Sotus Short Stories

By AuthornimJRose

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This is a series of Short Stories from Sotus. Cover done by @sheismathilda Divorce Lawyer in Love (Completed)... More

Before You Read
Short Story Main Cast
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Synopsis)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 1)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 2)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 3)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 4)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 5)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 6)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 7)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 8)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 10)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 11)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 12)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 13)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 14)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 15)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 16)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 17)
Divorce Lawyer in love (Part 18)
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 19) END
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 20) Extra
Divorce Lawyer in Love (Chapter 21) Extra
An Alpha's Revenge
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 1)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 2)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 3)
An Alpha's Revenge Part 4
An Alpha's Revenge Part 5
An Alpha's Revenge Part 6
An Alpha's Revenge Part 7
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 8)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 9)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 10)
An Alpha's Revenge (Past Life 1 )
An Alpha's Revenge (Past Life Part 2)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 11)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 12)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 13)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 14)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 15)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 16)
An Alpha's Revenge (Part 17)
About my books and Rant about my life
December Special 1-6
December Special 2-6
December Special 3-6
December Special 4-6
December Special 5-6
December Special 6-6 Ending

Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 9)

3.2K 247 184
By AuthornimJRose


Mornings for Arthit in the Suthiluck household were always eventful. Yo would always go into his room and snuggle with him in the mornings. At first, Arthit had not known how to react. But the small child would always come into his room with his Pororo plushie and proceed to hug him saying he was still sleepy. On weekends Arthit would let Yo sleep in while he got up to make breakfast. Other times, he would continue to sleep until Kongpob would knock on the door and then walk in to wake Yo up so that he could go to school.

Today was not so different. It was Saturday Morning and Kongpob had run to the office. He had told Arthit that Beam would stop by simply to keep him company. That morning, Arthit had gotten up early wanting Kongpob to at least have a green juice before work. 

The man always worked too hard and Arthit did feel bad that he continued to use Kongpob's bedroom. Kongpob had thanked him for that morning as he drank the green juice; as he always did, and then he proceeded to leave. 

Arthit had gone back to bed where Yo was already waiting for him and the two had slept until ten am and then Arthit had made himself and Yo a very light breakfast. By the time Beam was knocking on the door the two had already gotten ready for their day. 

"How have you been Arthit?" Beam questioned. The two were in the livingroom having some tea while Yo played in his room for a while. 

"I've been okay."

"And Kongpob. Is he treating you nice?"

"He's a good man."

"I know he is," Beam spoke with a smile. The way in which Beam said this somehow made Arthit's stomach churn. What was that feeling? What relationship did Kongpob and Beam really have?

"Have you thought about what you're going to do once all of this is over? You can't stay with them forever." Arthit knew that Beam was the type of person that was blunt. He didn't beat around the bush which was why he wasn't surprised at his question. Yet, that question caused him to feel afraid. There was a feeling in his heart that caused him to feel as though he could not breathe. He was quiet for a moment unaware that Beam was intently looking at him.

"You've grown attached, haven't you?" Beam spoke.

"Yes... Yo was my student and I have to admit part of me wishes...." Arthit appeased, yet he was unsure for who that was for.

"You can still have that. One day, you can have a family of your own. But you have to have courage Arthit. Kongpob will tell you that you can run away. But I won't tell you that because I believe that you need to stand up to that bastard Knot."

"I can't do that... I don't feel like I can..." Arthit spoke up unable to hide the fear he still had at the mention of that man.

"Don't you want your freedom? Even if you are away from him and you run away to never see him again. You'll always be attached to him because you're still married. Don't you see it? If you don't get a divorce you can't start again Arthit. Knot should pay for what he did to you."

"I know..." Arthit whispered.

"But I'm still so afraid." He admitted to Beam.

"Listen to me," Beam spoke taking his hand in his.

"My mother spent her life alongside a man who drank himself to death and beat her black and blue. She was unable to leave because she was so blinded by love. In the end, that blind love helped kill her.  But you have already taken that first step Arthit. I understand that what you need is time so take it and get stronger." Beam said to him. 

"Thank you," Arthit told him. He knew that Beam's words were not meant to be forceful but to show his support. He reminded him a little of Kit. Ming's fiance.

"What's that smile for?"

"You remind me of my friend. Kittinan Intochar." Arthit spoke up. 

"Kit... the one marrying Mingkwan," Beam spoke in surprise. 

"Yes... How do you..."

"We happen to work at the same hospital. He's a good friend of mine." Beam spoke with a smile. 

"Can you tell them something for me?" The words leave his mouth before he can stop them. Maybe because he misses his friends, maybe because he knows that they're probably worried sick about him. Since he had been with Kongpob he had always worried about his friends. He knew well that they cared for him. He knew that both Byul and Ming would be worried and blaming themselves for not knowing where he was.

"I'll let them know you're okay," Beam says to him.

"Thank you..." They talk for a while more mainly about his friends and when Beam leaves he promises to come again. Arthit is glad because it's the first time in a while that he's had a conversation with someone. Yet the question he most wanted to be answered from Beam goes unanswered and he is too afraid to ask it out loud. Kongpob...

It was around the middle of the afternoon when he was about to get lunch ready for Yo and himself that Yo's phone began to ring. Arthit was used to Kongpob or Mrs. Suthiluck being the only ones that ever called that phone number. However, this time, there was a name on the screen that Arthit could not recognize. "Uncle Porshe"

"Yo... Someone is calling you." Arthit spoke up to the small boy that was sitting on the kitchen table while he watched Pororo on his iPad. Yo looked up at him and Arthit read the name on the screen out loud for Yo who was just starting to learn how to read. 

"Uncle Porshe is Aunt Ema's husband. She's Daddy's sister." Yo spoke up before he answered the phone by himself.

"Hello Uncle Porshe!" 

"Daddy's at work today. He said he had something important to do." Yo announced. Arthit quietly continued to do what he needed to do. He had made papaya salad for the two to enjoy and simply placed it in front of Yo.  

"Yo is with his babysitter." Yo continued to say while offering a smile. 

"Yes Uncle Porshe. Yo would really like to see the new animals!... Can I really!" Arthit could tell that Yo was getting excited. 

"We'll go right away Uncle," Yo spoke hanging up before Arthit could say anything.

"Is something going on?" Arthit questioned and Yo nodded with excitement. 

"Come on Teacher Art! Yo wants to go outside." Immediately Arthit froze and pulled his hand back.

"Yo... You know that we... I can't go outside." He whispered. Yo pouted as he looked at him.

"But we went to the market together with Daddy." 

"That was different Yo," Arthit spoke to him. 

"If you want to go somewhere then we're going to have to wait until Kongpob or your Grandmother come home. Then you can go with them." Arthit said to Yo. Despite the fact that he wished he could go outside the truth of the matter was he was fearful. Even if Mrs. Suthiluck was with them the only time he truly felt safe when Kongpob was with them. 

"But I want to go with teacher Art... please. I promise that Yo can protect teacher too. Teacher Art doesn't have to worry even if Daddy isn't here to protect teacher Art there is still Yo." Yo tells him. Arthit doesn't know what to tell. Despite the fact that Yo's words move him, he did not want to risk it. He would be putting Yo in danger if he was spotted on the street with the child. What would he do if Knot saw them, the man would surely hurt him and Yo as revenge on Kongpob... Arthit didn't even want to think about that.  Looking at Yo who was looking up at him with anticipation Arthit kneeled down to his level knowing that he had to let him down easy. 

"Yo... Do you know that you are one of my favorite people in the world?" The little boy smiled at him and offered him a hug which took Arthit by surprise.

"Teacher Art is one of Yo's favorite people too. Yo loves teacher Art like if he were Yo's Daddy too." Tears began to well in Arthit's eyes as he heard those words from Yo. Yo looked at him and offered him a smile.

"Yo understands. Yo will call Grandma to come get us."

"But Yo... I." Arthit begins but Yo cute him off.

"Uncle Porshe owns the vet hospital. Grandma will explain it to him." Yo tells him this talk somehow feels familiar and he realizes Yo's words are similar to Kongpob's when he had convinced him to go out with them. 

"Alright.." Arthit gives in reluctantly. Yo grins at him happily and kisses his cheek. Despite the fact that Arthit is surprised at the gesture he is happy. He realizes that for a long time now, he had seen Yo not as his student but as a son. He was the type of child he had always dreamed of having. Once again, Arthit felt that hope bubble inside him that he knew he had no right to have. 

"Come on let's have lunch," Arthit told Yo gently.

"What are we having?"

"Mango sticky rice," Arthit spoke to Yo who nodded happily. 

They sit down to have lunch first with Yo calling his grandmother to tell him that his Uncle Porshe had invited him to come to see the new animals they had dropped off at the vet. Arthit had apologized to the woman for Yo calling her when she was supposed to be on a break, as weekends strictly belonged to both he and Kongpob to spend time with Yo.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart. But I can't go and pick you two up. My car is actually parked right outside. The keys are in the key bowl at the front of the door. You can drive can't you?" She questioned. Arthit was taken back for a few moments, unsure of what to say.

"Arthit... Porshe's veterinary hospital is not far away. I'll let him know what is going on before you arrive." Mrs. Suthiluck spoke up. Despite the fact that Arthit was nervous he knew that Mrs. Suthiluck was pushing him because this was a step that he would need to take eventually.

"Arthit... You will be fine. He can't hurt you and I left not only pepper spray but a tazer gun in that bowl for you as well. Kongpob trusts you enough to take care of Yo and so do I."

"But what if-,"

"There won't be a what-if, You will be fine. The vet is only five minutes away Arthit." Arthit relaxes as he hears this and when Yo takes his hand he offers him a smile.

"Yo will protect teacher," Yo tells him. Arthit nods smiling at the child, they got ready to go out together and Arthit made sure to let Kongpob know what was going on. He was not going to take Kongpob's child out without letting him know. Kongpob had simply sent back and Okay as a reply nothing more which told Arthit that Kongpob was not worrying about them going out. Somehow that made Arthit feel better, safe, at the same time it reassured him that Kongpob trusted him with Yo. 

With that in mind, he grabbed the car keys, the tazer, and pepper spray and headed out the door with Yo after putting on his hat and face mask in order to hide. He looked around nervously trying to see if anyone was watching them but found the street remotely empty. When he thought the coast was clear he helped Yo into the car and placed him on his car seat before going to the front. 

It had been five years since the last time that he had gotten in front of the wheel and he was a bit nervous. Knot had never let him drive, because of what happened to Luna. To some extent, Arthit knew that the man had been afraid something would happen to him, and yet it confused him. That in itself had seemed like an act of a person that cared and worried for someone else. In the end, Arthit had come to the conclusion that it had to do with his face. 

As he looked in the mirror he realized that it had always been the problem. No matter what he had always been compared to his sister. Everyone loved her more than they had ever cared for him. In his life, only two people had chosen him. Ming and Byul. Despite that, he felt as though it had been an error. Because he too had always compared himself to her as well because the one person that was supposed to love them equally as her children always picked Luna and forgot about him. 

"Teacher Art..." Yo called out softly snapping him out of his thoughts. When he looked at the small child he realized that there was no need to wonder anything because Yo had met only him. But there was still the what if? What if Yo had met his sister first. What about Kongpob? His heart ached at the thought of being brushed aside by people he now realized he also cared deeply about. 

"Teacher Art..." Yo called out again. He was looking at him in worry, Arthit remembered Yo's words to him and tried to forget that pain. Mrs. Suthiluck had told him that he needed to stop worrying about the past and things that had not, nor would they ever happen. His sister was gone, and it took him a long time to realize that he was yet to accept it. He was yet to tell Mrs. Suthiluck about what Knot made him do but as he continued to think these things he pushed himself to pull himself back out of that hole he was starting to dig himself in again.

That was his past now, he needed to stay foucused on his present. Looking at Yo he offered a smile and turned on the car. Taking a deep breath he realized that he needed to concentrate on driving. He had precious cargo in the back and it was important that he kept his mind in one place. He gripped the steering wheel tightly before he stepped on the gas pedal ever so gently. Okay... let's go...

Despite the fact that the drive should have taken Arthit no more than five minutes, it had taken him a full fifteen minutes to get to the vet. Despite the honks of the other cars and the angry yells from them telling him to hurry up he ignored it all and simply concentrated on driving as carefully as he could until they arrived at their destination. 

When they did arrive, there was a man waiting outside for them and by the happy squeal that came out of Yo's mouth, Arthit knew that this was Porshe. The man was with large eyes, tan skin, and he was rather tall but was neither skinny nor super in shape. Even so, he was still quite charming when he smiled and looked like an incredibly warm person. He reminded Arthit a little bit of a puppy. 

"Uncle Porshe!" Yo ran towards the other man and into his arms. The other man chuckled and hugged Yo back.

"Hello Yo. How have you been."

"Happy! Uncle this is Teacher Art! He's Yo's favorite person in the whole entire world!" He spoke with a smile. Arthit turned to look at the other man who offered a warm and kind smile to him. 

"Hello P'. My name is Porshe." The man spoke with a polite Wai. Arthit nodded and offered a polite handshake to the man who was wearing some gloves.

"I apologize for interrupting your weekend. But every time we get new animals here I call Yo to see them. He says he wants to be a vet and an artist when he grows up. Now I know why...Anyway Today there is a penguin, a baby skunk, and its mother, we have a baby seal, and there is a very large parrot here today." Porshe explained. 

"So many. Teacher Art. Let's go inside! Yo wants to pet all the cute animals." Yo announced. Looking at the small child Arthit was unable to stop his own smile and excitement as Yo's own excitement seemed to be infectious. They walked inside the building and there were a few people in the waiting room with their pets. The woman that was at the front desk offered a smile and greeted Yo with a lollypop.

"Can I have it?" Yo questioned looking up at him and knowing that he was not allowed to have many sweets anymore. Arthit smiled at him nodding allowing Yo to indulge himself just for today as he did not want to ruin the child's happy mood. Yo beamed and took the strawberry lollipop happily in his hand.

"This way," Porshe spoke up as he took them further into the hospital. There were many doors but the first one they went to happened to be were a penguin was. The penguin was taller than Arthit expected. It was walking around the room and when it caught sight of them it walked towards them. Arthit could tell that Yo was excited but Arthit feared that the penguin would peck at Yo and hurt him. He pulled Yo back a bit and Porshe spoke up.

"This is Blue. He just came for a standard checkup. I usually go to the aquarium to check on them but he is being transferred to a new aquarium so he will be taken after this. He's harmless." Porshe spoke. The small penguin approached Yo and simply looked at him. They were around the same height and Yo seemed fascinated by this. He giggled when the penguin reached it's wing out to him as if to touch him.

"He want to pet Yo. Yo want to pet him too." Hearing Yo say that made both Porshe and Arthit laugh. He wished that he had a camera to capture a moment such as this between Yo and the penguin but instead Arthit simply observed closely, promising himself that as soon as he could get his hand on a canvas and some paints he would paint this picture himself. 

They stayed a couple of moments like this until Porshe told Yo that they would go visit the small baby seal that had just arrived. Once again Yo was filled with excitement. They stayed with the small seal for a good fifteen minutes, Yo was able to feed him and because the baby seal knew a few tricks Yo was quite excited. 

"Can't we keep him. He can live off fish and live in our bathtub." Yo had said to Arthit.

"He needs to go back to his mommy Yo."

"Yo is fine without a mommy. He will be too." Yo spoke with a shrug. He was so nonchalant about the situation it made Arthit feel that Yo might be both resentful to that person and at the same time he sounded grown up as well. 

"His mommy is waiting for him Yo..." Porshe spoke to Yo who nodded in understanding.

"At least his mommy loves him..." Arthit understood Yo more than anyone. He knew what it was like to be rejected by the one person in the world that was supposed to love you unconditionally.

"Yo..." Arthit said to him taking him in his arms and hugging him tightly.

"You know that your daddy loves you very much right. You have your grandma and uncles... and you can always count on me too." Arthit whispered to him. Yo wrapped his arms around Arthit's neck and smiled happily. The sad moment went as fast as it had come. Porshe who was watching the two of them could not help but smile. Anyone with eyes could see that Arthit looked like a parent, one that loved his child very much.

"Are you ready to see the parrot?" Porshe spoke with a smile. Yo nodded but stayed in Arthit's arms allowing him to carry him to the next room where a very large parrot was sitting on a stand. 

"He was feeling a little under the weather. But it seemed that he ate something he wasn't supposed to thankfully he was able to take it out himself."

"Hello! Hello!" The parrot began to say. Immediately Yo's eyes lit up as he realized that the parrot could talk to him. 

"Hello," Yo spoke back.

"Pretty! Pretty!" The parrot spoke which earned giggles from Yo. The bird then took flight which caused Arthit to yelp when the large bird landed on his shoulder. Yo was looking at him in amusement he reached out to pet the bird and Arthit could only pray that the large parrot did not poop on him. Eventually, Porshe was able to get the bird off of him and they were able to go see the final animal a baby skunk and it's mother. 

"When they walked into the room there were two separate cages. There was a small hairless baby skunk in one cage and a large skunk in another cage.

"Why are they separated?" Arthit questioned as he put Yo down on the ground once again so that he could see the next animal.

"Her mother doesn't want her," Porshe explained.

"Her?... She's a girl?" Yo questioned moving to the small cage in fascination at the small baby skunk that was inside its cage. 

"We keep her away from her mother Pumpkin because Pumpkin is aggressive. She originally gave birth to three skunks... unfortunately she killed two of them right after she gave birth. She refuses to feed this little one that is still alive and when we try to get her to bond with her baby she tries to hurt her." Porshe explained quietly. Arthit looked at Yo who was completely enthralled with the small baby skunk.

"Her mommy doesn't want her?... But she's so cute. What's going to happen to her?" Yo questioned quietly. 

"Pumpkin belongs to someone. She's a house pet essentially. Her baby will be given up for adoption." Arthit knew the moment Yo would ask him to keep the baby skunk because Yo began to pout and give him puppy eyes.

"Teacher Art... Can't we take her with us? I'll take really good care of her. I promise that I will love her so much." Yo begged. Porshe was looking at them in amusement and despite the tight spot that Arthit now found himself with the child, he realized he had to tell him no.

"Yo... having a pet is a big responsibility. A baby skunk will be really hard to take care of. We don't knot what they eat, or how to take care of it. They need special foods and this decision is something I can't make because I'm not your father." Yo's bottom lip began to tremble and soon enough he was bursting into tears. 

Arthit panicked for a moment, while Yo had cried in front of him before this was the first time he felt it was his fault.

"But Yo promises to take care of her. Uncle Porshe is a vet. If Yo has questions he can ask Uncle Porshe. Can't I take her Uncle? Yo's house is really clean, there is always healthy food now that teacher Art cooks for us. She won't go hungry and Yo will give her so much love that she will never remember her mother. Just like Yo forgot about his mother who abandoned him." Arthit can tell that Porshe too is flustered and unsure of what to say. In the end, Porshe settles for the same answer that Arthit had given Yo. 

"Kongpob would never let you keep her."

"He will. Daddy promised he would get Yo a pet." Yo sniffled. 

"Well... he did say that." Porshe spoke up.

"But I'm sure he did not mean that he would get Yo a skunk." Arthit intervened. 

"Please teacher Art. Yo will be good. Yo won't refuse to eat carrots anymore. Yo will always be on his best behavior... Please... Yo will never ever ask for anything else again." The look in Yo's eyes were so innocent, tears were threatening to fall down his eyes as he pouted and held his hands together to beg. 

Arthit looked at Porshe for some help but the other man simply shook his head. Arthit would have called him out but as he looked at Yo he knew that he could not deny him anymore. 

"Please..." Yo whispered softly. 

"Okay...I'll talk to Kongpob later." Arthit tells him Yo grins happily and Porshe looked at him in amusement. 

"So what are we going to need to take care of her?" Arthit questioned Porshe. 

"I'll give you a list." Porshe began.


He had lied to Arthit when he had told him that he was going to work. He would usually spend the weekends with Yo and it was very rare that they would ever have their law firm opened during weekends. 

But he had gone to see someone in regards to something important. Prem. he had thought a lot about who he wanted to know about what was going on with Arthit, Knot, and himself. While he wished he could tell Em, he was also aware of the fact that May was there. He trusted them, but this wasn't something he felt comfortable sharing with them at all. May and Em were nice people but they were bad liars. Kongpob was not willing to risk Arthit's safety.

When he had first mentioned things to Prem it had been about three weeks after Arthit had been staying with him. That had only been because of what happened with Moowan. When he had told Prem and Wad, because there was no way that the two could keep a secret from one another as they were married, but Kongpob also knew that the two were the best at keeping secrets, they had both been angry. 

"You should have turned him into the police. Do you know what this means? You might be linked to the robbery. You could go to jail!" Prem was scolding at him angrily. Wad was quietly listening but frowned at his husbands words.

"And what about Arthit? Should he just have left him there?" Wad questioned. 

"He's not a nice man anyway." Prem spoke with a shurg. This caused Kongpob who had tried to hold back his anger to glare at Prem. 

"You know what. I think I made a mistake in coming to you for help." Kongpob spoke coldly.

"Kongpob... he didn't mean that." Wad spoke up.

"Yes he did. He's saying that Arthit deserved to be treated that way by Knot. To be beaten, degraded, and isolated from the people that loved him." Kongpob took his phone out as he said these words.  He then began to play the video of when Arthit had tried to escape. He could tell how uncomfortable it made Prem and how angry it made Wad.

"Arthit didn't do anything to him. The only reason Arthit was always so rude and dismissive to others is because Knot wanted it that way. He's sweet and he's kind and he's a good person. Even if he wasn't, that doesn't mean he deserves to be treated this way." Kongpob tells Prem.

"I know... I'm sorry..." Prem whispered.

"Why are you showing us this?"

"Because. I need someone else in our corner."

"What are you going to do if Knot finds out. You can't keep him with you forever.... He's not a stray cat that you happened to pick up on the street he has a hu-"

"Knot doesn't own him." Kongpob snapped at Wad. 

"I didn't say that. I just meant. Sooner or later Knot will find out."

"I know. We're preparing for that."

"Doesn't he have people that can help him?" Prem questioned.

"They were helping him escape. But I'm sure that Knot already has his eyes around them..."

"Doesn't he have his mother? Knot mentioned her once or twice." Wad spoke up.

"That woman..." Kongpob doesn't know much. When he asked Arthit about her he had gone so quiet. It was the same if not a more painful look in his eyes whenever she was brought up. Whatever their relationship was Kongpob knew that it was not good. He wasn't going to press Arthit into talking about it. 

"She doesn't care..." Kongpob whispered. 

"What do you need me to do?" Prem questioned after a few moments of silence.

"Well... The night of the robbery. I'm sure that it was staged."

"Staged? How so?" Wad questioned.

"That day when I helped Arthit escape it was him that they were after. I managed to disarm the robbers and when I threatened one of them he told me they were sent to kill Arthit but he didn't say who."

From that moment on both Prem and Wad had been on his side and were both more than willing to help him with what was going on between Arthit, Knot and now himself. 

"Did you tell Arthit about this?" Beam questioned. The man was sitting beside him while they waited for Prem to come home. Wad was in the kitchen preparing tea and when he came back he gave a kind smile to both Beam and Kongpob.

"He should be here soon." Wad tells them.

"I couldn't get myself to tell him. He thinks I'm at the office."

"It's almost three o'clock. Where have you been?" Beam questioned as he had gone to visit Arthit that morning.

"I was preparing a few things."

"Like what?" Beam questioned raising an eyebrow. When Kongpob did not answer Beam looked at him suspiciously. The sound of the front door opening was heard and soon enough Prem was walking through the door. The look on his face was hard to read, Kongpob's stomach dropped.

"So... what have you found out?" Beam questioned first while Prem simply kissed Wad's cheek and then took out a large file from the briefcase he had been carrying. Sighing Prem sat beside Wad on the couch in front of Beam and Kongpob who were across from them. He placed the large file on the coffee table and urged Kongpob to take it. 

There were several pictures on there of Knot, a man that Kongpob could not recognize. A woman, that once again Kongpob could not recognize. There were various pictures and then Kongpob froze as he saw a familiar face that wasn't so familiar.

"This is Luna Manawej. Arthit's twin sister." Prem spoke up.

"They look so alike..." Beam spoke up in awe while Wad himself nodded.

"They're twins after all." Prem said. But Kongpob shook his head.

"Arthit is... prettier." There was another picture there one of Arthit. It caused Kongpob to smile.

The expression on Arthit's face was so playful and innocent. So full of life. He was making a face at the camera. He couldn't see any worries at all. 

"A Mingkwan took it...." Prem spoke up. Kongpob nodded as he'd heard Arthit mention that person several times before. He remembered that kiss that he had seen between them as well and couldn't help the pang in his heart. How important is that person to you that you can show him that carefree expression?....

"Anyway... I followed Knot a lot. He went to visit this guy Jay Manawej."

"Manawej?.... Is he related to Arthit somehow?" Kongpob questioned. Prem nodded.

"He's the twins, Arthit's older brother. Knot was with him for a couple of hours and then went home. I went to see that guy from afar. I didn't want to ask questions and risk Knot finding out."

There was a photograph of the guy with some flowers.

"He goes to the cemetery three times a week. He visits Luna whenever he can."

"You'd think he'd care about the sibling that was still alive. Why has he never contacted Arthit?" Beam spoke up outraged and expressing the same feelings that Kongpob felt.

"Has Arthit mentioned him before to you?" Wad questioned Kongpob.

"Never... Arthit doesn't like to talk about painful things..." Kongpob tells them.

"Well... after Knot went to visit him he went to the cemetery again. But he visited his father, he was there for a long time..."

"And his mother?" Beam questioned. 

"This is her. Isn't it... she looks... familiar." Kongpob says.

"She was there at the gallery opening." Prem spoke up. 

"That's right... She was pulling at Arthit and she looked so angry..." Kongpob recalled but then he remembered something else.

"She looks like.." Kongpob began

"Fah Rojnapat." Prem ended for him and Kongpob nodded realizing that Prem was right.

"That can't be a coincidence. Can it?" Beam questioned. Kongpob had two pictures in his hand of the same woman. But one had lighter hair than the other. 

"The woman in white. That's Fah Rojnapat... The other woman is Sirikit Manawej"

"They look so alike..." Wad spoke up. 

"Are they related?" Beam questioned.

"No. There's no record of that from either woman. I've tried to dig deep. But both women come from different social-economic backgrounds. They have different parents. They weren't even raised in the same cities..." Prem explained

"So then?" Kongpob questioned.

"Well... Mrs. Manawej has a very... unique background."

"What do you mean?" Kongpob questioned. 

"Well, she was arrested several times for petty theft, assault. All in her teenage years of course and this had been expunged. I had a friend look into it for me. But... she was once arrested with a group of people. They were able to recover some footage of the robbers in their cars. That man there.." Knot spoke pulling out another picture of another man.

"He was the driver. His name is Tom something or other. He's had so many aliases. When he was arrested with Sirikit years ago he was known as Sticky Fingers Tom...."

"That's no coincidence... You don't think that she..." Beam questioned.

"She robbed the gallery... and wanted them to kill Arthit... " Kongpob spoke up. 

"But why? He's her son." Wad questioned. 

"Knot, Jay, Mrs. Suthiluck, Arthit they all have one person in common don't they?" Prem questioned. 

"Luna..." Kongpob spoke up and Prem nodded.

"The way that she died was weird. I did some digging and well she had just gotten her car fixed up, she'd been having trouble with her engine. So she gets it fixed but the next day she crashes her car. There were tests done on the car the mechanic was interrogated. In the end they said she had some kind of stroke."

"For someone her age at the time. That's very rare. Do you mind giving me the report." Beam spoke up.

"I'll send it to you," Prem tells him. 

"So it was an accident." Kongpob tells them. 

"But what if it wasn't?" Prem questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. Who had the most to gain. From what I gather Arthit wasn't treated well by his mother. I've combed through Arthit and Luna's lives. When Luna died her friends began to post things online saying that Arthit must have done it."

"Arthit would never do something like that. He's not that kind of person."

"How are you so sure? I mean. He did marry his sister's fiance."

"Things are complicated," Kongpob spoke up.

"Are they? If Luna died. Arthit would gain a lot. His mother's love. Knot. Freedom from his mother who according to Luna's friends treated him like garbage." 

"Arthit wouldn't do this to his sister. He's not that kind of person."

"You don't know him that well Kongpob. In the end he got everything that should have belonged to his sister."

"Then why would he run away now Prem?" Kongpob snapped angrily.

"Maybe because things didn't go as planned." Kongpob was about to hit Prem if not for the fact that Beam held him back.

"I should have never come to you for help you S.O.B" Kongpob snapped.

"You asked me to investigate Kongpob. That's what I'm doing. I look for all angles. But you have to ask yourself why you're so defensive of Arthit."

"He has no one!" Kongpob shouted.

"Arthit is all by himself. His mother always mistreated him that much I know. But I also know that Arthit loved his sister. He would have never harmed her."

"Why do you believe him so easily?" Prem questioned.

"He has no reason to lie to me."

"But he also has no reason to tell you the truth." Prem countered.

"But... I don't believe he would have hurt his sister. I contacted one of Lunas friends. The girl loved Arthit. She was even willing to give up her own tuition money for Arthit to go to University. Their mother could only afford one of them. She always favored Luna." Prem spoke.

"So... she died of natural causes then." Beam spoke up.

"I didn't say that." Prem said to them. 

"Then?" Wad questioned.

"Mrs. Manawej, their mother. She was in a very large amount of debt. Her parents were practically ruined with her fathers gambling problem. She had no money in the bank to pay for Luna's college tuition. And Luna didn't have the academic marks to get a scholarship, unlike Arthit." Prem explained.

"Mrs. Manawej had life insurance on both Luna and Arthit..."

"She wouldn't have... would she?" Beam questioned as they all seemed to come to the same conclusion.

"That day, it was Arthit that was supposed to be driving. He didn't have a car but he always drove his sister around for her modeling things. He was like her assistant..."

"But... this doesn't make any sense. If Luna was favored...." Wad began.

"The stroke... other than medical reasons what else can cause it?" Kongpob questioned Beam.

"There's a poison. That leaves no traces. Even a simple touch could cause a person to die within a couple of hours..."

"Then why Luna?... If she favored her?" Wad questioned. Dread filled Kongpob's heart once more.

"Unless it wasn't meant for her but for Arthit. What if she accidentally poisoned her daughter instead of Arthit?" Kongpob said to them.

"Is there any way we can find this out?" Kongpob questioned to both Prem and Beam.

"That kind of poison is untraceable. Luna has been dead for years now too. Unless Arthit's mother confesses something.." Beam explained.

"But why would she want to do this to him? He's her son... Isn't he?" Wad questioned. 

"I have a hunch about something but... we won't know for sure unless we do a DNA test." Prem spoke up.

"DNA?..." Kongpob questioned.

"Well... what if he isn't Sirikit's son... but Fah Rojnapats?.. She was kidnapped right. A ransom was given, a video went around right. She came back dead too and she had been pregnant." Kongpob froze as he heard this.

"It's not far fetched... I mean... the two women look alike..." Beam spoke up.

"She has a past of theft as well. You have to ask Arthit about this." Prem said.

"No... this will devastate him. He's already so fragile." Kongpob countered. 

"You can't protect him in your safety bubble forever. Kongpob. If this means that his mother tried to kill him you need to tell him. If she's not really his mother he also needs to know this. His potential family needs to know this... Do you realize that would make him a Jaturapoom?" Beam spoke in awe.

"Okay... You're right... but... let's stop the what if's and until we know the is. I won't tells him any of this." Kongpob said to them.

"Okay..." Prem said to him.

"Beam... Do you think you can."

"I know a guy that can help without saying much about it. I'll just need a sample from Arthit's DNA. Which I think I still have at home from the wound I cleaned up." Beam spoke up. Kongpob looked at him with a glare but Beam shrugged.

"I thought it might come in handy for evidence later." Kongpob didn't want to argue. Instead, he excused himself telling them that he needed to get home to Yo and Arthit soon. Beam followed him out despite the fact that Kongpob did not want to talk to him feeling both angry and irritated.


"Drop it Beam. I don't want to argue with you." 

"Kongpob," Beam spoke catching up to Kongpob when he was about to get inside his car. 

"Look I had to okay. If anything happened that was the proof that Arthit had been at my house safe." Beam said to him.

"You should have let me know!"

"I didn't think it mattered."

"Of course it mattered this is about Arthit!"

"Why do you care so much about him?..." 

"Because I worry about him Beam. He is in a lot of Danger."

 "But it's more than that isn't it. Your care for him...Do you have feelings for him Kongpob?" Beam questioned. 

"No..." Kongpob answered. Beam scoffed.

"Don't lie to yourself Kongpob. I can tell. I'm your friend... as much as I would like you and Arthit to work out... eventually, this is-"

"I don't have feelings for him," Kongpob assured Beam. 

"I need to go," Kongpob spoke before getting in his car and driving off. Despite what he had said to Beam, all his worries in regards to Arthit and Beam's last words to him made him feel anxious. He gripped tightly on to his steering wheel trying to ignore his own thoughts but being unable to hide the fear that he felt. He just needed to get home and see them... see him. He had known that Arthit was out with Yo he had sent him a text in regards to that. What if they weren't home yet? What if something had happened. 

When he got home however the first thing that he noticed was that his mother's car was parked outside. He breathed easily upon noticing that. His feet moved on their own accords almost as he rushed inside. He could hear Yo laughing and Arthit's own tinkered laugh followed causing Kongpob to smile. 

Already, there was a nice aroma in the kitchen which he followed to his two favorite people as he usually did now until he could finally see them. As soon as Yo saw him he offered a smile.

"It smells amazing as always but you know-" Kongpob began.

"I know... I don't have to cook if I don't want to." Arthit cut him off with a smile.

"Having the option is nice... But I like cooking... We're having salmon today...I made dessert too... as a bribe and an apology..." Arthit said to him while he took out something from the oven.

From the smell, Kongpob could already tell it was Salmon. He began to then set it up on a plate with a lemon wedge and some steamed broccoli. 

On his kitchen counter, there was already a small display of freshly made lemon macaroons. His favorite.

However, Arthit's last words finally clicked in his head and as he looked at the pretty man Kongpob could tell that Arthit was uncomfortable. For a moment he tensed unsure of what was going on. 

"Did you see my text message?" Kongpob shook his head and for a moment his mind drifted to the worst possible scenario. Was this it? Was Arthit leaving them already?... He forced himself to smile and kept his hands and bay despite wanting to take Arthit's hands in his.

"What is it.... You know you can tell me anything right. I won't ever be angry at you or..."

"You say that now..." Arthit muttered under his breath. 

"What's going on?"

"Daddy... Yo got a baby today." Yo announced walking towards a small box with a blanket in it and picking it up. It was then that Kongpob saw the small bundle in Yo's arms that had been wrapped in a baby blue blanket.

As Yo moved closer Kongpob could see what was inside the blanket, a baby skunk.

"Her name is Sweet Pea. Isn't she cute Daddy." For a moment, Kongpob simply stared at both Yo and Arthit who was looking at him expectantly. 

"I am so sorry. But... I couldn't say no to him... I figured... you could and if you want to send her back we-"

"No... it's fine. I told Yo he could have a pet I just... It's fine." Kongpob spoke with a smile. 

"Really?" Arthit questioned. 

"Yes..." As long as you're not leaving yet... I can relax...

"Why don't we just have dinner okay. I know this skunk wasn't your idea. And Yo and I will have a discussion about this later. He knew that he needed to ask me." Kongpob spoke to Yo who pouted.

"But... I'm keeping her right?" Yo questioned.

"Maybe... If you can be responsible. You have a week to prove that to me or she's going back to Uncle Porshe. Who I also need to have a word with."

"Kongpob.." Arthit began.

"I'm not angry at you Arthit really. I just can't believe Porshe let Yo ambush you like this. He always swore to me that he would give Yo a weird pet to keep. I told him I planned on getting Yo a goldfish as his first pet they're easier to take care of." Kongpob spoke. But then both Yo and Arthit made a face.


"They die fast." They both responded. Kongpob shook his head at them.

"Let's just have dinner okay. I've had a hard day and want to have the nice dinner you prepared. Tough days are better with good food and dessert." Arthit smiled at him and nodded. Looking at the other man Kongpob simply prayed that things would work out...

They spent the next few hours lazing around the house. As always Yo wanted to watch a movie with them in the living room. The lights were dimmed, they were sitting on the large couch with both his feet and Arthit's propped up on the coffee table. This time it was ironically Cinderella. As always, halfway through the movie, Yo had fallen asleep. His little pet skunk was snuggled in his arms while Yo himself slept in between he and Arthit. Yo's head was resting on Arthit's lap as he was being pet on the head gently. 

"We'll be up all night taking care of it aren't we?" Kongpob questioned looking at the small baby skunk. Arthit looked at him apologetically.

"Maybe... Porshe explained that she needs to be fed a couple of times but I'll message him just to make sure again. I'm really sorry Kongpobg" Arthit said to him. 

"Don't feel sorry Arthit. I know Yo roped you into this... but I'm letting him keep her. He's named her and won't let go of her." Kongpob said to him.

"Her mother didn't want her..." Kongpob felt a pang in his heart as he heard this and realized why Yo had wanted her and why Arthit has said yes. He had not realized until that moment how similar both Yo and Arthit were in that aspect.

"Arthit... Can I finally ask you?..."

"About what?" 

"Your mother... and your sister... You never say much." Once again Arthit was quiet, yet he unconsciously continued to gently stroke Yo's hair. 

"She didn't love me... She knew about Knot's treatment. But... never cared. He pays for a lot of her things. Did I mention that before?... I don't remember." Kongpob simply remained silent feeling his heart hurt at Arthit's words. He knew at that moment what he needed to do was listen. 

"My sister... Luna... She loved me. She took care of me. Sometimes it felt as though she was my mother...She was perfect you know. Beautiful, kind, she was clumsy at times and a terrible cook too." Arthit chuckled as he spoke of his sister with a sad smile.

"I once cooked a cake for her, it was a rainbow citrus cake..."

"Knot's favorite." Kongpob spoke up and Arthit smiled bitterly. 

"Can I ask you why... you married him Arthit when,"

"When he was her fiance." Arthit finished for him. Arthit shrugged his shoulders as tears threatened to fall from his eyes again. It was always like this, Arthit never fully cried, never fully pushed himself he was always holding himself back from his pain not willing to fully erupt in his emotions. Kongpob had been the same in the past. 

"I didn't want to. You know. I thought they were perfect together. Knot would never love me he wasn't gay. I was content with looking at him from far away. I was used to my sister getting everything she wanted. She was nice and kind she deserved to be happy."

"You deserve that too Arthit."

"You're the first person who has ever told me that you know... But that's because you never met her. You would have liked her more than me she was... beautiful and."

"You're beautiful Arthit. More than she was." Kongpob tells him, immediately Arthit freezes. 

"You met her?" Arthit questioned. 

"Only in photographs... and a bit of what Knot told me I."

"Then you don't have to lie to me. Despite the fact that we look alike I know she was better. Mother always told me that. And Knot..."

"Who cares what they think Arthit. What matters is the way you look at yourself." Kongpob tells him. 


"Really." Kongpob corrects. 

"Mai begged me to marry him. I didn't want to. I didn't want to take away something that belonged to my sister but... I was selfish and stupid and-"

"You believed in a person that you loved Arthit. There's nothing wrong with that."

"There is when you make the wrong choice Kongpob. You don't know how much I regret that."

"I understand Arthit. Maybe we didn't have the same situation but my wife only married me for money then she abandoned Yo and I. For a long time I felt destroyed and betrayed. I buried myself in alcohol and neglected my son to the point where he was sitting on a bench with a stranger... but I thank god that it was you that day otherwise..." Kongpob doesn't want to finish that sentence. 

"You can still start again someday... but not me... I'm too messed up. I'm damaged goods Kongpob."

"You're not Arthit. You can start again you deserve that."

"Who would want me?" Arthit questions looking at him. In that moment Kongpob wants to scream the word that he knows he shouldn't. He can't say it out loud because it makes it real so instead he says what he should.

"Anyone. Everyone. You're a good person Arthit your past with Knot does not define you."

"But it does Kongpob... It hurts me so much to look at my own self in the mirror when I stare at the one face that tortures me every day. With guilt and hate with everything that this marriage has turned me into...." Tears are freely falling down Arthit's face. 


"Excuse me.. I'm sorry I." Gently Arthit pries Yo off his lap and stands up to leave. Kongpob follows him because he knows that whatever it is that is keeping Arthit believing this if he doesn't let it out he might never fully get over his trauma. 

"Arthit... talk to me, please... Whatever it is I won't ever judge you for it." Kongpob tells him gently. Arthit is standing in the middle of the hallways towards his room and he is hugging himself tightly. His back is to Kongpob and a hand is covering his mouth to stop the sobs from escaping his lips.

"Arthit..." Kongpob says again.

"He makes me... do things I don't want to..." Kongpob's heart clenches as he hears that. Arthit's back remains to him as he continues.

"That first night I remember so vividly because we had just gotten married. For that single night, I believed that he could love me. That we would be happy.  I had never... done anything with anyone. I was lucky that my first kiss and first date was with Ming otherwise I... That night he..."

"Did he rape you Arthit?" Kongpob questioned but Arthit shook his head.

"I was willing, we had just gotten married but... It hurt... a lot... and then he just laid there and I... I did too I... He never touched me again after that. He blames me for Luna's death but I swear to you Kongpob I didn't do anything to her." Arthit turns to look at him in tears pleading with him and Kongpob wishes nothing more than to hug Arthit in that moment but he knows that if he does that Arthit will be scared as he does not like to be touched.

"I know Arthit..."

"All of this that Knot has done to me was for her. Luna... I love my sister but I wish I didn't have this face Kongpob. I wish I could cut my face off and replace it I wish I never had this same face. It's why he doesn't want to let me go Kongpob. Even when he hates me he forces me to stay with him... he calls me Luna he touches me and forces kisses on me while calling her name... he makes me... he makes me." Arthit is a sobbing mess in front of him but Kongpob still pushes.

"What Arthit..."

"He forces me into dresses, makeup... wigs... He makes me pretend to be her and I feel so disgusting. I want to die Kongpob. Why can't I just die? Why does my life have to be like this." Kongpob is trembling at Arthit's words and doesn't think as he pulls Arthit close wanting him to just forget, wishing that these things never crossed Arthit's mind.  Wishing that he could erase them completely.

"Don't say that, please. Don't tell yourself these things Arthit. Your life is important. Your life has value."

"No one sees me for me. Even my friends, when they look at me I always wonder if they see me or Luna. If they compare me. If they wish she was here instead. Just like my mai, just like Knot... Everyone always chooses her. Everyone always loves her more. I would choose her too. I would want her to live. I wish it was me that had died that day. No one would miss me everyone's lives would be better off without me Kongpob." Arthit sobs in his arms. Arthit's words shake him to his core because he is afraid to think about those things, he is afraid to allow his mind to wander to Arthit's darkness. He reaches out to cup Arthit's face in his hands gently to get him to look at him.

"What about me? What about Yo? We would choose you first. We would choose you always. Even if we had met her. Even if she was as wonderful as you say. In the end, you are you, she is her. She is gone you are here. You can live and have a purpose of your own too. You are an amazing man Arthit. Even if the entire world would shun you and not want you. Know that I would always welcome you Arthit because to me and to Yo, you are the most amazing and brave person in the entire world." Sobs escape Arthit's lips as he clings to Kongpob and the two stay like that for several minutes, maybe even a few hours. Neither of them questions or looks more into their actions or words. This is nothing more than one person comforting another. And then, an alarm goes off in the middle of the silence that causes Arthit to pull away from his arms and makes Kongpob feel empty.

"I need to feed Sweet Pea...I'm sorry Kongpob I..."

"Don't be. I'm sorry for holding you if it.."

"It didn't." Arthit tells him softly. Kongpob finds himself smiling but when he reaches out to wipe away Arthit's tears he hesitantly pulls away on his own. 

"I'll come with you. Yo needs to go to bed properly. We'll take turns with the baby skunk... or we can both do it together."

"Porshe sent me a message earlier, she should only be fed a couple more times, she's eaten six times she only needs two more... it's already midnight... but... you can stay with me if you want..." Arthit tells him.

"Okay..." Kongpob tells him as Arthit walks away back to the living room. After a few moments, Kongpob follows after him and together they take care of Yo and the baby animal. They don't talk more, there's no need for that. Despite what Arthit had shared with him Kongpob doesn't judge him. Despite how angry he is at Knot he doesn't voice it. Despite the worries in his heart of Arthit's future in his life and with everything happening around them Kongpob keeps it in his heart. Even if the world falls apart Kongpob is ready to try and keep their home in once piece for Arthit, and yet, he's not willing to admit to himself why that is. 

Thank you guys for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you saw the photoshopped picture of Arthit which I'm sure you did. Know that I did not make it, in fact the person who did you can see their @ handle. I stumbled across it on Twitter and thought about using it. Anyway, I hope you enoyed this chapter. Once again thank you guys for reading. Don't forget to vote for this chapter, add this story to your library and leave a comment. 

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