Six: The Old Version

By ArtytheDragon

1.8K 105 126

(this stories plot changes continuously, the story is a draft of several ideas that make a loose plot.) Homes... More

An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4 (End of Act one)
Number 5 (Begin act Two)
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
A fabulous Intermission
Number 9
Number 10 (End of Act Two)
Intermission: The Trolls
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15 (End of Act Three act One/Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 1)
Number 16 (A3A2A1)
Number 17 (End of Act 3 act 2 intermission 1 begin act 3 act 2)
Number 18
Number 19
Headcanons 2.0
Number 20
Not an update but a letter
Number 21 (End of Act 3 act 2)
Help ;-;
Number 23 (Begin Act 4 Act 1: A4A1)
Number 24
Number 25 (end of act 4)
Number 26 [BEGIN ACT 5)
Number 27
Number 28
Number 29
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32
Number 33
Number 34: Story for The Zetas Part 1

Number 22 (Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 2)

28 2 6
By ArtytheDragon

I dedicate this chapter to an old friend of mine. She's also a follower of mine :)
I did this quiz for blood color and I got cerulean blood 
The Quiz I will post in the comments.
AND HOLY SHIT OH MY GOG 383 FOLLOWERS WHAT. Thank you all so much for all of this!!!!!
Sorry I didn't update this is a while!
===>Begin A3A2I2.
Oh by the way, have a Judging Serest talk sprite because everyone loves Serest. She's just like, I am 100% done with your bullshit now shut the fuck up.


I shook the prophetic cue ball (something i recently alchemized) asking it questions that I have repeated.
Will we die? 
Is the other session going to come?
does the rip in their session exist?

I got the same anwers for everyone,
It is possible.
Most likley
Yes, definetly.

I sighed a bit frustrated. I looked at the sky through the neon lights and saw the stars. They where normal, except for two stars who looked just like tiny specks. We hadn't noticed them before a few days ago. They where extreamly small and they flickered and where brighter at some moments then the other stars. One was red and the other was white.
I knew better than to think they where just stars.
It was the battle between the lord of time and the queen of space.
The victor would come and exterminate us all. 

That is, if the other session we have found does not go through the rip. 
The Rip to explain for others, is a tear in the fabrics of Time and Space. Their meteors course predicts that they will go through The Rip (TR) and go on a year and a half journey to us.
And we are fairly sure the battle will last atleast, two years. I stood up and began to head back to Roxy's house. Which was expanded to play sburb. Several levels where in the sky. A lot of them claimed by the remaining trolls. We had recued our objects from the meteor before it crashed.

Jade stated she teleported it to dead Earth. I agreed with her for we had no idea where else it would go. 
I headed inside and saw Karkat sitting with his feet over the edge of the stairs. He had his bandages removed, from recently being almost burned to death. But was saved by Jade returning from the dead just in time. From the edge of his neck were light red scars forming from the burns.
"You alright Karkat?" I asked,
"FUCK OFF." he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, he wasn't in the mood to talk, like always. Dave had been his closest friend conforting him and talking to him most of the time.
Karkat remained the same but now he could run as fast as he could before, he was weaker. And he didn't like it, I could tell because of the self-pity in his eyes. I headed up more steps to where Kanaya was. 
"Hello Rose." Kanaya said to me smiling. I smiled back, "Hello."
She was sewing an old dress with scraps of fabric. She looked a bit frustrated for her master-peice dress had gone missing a few weeks ago. It was red, made of the same material as her skirt. 
She sewed the black fabric as an under layer to the red. As she sewed she asked me some questions,
"Do you know if they are coming or not?"
"It says, most likley." I answered,
"well that is a relief." Kanaya said, "What is the other percentage?"
"They don't come and we get insinerated by the victors beam. You saw those flash stars. They are fighting." I said. Kanaya nodded, "Yes, we must be careful."

"Indeed." I said taking my laptop and opened it to the tab that heald the progress, timelines and view ports of the other session. I viewed the meteor. It was stationary but I knew after a few more people died,  it would begin to move and get in its position to head towards Skaia. I examined the timelines. Two of them have faded. We could only talk to them from their past before they died. 
I examined a view port of the mint blooded troll who was interested in machinary. Kanay curiously glanced at the boy who built beautiful structures but melted them down again into solid metal bars. She seemed to raise an eyebrow,
"He is interested in machines?"
"yes, does he remind you of someone?" I said, then I realized that was a horrible question.
"Somewhat, he is not as...." She made a gesture with her hands unable to find a word for Equius's odd liking for nude "hoofbeast" pictures.
"Why are you viewing him?" Kanaya asked,
"Viewing the future, he will be important. We know the event she told us about a few weeks before they landed."
"So this is far in the future." Kanaya comfirmed,
I nodded even though she was correct. 

Why the fuck am I like this.
What did I do. To deserve this. I should have known this would have ended up horrible.  I sighed and sat up clutching the rail.
I began to walk down the hall with my brand fucking new limp. Distant cracks of sounds that sounded like thunder. The fight must be extreame if we can here it from here. I headed towards my room where my husktop waits for me. I opened it and looked through the logs. The few I had with my desendant. I barely knew her really just viewed her on view ports and tried to contact her to give her advice like I had done for Jade but she was so fucking stubborn in thinking I was a chain linker. I sighed and viewed her in the port. She was talking to some human timeplayer girl with bright yellow eyes. Is it just me or do all of the time players I know have weird eyes?

I shrugged it off and looked at some ports in the future. I accidently clicked to far and saw her walk into a black out. Who knows what happened in there. I checked the list that showed all of the up coming deaths (in yellow) and the already deseased (in green). Two where dead and several where going to die in the next few weeks. I looked at her name on the red list. The alive list.
Sure I did care about her but from watching her, she's what we need. She and that other girl she was talking to, we needed them both and the surviving friends to fight off our final boss. Because with out the leader, (from experiance) the whole thing begins to fall apart. I thought of my session. And on how I had to try and be a good leader. And failed.
I thought of all the deaths that had happened because i had failed to be a leader.
I thought of my death....and being saved by John.

I put my head in my knees, is my session doomed because I wasn't good enough?

fffffffff, oh my gog this chapter is bad im sorry (re-reading it)

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