the big brother of class 1A (...

By datduder

182K 2.4K 683

(y/n) has a pretty boring home life, could UA make it better? ***********************************************... More

chapter 1: a new school
chapter 2: the USJ
chapter 3: USJ aftermath
chapter 4: moving into dorms
chapter 5: the results
chapter 6: the sleepover
chapter 7: the predicament
chapter 8: class bonding exercises
chapter 9: tooru's close call
chapter 10: the midterms
chapter 11: party time!
chapter 12: an accident...
chapter 13: cheer up (y/n)!
chapter 14: a problem
chapter 15: a break
chapter 16: a new family
chapter 16.5
chapter 17: a crush
chapter 18:secret santa
chapter 19:a new move
chapter 20: the sports festival!
chapter 22: what happened?
chapter 23: a date with kyoka
chapter 24: an explanation
chapter 25: time to fly.
chapter 26: recovering.
chapter 27: training begins!
chapter 28: the dare game.
chapter 29: the boys
chapter 30: a nightmare
chapter 30.5
chapter 31: undercover
chapter 32: honorary girls!
chapter 33: beach day!
chapter 34: boat battle!
chapter 35: the protector
their screams.
chapter 36: dedicated
chapter 37:surprise
chapter 38:back to normal
chapter 39: meet the parents
chapter 40:hostage training
chapter 41:a little game
chapter 42:a plan.
chapter 43: happy birthday (y/n)!
chapter 44: double agent
chapter 45: the first death.
fail safes.
chapter 46:another one bites the dust
chapter 47: the attack.
chapter 48:the press conference.
chapter 49:the deadliest task yet: parents.
chapter 50: new dorms!
chapter 51: a fresh start.
<mina has created a group chat>
chapter 52: moving in.
chapter 53: a new school year.
chapter 54: bonfire stories
chapter 55: overblast
chapter 56: a new costume!
chapter 57: apartments!
chapter 58: alarms
chapter 59: the hurricane
chapter 60: oh no...
chapter 61: torture
chapter 62: back home.
chapter 63: first day back
chapter 64: winner!
chapter 65: the battle
chapter 66: girls night
chapter 67: publicity
chapter 68: babysitting
chapter 69: his secret.
chapter 70: new rules
chapter 71: guilt
chapter 72: training
chapter 73: 100%
chapter 74: all for one
chapter 75: secrets revealed
chapter 76: karaoke!
chapter 77: attack!
chapter 78: the sports festival! again!
chapter 79: a roller coaster of emotions
chapter 80: run!
chapter 81: the aftermath
chapter 82: christmas party!
chapter 83: happy new years!
chapter 84: divided
chapter 85: joint trining!
chapter 86: a new enemy
chapter 86: answered questions
chapter 87: camping!
chapter 88: intruder?
chapter 89: a copycat
chapter 90: exile
chapter 91: forgiven
chapter 92: another attack
chapter 93: change
chapter 94: instinct
chapter 95: the return
chapter 96: who will pass?
chapter 97: planning
chapter 98: charge!
chapter 99: mercenaries
chapter 100: loss
chapter 101: finding a way
chapter 102: resurrection?
chapter 103: awakening
104: kyokas guilt
chapter 105: a day out!
chapter 106: an upgrade?
chapter 107: new friendships!
chapter 108: the interview
chapter 109: an apology
chapter 110: final exams!
chapter 111: their tests
chapter 112: monsters!?
chapter 113: "what are you doing there?!"
chapter 114: training begins!
chapter 115: atom shredding
chapter 116: test of courage!
chapter 117: zombies?!
chapter 118: sacrifice
chapter 119: huh?
chapter 120: pool day!
chapter 121: muscular
chapter 122: year 3!
chapter 123: goodbyes, and hellos!
chapter 124: experiments
chapter 125: phoenix goes up in flames!
chapter 126: intense training!
chapter 127: dont tell kyoka!
chapter 128: hero work!
chapter 129: homecoming
chapter 130: a not-so-warm welcome.
chapter 131: dueling kyoka
chapter 132: why so serious?
chapter 133: combo moves!
chapter 134: panic!
chapter 135: cheater!
chapter 136: preparations!
chapter 137: festival fun!
chapter 138:dance! dance!
chapter 139: new kids!
chapter 140: confession
chapter 141: the 'trial'
chapter 142: an agreement
chapter 143: hallucinations.
chapter 144: the first event!
chapter 145: round two!
chapter 146: the tournament
chapter 147: finals!
chapter 148: good luck heroes
chapter 149: imprisonment
chapter 150: a new thread.
chapter 151: the rejected hero
chapter 152: cavalry
chapter 153: "you trust me, dont you?"
chapter 154: "for (y/n)!"
chapter 155: the cavalry arrives!
chapter 156: nomu?! (pt 1)
chapter 157: nomu?! (pt 2)
chapter 158: nomu?! (pt 3)
chapter 159: nomu?! (pt 4)
chapter 160: dig!
chapter 161: under cover
chapter 162: acceptance
chapter 163: existential dread
chapter 164: angel of death
chapter 165: a fun training session!
chapter 166: another cover up
chapter 167: newcomers!
chapter 168: cold as ice
chapter 169: warmth
chapter 170: extreme training!
chapter 171: reunited
chapter 172: "i dont approve"
chapter 173: what have we learned?
chapter 174: graduation!
chapter 175: a bright future awaits

chapter 21: wake up soon...

1.9K 32 20
By datduder

*tsu POV*

as soon as i hear (y/n) scream something i find myself down with midnight. within seconds i see momo, kyoka, mina, and tooru appear. however before is see ochako i see a huge explosion where we were sitting. "ahh, help!" i hear ochako scream, i realize she is falling out of the stands. before she hits the ground i catch her with my tongue. "are you okay?" i ask. "(y-y/n) h-he saved me..." she says while crying. "okay, where is he?" i ask, "h-hes still up there. he pushed me out of the way and smiled..." she says starting to sob. "everyone, please exit the arena, until further notice the sports festival is over..." present mic says sadly. as everyone starts leaving i see aizawa running towards me. "what happened!?" he asks with a panicked voice. "bakugo fired a explosion at us to make (y/n) angry, he then ultra overclocked and turned red. he got all of us down to midnight except ochako, from what she said he pushed her out of the way and took the explosion instead." i say with a frown. "wait, is he still up there!?" he asks. i just nod sadly, as he runs up there he yells at midnight. "GET ALL MIGHT TO BRING RECOVERY GIRL! NOW!" he screams. he then jumps down with the bloody and burnt body of (y/n). "oh my god is he dead!?" ochako screams. "no, at least not yet." he says, "his condition is very unsteady though." "i am here! with recovery girl!" all might announces. "what are his major injuries?" recovery girl asks as she runs up to him. "a lot of lost blood, severe burns, what look like shredded muscles, and probably a few broken bones." aizawa sums up. "all might get me and (y/n) to my office. now!" she yells. "i-is he gonna be okay?" ochako asks, "i dont know, however if he gains consciousness at all you will be the first people i call." she says. while she and all might take back (y/n) aizawa tries to make ochako feel better. "its okay, he knew what he was doing." aizawa says. "n-no! it should have been me!" she screams, "no, he wanted you to be safe, thats why he did this." aizawa says. "its okay ochako, he decided he preferred getting hurt over us getting hurt." i say, giving her a hug. "if her did nothing we would all be in similar condition." while we were talking with aizawa, all might, and recover -girl we didnt notice the other girls walking over. "whats wrong?" kyoka asks worriedly. "girls come with me, asui stay with uraraka." aizawa demands. " you think (y/n) will be okay?" ochako asks quietly, "yea, you know hoe strong he is. i wouldnt be surprised if he pushes through for us..." i reply. "OH MY GOD OCHAKO! I JUST HEAD WHAT HAPPENED! IM SO SORRY!" you hear kyoka yell behind you. she then tackles ochako into a bear hug. "i-its okay kyoka, im glad he saved us...are you okay?" she asks. "i-i never got to tell him..." she cries. "hes not dead, at least not yet. im sure he will be okay. even if he wants it to end he will pull through it for us." i say hugging them both. "h-he was my hero..." kyoka says. "hey girls, lets head back to the classroom." you say midnight say sadly behind you. "hey midnight, i just wanted to say we dont blame you." i say, "i wouldnt have stopped the match too quickly either." i say. "thank we need to get you too the class room, me, mic, all might, and aizawa still need to clarify what happened." she say sadly.

*mina POV*

after aizawa told us what happened we all just went back to the classroom. i was too shocked to say anything. 'what am i gonna tell mom and dad? is he gonna be okay? why did he save us?' are all thoughts in my mind. after a little while i see everyone else join us in the classroom. "as some of you may have heard we have some bad news..." all might says with a frown. "so we will start from the beginning and only answer questions at the end." aizawa says, "and girls if at any point you want to sit with somebody specifically or move for any reason please dont hesitate." midnight adds. "why would they need to move?" kaminari asks. "well the accident involved (y/n)..." mic says sadly. "so starting from the beginning. bakugo and (y/n) began their match and bakugo said all the girls were (y/n)s girlfriends. being the person he is he wanted to set it straight, so he said that they meant everything to him and were the most important people in his life. he then tells bakugo that they werent his girlfriends, now bakugo wanting an edge in the match decided to say he was going to send a full power blast at the girls." aizawa continues, "it was at this time he called out to me to put bakugo to sleep, saying if he had to he would forfeit the match. however i was too late..." midnight says sadly. "do any of you remember the ultimate move he was working on?" all might asks. "yea, the one that felt like burning right?" kirishima asks. "yes, the burning feeling was from one extra overclock, we suspect he used ten." all might says. "that was why he started glowing red. when bakugo fired the blast (y/n) acted quickly and got most of the girls down to midnight." present mic continues. "except for uraraka that is. when he saw she was about to get hit he pushed her off the platform and took the blast instead." aizawa says. "from what uraraka said when he saw she was safe he smiled." midnight finished. "any questions?" aizawa asks. "is he gonna be okay?" midoriya asks. "for right now he is in stable condition, however he is still unconscious." aizawa explains. "what will happen to bakugo?" tooru asks, "well that will be up to (y/n)." all might says. "however knowing him he probably will not be punished badly." all might explains. "wait, so (y/n) was willing to risk his life to save the girls? why doesnt he have a girlfriend?" sero asks confused. "well using his own words, he never really had a crush here at UA he has seen all the girls as his little sisters." midnight explains sadly. "and for anyone wondering, we are going to say that bakugo fired at (y/n) and missed, (y/n) will be credited with possibly saving the girls lives." aizawa explains. "however, we will only be offering the girls to stay off school, and even then only if they need too. we will be offering therapy with hound dog for anyone who needs it." aizawa says. "and girls, you are permitted to be in the infirmary at any point, you are also allowed to break curfew to go there." midnight says kindly. "everyone is dismissed." as soon as aizawa says this all of us girls immediately ran to the infirmary. when we got there we say (y/n) laying on the bed hooked up to machines and covered in bandages. "oh good, you all here." recover girl says, "he is in stable condition, but is not expected to wake up for at least a week. when he used his ultimate move he ripped several muscles and broke a few bones." she explains. "but he is gonna live?" kyoka asks. "yes, that is most likely." she responds, "is he feeling pain, or is it like sleep?" momo asks. "he feels nothing right now, when he wakes up it will feel like he just passed out." recover girl states. 

"okay. g-girls, can we go to my dorm room please?" i hear kyoka ask. "sure." i reply. when we get there she speaks up, "guys i have a confession." kyoka says. "what is it?" momo asks kindly. "well...remember when i didnt want to say my crush?" she asks. "yea...wait." ochako starts. "thats because it was (y/n)..." kyoka says. "what? oh my god, did it embarrass you when he made you feel better afterword?" tsu asks. "how MUCH better did her make you feel?" tooru asks mischievously. "tooru, hush. and no, it actually was nice to know that he cared about me..." she responds. "so thats why you said you didnt get to tell him..." ochako says. "yea, as soon as he wakes up im gonna confess." kyoka responds. "you dont think he will make fun of me do you? will he embarrass be in front of the whole class!?" she asks, starting tot panic. "you know (y/n) isnt like that, even if he doesnt feel the same way he would still want to be friends." tsu says. "yea, your right." kyoka says.

𝐀𝐍: 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬! 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭? 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭!

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