Wolver-loud (A loud house/X-m...

By omegacrow-nexus

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During a fight with his older sister lori, lincoln's claws come out and he brutally injures her. He runs away... More

Chapter 1: The animal within
Chapter 2: Leaving royal woods part 1
Chapter 3: Leaving royal woods part 2
Chapter 4: Leaving royal woods final part
Chapter 5: 9 years later...Part 1: Bios
Chapter 6: 9 years later...Part 2: Life in the Howlett House
Chapter 7: 9 years later...Final part-heading to new york tomorrow
Chapter 8: Trip to New York
Chapter 9: Adamantium procedure
Chapter 10: Break out!
Chapter 11: The craziness is over...for now
Chapter 12: Relaxation for the Howlett family
Chapter 13: A relaxing night
Chapter 14: Heading to the X-institute part 1
Chapter 15: Heading to the X-institute part 2
Chapter 16: Heading to the X-institute final part
Chapter 17: Lincoln, Lynn and Luna vs Logan, the Wolverine
Chapter 18: The prisoner
Chapter 19: Tortured and Haunted
Chapter 20: Lincoln vs Grim soldier-The Mask comes off!
Chapter 21: Pain, Betrayal, Agony and Hate
Chapter 22: Harsh Encounter
Chapter 23: A fallen Utopia pt 1-Grave Tormentor's Target
Chapter 24: A fallen Utopia pt 2- A mutant talk: Grave Tormentor vs Magneto
Chapter 25: Enter the Blood Ripper, Gwen.
Chapter 27: I've Chosen my Path
Chapter 28: To plan ahead, A Deadly Experiment
Chapter 29: Rescue Mission Pt 1.
Chapter 30: Rescue Mission Pt 2.
Chapter 31: New Mutants Pt 1: Xaria Vasquez
Chapter 32: New Mutants Pt 2: Hannah Howl & Queen Quiet
Chapter 33: New Mutants Pt 3: Jeremy Fitz & Mikey Shmitt
Chapter 34: New Mutants Pt 4: Selene Nox
Chapter 35: New Mutants Pt 5: Brauner Sanchez
Chapter 36: New Mutants Pt 6: Tarot Arcana
Chapter 37: New Mutants Pt 7: Abby Nelson
Chapter 38: New Mutants Pt 8: Leo DesertRose

Chapter 26: Choose your Path

1.2K 28 32
By omegacrow-nexus

We see Logan, Lincoln, Lynn and Luna running down the pathway as the group head towards the X-institute which was under attack by the soldiers of Project-Death X with the X-Men trying to fight back.

Lincoln: Oh no.

Luna: They're wrecking the place!

Lynn: Let's teach them a lesson!

Logan: My thoughts exactly.

The four head into the warzone as the soldiers noticed Logan, Lincoln, Luna and Lynn running through as they attempt to fire at them. Logan runs at the nearest soldier and drives his claws into his skull, hits a couple of swift strikes before driving his claws into the second soldier's neck and decapitating him as he ran through each soldiers and knocking them down one by one, heading straight into the institute.

Lincoln was showing off his own brand of offense against the mutant soldiers, he evades a couple of flying boulders from earth type mutant soldiers as he lands a claw strike to the nearest soldier, kicks a second one down while driving his claw into his chest and throws him into a couple soldiers. Lincoln was then shocked by lightning from five electric mutant soldiers.

Lincoln: Aaaaagggghhhh!!!

Electric soldier: Heh, he ain't so tough.

Electric soldier 2: Yeah, he seems crazy, let's show him a little... electric shock therapy.

Electric soldier 3: Fried mutant, extra crispy... got it, Hehehehe!

They added more power to their lightning in attempt to electrocute Lincoln, who was yelling out in pain. The five electric mutant soldiers were laughing sadistically at their work and the white haired man's screams when Lynn charges in & jabs two electric mutant soldiers into the chest with her claws, killing them.

Lynn: Get away from my brother!!

The three soldiers turn to Lynn with a glare but the athlete wasn't backing down as she was aiming to rip them apart.

Electric soldier: Get her!

Electric soldier 2: Consider yourself fried!

The three electric mutant soldiers stopped shocking Lincoln and attempted to blast Lynn with lightning but the athlete mutant evades the shots and runs towards them.

Electric soldier: Running at us like that?! You're an idiot!!

They fired in the path of the approaching Lynn as she leaps up in the air. As the three electric mutant soldiers were about to open fire, two of the soldiers were stabbed through the heart from behind by Luna, getting the first electric mutant soldier's attention.

Electric soldier: What the-?!


Lynn lands a meteora knee strike to the soldier, driving him into the ground as she repeatedly jabs her claws into his chest and head, killing him.

Lynn: Huff... that's done.

Lynn and Luna helped Lincoln up.

Luna: You okay, bro?

Lincoln: A bit dazed but I'm good.

Lynn: Good. Now let's get inside the institute.

Soon, more mutant soldiers showed up, surrounding the three howlett siblings.

Luna: Look like we're gonna be preoccupied dudes.

Lynn: Fine... I could always use more practice dummies to brawl with.

Lincoln: Guess we have to get past these soldiers.

The three howlett siblings then charged at the mutant soldiers, an onslaught breaking out.


Logan was running through the halls as non mutant soldiers were shooting at him with pulsar bullets but all that was doing was slightly slowing him down and mostly angering him.

He slices off the nearest soldier's hand and breaks his jaw with a high knee, sinks his claws into the second and third soldiers chest to drive them into the ground, more soldiers shot at Logan as he charged at them, ripping them apart one by one until they were piles of corpses.

Heading down the main room, He found Beast and the clone siblings taken care of the animal hybrid soldiers while Jean was protecting professor Xavier.

Logan: (wounds healed) Hey.

Beast: Glad you can join us.

Logan: What the hell is going on here?

Professor Xavier: These soldiers are here to abduct the young mutants here, the rest of the X-Men as well as Carol and her family are fighting them to keep the others safe.

Logan turns to the clones of Lynn, Lincoln and Luna.

Clone Lynn: Uhhh... hello?

Clone Luna: Long story short... we're clones of your son and daughters, dude.

Logan: I'm not even gonna ask.

Jean: Professor, more are approaching.

The group turned to see another group of mutant soldiers approaching them. Logan growled as he lunged at them with the clones of Lynn, Luna and Lincoln following behind to fight them off.

Beast: Jean, we'll handle these intruders. Get the professor and any mutant residence here to safety!

Jean: Of course!

Jean and Xavier take their leave while Beast joines the fight with Logan and the clones.


Meanwhile, Lisa was having her hands full with a couple of fire type mutant soldiers trying to incinerate her while the mutant prodigy hid behind some steel crates for cover.

Lisa: Curses, they have me cornered in a bad spot & charging in blindly would be a horrible idea but luckily I came prepared for something like that, learning certain attributes in mutant abilities to combat the other.

Lisa reaches into her lab coat pocket and pulls out two high tech silver grenades with blue highlights.

Lisa: Time to test these gadgets out. Ahem... FIRE IN THE HOLE!!

She presses the red button on the grenades and threw them over the steel crates in front of the fire type mutant soldiers.

Fire mutant soldier: A grenade?!

Fire mutant soldier 2: We're made of fire, a regular grenade won't harm us!

Fire mutant soldier 3: Yeah! That little Poindexter is getting desperate to take us out which she can't!

Fire mutant soldier: Right-

He was cut off when the two grenades activated but instead of a regular, fiery explosion... it was a swirling whirlwind of water! The whirlwind engulfed the fire type mutant soldiers, extinguishing their fire powers.

Fire mutant soldier: Gah! My power!

Fire mutant soldier 2: Water, No!

Lisa jumps over the steel crates and lands a lower dash to cut the first soldier's left leg off with her claws, tripping him over as he yells out in pain but it didn't last long as Lisa pierced his heart, killing him. The other fire type mutant soldiers tried to blast Lisa with their heat offense but out that came out of their hands were puffs of smoke.

Fire mutant soldier 2: That Damn water grenade!

Fire mutant soldier 3: It put out our flames!!!

Lisa then ran towards them and sliced off their legs, making them fall and yell out in pain as she fires water induced poison darts from her coat pockets to each of the fire type mutant soldiers necks, causing them to convulse and twitch uncontrollably with blood shot eyes & foam at the mouths until they stopped moving all lifeless like.

Lisa: That takes care of them. Now-

Lisa stopped as she caught a familiar scent, turning around to see.... Dreadfang, standing a few feet from her with angry eyes and a mad grin.

Lisa: ......?!

Dreadfang: (venom in his voice) There you are.... ya four eyed brat. I've been wandering this whole freakin' institute looking for your smart ass.

Lisa: Hmph. I see... despite my 'interrogation' methods, you're still a foul mouth nuisance as ever.

Dreadfang: You know what... I've been thinking long and hard about what you did to me. While I've been through worse and had a healing factor to clear the pain but that... that hurt.... (enraged) THAT REALLY HURT!!!! So now I'm going return the favor times a thousand, Hahahaha!!!

Lisa got into a defensive stance with her claws out.

Lisa: Then try me and see how you fair.

Dreadfang started to laugh insanely.

Dreadfang: Hahahahahaha! Oh nonono little nerd girl, I said I'm getting my revenge however, you won't be lifting a finger....

???: Boo...

Suddenly, Lisa was shocked from behind as a black and glowing green wired rope wrapped around her, falling to the ground and screaming in pain.

Lisa: Aaaaagghhhhhh!!!!

Behind her was none other than Lucy.

Dreadfang: Great work Grim Soldier, seems you're not just all muscle after all, Hahaha!!

Lucy: (dark frown) ......

Lisa: Ngh... L-Lucy....!

She tries to use her claws to cut the wires trapping her but couldn't do it as the shocking increases.

Lisa: Aaaaggghhhhhhh!!!!

Dreadfang: That "wire of rope" holding you was specifically designed to hold strong mutant, including ones with sharp metal claws.... hahaha... the more you struggle, the more painful it'll be for you and the more fun it'll be for me!

He drives his claws into lisa's back as she yells out in pain.


Dreadfang laughs as he started giving a savage beating upon a trapped and defenseless Lisa while Lucy looks away in silence.

Dreadfang: Gotta love the healing factors nerd, I'm gonna enjoy killing you for weeks and months on end. And when I'm through with you, you're gonna be begging for me to put you out of your misery!

Dreadfang drives his claws into lisa's stomach as she yells out in pain.

Dreadfang: That's it! That's where I like to hear, let's hear more of those screams! C'mon, I want you to hurt like I did a thousand times over! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

As Dreadfang continues to brutalize lisa, Lucy was silent deep in thought as a low growl escaped her lips.


A glass window was shattered as it revealed to be Lincoln, who tackles Dreadfang off of Lisa into the wall.

Lincoln: (enraged) You hurt my sister, I'm gonna rip you to pieces!

Dreadfang: Grrrr... Try it jackass!

Dreadfang kicks Lincoln off him as he crossed claws with the white haired man. As the two were trading strikes with each other, Lynn and Luna came in saw lincoln fighting Dreadfang, Lisa tied up and Lucy standing a few feet from her.

Luna: Lisa!

Lynn: Grrrrrr... Lucy!!!

Lynn lunges at the muscle bound soldier goth with claws out, a glint shined within lucy's bangs, something Luna noticed.

Luna: (trying to untie lisa; yells out to lynn) Lynn! Stop, she's baiting you to attack!

However, Lynn was more concerned with beating the living hell out of Lucy for her crimes to hear. She leaps up and hits a couple of strong hits to Lucy but the grim soldier grabs her by the neck and slams her in the ground hard before throwing her into the walls.

Luna: Lynn!!

Lucy turns to Luna, who got into fighting stance with her claws out to fight Lucy when Lincoln was pushed to her side with Lisa as Dreadfang was walking towards them. Lynn recovers and joins her siblings. Luna managed to find the weak point on the "special" wiring rope holding Lisa as she slices it down, releasing the prodigy.

Luna: You okay, lis?

Lisa: (healing slowly) Sore but I'll live...

Dreadfang: Damn Wolverine pests, interfering in my vengeance!

Lucy: .......

Dreadfang: (smirks) But I have something to take care of that....

Dreadfang reached into his pocket and pulls out a silver sphere like device with green lining, spikes and a button with a menacing skull on it.

Lynn: A grenade? Really? Ha! What's that gonna do to us?

Dreadfang: Hahahahahaha! I'll show you...

He pushes the button but no explosion happened but unleashed a powerful, sonic vibrations of sound throughout the area as Lincoln, Luna, Lisa and Lynn held their heads and yelled out in agony.





Dreadfang: Hahahahahaha! Glad you answered miss jock, this is my sound core sphere. With the technology and resources from my employer, I was able to construct the perfect deafening, deadly, ear piercing and most mind exploding sound destructor. It was designed to take out mutants at a huge radius by inflicting major pain of critical soundwaves to the ears through the mind until it falls apart, especially those with... I don't know.... telepathic abilities or ones with heightened senses... (grins) yeeeeaahhh, they'll get the worse of it.

Lincoln, Luna, Lynn and Lisa's eyes widened in shock, mostly Lisa in worry of Professor Xavier and Jean Grey.

Lucy: .....?!

Dreadfang: Yeeeaaaahhhhahaha, you aren't the only ones hearing this symphony of chaos.... the whole X-institute is hearing my little trump card!!

We cut to different areas of the X-institute where every mutant residence here was collapsing and holding their heads and/or covering their ears, screaming and groaning. Even the members of the X-men, Professor Xavier, Logan, Carol, Maggie, Francisco, Clyde, Liam, Tabby and Ronnie Anne and the clones of Lynn, Lincoln and Luna were experiencing the sheer pain in their heads.


Dreadfang: How stupid can you four be?! I programmed and wired this orb to target mutants who aren't associated with Project Death-X which makes our job of capturing the mutants here easier and getting my revenge on this poindexter here (lisa) even sweeter.

Lucy watched the four howlett siblings started to collapse, much to Dreadfang's amusement.

Dreadfang: Hahahahahaha! That's right, suffer at our feet! (Walks over to Lisa and pick her up by the front of her shirt) Don't think I've forgotten about you, you ready for a world of pain? And if you're hoping it'll be over quick, you're dead wrong!

Lisa: Guuuhhh...!!

Dreadfang turns to Lucy.

Dreadfang: Go on Lucy, the other three howlett brats are all yours, go ahead and finish them off. (Grins) After all, they were the ones who ruined your life, hahahaha...

Lucy said nothing as she stomps towards the collapsed howlett siblings as they slowly looked up the super soldier goth as her shadow loomed over them.

Lucy: .......

Dreadfang: (impatient) Go on, do it! You know you want to, take your revenge!

Lincoln: Agh...

Luna: Ngh...

Lynn: Lu... cy.... guh...

Lucy had a grim look on her face as what she was about to do next will be decided by fate.

To be continued...

(Chapter 26 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Seems that Dreadfang had something up his sleeve to turn the tides in his favor of Project Death-X and Lincoln, Lynn and Luna are at the mercy of the Grim Soldier Lucy. What will lucy's next move be? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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