
By Katies_Girl

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Sid-er-eus ~ Latin Heavenly; Starry; Star-like Stars are holes in the universe; the light of heaven coming fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Five

163 9 6
By Katies_Girl

"Shut the front door."

"Well if it makes the situation more comfortable for you-"

Reaching into the trunk of Bobby's car I follow him over to the barn of some abandoned Iowa farm. We don't need any more attention drawn to us than usual. If we're summoning this Castiel then in the center of bustling Iowa isn't really the way to go. Leaving Dean to retrieve weapons from Bobby's personal arsenal I shove the door open to the barn. Traipsing inside I gaze around the large empty structure with Bobby. As my grasp tightens around the duffle handle as Bobby suggests "You take the right and I'll take the left?"

Dropping the duffle with a thud, I deviously smirk reaching into the bag to retrieve a black can of spray paint "Bet I can paint more protective warding's then you can."

Scoffing, Bobby crouches to retrieve a white can of spray paint "Please. You're forgetting who taught you them you damn idjit." Taking the silent challenge I race off to the back of the barn. With a shake of the can I raise the paint and begin to spray the first symbol that comes to my mind. That's where it begins. Although the further I get around the barn opposing Bobby the deeper I have to reach into my mind. If I'm going to beat Bobby I know it's going to take me reaching into the far corners of my memory. Over two-thirds of the barn is covered as I move to spray paint within Bobby's white. My hand draws to a steady slow stop until I've painted every protective symbol I can think of.

Backing up I stand beside Bobby admiring our handy work. Admittedly... the color is fairly evenly spread. Black and white protective warding's from ancient lore and cultures across the globe blend and swirls together. It could seem all the same to some Hunters. Then again I'm not most Hunters. I can identify the Biblical symbols in a matter of seconds- Ancient Greek and Latin even quicker. It's as natural as my own language.

"You two..." Glancing over my shoulder I watch Dean sauntering over, duffle flung over his shoulder as he gazes warily around the decorated barn walls "...Look crazy."

Tossing the empty can aside, I snap my fingers in his direction as it echoes with a clang "I'm gonna choose to take that as a compliment."

"Traps and talismans from all over the globe", Bobby walks with me after Dean. As he drops the bag on a wooden table with a clatter, Bobby wonders "How you doin?"

Swiftly unzipping the army duffle Dean begins unloading it onto the rickety table, "Stakes, iron, silver, salt-"

Twirling the Demon knife around I sink it into the soft old wood "Ancient and apparently unbeatable Demon blade."

Half smirking my way, Dean reiterates motioning my way when he tells Bobby "See. We're pretty much ready to kill anything which comes through those doors."

"Still", Bobby disheartened voices, sparing a skeptical look between us "I don't think this is a very good idea."

Whilst Dean releases a frustrated huff I mention to Bobby "If it's too hot then get outta the damn kitchen." Bobby making no move to leave I reach around Dean to snatch the bowl and herbs, extending them to Bobby with a chirp "Great. Good have you on board. Now do you want to ring the dinner bell or should I?" Briefly, his skeptical gaze flickers to Dean past my shoulder. Yet he must've looked just as adamant as I because Bobby reluctantly accepts the bowl and herbs from my grasp and begins shuffling across the room to the other abandoned table. "He's right through" Twirling on my feet when Bobby's far enough away, I murmur with a pointed look "Summoning this thing is a horrible idea."

Despite the concern etched into his pinched brows, Dean leans back against the wooden table "You were in the same motel room as me right?" Taking my turn to arch my eyebrow, Dean presses adamantly "El this thing is dangerous-"

"Which should've been the first reason you have not to summon it dingus" I refrained myself from hitting Dean again where I cut him. When he rolls his shoulders and averts his aggravated stare I understand Dean's becoming frustrated being told repeatedly how bad of an idea of his this is. Reaching out between us I trail my fingers down one of his forearms which have propped his leaning body back against the table. He lets me tangle my fingers in his when I say "I'm not telling you we're not doing this but we need to be careful. I mean it."

"We're never careful", Dean scoffs, a half-smirk falling on his lips when he tells me "That's part of our charm." Unlike normal I don't find it even halfway amusing. The gravity of what this thing could be is weighing on my shoulders- not to mention where the hell Sam's decided to go venturing off to. He told us he's at a diner and I believe Sam. It's what he's admitted he's doing. But considering the circumstances I've noticed over spanning the past two months... I'm not so sure he's telling us the entire truth. As if he's noticed I tuned out from the heavy reality for a moment Dean tightens his interwoven fingers with mine "We've danced with worse."

"Worse... but at least we knew and understood what we were fighting", Dismissing the annoyance in Dean's gaze I pick out the subtle shift of agreeance with ease. So when his reluctant attention flickers back to me again, I ignore Bobby's background chanting and murmur the low warning "This thing- Castiel- it's got a pitch so loud it shatters mirrors in the ceiling, shoots by with such pace it shattered every glass window inside a pitstop with a single burst, raised you right outta Hell with only a burned hand brand left in its wake, shakes the ground we walk on- burned Pamela's eyes out when she stole a single glance at it through the veil of time-"

Stuttering I cut myself off shaking my head as I line these aspects and events up in a line. With a thoughtful look written across his face, Dean rises to stand a little taller "What's trying to say El?"

Sparing a single glance back to Bobby to make sure he's still chanting away the summoning spell, I hesitantly step closer to Dean "My ancestors date back thousands of years Dean. Thousands. Means thousands of journals and lore on monsters spanning right around the globe but there's never once been mention of a monster that can do this kind of stuff- certainly not yank you right outta the hotbox below." His green eyes watch me closely when I offer a small uneasy tilt of my head "This thing... it's cosmic Dean."

As Dean momentarily thinks on my words, Bobby voices through the quiet behind me "It's done."

Dean barely spares Bobby a look before he tells me "Then we do what we do best." My eyebrow arching, Dean yanks the Demon knife out from behind him which I'd embedded into the table. Held between us Dean offers it to me with a determined glimmer in his green eyes "We kill the monster." Clenching and unclenching my free fist I reluctantly take the knife as the apprehension begins settling in. Dropping my hand from Dean's grasp I take a couple of steps back and hesitantly begin to twirl it fluidly around my hand. The anxious habit calms me slightly but the weighs on my shoulders doesn't alleviate. It remains heavy as I carefully gaze around the barn for the monster to come knocking.


Checking my phone I drag out a long frustrated groan when I see half an hour has passed us by without a hint of anything busting through those doors. The apprehension which had been building slowly burnt away before I'm asking "You sure you did the ritual right?"

Bobby pumping his shotgun threateningly I shut right up. He's never shot me with it but Bobby uses to come close for sure. Right over my head, past my shoulder at my feet. I mean how do you all think I became all too quick on them? Raising my eyebrows I jump off the table and my boots smack the dirty barn floor. Dean lowly whistling beside me, he taps his fingers against his own salt loaded shotgun swinging his feet almost adorably "Touchy, touchy huh?"

As if on cue the wind suddenly begins to pick up. Sparing an worrisome glance towards the banging rafters on the roof. Hearing the sound of Bobby and Dean's loaded shells I carefully ponder "Perhaps this is just wishful thinking... but maybe it's just the wind?" I quietly mutter under their disgruntled looks "Yeah I wouldn't believe me either."

With a bang of wind against the barn doors I feel flooded with adrenaline. Yet as I carefully back up towards the end of I feel something else taking over my thoughts. Curiosity. Despite my knowing this creature is powerful- a monster- I feel myself growing increasingly intrigued at the prospect of what this is. Not a single possible answer as to what it even touches my thoughts but I feel myself wanting the door to open to find out. Kill it- absolutely- but to also put the intrigue to rest. Intrigue over what could've possibly gone thousands of years without any discovery or documentation. It's impressive. Terrifyingly impressive.

It's as the curiosity equalizes with my apprehension that the doors to the barn burst open. Slamming with a mighty bang into the walls I raise my eyebrows at the sight of a man. With a hard narrowed gaze the man stalks with surprising serenity into the barn. The short messy dark hair atop his head is the only indicator of disarray about him as he calmly approaches us. With every shattering solar globe I take a careful step back with Dean and Bobby. He stalks in past every warding sigle as if they're just art over the wall- Devils Trap included. I know exactly what that means. He's not a Demon and about half the warding here can rule out demi god's and gods alike. This is certainly no ghost or spirit as Bobby and Dean are unloading salt round after salt round and he's not even flinching.

Bobby breaking rank when he continues closing in I watch him unable to even swing the shotgun into the creature. Grabbing the shotgun the man uncaringly presses his two fingers to Bobby's forehead sending Bobby crumbling to the floor. Heart thrumming violently against my rib cage I dart around Dean, breaking rank and completely ducking from his protective grasp. With a swift fluid flip of the Demon knife which is second nature, I plunge it deep into his chest. It slices into his chest smoothly. It doesn't stop until the hilt shoves against his chest. Yet I feel a sensation of dread wash through me when there's no reaction. Peering into his crystal blue eyes I don't see a hint of anything close to anger. In fact... part of me actually believes I catch a glimmer of annoyance. As if driving the Demon knife into his chest was more of an inconvenience then painful. Slowly I take a careful step back as he wraps his hand around the hilt embedded deeply in his chest, blue eyes not once breaking contact with mine. Dean's fingers wrapping around my wrist I don't hesitate to fall back in line watching this creature not flinch an inch or break his unnerving eye contact with me as he pulls the weapon from his chest.

His grip tightened around my wrist as my other hand moves protectively to clutch his same forearm, Dean carefully asks the question plaguing both our minds "Who are you?"

Appearing expectant, he states smoothly "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."

"Yeah", Dean retorts without a sliver of trust, sparing Bobby a worried look I can't help but match despite my efforts to hide it "Thanks for that."

When he takes a step closer Dean shifts so I'm further behind him. Whilst I know I can handle myself and I certainly don't need Dean putting himself between me and danger it's clear the creatures only a danger to me from the way the man halts his purposeful stride towards me. Tilting his head to look at Dean, he states "We need to talk. Alone."

I can't see Dean's features but I'm assuming he's remaining as stubborn as ever as his fingers latch tighter around my wrist. It's clear Dean's not letting him touch me remaining protectively rooted in his spot "You're not laying a finger on her."

Blue eyes shifting darkly back to me I raise my chin defiantly higher. Almost in a way that mimics me, he tilts his head the same as I "Your linage always has been rather impertinent to the cause."

Furrowing my eyebrows I feel the intrigue in me rising once more as the danger of whoever this is dimmed. Whilst I remain carefully observant behind Dean I watch him trail his attention around the barn and over the symbols. Interest. If he'd been twenty years younger I might've mistaken him for a lost child just by the way he searches around with such an inquisitive gaze. Assumingly, I connect "You must be Castiel."

Returning his attention to me, Castiel nods curtly "Yes. That is my name."

"Excuse me for asking", Dean voices, not at all sounding apologetic "But what are you?"

Hands by his side Castiel turns to look at Dean "I am an Angel of the Lord."

Lips parting surprised, I mutter quietly under my breath as shock rushes through my body "Shut the front door."

"Well if it makes this situation more comfortable for you-"

"No freakin way" Dean cuts Castiel off who pauses mid-turn. Whilst I still can't find it in me to quite wrap my head around what he's saying, Dean, dismisses sharply "There's no such thing."

Sighing through his teeth, Castiel tells him "That is your problem Dean. You have no faith." I have half a mind to agree with Dean. Never in my life have I ever seen or heard of Angels. They just... don't exist. To say one is standing in front of me is absolutely preposterous. Yet as lighting flashes through the billowing rafters above I feel my grip tighten on Dean. Behind Castiel spreads a dark shape of unmistakable wings in a shadow against the barn wall of warding. They span meters in either direction almost taking up the entirety of the wall. They're ginormous and I admittedly find myself thinking Sam needs to be owed a serious overdue apology for months ago when we'd investigated the assumption of Angel's existence.

Suddenly I find myself accusing hesitantly "Some Angel you are. I mean you burnt the eyes out of a poor woman." His gaze momentarily flickering away, I carefully ask "You cannot tell me she deserved that?"

"I warned her not to spy on my true form", Castiel explains with a small meek  lift of his hands, opening his tan trench coat as if showing off  "It can be... overwhelming to humans. So can my real voice- but you both knew that."

"You mean the gas station and the motel?" Dean questions absurdly "That was you talking?" Castiel nodding with certainly, Dean suggests with a roll of his shoulders "Buddy next time lower the volume."

"That was my mistake. Certain people- special people- can perceive my true visage", Castiel explains to Dean, "I thought you might be one of them. Obviously, I was wrong."

Skeptically, I take a step out from behind Dean who questions "What visage are you in now huh? Holy tax accountant?"

"This is..." Trailing off I watch Castiel open up his tan trench coat to display his blue suit like a store manikin "This is a vessel."

"A vessel?" I feel my heart sinking at the prospect "This guy- you're using him as a meat suit?"

Uneasily, I shake my head which is spinning from what I'm hearing "You're possessing this man?"

"He's a devout man," Castiel tells me as if it justifies the decision "He actually prayed for this."

"Well, I'm not buying it" Dean scoffs with a dismissive shake of his head and I can't help but somewhat agree. Angel or Demon... you take someone's body which is still occupied it counts as a possession. The definition of possession is to take ownership or control. It's what causes me to doubt this man ever prayed for it. For an Angel to entre his body in the stead of his soul. As I stare at Castiel full of uncertainly, Dean questions "Who are you really?"

Frowning almost disappointed, Castiel reminds him "I told you."

"Right- and why would an angel rescue me from Hell?" Dean continues to interrogate Castiel, his gaze narrowed and continuing to grip me tightly by his side.

"Good things do happen Dean" Castiel takes a confident step closer to us. With a glance over to me, Castiel reiterates "The man you love was brought back to you by me. Is that not a good deed?"

"It's only a good deed if it's done without any self-serving reasons which make the deed impossible to ever come close to conceiving. Everyone carries out good deeds selfishly", I throw back at Castiel. Watching him stare curiously back at me, my tangled fingers tighten with Dean's to ensure he's still there when I wonder "So what is your self-serving reason?"

"Because God commanded it" Castiel scrutinizes me for another long moment, his attention reabsorbed by Dean's unbroken resolve "Because we have to work for you."


Files filled with black paper in hand I subtly lean back against the brick wall of a diner. Peering in through the window I onserve silently as EMTs and coroners mill around inside amongst the armed police officers. Two of the Demon's dead hosts have already been removed respectfully from the diner, eyes burned out of their sockets just like their partner. She's moved carefully onto a stretched for the corners to respectfully pronounce her dead. Ignoring the curious murmurings around me I carefully scrutinize the way they drape the white cloth respectfully over her burned-out eyes. I easily could've dismissed this as 'The Angel of The Lords' doing.

If not for the dark familiar burned circles in the floor which have followed Sam Winchester across the American States for the past four months.

Clutching the manila files as I observe the police traipsing after the Coroners I flash a fake FBI badge and continue over to the police. "Detectives!" I call over gaining their curious attention "A word please."

The gurney continuing to roll away towards the ambulance both men share a look before pausing their stride. Despite the way, they sharpen their shoulders on their expensive suits and look down at me past their noses my head remains tall. I've never let a single man intimidate me and I'm not going to begin now. Not with Sam involved. Flashing my badge once more I slide up the aviators on my nose as one detective greets "And what word would that be?"

"The FBI sent for me to collect..." Snapping my fingers towards the files in their grasp, I address "Those actually."

Scoffing at the absurdity, the detective's partner questions defensively "On what grounds?"

"On the premise that it's none of your damn business" I deflect smoothly through my teeth, extending my hand "I currently outrank you so I'm not at liberty to say anything other than give me those damn files before I file charges against you children for obstruction and take your badges." Watching both the detectives continuously looking between me and each other I think for a minute they're going to turn around and continue fighting me on it. Yet I fight the urge to arch my eyebrow when the detective holding the notes reluctantly extends them towards me with a disdainful look. Doing my best to ignore it, I snatch the thick couple of files and add them to the false pile currently existing in my arms. Brushing past, I mention confidently over my shoulder "Thank you for your cooperation gentlemen!" Wandering around the corner back towards the motel, I mutter amusingly flipping open the top manila file "Idiots."

Getting back to the motel I notice Bobby loading up his car. He must be heading back to South Dakota already. When he slams his trunk Bobby's gaze catches mine as I cross the street. Eyeing the manila files in my hands, Bobby ponders "I take it Sam didn't just go out to get a burger last night... did he?"

"Same dark marks in the flooring, no prints making the scene too clean, all CCTV footage and cameras wiped within a five-block radius of the site" Leaning against Bobby's car I send him a small shrug, thumbing the pages within "Matches the MO of the past four months."

As if noticing my hesitation, Bobby understands "You're beginning to think Sam's up to something behind our backs?"

"I began suspecting it months ago" I mention to Bobby, raising the files "But the suspicions are only mounting. I don't have any hard proof."

"Since when do you need proof?"

Arching my eyebrow I suddenly become blatantly aware of what Bobby's subtly suggesting "Bobby we can't be going to Dean with this."

"Why not", Bobby raises his hand, inching closer to me as we speak in hushed tones "This is his brother Eleanor."

"And we've got nothing but suspicion and concern", I defensively tell Bobby, raising the folder a little higher "This isn't proof. This is a theory. A theory you want to go to Dean with after he's- we've- been told Angels exist that they have plans for Dean." Watching Bobby shaking his head to stare off down the street I snap my fingers to regain his attention. Sharp gaze recaptured I mutter a quick apology before assertively telling Bobby "We don't say anything. Not until we know something that places Sam in the center of this." I wasn't asking. I was telling Bobby. Telling him Dean's not going to hear a peep of this until I know something with absolute certainty. It was my responsibility to watch over Sam whilst Dean had been gone. If something has happened and I'd not kept close enough tabs to spot it then that's on me.

So once it's agreed upon that Bobby won't say a word to Dean I hand him off the files for him to put with the accumulation of documentation I've hoarded for the past few months. With an agreeance to meet him with the boys back in South Dakota to plan our next move I wave after Bobby's tail lights and return to the new motel room we'd booked last night. Passing the 'Do not enter' yellow construction tape on room 702 I turn the knob of 704. Noticing me poke my head inside, I spot their duffels ready to go on the red velvet bed. Wandering across the room I flop onto the bed with an excited smirk "Bobby's headed home. I say we grab a bite to eat then meet him back in South Dakota."

"Sounds like a plan", Sam chirps, watching me all too expectantly "Right after we discuss what Pamila mentioned at her house."

Pausing when I understand where the conversation I fling myself off the bed "I think breakfast takes priority-"

"Oh no", Dean grabs one shoulder as Sam latches onto the other, both shoving me back down on the bed "We're having this conversation." Sunk back into the bed I glance up to Dean who's stood over me with Sam, watching me with an equally intent curiosity "Why didn't you tell us?"

Tilting my head to the side, I wave my hand between Sam and Dean "Why didn't either of you tells me you're into chicks?" My fingers scratching at the course velvet when I duck my gaze and say "I've never had to explain myself just like neither of you ever had to." It sounded harsher when it came out then I'd intended. It wasn't supposed to come out as sharp as it did... but it did. I know they want to know and understand why I've never mentioned anything about it before but the truth is I've never felt I had to. My fingers dragging into my lap, I pick at the skin around my nailbeds when I quietly voice "Only Katie knew. She always told me that it was alright to be attracted to both guys and girls... That I never needed to explain or validate why I feel that way to anyone."

"Katie was right you don't. You shouldn't feel like you have to tell anyone", Sam sits beside me on the bed, his large hand-laid supportively on the center of my back. Quietly I watch Sam's gaze flicker momentarily to Dean "I think... I think what Dean and I are getting at- what I'm getting at- is why didn't you tell us? I mean we're a family."

"You mean John Winchester and his two sons?" I re-put in the way which makes more sense to me. Both watching me softly, I continue explaining "I'm already the last of the Alexander name- and a female Hunter at that. Why give any more people a reason to believe I'm anymore incompetent at doing my job?"."

"What?" Dean scoffs beside me hand beckoning outside the door "Because you're bi?" I can see the absurdity washing across Dean's features when he says "That's got shit all to do with the job."

"I know that", I dismiss with a shrug, stating in a small voice "But I've spent my entire life working to become the best at the job which runs in my blood. I don't want to get counted out and dismissed as incapable because of how I feel."

Sam's hand sliding up my back I let him tug me into his side, leaning my head comfortingly on his shoulder. Sam's head resting against mine, I don't wipe the stray strands which fall over my face "You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember El. Nothing you could say to me- to us- could ever make you any less of a Hunter or a person in our eyes."

"Yeah", Deans fingers reaching to entwine with mine in my lap, they rest there as I avert my gaze to meet him. With a soft smile, Dean reminds me "No matter the dumb shit we do it's the three of us against the world." A small smile graces my lips when he affirms "Someone messes with you then they're messing with me and Sammy too."

"Damn right."


"It's what family does El", Sam agrees making me bite my tongue "It's like Bobby said. The family doesn't end in blood."

"And hey look on the bright side-"

"I swear if you say threesome-"

"You, me, another girl" Dean slyly smirks, his grip squeezing my hand as the air begins to lighten around us "Motel room."

Letting Sam slink off across the room towards his duffle, I rise to my feet with a patronizing "Babe. No."

Scoffing, Dean questions boldly "Why not? What's the point of having a bi girlfriend if I can't have every guy's fantasy?"

"Oh sweety..." reaching out I trail my fingers down the side of Dean's face, gliding underneath his jaw to ensure I've captured his full attention "...I'm not sharing you. Not with anyone."

Whist a wicked grin stretches across Dean's face at my comment, Sam urges "Can you guys do that on the road? Where I can put headphones in and pretend my best friend who I grew up with isn't in love with my brother?"

"I'm going to have to veto the headphones Sam", I step away from Dean explaining as Sam tosses the duffle of his over his board shoulder "We're going to need every second if we're going to devise a way of handling this Angel of the Lord and what Heaven wants with Dean."

Sam's jaw slackening I immediately regret the words which had come out of my mouth. Sam doesn't know. Dean and Bobby hadn't yet told him the events of last night. As I watch the cogs turning in Sam's head with a grimace, Dean snaps gruffly "Dammit El!"

"How was I supposed to know you hadn't told him yet!" I snap right back, wide eyes filled with oblivious innocence as I jutt my hand towards Sam's stunned body "Castiel is a freakin Angel!"

"He's... Angels", returning my attention to Sam I watch him trying to sift through the fact he's been right to have faith "Angels... lord... wow..."

Subtly I back towards the door, jutting my thumb "So... I'm going to meet you guys in the car..."

Dean leaps to his feet, pointing sharply towards me "Eleanor don't you dare-"

"Okay. Good luck-"


"Have fun-Bye!"


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