Six: The Old Version

By ArtytheDragon

1.8K 105 126

(this stories plot changes continuously, the story is a draft of several ideas that make a loose plot.) Homes... More

An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4 (End of Act one)
Number 5 (Begin act Two)
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
A fabulous Intermission
Number 9
Number 10 (End of Act Two)
Intermission: The Trolls
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15 (End of Act Three act One/Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 1)
Number 16 (A3A2A1)
Number 17 (End of Act 3 act 2 intermission 1 begin act 3 act 2)
Number 18
Headcanons 2.0
Number 20
Not an update but a letter
Number 21 (End of Act 3 act 2)
Help ;-;
Number 22 (Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 2)
Number 23 (Begin Act 4 Act 1: A4A1)
Number 24
Number 25 (end of act 4)
Number 26 [BEGIN ACT 5)
Number 27
Number 28
Number 29
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32
Number 33
Number 34: Story for The Zetas Part 1

Number 19

34 2 8
By ArtytheDragon



The night was quiet. Very quiet. Just what I needed. I was working on a spell. These where from my own design. From my powers. Troll blood is merley an ingrediant. My spells where perfect. I botteled their essense for they where a gas. And this one....would kill.
I smiled as the essense forming in my hands turned from blue, to purple, to pink. A light pink no one would suspect as evil.
I formed it to look like a dragon.
The pink essense turned into flames as they made the firey picture.
Now for step two.
I found the chains that changed down my door and I sawed at it with a knife I had (incase the curse did not work) hoping my sister wouldn't hear.
The chains didn't break.
I sighed and heald the curse to the chains and the dragon made them disinigrate. The door opened quietly. Lyric was sleeping in her pile of blankets breathing softly. I knelt down and placed the dragon on her back.
It snorted and began to sink in, I smiled, now to give it commands,
Destroy her

The pinkish glow faded and her breathing faltered, I smiled.


"Gail?" I said not knowing if she was alive or not. I didn't remember much, but a pinkish glow coming from the sky. We where in a dark place. A dark cavern, it was stuffy and warm. And dark, but I could see where I was going atleast. Not completley dark.
"Gail?" I said again. Where was she? Was she alright? I sighed shakily holding back tears. I was scared.
I finally sat down and messed with the charm that was given to me as I dreamed. It was a strange dream. But it was clearer than most of my memories.
I awoke on derse to a chiming of a girls voice.
Zuri? Zuri are you awake? In derse I mean.
I sat up in my dersian bedroom,
no one was there but the girls voice rang in my head.
Good, your awake. The girls voice was mature but somewhat excitable like she was happy to be alive (again?) her voice sounded almost as light as air but I could make out her words clearly. What confused me the most is that my dreamself was dead, or most likley. How was I still alive in Derse?
I walked to the window, no one was out there just me, and the moon of derse was no where.
All I saw was a broken chain and a tower that was destroyed.
I was the last on derse.

"Who are you?" I asked.
A time player. She said, And the only reason your alive is because you hid.
"How did I hide? I don't remember that....."
It was a while ago, so it is normal not to remember dreams
"Well, why am I here?" I asked again
Open the box. Its on your bed.
"I don't see any bo.....the heck?!!" I turned around and on my bed is a box a golden box. I went to my bed and opened it. Inside was a blue chain. At the end of the chain was the time symbol. The red gear. I put it over my head and looked at it.
"Its magic isn't it."
Indeed. But it wont work unless you truly need it.
"So like I was being surrounded by enemies I couldn't defeat?"
Yes. That is correct.
"But what does it do?"
It can do extreme things.
"Like what?"
Go back intime, and such
"But aren't I able to go back in time?"
A seer keeps their players from making mistakes. For you in this case, you can prevent doomed timelines, but not fix them.
"So I can't go back in time?"
No unfortunetly. But you can go forward intime. And I am sure you can freeze it, slow it down and speed it up.
"That sucks."
There are advantages to being godtier but also great loss.
"Why did you give me this?"
To help you in your future. It will be a hard ride for you.
"Oh...okay..." I said
But don't worry Seer of Time. For you are our hero.


That was when I woke up.

As I remembered the dream, I heard a voice behind me,
"Zuri! There you are!" Gail said, pulling the mask of her mage outfit down so she could breath.
"Hi Gail." I smiled tucking my necklace back into my shirt.
I went to hug her. She hugged me with one arm because she was keeping the remains of our planets in her other hand....or so I thought.
"All of them? How did they survive?"
"Remember when I grabbed your hands and everything flashed around?"
"Well the planets where shrinking and you teleported us."
"Oh so is that a good thing?"
"Uhm....yes." Gail laughed, "I was able to save them just in time, oh do you have your phone? Or laptop."
"....No...." I said bonking my self in the head with the palm of my hand, "Shit Im super stupid...."
"Zuri no your not, its okay I'll tell everyone we're good."
I sat with Gail as she chatted with some of our friends telling us where we were.

I hung my feet over the abyss and thought about some things I wanted to ask our friends.
After a few hours, Gail closed her computer and sat with me,
"It's going to be a while."
"How long?"
She shrugged, "Honestly I really don't know, when Finn told me to ask this guy called CI, Canterironlight, he said we where in the farthest tunnel east, so he said maybe a week.
"God dammit. What are we going to eat?"
"For now, junk food."
"But im going to get siiickkk." I complained,
"Deal with it."
Gail pulled out a bag of chips and split it with me, I ate them taking one at a time while she scarfed them down, crumbs everywhere.
Ocasionally down below we heard some strange laughter. We both looked at eachother, I was a bit worried,
"Don't worry, its down below she wont hear us."
"She?" I whispered back, she pointed down toward the girl looking into the distance as if tracking someone, Gail seemed to reconize her.
"She was that lady in the clouds. I saw her killing people, we should stay quiet."
Gail covered my mouth, "Shh."
We watched to the weird monster girl stare into the distance, ocasionally giggling
"Oh Vantas!" She said, "I know your there *laugh* you can hiiiiide." She laughed. In the distance there was a pair of glowing red eyes looked at her, they where to far away for me to detect emotion.
Eventually the girl stepped out, moving her first pawn.



We were alone. But it was fine. The hall was long a quiet and we both knew that all tunnels lead to the computer room. Which was in the center.
It was pretty dark and was hard to see. Winter almost fell off a ledge once, but I caught her.
"Careful." I muttered, as I pulled her back up.
She stood back up and brushed away the dust on her long white godtier dress.
We continued down the hall.

Tired of the darkness, I lit a flame in my hand which made Winter giggle,
"Whats your fucking problem?" I asked, "Blaze is literally in my name."
"No its funny, because your title is prince of blaze, so aren't you suppost to destroy fire?"
"Well fuck the rules."
Winter rolled her eyes and smiled while shaking her head, "Your hilarious."
"Fuck you." I said.
Our feet echo on the walls as we followed the flickers of light. As we walked, I began to hear different footsteps, not ours.
They where heavy as if the person was dragging themself.
I paused in the walk,
"Do you hear that?" I asked,
"Yeah..." Winter said, she stuffed her hand into her pocket and pulled out her wand, which was basically enchanted with her ice powers. If not, it would just be a stick. She kept it drawn as we began carefully down the hall. I kept a flame in my hand, ready to burn a motherfucker.

"So...have you seen Ender latley?" Winter asked as she tapped her wand against her dress.
"No, but I don't care." I said. We heard the footsteps again, this time we paused for a while. The Viridian blood looked fearfully at me.
"Well, well, well." Said a voice, I knew that voice as Ender, but she sounded different, not as sane as she usually is,
"Isn't it two, traitors?" She stepped out of the darkness,
"Traitors? Ender what the fuck?"
"You said you wouldn' if I went missing...." Ender said, "And you didn't even bother 'search' for me?"
I noitced her eyes, instead of yellow where now a dark, almost red, orange, her pupils where small she had an insane grin on her face,
"And, I won't tolerate anyone who says I am not a better leader than Serest."
"What does she have to do with anything?!" Winter said taking a step back,
"Anything? Oh she's EVERY FUCKING DAMN THING, BITCH." Ender screamed then laughed again,
"She thinks she sooo perfect with her 'fancy instinctive' leadership skills, but all she is a coward, hiding from what she really is, a freak."
Winter looked confused at this but I knew what she meant. Only Faydia and Avisti knew her blood color and they both refused to tell.
Ender knows.

"She was born to be killed, Im even surprised she made it this far! She should have been culled as a wriggler that slimy bastard."
Winter backed up a few steps, Ender laughed again,
"Don't think I forgot about you two." She said in between her teeth,
"You'll be dead soon enough."
I knew what she would do, I made a circle of fire around us but she easilt jumped the flames and stabbed Winter in the chest, she let out a gasp of pain, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her cadaver fell into the flames burning away.
I got angry. I pulled out a sword (wtf I don't remember what his weapon is) and charger at her, she side stepped me and stabbed me through the back, the last thing I remember, is her smiling and saying,
"Soon, I will have red"

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