Stolen moments

By amourpierce

13.6K 1.6K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 7(B)
Chapter 8(B)
Chapter 9(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 33(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 49

100 13 0
By amourpierce

Warning!! :
This chapter contains rape, if the reader is not comfortable, you can skip the part, not everything, am gonna notify you on when to start and when to stop.
I don't appreciate rape or like the topic, but it is an important part in the development of the plot so please bear with me.....

Playlist of the chapter: "So Cold" -Ben Cocks

My eyes open only to quickly close at the foreign bright light. I was hyperventilating. I try to look around to know where i am but stopped at the pain that ran through my body. I gasped as i try to remember what happened. I feel pain everywhere like i got hit by a truck. I try to sit up realizing am in a hospital dress but stopped at the sharp pain that ran through my waist to my legs.

Wait... Oh God please don't let it be true. Silent tears fills my eyes, flowing from my cheeks to the hospital dress. I felt a migraine as everything hits me.

Flashback... Warning  Rated-13

She woke up from her deep slumber, she opened her eyes slowly trying to remember where she was, her eyes met with the white and black walls, which was very familiar. What was she doing there?, she had no idea...

She turns towards the ceiling trying to recollect what happened, as she felt a combination of an headache and dry throat which was as dry as the Sahara desert. Then everything came hitting her,..  Hunter, Claire interference, their fight and.... Antonio! She gasps jumping up to sit but stops when she noticed something in her confused state. Was she naked?
She gently lifts the covers, she gasped, who undressed her? What is going on? .

"I thought you will never wake up" a familiar voice spoke out as she lets out a small scream, trying to cover herself up. "It should have worked for thirty to forty minutes but i guess i put too much, considering you slept for almost two hours" he said leisurely, taking a smoke, that was when Leah noticed the pungent smell. He was drinking also.

"Uhn?... " Leah sounded confused.

Antonio sighed getting up from the sofa placed in his room. That was when Leah noticed he has nothing on expect, his jeans, a display of a few tattoos on his upper body in which Leah was too confused to understand what it entails, the last time she checked he only had two tattoos.

"What is going on? Why am i naked?" He came closer as Leah shifts, her back hitting the headboard, he blows the cigarette smoke on her face. She coughs using her hand to wave it off, while using her other hand to hold back the covers from falling. She was not going to flash him her boobs. If only she knew...

"Get that deadly thing away from me!" she snaps, groaning silently at the growing headache.

He lets out a cynical laugh, shaking his head "you such a prude" he mutters.

"What is going on Antonio? Why am i naked?! Did we?... You know?" she gestures in between them. 

"You mean have sex, no... Do you want us to? I really don't mind" he smirks but there was a hint of seriousness as she glared at him in contempt.

"Did you spike my drink? What for?!" She shouts as if realizing the situation.

"He saw us, he looked like a fool" he chuckled but she doesn't wait to expatiate what he means. She carefully stood up from the bed, wrapping the covers around her as best as she could, she needs to get out of there before she commits murder. She should have never trusted him. She began to regret all the warnings she ignored.

"Leah?.. Where are you going?" He asks looming over her figure, she ignores him moving around to get her clothes that he sprawled around, she was trying so much to control her boiling anger and tears. How was she going to tell Hunter that he set her up. "Leah... Am talking to you" she ignores him again, he grabs her by the arm but was met with a hot, angry,face turning slap.

"Don't you ever again... In your whole miserable life! Touch me with your filthy hands! You pervert!" She screamed at him in anger and disgust in her voice. Antonio turns his face to her still holding his cheek with one hand while the he holds the cigarette with the other hand.

"Did you just hit me?" He asked in shock, while Leah glared at him in contempt and hatred, he never expected this kind of reaction.

"Yes i did and i will do it again if! You come near me!" She glowers. Antonio was shocked, he never expected this kind of reaction "how can you even look at yourself in the mirror?, did you even know what you did? You are trying to jeopardize my relationship" she cries out as tears filled her eyes.

"Leah i can__" she cuts him off.

"Don't Leah me again, they warned me, they told me to desist from being your friend!, i never knew i was a friend with a wolf who was only hiding his true form i would have avoided you from day one!"

She screamed at him... A familiar ring ran through his head, then there was a tick. 'Oh no not now... Not when Leah was here, but did she say she would avoid me?'. He asked himself trying to control himself, running a hand through his hair.

"Am sorry Leah__" he begged looking scared and nervous trying to avoid her crying face.

"Don't apologize to me Antonio cause after today you will never see me again and you know what?! You can never ever have me as yours!" His eyes shot up to meet her teary ones.

"I can't have you?" He asked, his voice sounding hurt,broken yet deadly and serious but Leah was too disorganized to notice his changed tone. She clutches the covers, picking her clothes and underwear she dropped during her screaming fit.

"You heard me right" she said, ignoring him, trying to figure the fastest route to his ensuite. She turns her back to him walking towards it, she got in quickly getting dress, she dried her eyes. It felt like a déjà vu for her. Two important male figures disappointed her today, she couldn't find her shoes. Must be outside, she thought. She steps out of the ensuite, ignoring Antonio again who smoked his cigarette with expertise watching her every move.

She got to the door, trying to open it only to find it locked. She fights with the door knob in vain. The bastard locked it! She turns to the calm figure who was staring at her with a strange look in his eyes, it made her feel uncomfortable.

"Open the door" she snarls, he smirks at her discomfort.

"You look so hot when angry" he bits his lip. "It turns me on"

"I said open the door!" He stares her down, as Leah shifts uncomfortably, something is wrong with him, she could sense it. He stalks towards her as she took a step back.

"Make me" he whispers, his voice hard and condensing, Leah felt a chill run down her spine, as she hurriedly clutched her necklace, she was now really scared. She saw anger and something really dark flashed through his eyes. "You said i can't have you right? So where are you now?" He taunts mockingly, pointing at the floor putting more emphasis on his words.

She looks around for the nearest exit "stay away from me" she warns as he shakes his head, putting out the cigarette.

"I can't.. I tried to but i just can't" his voice sounds like he was in pain, he moves towards her again, she moves back until she felt a hard surface behind her, a wall! Just great! Now she felt trapped.

He smirks at her situation, placing his both hands on the wall barricading her from going anywhere. He sniffs loudly as Leah flinched , inhaling her scent.

"Damn it! You smell so good, i don't know how i was able to control myself when you were on my bed. Am sure you used your bathing oils, uhn?" She froze looking shock at his statement, how did he know she uses bathing oil?. He laughs at her surprised state, taking his hands off the wall, she bolted seeing this opportunity but her escape was cut short when he grabbed her by her long hair really hard throwing her down unto the marble floor as she screams.

"Let me go Antonio, what do you want?!" She shouts moving away from him.

"Let me have you just for one night!" Her eyes almost popped out of her socket. She gulps.

"What?" His he crazy?!. 

"You heard me Leah... I love you i really do, but if you don't feel the same, let me just have you tonight to get you out of my system, ju-just spend the night with me" he moves his hand to touch her face but she slaps it away glaring at him with anger and disgust.

"Over. My. Dead. Body!" She snaps.

He narrows his eyes at her words as his eyes turns dark. Something went off in his head, his demons had come to play...

Leah stood up, she moved away from their close proximity and tried to walk around him when all of a sudden he grabbed her by the face kissing her hard, taste of alcohol and cigarettes filled her senses and mouth not giving any breathing space, she gasped hitting him on his chest as his tongue explores her mouth. He moaned in delight not bothered by her protest.

His kisses were demanding, forceful, hard and brutal, nothing like Hunter's loving, caring and sweet ones.

She stomped on his foot with all her strength, he yelps releasing her, she bolts towards the ensuite but before she could get there, he snakes his strong arms around her as she screams for help crying out.

"Please let me go Antonio!" She wails, flailing around wildly as she tries to free herself. This got him mad as he angrily throws her down again, she felt her head hit something sharp, seeing stars, she turns to see the bottle of alcohol that was broken on the floor by him, she lifts her eyes to meet his shocked and scared ones, it quickly changed as he shakes his head dismissively, she touched the spot and gasps when she felt something warm. Blood.

She crawls away from him feeling dizzy as he moved towards her.
"No stay away from me Antonio, stay aw-no no no! Let me go!" She screams out as he lifts her up bridal style, she trashed in his arms due to fear and the adrenaline that filled her veins. No, this cannot be happening to her.

She felt like she was airborne as he threw her, she lands on the bed in a bouncy manner, she tries getting up, but he was quick to get on top of her as his legs were on both side of her own, locking her in, stopping her from going anywhere.

"Help! Somebody help me!-"

"Scream all you want princess, no one is gonna hear you, we are all alone remember?" He said smugly, she burst into another round of tears realizing her situation, no one is coming to save her, she turns to her last resort.

"Please... I beg you Antonio,  don't do this, i beg you with the friendship we had and shared, please...This is wrong... This is not you" she rambles out, crying as he shushed her wiping her tears with his fingers.

"Don't worry princess... Am gonna make it quick, I promise... I amore vi perche molto" (I love you so much) he whispered out, unbuckling his belt.

She cried out screaming on default as she hits him repeatedly on his hard chest, calling one particular name for help although she knows he was not there.

Hunter promised her he will protect her, he never lies.  She thought...

"Hunter! Please help me Hunter! Pl-" she went mute at the blow that was delivered to her cheek. He slapped her. Hard. Thrice.

"Never in your life mention that name in front of me again, understand me!" He screams at her punching her stomach, she gasped for air as tears ran down her face in shock, she nods fearfully. He tries lifting the hem of her dress, she trashed around which got him so mad. He hits her again as she screams in pain, he pull at the front of her dress as the button flew out exposing her full cup bra covering her  breast.

She moves her hand to cover herself up but he moves it punching her two arms, making them weak automatically. He attacks the area, kissing, sucking and biting her neck, collar bone and breast as he aggressively pulls of the bra, leaving the top part  bare, he grabs the full breast as he sucks, bites and fondles them roughly, she cried in pain unable to defend herself due to her weak arms. She begs him to stop but he continues, he was like a starved animal. Of cos he is, he wants to leave an imprint on her tonight, he will show the bastard who made fun of his manliness and insulted him, he will show him he is a man.

She tries raising her arms again but he stops her holding the two down tightly with his hands almost constricting her blood flow. He moved down, rips her panties off in a go, quickly discarding his own jeans and briefs.

"Antonio.. " she whimpers, he looks up at her swollen and bloody face."please don't do this... Am-, am a virgin, have never done this before" she rasped out tiredly her breathing shallow and uneven. His eyes widen in shock. They stare at each other, for a second something flashed in his eyes as it turns light, like remorse and regret but quickly disappear as he smirks looking dark.

"Hallelujah.... " he whispers tauntingly. 

Leah gasped when she felt something blunt and big enter her like a knife as he growls like an animal. She screamed bloody murder. Her scream echoed through out the room and even the entire house, scaring anything at hearing distance if there is.

Intense pain ran through her due to the large intruder, the pain was blinding and unbearable, he gave her no time to adjust as he went back and forth on her, ramming into her like a wild animal."Fuck!  You are so tight!" He bellowed into her ear.

She froze up,not making a sound after the deafening scream as silent tears flows down her cheeks. She stares silently at the ceiling praying he finishes quickly and at the same time wishing she was not there, that she was back home in her mum warm embrace and safe calming honey scent. She can hear his groans and moans filling the room. His he really enjoying this? Destroying her innocence?. She thought he was her best friend. Black spots filled her vision due to the pain as she felt herself pass out.


She woke up hearing him groan out loudly as she felt something warm feels her inside. He pants as sweat drips down his back and neck dropping and staining her tainted body, he kisses her forehead as she stayed still and immobile staring into space.

Everything about him disgust her right now, even his cologne and minty scent is suffocating.

He pulls out of her carefully. She sat up numbly pushing the pain to the back of her mind. Her eyes looks dead, filled with void which scared Antonio a lot. He started regretting what he did. His demons laughing and making fun of his costly mistake... Leaving him to deal with it alone, for now...

"Leah... " he calls out quietly as he puts on his briefs. "Am sorry... I don't know what got into me, i swear you are the best thing that ever happened to me, i love you princess... Please talk to me" he rambles out nervously.

He reaches out to touch her but she flinches away in fear.

"I want to go home" she said her stoically, as her eyes looks void.

"No no no... Babe please don't shut me out, i know am a monster and i treated you like an animal but please don't leave me, i love you" he said out his words filled with emotions as he felt tears by the corner of his eyes. She stared at him saying nothing else... "Elena... Talk to me please. Merda! What have i done?" He pulled at his hair.

He sighed at her unresponsive state, even after calling her her middle name that he loves so much. He hates himself now, he hurt the one person he loves the most. He took her virginity in the most disgusting,disregarding and disrespectful way. He beat her up and raped her.

Silence filled the room,he looks around trying to think of something to say. Leah grabs the closest thing to her seeing that his attention is divided, a bedside lamp, she sent it right to his head. He groans in pain as he passed out she drops the lamp which fell in a loud crash. Leah unruffled her dress that had been bunched up her waist, ignoring the blood, bruises and the handprints, she can't even remember how she got it. Her body and mind were now working on autopilot, she stood limping towards his jeans. She desperately searched for the keys, she clutched it in her hands as soon as she found it, she limps towards the door, opening it and going out of the room. 

Just beside the bloody pillow on the ruffled, bloodied and dirty sheets laid the glittering blue thing. A necklace... Leah's necklace.

Flashback ends.....

I don't even know how i finished this chapter... Like am so hurt right now. Poor Leah...
Antonio why did you do it?!

Note: please i don't appreciate or accept rape, if you were raped or assaulted in anyway, contact the safest, nearest and quickest organization for help. I was also a victim of assault and i know how it feels, the only mistake i made was not reporting on time because i was scared.

It is not your fault and was never your fault... Consult a therapist and if it's not working, have a self therapy, it helps. Do something that keeps you happy or occupied to save yourself from depressive thoughts.

I used reading and writing for self therapeutic measures... It works but it depends on what you love doing the most, some depends on music to convey their thoughts, i use writing while some talk to people about the incident.

It happened to me a long time ago... But am still healing, its a long process but we will get there..

** I remind you, this book is pure fiction, all imaginary so please don't hate me. I love you😘😘.

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