animosity that's still hanging around. They don't speak to each other at all. In fact, they try to avoid each other as much as possible." Mark added.

"Yet I cant help but think there's more to this then we know. What about something more secretive that the two don't want any one to know about?" Kay said.

As she finished speaking Mark heard something. It was quiet, soft. He couldn't place it, but he knew it was not a normal sound for the hallway the two were walking through.

Kay was about to speak again when Mark put a finger to his lips telling her to be silent. The two waited and listened. Nothing. Silent as night. Maybe Mark was hearing things.

"I heard it." Kay whispered.

She pointed to a door. It was a janitor's closet. Mark raised an eyebrow and slowly advanced Kay following close behind. Once the two reached the door they heard it again. It sounded like someone was inside the closet. Mark grasped the doorknob, twisted, and pulled the door open.

Kay's mouth had never dropped that fast before. Inside the closet was Rivers sitting on a chair, his jacket on the ground, wearing his white tank top and pants. On his lap was Naomi, jacket also gone with only her white Duluth and her shorts. The two's lips were locked in combat, Rivers hands were grasping Naomi's sides whereas Naomi's were wrapped around River's neck. The two were totally ignorant to the attention Mark and Kay were giving them. only when River's opened his eyes did they stop.

"What the-. Mark close the door!" Rivers yelled bending down, grabbing his jacket and covering Naomi, who had also seen the two watching them, as she buried her head into River's neck, face beat red.

"Whoa, sorry River's." Mark said closing the door.

Kay and Mark could only stare at each other wide eyed at the knowledge they saw. Mark pointed behind him gesturing the direction of the cafeteria. Kay nodded and the two began moving.

Only after reaching the cafeteria did Mark let words flow again. "What was that?" He said.

"I think we figured out why Rivers and Naomi were being so distant. They're smitten with each other." Kay said bearing a small smile.

"Quite shocking though. I never would have pegged Rivers as one to get a girl. Especially before me." Mark said.

Kay and Mark laughed before some voices were heard behind them. "Whats this about Rivers getting a girl?"

Kay and Mark turned to see the rest of Marks tank crew, lunch in hand.

"Oh, we saw Rivers and Naomi kissing just some minutes ago." Mark replied.

"What?" Will exasperated.

"Of all the guys on this island to be the first to get a girlfriend, it had to be Rivers." Hans said.

"Quite the turn about if you ask me. Shows that all animosity between our teams are gone." Austin said.

The rest laughed. At this time Rivers had entered the cafeteria and looked around. Spotting Mark he aggressively walked towards them and grabbed his collar.

"Mark, I swear to god, if you tell anyone about that you are dead you hear me, dead." Rivers said.

"To late, we know." Hans said.

"Oh come on, don't tell anyone else. Please, just keep this a secret for now." Rivers said.

"Why, this would show that the angriest filled American has finally accepted us girls as allies." Kay said.

"It's not me. Naomi wants to keep it quiet for a while. In case you weren't aware she's pretty shy when it comes to this stuff." Rivers said.

"Done deal man. Oh, Ed wants you to get your guys and garrison the northern part of the city. Federation snipers were sighted, and they could get some shots at our supplies from that height." Mark said.

"Alright, tell Ed we'll be in the field in half an hour. Again, don't tell anybody. I'll rip that broken leg of yours a new one." Rivers said walking away.

The atmosphere got quiet for a minute. "So, lunch?" Will asked.

"We'll grab a tray and meet you." Kay said.

Austin, William, and Hans all walked towards a table near the windows. Mark and Kay headed towards the line for lunch. After a few minutes, and with trays in hand, the pair find and sit with the three boys.

"Have you seen the state of this cafeteria recently?" Hans asked.

"Yeah, its clean, the foods better than back at school, and view is nice." Will stated.

"No, I mean, look around." Hans said.

The four gazed around and took everything in. yes, the cafeteria was clean, the outside view was pretty cool, the tables were packed, people were conversating. It was hard to detect what Hans meant.

"What are you meaning Hans?" Austin asked.

"I mean that both Americans and Japanese are conversing happily, peacefully, and with no amount of negative emotion whatsoever." Hans said.

Taking another look proved Hans was right. All the tables were crowded with mixed crowds. Girls and guys at each table chatting away.

"This is what our situation should be like. Not this stupid war that the Federation and Association put together." Hans said.

"It's proof we all can get along well enough to even work as a team." Will said.

"I'll be honest it's a nice change of pace working with boys for a time. Not to mention that most of our schools who stayed behind didn't really care if boys did Sensha Do or not. It's quite ironic how the rules state it being impossible yet look whats happened. We girls have been out gunned, out maneuvered, held back by less numbers." Kay stated.

"I got my leg broken." Mark said.

"I got whipped on my back, which also took a clawing from a massive grizzly bear, after I landed on said back with the weight of two people after sliding down a steep decline." Austin chimed in sarcastically.

"Did Nonna landing on you really hurt that much?" Kay asked.

"Oh yeah I was in pain, but it was mostly due to- "

"Her massive rack." Mark interrupted. Hans and Mark then burst into laughter.

"Hey, yes to extra weight didn't help but come on man I'd like to see you come out of that situation unscathed." Austin said.

Mark then immediately stopped laughing with eyes widened looking behind Austin. Hans saw his face and stopped as well though he did not turn around.

"What are you looking at?" Austin said turning. His own eyes widened seeing Nonna, Klara, and Katyusha standing right behind him. Nonna coldly stared at him with disapproval.

Austin gulped.

"So, if it weren't for my extra weight you would have been fine? Is that it?" Nonna angrily asked.

"N-no, Nonna that's not what I-" Austin tried saying before getting interrupted.

"Well I'm sorry, but I cant control how big my chest grows. But hey if I wasn't so heavy then your back would be fine. Guess I must apologize for my inconvenient chest weight then." Nonna grunted, turned, and stormed off.

"W-wait Nonna this is all a misunderstanding!" Austin said getting up to follow her only to trip on his own feet as he continued to follow her out of the cafeteria.

Kay was hysterical. That timing couldn't have been more perfect. "Oh, that was wonderful. I can't believe that happened."

"Nonna doesn't actually believe that Austin meant that, did she?" William asked.

"Of course she doesn't. however, seeing Austin act like that was very amusing." Katyusha said.

"well we have some extra seating. Want to join us?" Hans asked.

"Sure. Thank you" Katyusha said.

"Spacibo." Klara said.

Lunch and very comedic misunderstanding. What could be better?

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