Hold Me

By My_Kinkyy

50K 1.2K 134

Beauty is stuck in her luxurious lifestyle, she gets everything handed to her. She becomes a model for he mot... More

Character Analysis
Chapter 1- Stick Around
Chapter 2 - Connect
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

1K 35 6
By My_Kinkyy

Beauty POV

My world was cloudy and my mind was fogged. The only noise I could hear was the heart rate monitor. It kept beeping waking me up from my slumber.

"Daddy" I yawned sitting up. Draye was sitting next to me holding my hand like always.

"Yeah baby" he replied coming over to me.

"She's gone isn't she?" I mumbled biting down on my lip. He nodded making me burst into tears. Guilt took over me for all the times I told her I hated her. The woman who I despised for neglecting me as a child gave me so many emotions. She made me resent her as I got older. But now she was gone without the simplest of goodbyes. What hurts the most was that even though she was gone, I felt like this was what she wanted. After her drug incident all she did was sit in her room in the dark. As if she waiting for her untimely demise.

1 month later Monica's Funeral

Dressed in nothing but all black fabrics with tears down my face. My father and I stood there as the empty casket was lowered into the ground. It all felt surreal considering there was no actual body in the casket. The explosion was so bad that they didn't find any human remains beside her hair follicles. Once the casket was in the ground I tossed a picture of her with a red rose on top of it. Then they slowly covered everything up with dirt.

"Give me a minute" I father insisted. When I turned around my family was waiting for me. Draye, Paula, Sarah and Dwayne all waved me over to them.

"You okay?" Sarah asked with her arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah just give me a moment" my legs trembled as I strolled to Draye's Escalade. His driver opened my door then shut it behind me. The tears seeping out of my eyes just wouldn't stop. I officially felt broken deep down inside my soul. Although the windows were tinted everybody knew I had broken down. Kash came over to the car to calm me down.

"Beauty it's gonna get better" she whispered as she patted my back.

"How did you deal with your father's death?" I whimpered.

"Cry until there's nothing left to cry about. Even though crying can't bring him back it brought me closure. But now that Markelle adopted me I'm okay with the idea now. Everything happens for a reason remember?" I looked up at her. That's when I realized she had grown on me.

"Thanks Kay, you're the little sister I always wanted"

Markelle POV

After squandering the city I found a new estate for sell. It was a mega mansion with the furnishing already done. Kash, Beauty and I did a walk through the house to get a glimpse of it. The foyer was all white with a two-way staircase. The stairs and floor was white ceramics with the boxing of gold lining. 1st floor of the house was a home theater in nothing but red. 8 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms was an absolute upgrade. But the most important thing about this house wasn't how spacious it was. But that it had a big ass security system. The big golden gates at the front had to be opened through my phone, Beauty's phone or Kash's phone. So I knew Beauty and Kash would be safe at all times. The attic was the monitor part of the house. Cameras were in every hallway, outside on the porch, by the pool and Jacuzzi. Along with every outer wall that enclosed the estate.

"You don't think this is a little too much?" Mia bit down on her lip as she looked around the master's chamber.

"You think so, because I was thinking it was big enough for all of us" I replied looking at her admire the paintings in the upstairs hall.

"Us? You don't mean me and Porsha" she nervously laughed.

"I do want you guys to visit til we decide to finally make it official." Mia still lived in Miami and now that Monica was gone I had never felt so alone. It was a waste of money and time for her to keep flying back and forth with Porsha. "What's the point of you flying back and forth?"

"Markelle I don't wanna intrude so soon. I mean Beauty did just lose her mother. It wouldn't feel right"

"Well stay in one of the extra rooms we have. I just don't want you Porsche so far away from me." I grabbed her hand making her turn from the picture to look at me.

"Give me like a month or two" I let out an irritated sigh and let go her hands. "Please, I'm trying to let Beauty get acquainted with the idea that her mother's gone"

"I guess you're right"

London POV

"Please Lon we really want to see this movie!" Princess begged me.

"We'll watch Paris so you and Dwight can go out tonight!" Kash bribed me.

"Deal. So what movie are yall gonna go see anyway?" I asked after blending the strawberry and banana smoothie I promised Beauty.

"The new Night at the Museum" Kash announced in a sing song voice.

"Kash watch my phone I gotta go to the bathroom" Princess got up and exited the room.

"So you and my sister are like the best of friends now" I giggled.

"Yeah, she's cool. But can I ask you something?" She said just above a whisper.


"Do you know that Draye's a drug dealer?" The glass of blended fruits spilled all over the counter. "Oh I'm sorry forget I even said anything"

"It's fine Kay, just don't repeat yourself. Yes I know and that's why me and him are kinda not speaking right now. Along with Markelle he took me by surprise when I found out."

Beauty POV

My head was banging from all the crying I had been doing. All I wanted was that strawberry and banana smoothie London was making me. I slipped my feet into my fuzzy bedroom slippers then headed down to the kitchen. Kash was whispering but I was standing behind the wall to hear everything.

"So Markelle's a drug dealer! I knew it" Kash exclaimed. Did this girl just say my father's a drug dealer? I stood in the doorway looking at the both of them.

"Beauty I can ex-" London tried to speak up.

"So he's really a drug dealer huh? Everybody knew but me right! Nobody felt the need to tell me! His daughter!" My temperature rised with anger. How could they keep this away from me when I considered them family. "The hell with this" my dad was upstairs in his second study doing God knows what.

"Tell me it's not true!" I burst into his office yelling.

"Beauty I'm on the ph-"

"Tell me it's not true dad!" He looked at me confused of what I was saying. "You're a drug dealer aren't you?" He hung up the phone on whoever that was. And looked up at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Beauty I-"

"Aren't you! Yes or no!" I shouted waiting for my answer.

"Yes" my world spiraled downward around me. That's when it all made sense to me.

"You're the reason Cristal kidnapped me! Oh gawddd it's all your fault what Raymond did to me! And my mother's dead because of you isn't she!" Just when he got up to come to me, I left. I grabbed my keys to my rental and zoomed down the road. It seemed like everybody always seem to keep the truth from me. That only pissed me off even more than I was. All I wanted was a big fat blunt with at least 10 grams of purp. Once my car was parked outside the photography studio I sat in my car breaking up buds of weed. When all the weed was neatly inside I lit it and grabbed my purse going in the building.

"Beauty what did I tell you about smoking without me" my photographer Manny joked.

"I really need to be high to get through this photo shoot" I grumbled after exhaling the smoke. My makeup crew came out to do my hair and put my face on. The photo shoot was for Chanel & Co because of me and Draye's big endorsement deal we had just signed.

"Hey bae" Draye whispered from behind me. He grabbed my blunt taking a puff from it.

"Does this outfit make me look thick?" I chuckled looking at his face as he stared at my ass.

"Hell yeah" he slapped my ass then Manny called us on set. It was a Chanel logo back drop and we just had to take pictures in 10 different outfits. We used each other as props by posing together.

"Guess what happened to me earlier" I mumbled in my own personal makeup chair.

"What?" He replied with a mouth full of chocolate.

"I'm coming downstairs and I over hear London and Kash talking"

"About what?"

"Apparently they both knew that my father's a drug dealer" he started to cough on his candy bar when I said that. "Don't tell me you knew too"

"Look babe there are somethings that you're father wasn't ready to tell you because of everything going on." He tried grabbing my hand but I wasn't going for it. "You fucking knew and you didn't even think to tell me!" I slapped his hand away.


"You're full of shit like everybody else"

Draye POV

"Any word on Cristal?" Markelle asked coming to the table with me and Misty.

We both shook our head no. She hasn't been seen since Markelle's house blew up. "Misty have you even spoke to her since the house incident?" He continued.

"I know for a fact she's responsible for it. But she has to come out of hiding because I cleaned out all her bank accounts and her safe" she stated with a sinister grin.

"What about Father Jewel?" I butted in.

"He's out of commission, luckily he signed everything over to his mistress."

"You killed him?" Markelle and I gasps together.

"Noooooo, he had a stroke dumbasses! He's in his private hospital out in New York. He gotta be out there for his next diamond drop. But guess whose in charge of it" she semi-yelled.

"Who?" Markelle jumped up from the table.

"Ya girl Misty duhh!" she shouted in a duh tone.

"Oh Shit so why can't we set up a diamond heist?" I chuckled looking at Markelle.

"You know that's a good idea" he smiled at Misty and I.

"Set up the plan and run it by me later I gotta go handle some nigga who owe me some money" Misty said after reading a text in her phone.

"Kelle wassup with Beauty?" I questioned while texting her for the 10th time since our photo shoot.

"She knows, before you know it she gonna know about you too so I suggest you tell her before she hear from somebody else." Beauty would flip out on me if she found out. So my only option was to tell her the truth like I promised. But I really would hate to lose her over something like this.

Me: Can we talk?
My Wife: fine! Meet me at Moonlight Rollerway.

Beauty POV

When Draye text me I just had to give in and agree to meet up. I was at the skating rink doing a compound photo shoot with Candace. Me and her were still cool even though her cousins hated my guts.

"So you still down for Friday night?" She questioned me for the 5th time.

"Um Idk, I just really gotta finish this online class so I can officially be done with school" I sighed as I typed on my new laptop that the Chanel company bought for me. My high school life would be over once this class was done. Because I had got all my main course classes out of the way.

"I got weeeeed" Candace was a heavy ass smoker. She was like the queen of all queens when it came to smoking a duffy.

"Maybe, I'll think about it" Draye came up to the food bar and cleared his throat. My entire mood changed just by his presence. It was like I wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him. While another part of me wanted to strangle his ass.

"Wassup Beasst!" Candace greeted him.

"Wassup, you checking out that next match I got with Corey?" He asked her.

"Yes, you know I'm tryna get at him" she laughed.

"We all know about your obsession with Corey's muscles" I said making us laugh. The director of the shoot motioned for Candace to go back to the set.

"I gotta go, yall be nice now" she smirked walking away. The only thing I could do was shake my head at her. After I took a seat on the bar stool he looked at me with guilt.

"So wassup?" I mumbled as I played with the placemat.

"I'm feeling like I owe you the world right now" he said avoiding eye contact with me.

"Draye I never asked for the world, all I ever wanted was the truth and I couldn't that from neither one of my parents."

"Well I need to tell you something" those words made me fear what he really had to say.

"Draye if this about a lie please just save it. Okay I'm sick and tired of this whole process." The whole lying and coming clean was so old. I was so use to the lies and sorry that I just didn't wanna here it anymore. "Look I gotta finish this last set I'll see you back at the house" I kissed his cheek then proceeded back to the set.

Candace and I stopped by the liquor store because she insisted I try this drink.

"The club where I bartend calls it Sex on The Beach."

My eyes rolled back as I took a sip "Its actually good! I can't even taste the vodka you put in it" I exclaimed as she wiped off Draye's middle kitchen counter. "You have to show me how to make this" Candace was a part-time bartender/model traveling from clubs all over California. Just when she was showing me how to make the drink I could hear Draye's key unlocking the front door.

"What are we doing here!" Draye sarcastically asked as he and Shawn walked in.

"Hey guys" Candace called out after pouring us another cup. They both gave her a head nod and Shawn went upstairs carrying a duffel bag like Draye's. He came over to me trying to give me a kiss. But I turned my head making him kiss my cheek.

"Aye I gotta head down to the bar, bye Beyonce and Jay-Z" Candace chuckled making me blush.

"Dats my cue to go take my bubble bath I really need"

After soaking my troubles away I decided to go make that drink Candace showed me. My first two cups had me all warm on the inside. How I really wanted to feel was good and happy with no problems in the world. I let my bath water out then slowly made my way through the hall going to the stairs. All the lights were off in whole downstairs. But there was dim lighting coming from the kitchen. Draye apparently set the dining room up as a candle lit dinner for two.

"Draye what is this?" I jumped right into questioning.

"Just come here" he grabbed my hand helping me into my seat. Once he pushed my chair in he sat across from me. "Beauty you know you mean everything to me. Like I told you earlier I owe you the world."

"Draye get to the point why you're doing all of this" I ordered him. My heart couldn't help but skip a beat waiting for him to speak.

"Okay." He adjusted himself in the chair then cleared his throat. "Yes I knew your father was a drug dealer but you can't really be angry at him for it"

"And why not! Because he was only protecting me! You know I never knew why Cristal hated my father. But now I know it was all about him and his true profession." I laughed a little to myself.

"You don't really blame him for everything that happened in the past do you?" He continued with a frown.

"You damn right I do!" My hands slammed down on the table.

"Well what if it was me in the situation?"

"What you mean?" He was really confusing me now.

"If I was a drug dealer" we sat there staring at each other.

"I would give you an ultimatum"

"Which is?" He asked looking at me.

"Its either me or the drugs" I stated looking at him waiting for a response.

"Well I choose you" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I gave a faint laugh looking at him.

"Dude are you fucking serious right now?" My smile quickly shifted to a frown. "You a drug dealer too huh?"

"Beauty I really wanted to tell you bu-"

"I am sick and tired of hearing this. Beauty I'm sorry! Beauty I really wanted to tell you! It's all bullshit! If you fucking care so much about me wouldn't you even think just a little bit that shit like this matters!" This very moment anger took over and I let it get the best of me. I grabbed the glass full of vodka and dashed it in his face. All the lying and apologies for doing shit intentionally was getting old. And I just had enough of it being done to me. Letting things slide all the time and constantly forgiving any and everyone. I was done accepting the lies and sorrys. I went into the guest room and locked the door. I snatched my phone off the bed that was plugged up to my beats. When I threw it my headphones came out and Doing it wrong By: Drake played out loud.

When a good thing goes bad it's not the end of the world
It's just the end of a world, that you had with one girl
And she's the reason it happened, but she's overreacting
And it's all because she don't want things to change

So cry if you need to, but I can't stay to watch you
That's the wrong thing to do
Touch if you need to, but I can't stay to hold you
That's the wrong thing to do
Talk if you need to, but I can't stay to hear you
That's the wrong thing to do
Cause you'll say you love me, and I'll end up lying
And say I love you too

But I need someone different
You know it, oh ho, you know it
Oh ho, you know it, we both know it
I need someone different
You know it, oh ho, you know it
Oh ho, you know it, we both know it
Something's been missing
You know it, oh ho, she knows it
Oh ho, I know it, we all know it
I need someone different
(Oh ho, oh ho)

We live in a generation of, not being in love, and not being together
But we sure make it feel like we're together
Cause we're scared to see each other with somebody else

So cry if you need to, but I can't stay to watch you
That's the wrong thing to do
Touch if you need to, but I can't stay to hold you
That's the wrong thing to do
Talk if you need to, but I can't stay to hear you
That's the wrong thing to do
Cause you'll say you love me, and I'll end up lying
And say I love you too

But I need someone different
You know it, oh ho, you know it
Oh ho, you know it, we both know it
I need someone different
You know it, oh ho, you know it
Oh ho, you know it, we both know it
Something's been missing
You know it, oh ho, she knows it
Oh ho, I know it, we all know it
I need someone different
(Oh ho, oh ho)

Authors Note
They had Monica's Funeral.
Markelle it's trying to move on fast by asking Mia to move in with him.
Kash and Beauty find out that Markelle is a drug dealer.
Misty is in charge of Father Jewel's next diamond drop.
Markelle is setting up a diamond heist so he can finally break the Jewel Cartel.
Candace is besties with Beauty still.
Draye admits to Beauty about his profession as well and it all blows up in his face. What do you think Beauty is gonna do now that she knows the truth about her father and first love.

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