Struck By Lightning (1)The Fl...

By allynmck1

232K 5.5K 749

"Dude, you lived with Bruce Wayne that is awesome" "Yeah, it was pretty awesome" A story about a girl who tri... More

Struck By Lightning
1-Wake Up
2-Not the Only Ones
3-That was the Lightning
4-You have No Idea
5- You Two Are Not Bulletproof
7-Zombie Scale
8- Rest of the Story
9-Brilliant Insight
10-Captain Cold
11-She's Pure Evil
12- Perform a Lobotomy
13-Walk On Water
14-Crazy Steel-Plated Man
15-Flash And Bolt
16-He's Late
17- Never Be Late Again
18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1
19-Flash Vs Arrow Prt 2
20- The Brave and The Bold prt 1
22-The Brave and The Bold prt 2
23- Hot Cocoa
24- Some Kind Of Yellow Suit
25-Merry Christmas!
26-Bring It or What
27- See Into the Future
28-Count As A Selfie
29- The Last Word
30- Beam Me Up
31-Likes To Wear Leather
32-Burning Man
33- Meet You or Batman
34-I need a Change of Clothes
35-Just Don't Pee On Me
36-Call It Brain Freeze
37- Sonic Screwdriver
38- Does He Seem Weirder Than Normal
39- I Don't Deserve To Be Here
40- Crazy Psycho Clown
41- Look Good In Red
42- Bee Careful
44-Road Trip, Baby
45- You are Such a Dork
46- Mad Freaky
47- Hanky-Panky
48- Pizza And Movies
49- Telepathic Gorilla
50-Radio Shack
51- Just On Time
52- Ace
53- Legit

43- Not as Creepy as it Sounds

1.7K 53 0
By allynmck1

Katrina and Felicity head to Katrina's apartment to get changed, "You and Barry may have superspeed to get ready, but I take normal time to get dressed." Felicity says to her cousin.
"Yeah umm sorry about how weird Barry has been" Katrina says as she goes into her room, and comes back out two seconds later dressed in a nice blue dress that was tight fitting.

"Yeah, what is that all about?" Felicity asks her as she finishes getting her dress on.
"Just some things that have happened in the past few days" Katrina tells her.
"You guys did it didn't you and it was awkward after" Felicity suddenly says to her.
"Oh God has...nope not happened" Katrina says feeling completely embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I just assumed" she says to her.
"Don't assume, its ..its hard to really explain what's been going on, but when we are ready to let others know what is going on we will. Now let's go we left the boys waiting long enough" Katrina tells her as they slip into their heels, and grab their jackets and leave Katrina's apartment.

Katrina walked beside Barry, Felicity and Ray as they come upon the restaurant that they were going to meet Iris and Eddie at. Both men then open the doors for the girls, "Wow, so gentlemanly of you both" Katrina says as they enter the restaurant, to see Iris and Eddie seated at the bar.
"Hey guys" Felicity says to them, "Wow, Iris check you out" she says looking at Iris who was wearing a nice dress.
"Hi, Felicity" Iris says as they hug.
"Hey Iris you look amazing" Katrina says to her.
"You too Kat" Iris says as they hug too.

"Guys this is Ray Palmer" Felicity says introducing Ray to them.
"Hi, nice to meet you" Ray says holding his hand out for Eddie to shake.
"Lovely to meet you" Eddie says to him.
"Nice to meet you" Iris and Ray say to one another.
"Hey Barry" Eddie then says to Barry who is standing behind all of them.
Just then a gentleman comes over and speaks French to Ray, "Mr. Palmer your table is ready" he then says.
"Great, shall we?" he says looking at the group.
"Yes" Felicity says linking her arm in Rays.

They all start following them, as Katrina puts her hand in Barry's, and Iris comes over to the couple, "Hey, how did he get a reservation here? We've been trying for months?" she asks them.

"Uhh, not really sure" Katrina tells her as they enter a room, where they see that there is a table set up in the middle, and no one else is in the restaurant.
"Here's your table, sir" the gentleman from before says, and they all look at Ray.
"I thought it's be nice if it was quiet, so I bought out the entire restaurant" he says looking at all of them, "Too much?" he asks.
"Just a tad, sweetie" Felicity tells him.

The six of them then sit down at the table, Barry takes Katrina's jacket for her, and holds the chair out, "Thanks" she smiles as she sits down between him and Felicity. One of the waiters comes over and pours them each a glass of wine, as they wait for the food.

"So how did you two meet?" Eddie asks Ray and Felicity.
"Work" Felicity tells him.
"Well actually I bought the company where Felicity was employed...and so she was forced to join me at Palmer Tech" Ray tells him.

"It's not as creepy as it sounds" Felicity tells them.
"So, you two work closely together, like Katrina and Barry" Iris then says and Felicity nods at her.

"Interesting, I guess you guys share all your thoughts and feelings and.." she looks at Eddie.

"Yeah, yeah I share everything with Felicity" Ray says looking at Felicity.

"That's nice that you guys have that level of communication" Iris says once again looking at Eddie.

"I doubt that they share like, everything, even Barry and I don't share everything with one another right Barry" Katrina says looking at Barry.
"Uhh...yeah right" he says agreeing with her.
"I get that, some things are better left unspoken" Eddie says to Katrina.
"Really? I don't find that to be true" Iris says giving him a stern look.

"Oh thank God, it's the food, food's here" Barry says as the waiters come out with the food for all of them.
"Our first course on the tasting menu, is a quail-egg frittata" the Maître-d tells them, "Bon appétit" he adds as the food is placed in front of each of them.
"Barry, I gotta admit, I envy you spending so much time at STAR Labs. Harrison Wells is like a personal hero of mine. I mean it's amazing just actually being in the same room with him" Katrina looks at Barry, and can tell he's getting uncomfortable with the words Ray is saying, she reaches out and places her hand on his arm giving it a light squeeze, letting him know she's there to try and bring him back.
"Yeah" Barry tries to smile at him but can't "Umm I'll be right back" he then gets up and leaves the room.
"I'm umm...I'll be back too" Katrina says as she then gets up and leaves following Barry into the next room.

Katrina walks over to Barry, "Hey talk to me" she says as she places her arms around his neck and pulls him close to her. He wraps his around her, and just holds her, not saying anything, when they hear the door open, and look to see Felicity.

"Okay, you two have been acting super strange ever since Ray and I got to Central City, what is going on? Cause Katrina wouldn't tell me, and I thought it's because you two you know, but you didn't. And don't try and tell me it's a bad time. Oliver might be joining the League of Assassins, Laurel is the Black Canary, and Thea is training with Malcolm, so I know about bad times" she tells the two of them.
"Wow, I leave and a lot of stuff happens" Katrina says to her.
"Yeah" she says.
Barry then looks at Katrina, and she nods, letting him know it's okay to tell Felicity, "Okay, Joe, Kat and I found out that Wells isn't who he says he is. He—he is the man that killed my mother" he tells her.

"Oh my God, but he's been helping you, you both" she says to them.
"Get faster, get stronger, I know" Barry tells her.
"Why?" she asks.
"We don't know" Katrina tells her.
"I don't know anything anymore, especially who I can and can't trust" he says to her.
"So, you two think Cisco and Caitlin are helping him?" Felicity then asks them, "That's impossible" she says to them.
"Is it?" Barry asks her.
"They were trying to save you today, Barry, they did save you" she says to him.
"Wells has also saved me and Kat many times. I thought that Wells was a great man, and I was so wrong about him. What if I'm wrong about everything else too?" Barry says to her and Katrina.

"Hey, guys" the three of them hear Ray say as he opened the door to come check on them, "Uhh things are getting a little intense in here" he tells them.
The three of them look at one another before deciding to go back in and join the others, "You know when you are ready to act like we are two people who love each other, call me. I'll be at my dad's" they hear Iris say as they come back into the room, and watch as she leaves.
"Thank you for dinner, I gotta go" Eddie says as he follows Iris out.
Just then Barry's phone starts to buzz, he takes it out, "Uh emergency at STAR Labs" Barry says looking at Katrina, Felicity and Ray.
"Go" Felicity says to them, and they both take off grabbing their jackets as they zoom to STAR Labs.

Barry gets there just before Katrina, grabbing a bee that was about to get Wells, and putting it in a jar.
"Thank You" Wells says to Barry.
"Let's see what makes this bee so poisonous" Cisco says taking the jar from Barry, "Ugh" he adds as he walks away.
"You saved my life" Wells says to Barry as Barry just nods and the three of them join Caitlin and Cisco.

"That is one odd looking bee" Caitlin remarks as Cisco has it under a microscope.
"That's because it isn't a bee at all" Cisco says, "It's a robot" he adds looking at Caitlin.
"No way" she says as she looks in the microscope, and both Barry and Katrina lean in closer to get a better look at the insect.

Felicity and Ray eventually come back to STAR Labs, as Cisco displays the schematics of the robot bee on the monitors, "Unbelievable, this bots' go a 360-degree vision system. I mean we're talking multiple micro cameras, all coming various angles at the same time, which means"
"It can see all around the room at once" Ray says for Cisco, "that is amazing" Ray and Cisco say together.
"Disturbing" Caitlin remarks.
"It's also next-gen hardware that's nowhere near the market" Wells says.
"So, we're not dealing with a meta-human?" Felicity asks.
"Just some mad scientist" Katrina tells her.

"Cisco you said the second victim Bill Carlisle was a robotics engineer. Let's cross reference his previous employers with those of Lindsey Kang" Wells tells him.
"Oh, allow me, mama's been away from the keyboard for far too long" Felicity comes over to one of the computers and sits down, typing away at it.
"Okay" Cisco says looking at her.
"Looks like they both worked at Mercury Labs" Katrina says looking over Felicity's shoulder.
"Let's call Joe, I think it's time we paid a visit to an old friend" Wells says to Barry who nods and gets out his phone.

Wells, Barry, Katrina and Joe head over to Mercury Labs to talk to Dr. McGee, "Twice in one year, Harrison, you really are vying for comeback scientist of the year" Dr McGee says as she comes into the office.
"Always a pleasure, Christina" Harrison says to her.
"To what do I owe this visit? Did you finally find my tachyon prototype, or are you here to blackmail me for another one?" she asks them.
"Do you have another one?" Wells asks her.
"We came here for information" Joe tells her taking pictures out of his pocket, "Bill Carlisle, and Lindsay Kang, former employees who were recently murdered" he tells her as she takes the pictures.

"My God, I wasn't aware" she says to him.
"They were stung to death, by robotic bees" Katrina tells her.
"You're looking for Brie Larvan" she tells them handing the pictures back to Joe.
"Brie Larvan?" Barry asks.
"A quite brilliant roboticist who once developed miniature mechanical bees for agricultural use. Kang and Carlisle warned me that Brie was weaponizing the bees for military use so I terminated her" she explains to the four of them.

"Well it seems that you would be on her hit list too, doctor" Joe tells her.
"You've got to let us keep you safe" Wells tells her.
"I'm all too familiar with your inability to protect things, Harrison" Dr McGee says as she sits down, "I can take care of myself, good day gentleman and missus" she says to them.
"Thank you" Joe says and the four of them leave Mercury Labs.

Barry and Katrina head off to Jitters to meet Felicity she had called Katrina to meet the two of them there. "Hey" Katrina says to her as they sit down across from her, "so we found out or Queen Bee's name, Brie Larvan and she is a roboticist" she tells her.
"Joe's running a trace on her current location, but so far nothing" Barry adds.
"Good" Felicity says sounding exhausted.
"Where is Ray?" Barry asks her.
"Oh, he's working on his suit with Cisco" she tells him.
"I like Ray, he seems like he's a really good guy" Barry tells her.
"He is a good guy, just like Cisco, and Caitlin, girl" she then says.
"Is that the reason you called us here?" Katrina asks her.
"I know you're both in a tricky situation, but that's when you need to have your friends to have your back, you should know that Katrina more than anyone. And how can they have your backs if you won't let them" she then says to the two of them.

"Cousin, it's not as simple as you think, if Joe's right and we tell them what if it backfires" Katrina tells her.
"Wells isn't just their Boss, Felicity, he is their mentor, their hero." Barry scoffs, "My hero. Look it—I, we don't know what to do" he tells her.
"When I first meet Oliver..before I knew he was the Arrow, he would—he would ask me to do weird things for him. Like you remember this Kat, decrypt a bullet-ridden computer or hack some company. And when I would ask him why, he would come up with these ridiculous excuses, same when I would ask her, about why she was working around Oliver Queen. I always knew the two of them were lying but I would help them anyway, you know why" Felicity says to Barry.

"Because I was your cute adorable baby cousin" Katrina jokes.
"Because I knew Oliver and Kat where good people, both with good hearts. Cisco and Caitlin, they're no different" she says to the two of them, and they just look at her.

Barry and Katrina enter the West household to see Iris seated on the couch, typing away on her laptop, "Hey" Katrina says as she takes off her jacket.
"Hey" Iris says back.
"So, you're really staying here tonight" Barry asks Iris taking Katrina's jacket to hang up.
"Tonight, tomorrow night, the night after that" she says as she looks over at the couple, "Do you two think Eddie's cheating on me?" she asks.
"No, no way Eddie is not that kind of guy Iris" Katrina tells her.
"Well, I don't know what else he could be hiding from me" she says to them.
"Iris.." Barry says as they walk over to the couch, Barry sits beside Iris, and Katrina sits beside him. "Remember when we were kids...and Joe would come home from work...with that blank expression on his face?" he says to her.

"Hmm yeah the Earth-To-Joe look. How could I forget" she says to Barry.
"I never understood that look until I started working for the CCPD. Showing up at crime scenes and seeing someone can be really ugly work" Barry says to Iris.
"Barry and I are lucky we get to hide behind our science and just stay in out lab, but Eddie" Katrina says getting where Barry was going with what he was saying. "Eddie is out there every single day in the darkness" she tells her. "We just think that maybe he isn't talking to you about his work, it's because he wants to keep you out of the dark and in the light" she tells her.

Iris looks at the two of them, "What?" Barry asks her.
"Nothing, I'm just surprised that you two are going out of your way to tell me Eddie's point of view" she says.
"Hey, Eddie makes you happy, and that's all we ever want for you" Katrina says to her.
"What she said, and Welcome Home" Barry says to her.

Before Barry and Katrina head up to his room for the rest of the night, Katrina's phone buzzes and she sees its STAR Labs. They then leave the house and head back to the lab, changing into their suit once they arrive.
"How do we stop them?" Barry asks as him and Katrina come into the cortex.
"She's gotta be remotely piloting those bees from somewhere" Wells tells them.
"We need to stop this bug-eyed glasses woman" Cisco says as him and Ray joins the others in the cortex.

"And her mini bandits" Ray says.
"Bug-Eyed Bandit" Cisco and Ray say together.
"Got her, she's in an abandoned greenhouse" Felicity says to them.
"Barry, Katrina you gotta take out Brie. It's the only way to stop these nano drones" Wells says to them.
"What about Dr. McGee?" Barry asks.
"The defibrillator in your suit is broken, you cannot risk going near Mercury Labs" Caitlin tells him.
"But not mine" Katrina tells her.
"Yes, but we are not risking you being attacked and being down and Barry worrying about you" Wells says to her.

"The Bees can't penetrate my suit" Ray then says looking at Barry and Katrina, "I'll go" he tells them.
"Whoa, we haven't tested out the new power system yet" Cisco tells him.
"We'll do it now" Ray tells him.
"I'll follow you" Cisco tells him.
"I'm driving" Caitlin says as she gets up too.
"And I'm kissing you" Felicity says kissing Ray good-bye, and the three of the leave the cortex.

"Dr. Wells-" "Mr Palmer will protect Tina" Wells tells Barry, "go" he then says to the speedsters and they take off.
As Barry and Katrina head for the warehouse, they can hear the others dealing with Brie's bees.
"Found her" Ray says.
"Felicity can you jam their frequency" Cisco asks.
"Well I already tried, but I might be able to redirect them onto a new target. Ray get ready for incoming" Felicity warns him.
"We have the technology" Ray responds, as he is going to be chased by the bees Barry and Katrina arrive at the warehouse.

"It's over Brie" Barry says to the woman, who is seated in front of many computer monitors, in a seat that looks like part of a bee hive. She spins around in her chair to look at the speedsters, "We know you're trying to kill Dr. McGee. You think that she betrayed you, we can ...imagine how that feels" Barry says to her.

"You two think you understand the sting of betrayal. I'll show you what it means to be stung" she says to them, and they both hear buzzing. Looking up they see a swarm of bees, and they both take off running through the warehouse.
"Barry, Katrina" they hear Wells say to them as they come to a stop. Barry stands in front of Katrina preparing himself to take the brunt of the attack, when the bees all just come to a stop.

"Kat, Barry I hacked into the bee's frequency. I'm controlling them" she tells them.
"Thank God my cousin to the rescue" Katrina says.
"She's like my nemesis. I've never had a nemesis before" they hear Felicity say, as they watch the bees. Some start to move away and others start to move closer to the two speedsters.

"Felicity, right now would be a good time to do something" Barry tells her.
"Stay away from Barry Allen, and Katrina Ivory" They hear her respond.
Just then the bees star to go for the attack, "Felicity" Barry and Katrina say together.
"Got it" she says and they watch as all the bee bots stop, and fall to the ground, they had been shut down.

"Boom, drop the mike" they hear Felicity say and Katrina smiles as they then go after Brie handcuffing her to her chair.
"Brie's restrained, call CCPD" Barry informs the team. As they go to leave, they hear Rays' voice come through the comm. Link.
"Ciscos been stung, he's going into shock" they hear him say.
"On our way" Katrina tells them, and the two of them run off as fast as possible. They arrive to see Caitlin trying to give hi CPR, "Back up, Caitlin" Katrina tells her and she does so.

"Barry, you and I are going to try something" Katrina says looking at Barry, the two of them take hands, and start to vibrate their hands together creating a spark of electricity. They place their hands-on Cisco's chest, shocking him.
"Cisco" Barry says to him, and after a second he gasps, opening his eyes and looking at them.

"Either my fear of bees is over, or it just got a lot worse" he says as Barry takes his hand.
"Thank God you're okay" Caitlin says to him.
"I've never had anybody take a bee for me, Thank you" Ray says to him.
"You're Welcome bro" Cisco says to him.
"Hey, you're a hero now Cisco" Katrina tells him smiling at him.

The next day Barry and Katrina were in their lab at CCPD, when they hear footsteps, "Dr. McGee" they say seeing her standing in the doorway.
"May I come in?" she asks.
"Yes of course, what can we do for you?" Katrina tells her.
"I wanted to apologize" she says walking over to the two of them, "I should have listened to you when you warned me about Brie. Perhaps the next time I will take the CCPD's offer of protection" she adds.
"After we lost your tachyon prototype, I can understand why you were hesitant to trust us" Barry says to her.
"Thank You" she says as she then goes to leave.
"Can I ask you something" Barry says as he gets up from his chair, and Dr. McGee stops turning back to look at him. "I couldn't help but notice some tension between you and Dr. Wells" he says to her.

"That's all in the past" she tells him.
"Do you mind if I ask what happened between you two?" he asks her.
"I ask myself that same question all the time. Fifteen years ago, Harrison and I were thick as thieves. We were promising young scientists in Starling City. He was such a kind man. The everything changed after Tess died" she tells him.
"That was his fiancé" Katrina says as she stands beside Barry.
"I understand how grief can affect someone, but this was more than that. It was like after that day...Harrison Wells became a completely different person. Good-Day" Dr. McGee tells them.

"Bye" Barry and Katrina say as she leaves their lab.
"Doctor" Joe says to her as he comes into the lab. "How's Cisco?" he asks them.
"Happy to be alive" Barry tells him.
"But sad because Ray is leaving" Katrina tells him as Barry sits back down, and Katrina sits down on his lap.
"It was a really brave thing he did, risking his life, selfless" Barry says to Joe.
"Yeah, defiantly was" Joe says to them.

Katrina and Barry meet up with Ray and Felicity at Jitters before they head back to Starling City, "And another end to another exciting adventure in Central City" Felicity says as Ray hands her coffee, "Ahh, yes, thank you" she says to him.
"Ray, thank you for all your help, and we hope you figure out the problem with your suit" Barry says to him.
"I already have actually" he says to them.
"Oh" Barry says.
"All this time, I've been looking at the power source the wrong way. I kept thinking we needed to go bigger, but the solution, as always, is simply to go smaller" he tells them as he then takes a tube out of his pocket that has one of the robot bees inside.

"Oh, that's great" Katrina says.
"You two okay?" Felicity asks them.
"Mhm-hmm" Barry says as he links his arm with Katrina's, "We're gonna be, thank you for your advice" he tells her.
"Oh, I won't even charge you the 5 cents" she smiles at them.
"Bye, cousin" Katrina says to her.
"Bye, Felicity" Barry says.
"Bye, cousin, Barry" she says as her and Ray walk away.

Later that night, Barry, Katrina, and Joe sit in their lab at CCPD gathering everything that had on Wells, and Barry's mothers murder. They get Katrina to call Cisco and Caitlin up, claiming she wanted to go out for karaoke.
"All right, all right, who's ready for some karaoke?" Cisco says as he walks into their lab with Caitlin.

The three of them look over at the two, "We are not going to karaoke, are we?" Caitlin asks them.
"No, um this is everything we know about my mother's murder...and the Reverse-Flash. I've been gathering information on him for a long time" he tells them, "And this is everything we know about Dr. Wells" Barry says as he brings down the board, he had everything on Wells on.
"I don't understand" Caitlin says to them, "What do Dr. Wells and the Reverse-Flash have to do with each other?" she asks.
"Uh.." Katrina looks at Barry then at Joe before looking back at Caitlin, "the are the same person" she tells her.
"That's impossible" she says to her.
"Look, Caitlin it took me a long time to believe it too..but it's him" Barry tells her.

"Dr. Wells is a speedster?" she asks, "He's paralyzed" she adds not wanting to believe them.
"Is he, though?" Joe asks her.
"And why would he kill Barry's mother? It doesn't make any sense" Caitlin says, she then looks at Cisco, who hasn't said a word, "Cisco? Say something" she says to him.

"I've been having these dreams" he says looking at her, "mostly at night, but sometimes during the day. But they don't really feel like dreams. They—they feel real" he explains to them.
"What happens in these dreams?" Katrina asks him.
"Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash...and he kills me" he tells them.

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