Their Astronomer

By cem-dr

224K 6.8K 1.4K

Anoki Heishi, a fighter, astronomer, and Luffy's first mate. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 21

4.2K 166 46
By cem-dr

([Thank you MadisynMarch1])


Anoki plopped herself down in the dirt to rest as she and the others waited for Luffy to come back. Her ankle was starting to throb and she was starting to really regret her selfish actions earlier. She looked down and started to sweat nervously. 

She took her boot off when she first broke her ankle to allow it to swell. 

She never put her boot back on. 

The wax contraption was set aflame. 

Her boot was probably on fire as well. 



Sanji came casually strolling out of the forest, surprising Anoki, because she honestly forgot about him during the whole ordeal. 

"What the hell happened here?" he questioned out with a cigarette dangling from between his lips. He turned his gaze towards Nami and Vivi and his face immediately became a frightening red shade. "NAMI-SWAN! VIVI-CHAN!" He shouted out, twirling towards them at a fast pace. Vivi held her arms closer towards her chest, uncomfortable with the cook's gaze while Nami didn't even bother to look embarrassed. 

"Now where the hell were you!? We all really could have used your help back there, but instead you decided not to!" Nami shouted, a visible tick mark on her forehead. Sanji puffed out another inhale of smoke and draped his coat over the seething navigator's shoulders. 

"But none of you beautiful ladies were hurt, right?" Sanji asked out, his eyes never leaving Nami's. The navigator scoffed loudly and turned her gaze towards the silently sulking Anoki sitting in the dirt. 

"Anoki broke her ankle." Sanji deflated into a sad puddle of metaphorical goop at Nami's feet, crying pathetically into the wind. He sat up from the ground and sped towards Anoki's spot and bowed, his forehead touching the dirt. 

"I'm sorry my angel for not protecting you! I'm a horrible person for not being there for you in your time of need. Please punish me as you see fit!" 

Anoki looked away from Sanji with a pink hue on her cheeks. She scratched the back of her neck uncomfortably and refused to meet his gaze. 

"I'm not really comfortable giving you punishment Sanji. It wasn't your fault, it was my own and please don't feel the need to protect me. That's my job, protecting all of you," As Anoki finished off her sentence, she sent a blinding smile towards the cook, causing him to fall back into the dirt and clutch at his chest. 



Luffy soon emerged from the foliage and smile brightly when he saw all of the crew had gathered around. 

"Oh that reminds me," Sanji spoke out suddenly, digging around in his pocket. "I found a wax house of sorts while I was  trying to find you all. I contacted the boss AND got this!" He proudly presented an eternal log pose with Alabasta written in bold across the border of the object. Everyone's faces melted into one of relief, beside Anoki and Zoro who looked lost at their expressions. 

"Why is everyone so relieved? Wasn't that where we were going next anyways?" 

"You stupid moss head! If you would have gotten any information at all you would have known that it takes a full year for the log pose to settle with the magnitude of this island!" Sanji shouted as he slammed his forehead against Zoro's, tick marks covering both of their heads. Anoki stood up and slapped both of their heads together. 

"Now boys, this isn't a good time to be fighting. We have to find our way towards the Going Merry so we can help Vivi get her country back. Time is of the essence." Both males grit their teeth and reluctantly followed after their first mate, but still shooting glares at each other from behind her back. 

Nami sighed deeply at the three of them and also stood up from her position. As she was trailing after them, she felt a stinging sensation on her side and immediately moved her hand to the location with a small 'ouch' escaping her lips. She looked down and swatted the bug that bit her. The area looked red and swollen already, but Nami dismissed it with a mindless scratch at the area before following after everyone again. 


Everyone was one the Going Merry and had stocked the ship full of meat from the contest Zoro and Sanji had between themselves. Luffy was absolutely salivating at the sight of the large chunks of sliced dinosaur meat. 

Anoki would never admit this out loud, but the sight of the two giants seeing them off on their journey did frighten her. Both of the giants looked battered and bruised and ready to collapse at the slightest of touches; but both raised their weapons into the air. 

"GO! GET YOUR FRIEND HOME SAFE!" One of the giants yelled. Luffy smiled brightly at the both of them and stood on Merry's figure head with his hands on his waist. 

"Nami! Let's go!" Luffy shouted, the boyish grin never leaving his face. Nami nodded her head and ordered the rest of the crew on what to do. Anoki was about to go join the rest of the crew but Luffy jumped onto her back and wrapped his arms around her neck and nestled his face against her's. 

"I missed you Anoki!" he cheered and rubbed his cheek against her's, a soft blush covering his cheeks. Anoki smiled at her captain and let her hand slip into his dark locks and give him the affection he oh so desired from his first mate. Luffy could only sigh with contempt at the feeling of Anoki petting him and burrowed his face into the crook of her neck. Anoki smiled and grabbed onto the arms loosely attached around her neck, and swung Luffy's body around so he was no longer attached to her back. Luffy was now being held in her arms. Anoki had one arm around the upper portion of his back while the other supported his thighs. Luffy wrapped his legs around her waist and his arms around her neck again and once again nestled his face into the crook of her neck. 

Anoki could only giggle at her captain, for she could feel how hot his face was from his blush from their close proximity. 


Nami was watching the sails with one of her hands held above her eyes. Her face was slightly flushed and she was swaying on her feet. Anoki was seated on the steps leading to the wheel where Nami was standing. She turned and looked at the navigator with a concerned look in her eye. Vivi was having the same concerned thoughts as the first mate and walked up to the navigator. 

"Hey Nami, maybe you should rest. You're not looking too good. Anoki and I can watch the log pose for you if you want." Vivi suggested out with a hand resting on the orange haired woman's shoulder. Nami looked at Vivi with a hazy look but shook her head no, regardless of the fact that she looked like she was about to pass out. 

"No no, I have to keep watch. I have to get you home..." Nami's words seemed to slur at the end and her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her body slumped forward. Anoki shot up and caught Nami before she fell and slowly slipped to her knees, holding Nami's unconscious body close to her chest. Vivi gasped loudly and put her hand against the navigator's forehead before flinching back. 

"She's burning up! Quick Anoki, we have to take her inside!" Vivi's loud plead caught the attention of the rest of the crew. They were all gathered around Anoki with worry in their eyes. Sanji was screaming and crying while Luffy was sitting in front of Anoki and Nami and questioning Nami why she wasn't feeling better. 

"We should let her rest for now, and if she isn't feeling better in a few days we will have to stop on an island to get her some medicine." Anoki explained out, never tearing her gaze away from the unconscious navigator in her arms. Vivi's eyes widened in worry and shock at Anoki's words, the words of protest dying at the tip of her tongue at the sharp look Anoki shot her way. 

"B-but what island? Without Nami we won't be able to navigate, but we can't afford to stop now, my people need me!" Vivi's voice got louder at the end, her hands were clutched at her chest. Anoki stood up with her arms hooked around the back of Nami's legs and around her arms. Nami's breathing was labored and seemed so loud against the sound of silence that hung around the crew, causing all of them to through more concerned glances at the pair. 

"Princess..." Anoki trailed off, a hint of something dangerous laced in her tone as she stared down at the blue haired girl. Vivi flinched at the first mate's tone and look in her eye, and turned her head away with guilt. "I care about getting you home, but I also care deeply about Nami's health. If anything, we should go to an island now for a doctor. The faster we get Nami better, the faster we can get you home. Now I suggest you start thinking about Nami's health as well." Anoki walked off to the girls cabin, not wanting to waste anymore time. Tears gathered in Vivi's eyes but she quickly rubbed them away. She sniffed and looked back at the rest of the crew, but the only one remaining was Zoro and Ussop. 

"Nami is completely vital to your whole plan." Zoro said then walked away, Ussop shuffling after him, leaving Vivi alone near the wheel. 


In the cabin, Anoki laid Nami down on the bed and placed a wet rag on her forehead. She was sitting on her knees and gently holding onto Nami's hand. Anoki closed her eye and rested her head on the bed. The door squeaked open and Anoki shot up to look. It was Vivi and a sobbing Sanji who was holding a tray that was filled with soup and crackers. Anoki stood up and walked to the side of the room so that Sanji and Vivi could fuss over the sick navigator. 

"NAMI!" Luffy came barreling through the door and slid across the floor on his knees, his face right in front of Nami's. Everyone ignored Sanji's yells and watched as Luffy waved a piece of meat in front of her face and made a silly faces at her. Anoki smiled softly at the sight, her hand rubbing soothing circles on her captain's slumped shoulders. 

"L-luffy...Anoki?" Nami weakly asked out, turning her head to look at her captain and first mate. Luffy cheered happily while Anoki smiled softly and grabbed the navigator's limp hand. 

"We're here." Anoki spoke, her voice soft and calm. Nami squeezed her hand and looked at Vivi. "In the drawer, go look." Vivi went over to the small table and grabbed the newspaper that was resting inside. As Anoki watched the princess read, she could tell that the news was dire, for her expression went from rage to sorrow. 

"Damn that Crocodile!" Vivi seethed out, crumpling the papers in her tight grip. Anoki turned her head towards Nami, whose expression held contemplation. 

"Vivi...forget about me and let's be quick to get you home." Nami rasped out. Anoki, Luffy, and Sanji looked at Vivi with such intense faces that Vivi didn't hesitate to respond. 

"As much as I want that, we all really need you Nami. You're the one who gets the crew around. So I say before we head to Alabasta, we get you to the nearest island with a doctor." Vivi spoke, which caused Anoki to let out a sigh of relief and Sanji and Luffy to let out happy cheers.


The entire crew was sleeping in the cabin Nami was resting, with everyone sleeping on the floor and Vivi half slumped on the bed. Anoki herself was leaned against the wall, same as Zoro, and only resting her eye, not fully asleep. She heard the blankets covering Nami rustling, and peaked her eye open to watch. 

Nami was sitting up, and looking around at all of her friends who were sleeping near her. As she was looking around, she made eye contact with Anoki, making her gasp out of shock. Anoki chuckled at her and stood up, making her way towards Nami, then sliding to her knees in front of her. 

"How are you feeling?" Anoki questioned out, her hands cupping Nami's flushed cheeks. Nami sighed in relief, pushing her face further into Anoki's cool hands. 

"I feel a little better." Nami sighed out, cupping the hands holding her face. Anoki gave Nami a bright and gentle smile and gently pushed Nami back down. 

"You should continue to rest, we'll be looking for a doctor for you so you can recover quickly. I'll watch over you." Anoki gave Nami another soft smile and pushed her bangs out of the way. She gave Nami a soft, lingering kiss to her forehead and tucked her back into the bed. Nami blushed deeply and held a hand to the spot where Anoki kissed her. She shot a glance at the first mate, who had her eye closed and a small smirk dancing on her face. Nami blushed and quickly turned on her side, she held a hand close to her pounding heart and was biting her lip, trying to keep in her squeal of excitement. 

Anoki had kissed her! I mean, it was on the forehead, but it had to count for something! 

Nami quickly fell asleep again, a soft blush adorning her cheeks, and happy thoughts involving Anoki swirling in her mind. 


Hello everyone, I hope you're all safe!

I really apologize for disappearing for like a month, but I've lost all concept of time and have been slightly struggling with my online school right now. 

I really love this story and all of the positive feedback I've been getting from it, I've just been struggling these past few months, so I apologize for such a short chapter. 

I won't be taking any month long breaks again because I soon get to introduce Chopper, and I love him and then I get to introduce Ace and I love those two. I get so excited when I think of the possibilities I can write about. 

The next chapter will be out soon! I hope everyone stays safe! 

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