Struck By Lightning (1)The Fl...

By allynmck1

232K 5.5K 749

"Dude, you lived with Bruce Wayne that is awesome" "Yeah, it was pretty awesome" A story about a girl who tri... More

Struck By Lightning
1-Wake Up
2-Not the Only Ones
3-That was the Lightning
4-You have No Idea
5- You Two Are Not Bulletproof
7-Zombie Scale
8- Rest of the Story
9-Brilliant Insight
10-Captain Cold
11-She's Pure Evil
12- Perform a Lobotomy
13-Walk On Water
14-Crazy Steel-Plated Man
15-Flash And Bolt
16-He's Late
17- Never Be Late Again
18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1
19-Flash Vs Arrow Prt 2
20- The Brave and The Bold prt 1
22-The Brave and The Bold prt 2
23- Hot Cocoa
24- Some Kind Of Yellow Suit
25-Merry Christmas!
26-Bring It or What
27- See Into the Future
28-Count As A Selfie
29- The Last Word
30- Beam Me Up
31-Likes To Wear Leather
32-Burning Man
34-I need a Change of Clothes
35-Just Don't Pee On Me
36-Call It Brain Freeze
37- Sonic Screwdriver
38- Does He Seem Weirder Than Normal
39- I Don't Deserve To Be Here
40- Crazy Psycho Clown
41- Look Good In Red
42- Bee Careful
43- Not as Creepy as it Sounds
44-Road Trip, Baby
45- You are Such a Dork
46- Mad Freaky
47- Hanky-Panky
48- Pizza And Movies
49- Telepathic Gorilla
50-Radio Shack
51- Just On Time
52- Ace
53- Legit

33- Meet You or Batman

2.7K 63 0
By allynmck1

The next day Barry showed up at Katrina's apartment, knocking on her door, a bouqet of roses in his hand. Katrina opened her door to see Barry standing there and he holds the roses out, "This is my apology to you for last night, not just the having to rush off and deal with Firestorm, but because of well other things as well" he says and the takes the bouquet letting him into the apartment.

"These are gorgeous and not on fire for once, but Barry you don't need to apologize this is new territory for both of us" Katrina says as she heads to the kitchen to get a vase to put the flowers in.
"Yeah I decided not to run with the flowers in my hand this time" he tells her.
"You mean you actually walked here from the flower shop" Katrina says as she finds a glass and puts water in it before placing the flowers in the the glass.

"Hey, can't run everywhere" he tells her.
"I will try not to kill them" she says as both their phones start to go off. Katrina picks up her phone to see she has a text from Caitlin.
"It's.." "Caitlin" Barry and Katrina say together.
"Looks like the tracker you placed on him last night, might have worked" Katrina says to him.

"Yes..we should go check it out" Barry says to her.
"Let's go, and Barry don't worry about last night" Katrina says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek. They both head out of Katrina's apartment and go off to meet Caitlin.

Katrina and Barry met up with Caitlin who had gotten Clarissa to come along with them, in the STAR Labs van. Caitlin drives to the location that they got from the tracker, and park the van. The four of them step out and head under the bridge, where they spot a homeless man hiding under it.

"There he is, looks like the tracker Barry placed on him worked" Caitlin says as they walk closer to him, and he comes out from under the bridge, "Professor Stein" she calls out.

"I told you to stay away from me" he says to her as he tries to walk away.
"And I will..but there's someone else who wants to talk to you" Caitlin says, and Clarissa steps forward.
"Martin" she calls out getting his attention, as Barry, Caitlin and Katrina stay back letting her talk.
"Do you know who I am?" Clarissa asks as she gets closer to him.
"Clarissa?" he says.
"Is it really you?" she then asks him.

"I don't know" he tells her, "I hear the other inside of me, and he wants to go home to her" he says as he looks over at Caitlin, " but we can't" he adds. "I just want to be me again" he tells her.

"Martin, what's my favorite color?" Clarissa asks him.
"You could-you could never decide, so you chose stripes" he says to her and she is taken aback before she reaches out to touch him.

He grabs her hand, "You shouldn't see me like this" he says holding her hand against his face.
"I see you, I see you, Martin. These people can help you, they say they can. Please, let them" Clarissa says to him.
Ronnie/ Stein looks over at the other three, "Please, help us" he pleads and the three of them look at one another.

They take Ronnie/Stein back to STAR labs, and letting him get cleaned up, "So we managed to get him, I mean them, so now what do we do?" Katrina asks.
"Stein clearly thinks he can separate himself from Ronnie's body using nuclear fission" Wells says to her.
"What do you think?" Caitlin asks.
"What do I think?" Wells says to her, " Is it possible? Theoretically, splitting an atom and splitting a man are two very different things" Wells says this as a now cleaned up Ronnie/Stein comes into the room and they all stare at him.
"I don't suppose it's necessary to point out you're all staring" he says to them and they all quickly look away.

"Our apologies" Wells says to him.
"It is remarkable," Ronnie/Stein says as he walks around, "I feel clearer than I have since the accident. What did you give me?" he turns and asks Wells.
"A cocktail of antipsychotics. Depressants, mood stabilizers" Wells explains to him.

"The same formula used to treat dissociative identity disorder" Ronnie/Stein says looking at Caitlin, "I assume this was your idea" and she just shakes her head yes, "Very clever, Cait" he says.
"Don't call me that, please" she tells him.
"I apologize" he says to her.
"We'd like to run some tests on you, if you don't mind" she says to him.
"Of course Dr. Snow" he tells her.

Katrina's purse then starts to beep and they all look over at her, "Sorry" she says as she goes into her purse to see that it's the pin that Bruce gave her.

"I uh....I need to go" she then says to them.
"You okay?" Barry asks her.
"Yeah..just something I need to go deal with" she says, "I will be back" she says as she heads off to leave and she feels someone grab her.

"Hey, you sure everything's okay?" Barry asks her.
"Yeah..umm Batman gave me this at Christmas his version of the Cardinal signal" she says taking the device out to show him.
" he needs help, your help for something" he says to her.
"Possibly or he might have some info on something I asked him to look into, umm Barry I need you stay here okay. This is something I gotta do on my own, I promise once I have the answers I am looking for I will explain everything to you" she says to him.

"Uh..yeah okay, I will just stay here then and not worry about my girlfriend going off to Gotham and doing who knows what" Barry says to her.
"There's nothing you need to worry about Barry, I won't take long" she says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek before taking off.

Katrina arrives in the cave, and Bruce holds down the file he had on the desk. "So what is so urgent Bruce?" she asks him.
"The DNA hit that I had, someone else is trying to analyze it" he tells her.
"Who would be doing that?" she asks him.
"Looks like someone is also running an analysis for the DNA you found, but they are also looking at another DNA" Bruce asks her.

"Can you tell where the analysis is being ran from or who it doing it?" Katrina then asks. She watches as Bruce types away on the computer.
"Cisco Ramone, looks like it's coming from a computer under his name" Bruce tells her.
"Why would Cisco...unless...Joe" Katrina says out loud.

"Joe?" Bruce asks, "Joe West, Barry's adopted dad?" he then asks.
"Yeah..I have a feeling he's looking into Nora Allen's death again, he suspects Harrison Wells is behind her death" Katrina explains.
"Why would Harrison Wells be involved?" Bruce asks.
"Not sure" she says when his computer starts going off, and they both look at it, to see that the other DNA had got a match, and Katrina is shocked at who the DNA matched.

"That can't be possible" Katrina says, "How can Barry's DNA be there?" she asks.
"I'll keep looking into it, are you going to be okay?" Bruce asks her.
"Yeah..yeah this just stays with us for now though" Katrina tells him.

"Understandable" he says.
"I should probably head off...we've got a very confusing situation going on" she says to him.
"Alright, and Katrina, you know one day you can bring Mr. Allen here" he tells her.

"To meet you or meet Batman?" Katrina asks.
"For right now probably just as Bruce" he says to her.
"You know he'll figure it out eventually" she tells him as she starts to leave.
"Be careful Katrina" Bruce calls out to her.
"I always am" she smiles at him before racing off back to Central City and STAR Labs.

Katrina arrived back at STAR Labs, running right into Barry, "Hey everything okay?" he asks her.
Katrina looks at him, the info she just was told going through her mind, and it takes her a minute to answer.

"Kitty Kat you okay?" he asks her again concern in his voice.
"Uhh..yeah..yeah sorry. Umm how's Caitlin doing with this whole Ronnie/Stein thing?" Katrina asks.
"She's handling, but we've just come across something bad" Barry tells her as they head to the testing area. Katrina stands beside Barry who takes a seat, along with Caitlin and Wells, they all look up as Cisco comes into the room.

"That's not freaky at all" he says to them after just running into Ronnie/Stein.
"It seems Ronnie's fight with the Flash has exacerbated the Firestorm matrix" Wells says, "It's unstable, it's exponentially increasing the rate of fission inside his body" he adds as he wheels away and they all follow him.
"How long does he have?" Caitlin then asks.
"If his tempature keeps rising at the current pace.." Wells says as he turns around to face her, "No more than a couple hours" he tells her.

"You can fix it though, I mean can't you just separate them before it comes down to that?" Katrina then asks as she goes to stand beside Caitlin.
"Any attempt we make to separate the two of them could be catastrophic..a nuclear explosion. And a nuclear explosion of this magnitude would level this entire city. Unless.." Wells says.

"Unless what?" Barry asks him.
"Unless the host body were no longer functional" Wells says looking directly at Caitlin.
"You wanna kill Ronnie?" she asks him.
"No, I don't wanna kill Ronnie. But in this scenario, Ronnie is the host body" Wells tells her.
"If you kill Ronnie, you kill Stein, that's two people" Cisco steps forward saying.

"I don't know how else to stop it. And my guess is that if Ronnie and Professor Stein knew the consequences that we were all facing..they would make the same decision. It's two lives for millions" Wells says to them all.
"Can you give us a minute?" Caitlin then says to the other three, and they all nod at her as they leave the room.

Katrina follows Barry down the hall, as they go to check on Ronnie, "Hey" Barry says to him and he looks right at them.
"Is there anything we can get you?" Katrina asks him.
"A glass of Chateau Haut-Brion Pessac-Leognan 1982 might be nice. Or maybe it wouldn't, this body's taste buds would obviously be different from my own. Perhaps I'm now a light beer man" He says to her.
"There are worse things to be" Barry says to him.
"You mean like a living nuclear bomb?" he asks.
"You know about that?" Katrina asks him.
"Unstable nuclear fission was always a danger in the transmutation process. Plus you all argue very loudly" he tells her as he starts to walk out of the testing room.

"We're sorry, but our friends are gonna figure out how to fix this, we promise" Barry tells him as Barry and Katrina follow him.
"I remember meeting you, Mr. Allen on the train. You were headed to STAR Labs with two girls, neither were your girlfriend" Ronnie/Stein says to him.

"Yeah, but one of them might be his girlfriend now" Katrina says as she leans against the computer desk.
"You know, Einstein was not only brilliant..he had a great sense of humor" Ronnie/Stein says, "How did it go?" he says quietly to himself, "Any man who drives safely while kissing a pretty girl is not giving the pretty girl the attention she desreves' If I learned anything this past year life's too short not to live" he says to the two of them before walking away.
"So Mr. Allen, are we going to try and keep going out, or are you too busy driving safely?" Katrina jokes.
"You will always have my undivided attention, considering it will be easier dating someone who knows why I am always rushing off and I don't have to make excuses" he tells her.
"Yeah..cause anyone else, like Linda Park, would find it strange you keep leaving" she says to him.
"I told you Linda doesn't mean anything, she was just a girl I met at the bar, who thought I was single" he tells her.
"You sure, you want to do this Barry, I don't want to try dating someone outside of this" Katrina asks him.

"Is this because of you and Dick?" he asks her.
"Yeah...I just know what happened with us, that we feel fast and hard for one another and because of the job we did, we spent so much time together, and we were always trying to protect the other, and that got in the way of the job. I don't want us to be out there fighting and have something happen to the other, and we become to worried that we get hurt in the crossfire or worse let a meta get away" Katrina tells her.

"Is this your way of breaking up with me?" Barry then asks her.
"No, it's just something I want you to be aware of" she tells him, as her cell starts to go off and she takes it out. "It's Iris" Katrina tells Barry as she walks away to answer the phone.

"Hey Iris" Katrina says to her.
""Hey Kat..ummm I just wanted to apologize for how I acted about you and Barry" Iris says to Katrina.
"Iris, you don't need to apologize, we should have told you sooner, I should have talked to you first" Katrina tells her.
"No, you didn't need to tell me, I mean I was always pushing you two together, and I should be happy" Iris tells her.
" have always wanted us to be something, but it seems like you feel not so sure about Barry and I" Katrina says.
"I just don't want something to happen to my two best friends. I just don't want to have you two break up,and I get stuck in the middle" Iris tells her.
"Iris, if anything happens with Barry and I, we will let you know, and it will be mutual, as of right now, Barry and I are just adjusting and taking it one day or date at a time" Katrina tells her.
"I know, maybe one night you two can double date with Eddie and I" Iris then says.
"Umm..yeah possibly" Katrina says as she then see's Caitlin in the cortex, and Wells headed in there, "Listen Iris, I gotta go, we will catch up later" Katrina says.
"Uh..yeah, see you later" Iris says as Katrina then hangs up the phone.

"Hey, we got anything?" Katrina asks as she joins the others and Barry comes into the cortex.
"I have an idea, it's a bit of a Hail Mary, but Cisco and I are gonna give it a try" Wells tells them.

"Thank You" Caitlin says to him.
"I'll get Professor Stein" Barry says and he starts to walk away.
"Looking for the Professor?" Cisco says as he enters the cortex, "Yeah, he's gone" Cisco tells them. They all look at one another.

"You guys almost done?" Barry asks as he paces around the cortex now in his Flash suit, and Katrina in her Bolt suit.
"Hang on, Hang on" Cisco says to him.
"I found Stein, he's in the badlands" Caitlin tells them, " the middle of nowhere, 30 miles outside of Central City" she adds.

"Minimum safe distance" Cisco says.
"He's sacrificing himself" Wells says.
"How much time does he have left?" Barry asks.
"Tweleve minutes" Cisco says and Barry and Katrina share a look of worry.
"And we're done" Wells says as they finish with the device for Stein.

"What is it?" Katrina and Barry asks together.
"This is a quantum splicer" Wells tells them.
"Will it work to separate them?" Caitlin then asks.
"We'll know in tweleve minutes" Wells tells her, "Now, Barry, Katrina, even you two can't outrun a nuclear blast so you get this device to Professor Stein and you two get out of there as fast as you can" Wells says as he goes to hand Barry the device, but Caitlin takes it instead.

"Caitlin, what are you doing?" Katrina asks her.
"I'm Going with you two" Caitlin replies.
"No, you can't Caitlin it's too dangerous" Katrina tells her.
"No offence Kat, but you and Barry don't know how to operate the splicer" Caitlin says as she puts her coat on.
"Cisco can talk us through it" Katrina says.
"There's not enough time, let's go" Caitlin says to her.

Barry and Katrina look over at Well's, "Go" he says to the three of them. Barry picks up Caitlin, and races off, with Katrina following behind.

Katrina, Barry and Caitlin arrive in the Badlands, and Barry puts Caitlin down, "Professor Stein!" Barry calls out, and Stein turns to look at them, and they see he has a gun in his hand.

"What are you doing here? You can't be here!" he shouts at the three of them. "Get her out of here now!" he screams indicating Caitlin.
"Please, look, Ronnie's still in there somewhere" Caitlin walks toward him.
"All those people, Clarissa, I won't let them die" Stein says to her, "It's better if I end this now" he adds as he starts to hold the gun up to his head.

"We can separate the two of you!" Katrina calls out to him, and they look over at her and Barry.
"We can stop the explosion" Barry tells him.
"How?" he asks.
"A quantum splicer" Caitlin tells him, "It's a fission device desgined to bombard your atoms with as much energy as they experienced in the particle accelerator explosion. It should be enough to separate you two" Cailin says to him, "Please Professor, you have nothing left to lose" she pleads with him. "Ronnie, if you're in there...I love you" she says to him.

Stein then reaches forward and kisses Caitlin, "That was from him" he tells her.
"I look forward to meeting you in person, professor" Caitlin says as she then places the device on Stein and starts to step away. They watch as Stein starts to ignite, "It's not working!" Caitlin shouts.

"Get out of there, Barry, Katrina get out of there now!" they hear Wells tells them through the comm. Links. The two of them look at one another then go to grab Caitlin, "Oh, no, no, no!" she cries out wanting to stay.
"Caitlin, we have to go" they both tell her.
"Run!"Stein shouts at them.

Barry picks Caitlin up, "No!" she shouts as Barry races off with her, and Katrina follows. Looking back Katrina sees the explosion, and they both race as fast as they can and as far away as possible.

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