Stolen moments

By amourpierce

13.6K 1.6K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 7(B)
Chapter 8(B)
Chapter 9(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 33(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 47

70 11 0
By amourpierce

"Am not gonna say i told you so, but i told you say" I frowned, telling him to shut up but he shrugs. I sat down on the high stool in the big kitchen, i stared at the apples placed in the basket, it was filled with different varieties of apples.  I try to adjust my necklace again, ever since Antonio picked me, it as been kinda of uncomfortable on me, it's getting scratchy and warm on my skin.

"You don't have to rub it on my face" I grumbled.

"Hmm hmm... Don't pout, here have some bourbon" he holds out a glass of the said liquid.

"You know i don't drink, and there is nothing you are gonna say that will make me change my mind" am not ready to lose my senses with what was happening to me.

"It will take your mind of it, i promise" he winks, i shake my head.

"Thanks but no thanks" I stuck out my tongue at him, resting my hands on the kitchen island. He has been trying to cheer me up ever since we got here.

"At least eat something, am gonna prepare something really quick but first let me get you something to drink"

"Am not hungry"

"Shut up" he shuts down my words. He first went to the direction of the pantry maybe to get the ingredients of whatever he was  going to prepare. He came out later, with ingredients on his both arms.

I asked him to drop me off at home but he said he won't cos i need to clear my head, a crying face was not something am ready to showcase to my family, maybe i should consider Max baseball bat bashing after all .

I know he was trying to cheer me up with food but i don't think that was gonna work. He is only good in making pancakes, toasts maybe spaghetti. He knows his way through the kitchen a little unlike Hunter who was a total disaster. Why am i comparing the two anyways.

"Can you even cook it?" I stare at the ingredients which contains ingredients for Mac n'cheese. He looks up from the recipe book.

"I will try, i mean i didn't take that cooking class with you for nothing" he said before staring at the recipe  book again. I smile recalling the cooking class we took back in high school, in the first class, he almost burned down a quarter of the school building, he stuck out like a sour thumb during class.

"Have told you am not hungry"

"Yeah yeah... And i believe in flying pigs"

I leave him to it, checking my phone if i got any call or message from you know who. Nothing... Not even a text, that egoistic buffoon. I don't even want to think of what is happening, with the two of them under the same roof. I jumped as i look up to meet the brown eyes of Antonio. 

"Oh... You scared me" he continues to stare at me. It became uncomfortable. "What?"

"Nothing... Am just thinking... On why you are still thinking about him, while you got me here" I shake my head, but he waved me off " its okay... Will you like some juice?" He moved away from me going to the freezer to get a jar of fresh juice, he pours it in a glass cup, placing it on the marble slab right in front of me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked trying to diffuse the tensed air around us. I haven't hear a single sound in the whole house ever since i returned which was unnatural.

"Probably in school or at work, why?" He raised his eyebrows in question.

"Nothing... It is just strange cos there is no sound of anyone which is unusual... The maids?" I reached for the glass cup picking it up.

"They all went home for the weekend, now that you are through with your interrogations, drink up"
I hummed, downing the juice, it taste a little different from the other orange juice i drank before. He gave me a heart warming smile that will make any girl go weak in the kneels.

"Happy?"  I ask slamming the cup on the kitchen slab.

"Very happy" he smirks as i roll my eyes. "So tell me cos i forgot to ask you,  what exactly did your 'knight in shinning armour' did this time"

"And why should i tell you?" I sigh suddenly feeling tired.

"Ouch, aren't i your best guy friend anymore? I can help you take care of him, like man to man... "

"You don't have to settle everything with the fist, stop behaving like a neanderthal" I yawn, rubbing my eyes, I stared at him, everything is getting blurry.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... What did you say?" I asked him cos i can't recall a thing he said,i only saw his mouth moving, i yawn, i felt dizzy, i hear Antonio calling my name, what did he put in my drink?! I stand up but almost fell down, but a strong arm caught me at the waist, i blacked out.


Stupid! Am the definition of stupid. I need to start keeping my anger at bay, if it continues to hurt my loved ones. I should have stopped her, i know i should, but my ego got the best of me.

All i did was trying to protect her, she does not understand this. I know you will think am stupid for letting Claire stay over,i should have turned her away as soon as i saw her, i know how she can be sometimes but i did all this to protect Leah.

Claire is from a very powerful family, the Anderson's, they are close family friends, she knows how powerful that name is and she is not afraid to use it. If things had gone Leah's way, Claire can singlehandedly destroy her career. It is very easy, she will just go to all her social media page, painting Leah in a bad image like hash tag Exes and their new catch- got the biggest embarrassment of my life this evening. Some people just can't accept pure friendship.
And i know the media and paparazzi, they will want more 'juicy gist' in which she would gladly give them. See my point, am trying to protect her from all those crazy crap.

I look at the time, it reads 6:26pm. I need to call her and bring her back, she has no ride home and there is no way am taking her back home, we are spending the weekend together no matter what.

I look for my phone, getting dressed. I decided to call her to see if she will pick my calls which i pray she would, it is getting late and if anything should happen to her, i will blame myself. The phone said switched off, i tried it again, still the same. Her phone was on full bars, what is going on? Is she that angry that she would switch off her phone.

I grabbed my jacket, running down the stairs.

"Sir?!" I turn to stare at the head maid.

"Am quite busy now, Hilda" I check my wristwatch nervously.

"Am not going to take your time sir, i just want to say, we are going home for the weekend"

"Don't worry... Claire is around, you can drop the keys with her" I say, i rushed out towards the elevator, pressing the ground floor button. As soon as i got there, i searched the reception area, looking for the familiar white dress. Nothing, again. I got worried, don't tell me that she went home all by herself. Damn!  I tried the number again, still switched off.

I collected the keys to my Lamborghini from the valet, it is much faster, maybe i should call Aunt Emilia, she could be home by now. She picked up at the second ring.

"Hello Hunter.. " her cheery and carefree voice rang out.

"Hi Aunt Emily, how was your day?"
I asked politely.

"It was good, how are you guys over there? She told me she will be with you for weekend" my breath hitched.

"What? She is not with you?" I asked sounding confused.

"No, she should be with you by now Hunter, wait.. She is not with you right?! Where is she?!" I gulped at her panicked voice.

"I don't know ma'am, but i promise i will find her"

"Tell me Hunter... What really happened?" I sigh, guess I have to let the cat out of the bag.

"Well... Actually... We might have had a tiny winy fight in which she left the penthouse, but i promise to find her and bring her back home safely" I informed the distressed mother.

"Alright Hunter, but i want you to know that whatever you guys fought on, really did hurt her,  but that is for later, i will call her brothers and her friends, once we get her, we will contact you" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you ma'am, i will also look for her in her hotspot, but please contact me if you find her" I said a quick bye before hopping into the car, i drove out, looking around if i could spot her.

A message entered my phone as i was driving, i groaned when i saw it was from the anonymous person who sent me pictures of Leah with Antonio during her brothers police station fiasco. The person also told me about their date in the pizza restaurant, i never believed but as the say, seeing is believing. I got to find out all the accusations were false, all lies, the bastard just wanted to destroy our relationship. Leah will never lie to me.

I parked my car beside the road, glaring at the incessant messages. I sigh reading some of it.

".. You should leave her alone, you are probably hindering them anyway.. "

".. You don't want to reply my message... Fine suit yourself 😒😒"

".. She is not who you think she is.. I have proof"

This got my attention, what do they mean by proof?.

"... What the hell are you talking about?!" I typed back.

"Oh ... so lover boy noticed my message"

".. Am not playing games here am i?"  I replied getting annoyed.


"You are looking for Leah right? Follow this address and get the shock of your life"

An address was sent by the guy or girl. I sigh, staring at the phone for a while. Should i do this? What if all this was a sham and someone was playing games with me. But they sounded damn sure. What will i lose any way?, I start the car as i entered the address into the GPS of my car. Here goes nothing.


I came out of my car staring at the big house, i look to see if i could spot anyone, everywhere was silent. I closed the door, walking towards the house, a Ferrari was packed outside the house, it looks familiar but i can't pin point where exactly.

I got to the entrance knocking the door, no one answered, how am i even sure Leah is here?. I tried the door knob to find the door open. Okay... Who will leave his or her house opened. I came in, the house was really big not like i haven't seen better.

"Hello? Leah?" I walked in further into the living room. I don't want to be arrested for trespassing but am that desperate to find her, and the guy who sent the message said i would find her here, and according to the past records, he or she is always true.

I look around again until something caught my eye, i walked towards it.

"What is Leah's bag doing here?" I asked my self, lifting up the bag to find her phone under it. I picked it up to find it switched off, i put it on. "That means she is here, Leah!"

I went towards the entrance but stop when i saw her Mary Jane's on the stairs, i walked towards it in confusion, climbing the stairs, i looked towards the stairs when i heard a sound upstairs. Fuck trespassing! I ran up the stairs, going towards the hallway.

Lord please, let whatever am thinking not be true. I try looking into rooms, but stop when i saw a door at the far end slightly opened. I walked towards it, it looked like years, but it was barely few minutes. I quietly open the door, my breathe seized at what i saw.

"Leah?" I called sounding confused, hurt and angry.
The bastard smirked at my state. "How..when.. did..?"

"Sorry you had to see that, my babe can be really pressing and persuasive" I stared at the both of them in shock like a dumb fool. Leah was with her so called best friend in bed, naked, with the covers over them, he keeps rubbing her bare back delicately as she slept further. I have been played!
"Why are you looking like a fool? Hmmm! Did you really think she loves you?" He laughed out in mockery.

I quietly reversed my steps, quietly closing the door with a broken and hollow heart, i stumped through the house, the clothes scattered on the floor, the position i find them, him laying beside her with their naked bodies, all playing in my head.

I don't know how i got to my car, i try to control my tears filled eye, am not going to cry over one worthless girl. No! This changes everything. I need to get out of here.

Omg!  Shocking right?!  What the hell is going on?!  What was Antonio thinking?!
Poor Hunter, poor Leah.... 😞😞
Seat back for the next chapter, things are about to get really bad and bumpy for Leah....

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