Struck By Lightning (1)The Fl...

allynmck1 द्वारा

232K 5.5K 749

"Dude, you lived with Bruce Wayne that is awesome" "Yeah, it was pretty awesome" A story about a girl who tri... अधिक

Struck By Lightning
1-Wake Up
2-Not the Only Ones
3-That was the Lightning
4-You have No Idea
5- You Two Are Not Bulletproof
7-Zombie Scale
8- Rest of the Story
9-Brilliant Insight
10-Captain Cold
11-She's Pure Evil
12- Perform a Lobotomy
13-Walk On Water
14-Crazy Steel-Plated Man
15-Flash And Bolt
16-He's Late
17- Never Be Late Again
18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1
19-Flash Vs Arrow Prt 2
20- The Brave and The Bold prt 1
22-The Brave and The Bold prt 2
23- Hot Cocoa
24- Some Kind Of Yellow Suit
25-Merry Christmas!
26-Bring It or What
27- See Into the Future
28-Count As A Selfie
29- The Last Word
30- Beam Me Up
31-Likes To Wear Leather
32-Burning Man
33- Meet You or Batman
34-I need a Change of Clothes
35-Just Don't Pee On Me
36-Call It Brain Freeze
37- Sonic Screwdriver
38- Does He Seem Weirder Than Normal
39- I Don't Deserve To Be Here
40- Crazy Psycho Clown
41- Look Good In Red
42- Bee Careful
43- Not as Creepy as it Sounds
44-Road Trip, Baby
45- You are Such a Dork
46- Mad Freaky
47- Hanky-Panky
48- Pizza And Movies
50-Radio Shack
51- Just On Time
52- Ace
53- Legit

49- Telepathic Gorilla

1.5K 46 1
allynmck1 द्वारा

They gather in the cortex, where Caitlin and Cisco show them surveillance footage of Grodd, "Oh, Grodd is a gorilla" Barry remarks.
"Five years ago, Eiling and Wells were working on a project to expand soldier's cognitive abilities during battle" Cisco tells them.

"What we didn't realize that Eiling was trying to create soldiers with psychic abilities" Caitlin says to them.
"What do you mean, psychic?" Joe asks her.
"Eiling was trying to create these super-soldiers with telepathic and telekinetic capabilities" Cisco answers

"But when Wells found out about the terrible experiments Eiling was doing...he shut down the entire project" Caitlin explains.
"So, our psycho-killer has a soft spot for animals, that's sweet" Joe says.
"So, what happened to Grodd then?" Katrina asks.

"We don't know. After the particle accelerator exploded, I went down to check on him and his cage was empty" Caitlin tells her.
"So, he could have been affected by the same energy that hit Barry and Kat" Joe says to her.

"When the dark matter hit Grodd...all the drugs and serums that Eiling injected him and could've activated. Maybe the accelerator explosion created a meta-gorilla. I think we know what happen when a super-intelligent ape who's pissed off at humans escapes captivity" Cisco says getting a little excited.
"Cisco's right, about the first part" Caitlin says as she types on the computer in front of her, "This is the first brain scan that I did on Grodd" she then displays the scan for them to look at.

"Wow, the primary motor cortex, and Broca's area and lit up like a Christmas tree on this" Katrina remarks.
"From Eiling's experiments" Caitlin says, "And this is the brain scan that I just did on Eiling" she says displaying Eiling's scan. "His brain is lit up in the exact same way" she explains.

"So Grodd and Eiling are connected somehow" Joe says.
"I think that somehow Grodd is transmitting neural signals to Eiling's primary motor cortex. Mind control, telepathy, who knows what Grodd is capable of now" Caitlin tells him.
"What do we think Grodd wants? Revenge?" Barry asks.
"I do not like the fact that Wells rescued Grodd. I don't think it's a coincidence that this gorilla shows the very same time we're looking for Wells" Joe says to the group.

"Grodd and Wells, always did have a special bond" Caitlin says.
"It wouldn't surprise me if Wells is using Grodd to distract us" Joe says, "If we find Grodd, we find Wells" he adds "If we find Wells"
"We find Eddie" Iris comes walking in saying, "And I'm gonna help" she says to them.

"Know anything about gorilla's?" Caitlin asks her.
"I just might" she smiles.
Iris goes over to one of the computers, "There have been reports of some sort of animal down in the sewers" she tells them.

"Mmm, alligators" Cisco says and they look over at him, "CHUDS, ROUS's. Am I the only one who watches movies around here?" he says.
"Uh, a few months ago, two sewer workers went missing. The search-party reported hearing strange, animal-like noises down in the tunnels" Iris explains.

"Where exactly did they go missing?" Barry asks her.
"Uh fifth avenue and tenth street" Iris tells him.
"There's an access point to the sewers about two blocks east of that intersection" Cisco says as he sits down at the computer in front of him.

"We'll start there" Barry then says.
"Not alone, I'll go too" Joe then says.

"Huh, wading through miles of rats, roaches, and human excrement? Count me out" Cisco says and Joe gives him a stern look, "Count me in" he then says.
"It's your monkey" Joe tells him.
"Umm...why don't you stay here" Barry says to Katrina. "I mean we don't know what we are walking into down there" he adds.

"No, I am not letting you go down there alone, trust me I can handle anything I meet in a sewer, Barry. I've come face to face with Killer Croc" she tells him.
"Wait....what?" Cisco then says to her.
"Long story, come on boys let's go find us a monkey" she says to the men as she walks away.

Barry, Katrina, Cisco and Joe enter the sewer through the access point, and start to walk down the tunnel, when Joe comes to a stop. "Cisco, take the rest of these flares, light them, drop them as we go, it's our path back" he says handing Cisco the bag that was on his shoulder, "Give me that banana" he adds taking the banana from Cisco. "Okay, stay close" Joe then says to them.

"Definitely" Barry says as he looks at Katrina.
"I'm not going anywhere" Cisco says as the four of them head down another tunnel. Cisco lays the flares down as they go and Joe keeps his weapon out infront of his body.

"I can't believe I'm looking for a supernatural gorilla. I'm terrified of regular gorillas" Joe says as they then hear metal clanging.
"What was that?" Cisco asks as they come out of the tunnel they had been in and head into another one.
"Oh, oh" Joe says as they see a mouse, and they continue on.
"Whoa, hey, hey guys look at this" Cisco says spotting something ahead of them. They continue on, and see the word Grodd written all over the sewer wall, as Cisco places anther flare down.

"I guess we are in the right place" Katrina says as she keeps her gun out in front of her.
"Somebody wanna tell me what we're looking at here?" Joe asks.
"Grodd, he's evolving" Barry says as they continue down the tunnel, looking at the walls seeing more drawings. "He's getting smarter" he adds.
"Getting smarter, great" Joe says as they keep walking, when they hear growling coming up ahead of them. Barry points his gun out, as does Joe and Katrina.

"If I hadn't seen Jurassic Park I wouldn't be nearly as frightened right now" Cisco remarks as they continue to hear growling, and start to hear more clanking noises.
"So if he's getting smarter, you think he might be getting bigger too?" Joe then asks.
They continue to hear noises, and they are unsure where it's coming from. "That must have been a truck passing over, right?" Joe then says and they all look at one another.

They hear growling again, sounding closer, as Cisco gasps knocking his helmet off, Barry then shoots a tranqulizer dart but doesn't make contact with anything. Suddenly Barry starts groaning out in pain, and he grabs at his head.

"Barry!" Katrina calls out as he is then tossed into the nearby wall, and is knocked out. Katrina rushes over to him, "Barry! Barry!" she calls out.
"We gotta get out of here" Joe says as she fires off his gun.
"Barry's knocked out cold. There's no way I can get all of us out" Katrina tells him, as panic rises in her voice.  Just then Joe is grabbed and pulled upwards, "Joe!!!!" Katrina and Cisco scream out.
"Come on, let's..let's get Barry back"  Katrina says her voice shaking.

Once back at STAR Labs, Caitlin looks over Barry, "You're experiencing a spike of activity in your primary motor cortex. It's the same thing we saw with Eiling. The image you saw where some kind of psychic attack by Grodd" Caitlin explains as Katrina places a hand on Barry's shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"First Eddie gets taken by the Man in Yellow, and now my Dad" Iris says to them.
"We will save both of them Iris, we promise" Katrina tells her as she helps Barry get the device off his head.

"Hold up, I put a tracker in the tranq dart you shot Grodd with as soon as it activates" Cisco says.
"No, Cisco, we can't wait for that, we will search every inch of that sewer if we have to" Barry tells them.
"And what happens if you find them? What happens if Grodd takes over your mind the same way he did with Eiling?" Caitlin asks him.

"Is it possible for you guys to build something? Any kind of tech that can stop him from getting into Barry's head or even in mine?" Katrina asks them.
Caitlin looks at Cisco, as he scoffs, "I don't know, maybe if Doctor Wells were here" he says to her.

"I don't understand" Iris suddenly says and Katrina and Barry turn to look at her, "Every day you guys figure out a way to help people. All of the Flash's and Bolt's powers and all this equipment and you can't save Eddie and my dad?" she says as she walks away from them.

"We'll figure something out" Caitlin tells Barry and Katrina.
"Fast" Barry tells them as him and Katrina walk away, going after Iris to talk to her.
"Iris" Barry calls out to her.
"I can't get that sound out of my head" she says to them as she comes to a stop, "My dad screaming. Why did he insist on going down there with you two? He's always preaching about being safe..but not once does he think about running into danger himself" she says to them.

"Iris-" "No, Barry, he's just a regular cop. He is not some meta-human with superpowers, he's not the two of you" she says stopping him from saying anything.
"You are right, he's not us. This sitiation is not his fault at all, none of it's his fault. Yes, Joe told us not to tell you about us being the Flash and Bolt, and even though he did, we didn't have to listen. There were so many times that both Barry and I wanted to let you know about our powers, but we didn't. So go ahead and be mad at us, put don't be mad at Joe, just be mad at us" Katrina tells her.

"Okay then explain to me how the people I thought I knew more than anyone has been keeping secrets from me. Big-life changing secrets. You were supposed to be my best friends Barry, Kat" Iris says mad at them.

"We are your best friend" Barry tells her.
"How can you say that..when the most important things in your life, things that matter most, the things that you're supposed to share, you two kept all of them from me? You two lied to me about everything" she says to them anger and sadness in her voice.

"We know we have, and there was good reasons for doing that Iris, we needed to protect you. There is so many more things I want to tell you, but right now we need to check with Caitlin and Cisco, and see if they came up with anything" Katrina tells her as she takes Barry's hand and they walk away from her.

"An anti-telepathy strip" Cisco says showing the device he created, "it uses magnetic resonance to neutralize any foreign neurological stimulus" he adds showing it to Katrina and Barry, "Sorry I could only make one" he says to them.
"So it'll protect Barry from being mind-controlled?" Iris then asks.
"That's the hope, but we have no way of knowing if it actually works" Caitlin tells her.
"It will work, just be safe please" Katrina says as she pulls Barry in for a hug, when they pull apart they hear the nearby computer go off.
"The tracker just came online" Cisco says as he goes over to the computer, "We have Grodd's location" he tells them.
Barry then speeds away changing into his Flash suit, "Iris..we want you to know, all the times that we imagined you being here it was not like this" he says to her.
"Get my dad back" she tells him.
"Be safe Barry" Katrina says kissing him before he races off.

Katrina stands with the others, worry in her body, as she usually goes with him, but knowing they only had one device Barry wasn't going to let her do this. "Barry, what's your ETA?" Cisco asks through the comms. Link.
"All right, I'm in postion" they hear Barry respond.
"Wait for my signal" Cisco says as he goes over to another computer in the cortex.

Katrina stands beside Caitlin as they look at the monitor that was showing Barry and Grodd's locations, "So, the red, that's Barry?" Iris asks.
"Yes" Caitlin tells her.
"And the blue?" she then asks.
"That would be Grodd" Katrina tells her.
"Okay here goes nothing" Cisco then says as he presses a button on the computer in front of him. "The steam's working, Grodds on the move" Cisco tells Barry, and Katrina looks at the monitor and realizes what they are trying to do.

"I don't understand, what's the plan?" Iris then asks confused.
"He's maneuvering Grodd into a tunnel 5.3 miles from Barry" Caitlin explains.
"So Barry can do what?" Iris then asks.
"The same thing we did to Grider" Katrina tells her, "Supersonic punch""Supersonic punch, baby" Cisco says at the same time as Katrina. "Hit it" Cisco then tells Barry. They watch on the monitor as Barry races toward Grodd, and panic rises in her, and she starts to pace around the room.

"The supersonic punch failed" Cisco then says, and that worries her even more.
"It's okay, Cisco, the headset's working" they hear Barry say and Katrina stops pacing hearing his voice.
"Barry...Barry try using speed punches" she goes over to the comm. Link saying.
After a few minutes, "This isn't working" they hear Barry say.
"Damnit, okay umm try-" before Katrina can say anything else they hear noises on the link, and growling.

"Barry...Barry" Cisco calls out.
"Oh no, the headset's offline" Caitlin then says.
"Sounded like it impacted with something" Caitlin then says.
" happening, I need to go down there" Katrina says as she starts to go for her suit.

"You go down there, you could get mind controlled too" Caitlin warns her and she stops.
She stands there watching as Cisco and Caitlin try to find a way to help him from where they are, "Barry's brain activity is off the charts it's way worse than last time" Caitlin then says.

"What's happening to him?" Iris asks.
"It's Grodd, he's attacking Barry psychically, he's being paralyzed" Katrina tells her trying not to get scared.
"Come on, there's a service train coming" Cisco then says.
"Please, you guys need to do something" Katrina tells them.

"I can't stop the train" Cisco tells her.
"Barry, you have to get out of there now" Caitlin tells him.
"What do we do?" Cisco then says looking at Katrina.

"Kat, Barry needs you right now, if anyone can get him through this, it's you" Iris tells her.
"I can't Iris" she says to her.
"Yes, you can, you two might not have said it yet, but I can tell you two love one another" Iris says to Katrina.

Katrina then walks over to the comm. Link pressing the mic button, "Barry...listen...listen to me, concentrate on my voice, please" she tells him. "Whatever Grodd is doing to you, you have to fight it. I need you to fight it. Barry you are strong, so much stronger than I am, and I know you can do this. You may think that with my past and my experience that I am more of hero, but you are Barry. You are my hero, you need to stand up to Grodd, I know you can do this, please do this for me" Katrina tells him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Katrina" she then hears Barry say, and they sit there and wait for any other response.
"Barry?" Iris says after a few minutes.
"I'm bringing him home" they then hear him say and they know he has found Joe.

Barry brings Joe back to the lab, allowing Caitlin to look him over, knowing STAR Labs was the best place for him. Katrina goes right up to Barry, holding him close, happy to have him back safe, eventually she lets him go get changed. The two of them then head down to the pipeline to talk to Eiling, Barry unlocks the pipeline and they watch as the doors open.

"Mr. Allen, Miss Ivory, how nice of you two to visit. Exactly how long do you both intend to keep me prisoner" he demands from them.
Barry sighs as he unlocks the door, letting Eiling out, "Your brain scan's normal which means Grodd is no longer controlling you. This prison is for meta-humans, so you're free to go" Barry tells him. He looks at them then starts to walk away from them.

"Just know that you will eventually get what's coming to you" Katrina warns him and he stops turning around to look at her.
"I'm not ashamed of my actions, Miss Ivory. You've seen what theses metahumans are capable of. Soon your prison won't be enough" he tells her.
"Not all metahumans are dangerous" Barry tells him.

"You're afraid that I know you two are the Flash and Bolt" he says to them, "Don't get your tights in a twist, I've known for months. If I wanted to come after the two of you, I'd have done it by now" he tells them as he turns to walk away again.
"Because you think you are going to need us" Katrina tells him, getting his attention once again.
He looks at her again, "Harrison Wells turned me over to that beast. He used me like a damn puppet. So, like it or not, we have a common enemy you two and I. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a gorilla to hunt" he tells them and walks away. Katrina starts to follow him, wanting so badly to hurt Eiling, but Barry grabs her arm stopping her.

"He's not worth it" he tells her, and the two of them walk out of the pipeline.
They head to the training room, sitting down, and Katrina leans her head against Barry's shoulder, "Thank You" he then says to her.
"For what?" she asks him.
"Because of you, I'm here right now, and not gorilla food" he says to her.

"God, I was so scared Barry, not being down there with you. I wanted so badly to come help" she tells him.
"Yeah but if you had, we both wouldn't be here" he tells her, as he puts an arm around her pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.

"Maybe it's a good thing we didn't catch Grodd" they then hear Caitlin say and look to see her and Cisco come into the room, "Where would we put him" she adds, "I mean, the pipeline isn't exactly equipped to hold a super-intelligent, telepathic gorilla" Caitlin says as she sits down beside Barry and Katrina.

"Joe mentioned that Grodd called Wells, 'Father'. Wells must've ordered Grodd to come after us. It's why Grodd didn't kill Joe. I think Joe was right, everything Grodd did, it was just to distract us" Barry tells them, as they look over at Cisco, and Katrina notices he is thinking of something.
"Hey what's up? You okay?" she then asks.

"Just thinking about this headset" he says as he then sits beside her, "they weren't strong enough. You could've been killed out there, man" he says looking at Barry.
"No, dude, your tech worked, and it proved that we don't need Wells. The four of us took on Grodd and rescued Joe. Together we can do anything" he says smiling at all of them.
"Actually if you think about it, it was the five of us" Katrina says referring to Iris.

Later Barry and Katrina go off to find Iris, needing to talk to her, finding her on the rooftop of Jitters, "Hey" Barry calls out and Iris turns around to look at them.
"Hey, how did you know I was here?" she asks them.
"Well ,this is your spot" Katrina says to her.
"It's a special spot" Iris then says, "It's where I first met the Flash" she says looking at Barry, then at Katrina, "And Bolt. All those times you two were standing right in front of me and I had no idea. I don't even know you two anymore" she says them.

"Iris, we know that right now, you have a million things going through your head about us,  But I want you to know when Barry was down in that sewer, I was so scared, but you are the one who knew that Barry needed me. If I didn't have you there, Barry might not be here right now. You are our best friend, and now that you know about us, we need you, because without you Iris we wouldn't be the Flash and Bolt" Katrina tells her.

"No more secrets then" Iris says to her.
"I do have one more secret to tell, ummm I was once the umm Red Cardinal" Katrina then tells her.
"Wait...what?" Iris asks her surprised by this.
"Yeah this isn't my first rodeo as a hero I guess" Katrina tells her.
"Does my dad know?" Iris then asks her.
"I think he might, but listen that is all in the past, and from now on Barry and I are going to be open and honest with you, and Iris we will get Eddie back" Katrina then tells her.
"Where do we start then?" she asks looking at the two of them.

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